Gina Rae: Rhelps Ivan test a TV myth

15:19 video

Ivan's request for Gina's help was a bit vague over the phone, but hepromised he would explain in person, and since they've been friends along time, she figured she could trust him. And it did make sense whenhe told her - Ivan saw another TV show last night where a girl wastied up and couldn't get free, but he doesn't believe that wasrealistic. Ivan tells Gina he thinks she could have slipped right outof the ropes, and to test his theory, he wants to try to tie Gina upto see if she really can't get free. Well, still an odd request, butIvan is curious like that, so it's probably okay. Gina lets him tieher hands behind her back like they do on TV, a little tight so it'sbelievable, and then has her sit down so he can tie her ankles too.It's not really so bad - a little weird, maybe, especially the way hewrapped the rope under the stilettos, but still okay. He startsanother rope around her knees and Gina starts to get a littleuncomfortable, telling Ivan she hadn't seen them use that much rope onTV, but he reassures her as he ties another knot.

"Now wiggle around, see if you can get out," Ivan instructsher. Gina fiddles with the rope for a minute, reaching for the knot ather wrists, feeling it, but not really being able to do much with it.But don't they always use their teeth? She tries to get to the knot ather knees, but she's not quite that flexible. Ivan remembers somethingelse he's seen and suggests they add it - if they're tying a girl up,they don't want her to scream, right? Gina reluctantly consents, butas Ivan starts another rope around her chest and unbuttons her blouse,Gina starts to get upset. They always open the shirt though, Ivanprotests. But Gina has had enough, and wants out. He promised to untieher if she got uncomfortable, and she is definitely uncomfortable now.

The only problem is Ivan lied - he's not planning to untieher, and he already knows she can't get loose because he's done thiskind of thing before - you don't think you learn that kind of fancyrope work from seeing a girl or two tied up on TV, do you? No, they'regoing to have some fun tonight. Ivan has watched Gina for years,strutting around in those high heels and short skirts, showing offthose sexy legs, and he's always wondered how hot she would be alltied up. Just as he guessed, she looks damn good in his rope, even aspissed off as she is now. In fact, her angry thrashing around andfighting just turns him on more! But wait, there's another whole ropethey haven't used yet, and Ivan thinks Gina wants more rope - thatmust be what she's saying behind the gag. Ivan has just the place forit, too - around those tight thighs and around her shoes again,pinning her heels to her ass as she yells at him through the gag. Sheis surprisingly articulate for having the big pink ball stuffed in hermouth. "Mother fucker I hate you" is pretty clear, and "when I get outI'm gonna you!" Well, that's not any kind of incentive to let hergo, is it? Ivan figures a couple hours like this will mellow her out,calm her down a little, so he'll just sit and watch her sexy assstruggle for a bit. She puts on quite a show, rolling around, archingand flexing and pulling on the rope, chomping angrily on the gag andgrowling at Ivan, but after a while she gets a little less feisty, andafter more time she gives up entirely. Ivan figures it's a good timeto ask forgiveness and see if they'll still be friends, and when hetakes the gag out, Gina just asks politely to be untied. That was anawful experience for her, but, well, Ivan still enjoyed it.

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