0598 You Can't Be Too Careful When Dealing With Chrissy Marie!

8 photos; 18:15 video

Chrissy Marie is a dangerous and cunning spy that has been captured by a villainous organization when she infiltrated their headquarters in an attempt to thwart their plans for world domination. The scene starts with Chrissy waking up bound to a chair with minimal amounts of rope and cleave gagged. She is interrogated by one of the henchmen and as the interrogation progresses the henchman adds more and more rope to Chrissy until she is very heavily bound in an excessive amount of restraints and unable to escape. Finally she is gagged with both a ballgag and microfoam tape wrapped over the ballgag and around her head several times then her hands are also taped to ensure she won't be able to untie any of the knots. The henchman leaves Chrissy to struggle helplessly as she gag talks and contemplates her escape plan, which has now become impossible to achieve. 

*This clip was a CUSTOM VIDEO commission

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