Raven: Breaking a stubborn spy

10:51 video

Someone has been spying on Ivan, and he wants to know who and why. His sources have led him to Raven Needs, who is apparently just under whoever is in charge, and he plans to get the name from Ms. Needs. Unfortunately, Raven isn’t exactly cooperative – but maybe that’s a good thing, since that means Ivan gets to have more fun breaking her, starting with a bit of tight bondage. He gives her a chance to tell him the name of her boss, but she alternate between saying (not very convincingly) that she doesn’t know what the hell he’s talking about, and saying she’s not telling him . That may be true for now, but a few days at his mercy will certainly loosen her lips – so he ties her ankles and knees, yanks her black dress off her shoulders, exposing her breasts and giving him access to her sensitive nipples. Just as a demonstration, he gives a little tweak to make Raven scream, and promises more if she doesn’t tell him the name of her boss. But she remains stubborn, spitting “fuck you” at Ivan. Well, they may get to that later, but since she’s not going to tell him anything now, he shoves a filling black gag into her mouth. Raven gets a bit feisty, and starts to struggle as he buckles the gag in tight, but he twists her nipple again to distract her and elicits another scream of pain. He leans in close and whispers in her ear, “Think about it – what I could do to you if I want… a sexy woman like you… I could enjoy you for days…” Leaving that to percolate in her mind, Ivan lets her think and weigh her options.

Raven isn’t ready to give up yet. With Ivan gone for now, perhaps she can get loose and get the hell out of this mess – but when she tries to find a knot to untie, nothing is within reach, and she can’t slip out of the tight rope, she can only squirm and pull and flex. After a few minutes of effort, Raven lets out a frustrated grunt, stomping her feet. It seems a good sign she’s almost ready to talk, so Ivan comes in to ask her again. But Raven growls another “fuck you” behind the gag.

Maybe Raven is still a little too comfortable to be willing to tell him what he wants to know, but Ivan has a way to fix that. He flips her onto her stomach as if she weighed absolutely nothing, and presses her legs down, tying her long dark hair to her ankles. He figures after a couple hours in the uncomfortable position, Raven will tell him anything he wants to know and more – but if not, if she remains stubborn, he just gets to be even meaner to her. With that reminder, Ivan leaves her to stew again. Now, though, she can barely even move – with her hair tied off to her ankles, she can only pull so much. As time goes on, she begins to think about giving in. When Ivan finally comes back, she’d say just about anything to get out of this position, so when he asks, “Ready to talk?” she gives a muffled “mmhmm,” just as Ivan figured she would. He removes her gag and asks for the name of her superior, she hisses, “Kiss my ass.” Ivan laughs, “Good name!” and grabs her by the hair. “Stage two for you, bitch! Let’s go.” Starring Raven Needs

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