Evil Promoter Trying to Stop The Championship Match

15:00 video

We see our interviewer Blair discussing tonight championship match with the Champ Dakkota who all in gear and has her championship belt. But Mr Johnson had some bad crowds and he been having trouble paying his bills. so when he found out that if Dakkota can not preform he get a large insurance payout to take care of everything. Mr johnson goes to Dr Velvet to try to convince her that if she would clear Dakkota to wrestle that night he make it worth her while. After she reuses Mr Johnson grabs her and takes her place. Enters the office and Dakkota find out too late and joins Dr Velvet all tied up and soon after Blair arrives looking for the champ and is tied up with the others.Will they escape so Dakkota and defend her title ?Or will Mr Johnson get his pay day?

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