Anna: Noisy bitch will sell for high dollar

9:43 video

After a long day on her feet at work, Anna just wanted to relax when she got home, and stretching out on the bed felt so good, she just slipped off to XXXX without even meaning to. So what a surprise when she is rudely jerked awake by a strange man yanking her hands behind her back and pinning her to the bed. She shrieks and yells for help, but Ivan made sure no one else was around when he came in. Even so, this bitch has some pipes on her, so he grabs a fistful of her hair and tells her to be quiet. Instead, she only cries out in pain and yells for help even louder, promting Ivan to plant a hand over her mouth to warn her that if she keeps it up, he’s going to jerk all the hair out of her damned head.

This still only subdues Anna for a minute before she starts screaming again, and now squirming under Ivan’s hands and rope, but he’s already knotting it off. He’s had it with her screeching, and luckily he came prepared with the proper tools to quiet a loud mouth – cloth and tape work wonders to shut a bitch up. After declining to shut her big mouth moments ago, she now stubbornly refuses to open it for Ivan to shove the cloth in. She wants to do this the hard way? Fine. Ivan shifts positions, preps the tape, and fits it between Anna’s teeth before she can resist, winds it around her head a few times, then shoves the white cloth in the unresistant gap before wrapping more tape around it. It doesn’t completely silence poor Anna, but it certainly makes her cries a lot quieter, and he can tie her ankles and knees more or less in peace. What a sexy pair of legs she has! After he’s done admiring and fondling those as he ties them securely, he wants to see if the rest of her matches those hot long legs, so he grabs her shirt and tears it open to reveal a delicate pink bra covering Anna’s lovely little tits. Not only does this girl have great legs and breasts, she has a fantastic figure too! Ivan will get high dollar for her!

Ivan really expected more of a fight from Anna – he had heard that she was a tough bitch, but so far, all he’s seen is a bunch of complaining and a lot of squirming around. But Anna has found that the rope around her wrists is just loose enough that she thinks she may be able to wiggle out of it, or maybe even untie it, so tries to distract Ivan with yelling obscenities at him through the gag and thrashing around on the bed, flexing her legs and hoping he doesn’t notice her exploiting the weakness in the ropes. Alas, before long he sees what she’s doing, and apologizes deeply for not tying that wrist rope tight enough as he fixes that wrong. Anna kicks angrily, but Ivan just pins her legs down as he knots the rope again, and decides to add another rope to slow her down a bit, tying her heels close to her ass in a tight hogtie. He rolls the compact package over to fondle her a bit more before stepping back to admire what a sexy thing she is. Frustrated and scared, Anna pulls on the rope and struggles as much as she can, wimpering behind the gag, but the most she can do in this hogtie is flex her thighs and lift her ass, not even enough to be able to roll herself over. When Ivan tells her he’ll be right back to get her, she realizes she has only seconds before her fate is sealed, and there is simply nothing she can do to prevent it. Moments later, Ivan is back, tosses the helpless girl over his shoulder, and takes her away. Starring Anna

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