Serene Isley: Wrong paperwork

11:07 video



There is something not quite right with these numbers. It's probably nothing, probably just that someone forgot to turn in some of their paperwork, but it has happened two months in a row. It's Serene's job to make sure these reports are right, so she calls in Ivan to see if he knows or can find out anything. He says it might be Frank's crew, and goes to check on it for her.

In reality, it wasn't that someone forgot to turn something in, but they turned in the wrong paperwork to watchful little Ms. Isley. This is a problem; Ms. Isley is now a problem. Luckily, Ivan has a solution. He comes back with a briefcase, feigning helpfulness, and while Serene is occupied with trying to fix the numbers, Ivan pulls out his fix: rope! He grabs her wrists and pins them behind her back, wrapping the tan rope around them while she struggles and fusses. She's just doing her job! Apparently, though, Ivan and a few of his buddies are doing a little more than their jobs, and now that Serene has caught wind of it, she has become part of their jobs. Luckily, she came into his office with her questions, and this construction site has more than enough places to hide a little body like hers. He crams a cloth into her mouth and wraps clear packing tape around her head, hushing her protests. She still tries to fight and escape when he pulls out another rope, but he has a firm grip on her and is out of range of her kicks. There's not much she can say or do right now to get her out of this situation - especially gagged and getting more tied up by the second - but still she tries, bitching at him from behind the tape, and eventually resorts to sign language, giving Ivan the finger.

Serene's anger is understandable, but her words are not. Ivan ignores her and pulls her back toward him over the desk, pinning her heels against her ass while he shakes loose another coil of rope. She pushes hard with her legs, enough that Ivan's almost afraid she'll push herself right into the wall or floor. But he lassos her knees with one hand, blocking her kicks with the other, leaving her to only squirm on the desk as he ties her legs. "I hate to have to do this to you," Ivan tells her - and it's true, Serene's the only sexy lady in their business, and she always dresses the part, like today, with a tight skirt, shiny blouse, pantyhose, and high heels - but some things just have to be done. He might as well have some fun while he's at it, though, so he unbuttons her blouse to reveal her fantastic breasts; he always wanted to see them up close and personal like this. She has such a great body, it's a shame to have it go to waste like this. He sits her up on the desk, another rope in hand, and as she tries to scoot away, he slings it around her chest, below and above those great tits. When she reaches as far as she can go, Ivan tells her, "Get back on here, before I jerk your ass back up." Serene still has hope she might get out of this if she cooperates, so she meekly shuffles her way back onto the desk, where Ivan flips her onto her stomach, stretching the rope from her chest to her ankles, and pulling her tight, making her whimper.

Ivan goes off to check with the other guys on where they can stash poor Serene, and she uses the time to try her best to escape, pulling on the ropes, stretching her legs as much as she can, arching her back, fingering the ropes, but no matter how hard she pulls or how she wiggles, nothing even so much as loosens. Ivan comes back with a little good news, bad news: they figured out where they're going to put her, but it will have to be after dark, so he has to make sure she's secure until then, and pulls out another rope. Serene gripes through the gag, "I feel pretty fucking secure!" But he's right, after this rope, she can barely even flex. He puts her on the floor so she won't fall off and make a noise. After a minute of fidgeting on the floor, she realizes she can bang her high heels on the desk to make a significant noise, but the only person it brings is Ivan, and he's ready to take her out - for good.

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