Crystal Frost: Battle of the bitches

11:40 video

Crystal Frost and Lila Lasher are always trying to outdo each other with their parties - and they've got the money to do it. But this time Mrs. Frost had a secret weapon - a new caterer. The food was delicious: perfect little hors d'oeuvres, delightful little morsels, incredible entrees. Mrs. Lasher must have that caterer! But none of her usual sources can find out who it was, so she resorted to more desperate measures, and hired Ivan Boulder to get the information from Mrs. Frost. Mrs. Frost, however, is as much of a stuck-up stubborn bitch as Mrs. Lasher, so when Ivan tells her what he wants as he ties her wrists, she only scoffs at him, gloats about her parties, and swears that she won't tell him a thing. "Why would I tell you anything for her?" "Self-preservation," Ivan responds, shoving her down onto the ottoman. But even this doesn't scare arrogant Mrs. Frost, who flippantly replies, "You're weak; you'll crack." Then, as he's tying her knees together, "Are you done yet?" "You are a sassy little bitch, aren't you?" But Ivan hasn't even really gotten started, he's only halfway done tying her up, and then the fun will start. "Oh my god, this is ridiculous. Are you getting your little kicks from this?" she mocks Ivan as he moves to her ankles. "As a matter of fact, I kinda do like it." Oh great, now in addition to dealing with Mrs. Lasher's constant competition, she'll have this big pervert leering at her. "I'm telling my husband," Mrs. Frost threatens. "Please do," Ivan grabs her by the hair, "Tell that little dick-less wonder to come for you." He lets go of her hair and grabs something to gag the cocky harpy with, since she's not going to tell him anything. He reconsiders for a moment, offering to let her go if she can pay him more than Mrs. Lasher. "It's in my purse," she remarks casually, just before Ivan stuffs a scarf in her mouth and tapes over it with microfoam. It sounds like Ivan is going to get a little bonus on top of what Mrs. Lasher is paying him! Not to mention the fun he gets to have with Mrs. Frost now. He pulls her tits out from her fancy dress and fondles her, just so she can tell her husband some pervert fondled her too. He ties a rope around her neck to make her a little less comfortable, and maybe then she'll tell him. It's just a fucking caterer! But she still won't talk, so he feeds the other end of the rope between her knees, compliments her sexy legs, and pulls the rope tight, XXXX her to look at them herself. He ties her hands off to the back of the ottoman and asks again. She still refuses, so he pulls out one more trick, collecting her hair into a ponytail in his big . Her angry "don't touch me!" is muffled by the gag, but the intent is clear - she's starting to get upset now. When he puts a rope around the ponytail, she demands to know what he's doing, but figures it out soon enough when he secures the rope to the back of the ottoman and pulls her head back. Now things are really getting uncomfortable, but even so she won't talk. Ivan goes to make a phone call to Mrs. Lasher. "Do I have to do everything myself?" Mrs. Lasher comes on the scene, grabbing stubborn Mrs. Frost's hair and tugging hard. "Look, bitch, tell me who your caterer was! Those hors d'oeuvres were to for, and I must have them for my party!" But Mrs. Frost continues to be bull-headed. "Well, if that giant pussy can't break you, I certainly can." She gets down on Mrs. Frost's level and looks her in the eye. "I want that caterer, and you're going to tell me." Mrs. Frost replies with a haughty gagged "no," so Mrs. Lasher reaches for Mrs. Frost's nipple and gives it a vicious twist, making Mrs. Frost squeal. "Are you going to tell me now?" Mrs. Frost shakes her head. "How about both of them then?" Mrs. Lasher pinches both nipples and squeezes hard. "What is it, do you like that? Is your husband kinky? You're used to all this rope stuff?" Mrs. Frost's reaction makes it seem she is. "Well then, I might just have to talk to your husband instead, see if he wants to have a little rope fun with another sexy woman, how about that?" She pinches Mrs. Frost's nipples again. Maybe she's not being mean enough - or maybe Mrs. Frost likes it - maybe she needs to be nice instead. "Fine!" Mrs. Frost finally gives in, and tells Mrs. Lasher through the gag that she doesn't know. "What, you don't hire your own staff anymore? I don't believe you." She twists a nipple again, then leaves Mrs. Frost to stew a while. "Had enough yet?" Mrs. Frost has suffered enough, and promises to tell Mrs. Lasher what she wants to know. "Good, we can talk then." Mrs. Lasher peels off the tape gag none too gently, and asks, "What's his name?" But Mrs. Frost doesn't respond. When Mrs. Lasher starts to reach for Mrs. Frost's nipple again, she cries, "FINE! My husband hired some dude's wife that he's been messing around with." "Oh? Well, I guess I'll have to go talk to your husband after all. I'll just leave your here like this." She walks off. "Bitch, come back here! Let me out of here! Fucking bitch!" After a moment's consideration, Mrs. Lasher calls to Ivan, "Alright you big pussy, come untie the bitch."

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