15:52 video
Genevieve were trying to think of something new and fun to do together when she suggested that we visit an escape room. I'd never heard of such a thing, but the idea of shelling out forty bucks for a silly game and a certificate didn't really appeal to me, but Genevieve was persistent. Finally, we made a deal. I'd give her an escape challenge and if she succeeds, she gets the forty bucks. If not, I get forty bucks, and as a bonus the loser has to make a certificate for the winner! Genevieve, as usual, is confident, and as usual, she hasn't asked enough questions about what I have in mind! Now she's stripped to her underwear, wrapped in plastic wrap, gagged and her entire body criss-crossed in endless amounts of electrical tape! She certainly does TRY to escape, lurching and flopping about like a fish out of water, so I make things a bit more difficult by taping her bare feet together!! Genevieve never gives up and never gets out! Finally, knowing she has lost, I request my money, and she tells me she doesn't have it! Fine by me! She'll stay just as she is until she can figure out how to get to an ATM. I wonder what my certificate will say?