Star: Noisy bitch misses the party

11:56 video

Star is usually fashionably late for the parties she attends, but this time she will be too late, as Ivan’s client has decided Star doesn’t need to make her usual contribution. So Ivan keeps her out of the way for a couple of hours, and everybody’s happy… except Star, of course. She is not happy at all, and struggles from the moment Ivan grabbed her from her apartment. But her slim frame against Ivan’s strength is no match, and she just gets tied up in a neat little package for him to play with while he has her. Her hands are tied behind her back so she can’t flail at him anymore as he explains the situation to her, and then her ankles and knees while she struggles, gasps, and protests. All this noise is just getting on Ivan’s nerves, so he pushes a knotted cloth into her mouth to quiet her down so he can finish the job in peace. She can and does still squirm around, especially when Ivan pulls her sexy black dress down to expose her milky white breasts. She shrieks and jerks around, making her tits jiggle delightfully in the rope around her chest, but as Ivan tells her, “The more you struggle, the more fun I have!” Somehow this doesn’t deter her, even when he easily flips her squealing onto her stomach so he can add one more rope to complete a tight hogtie, even lacing it under her heels to keep those pretty feet pointed and to show off her sexy legs.

Ivan leaves to take care of Star’s car, and as soon as she can’t see him anymore, she starts screaming through the gag, making a surprising amount of noise. Not counting on anyone to come rescue her, she attempts to undo the knot at her feet, shifting and squirming to barely get her fingers on an end, but it’s not enough for her to work with. Ivan returns to harass Star more after hearing the noisy bitch outside, and adds another layer of cloth to her gag, securing it with black vet wrap. Star fights with renewed vigor, but Ivan warns her that her doing that while he’s adding to her gag means she’s going to cut all her air off if she’s not careful. Somehow she still makes a hell of a racket even behind all that material, so Ivan reminds her that his client only told him to keep her away from the party, and didn’t say he couldn’t take advantage of her in the meantime. She whimpers at this revelation, but he continues, recommending she should be nice to him, or he’ll see what’s under those sexy garters and skimpy thong of hers. This takes the fight out of her a bit, but she’s still clearly furious, her brows knit together in anger, groaning and moaning and trying to get to that loose rope end again. The poor noisy girl doesn’t realize that even if she does get that knot undone, it won’t do any good – Ivan has done this plenty of times before, and isn’t stupid enough not to put several other knots she’d have to get through before getting anywhere close to free. But Star doesn’t get a chance to learn this, because her time with Ivan is finally up, it’s time to go back. He comes in, tosses the screaming woman over his shoulder to take her away.Starring Star

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