Ten: Out of the way

11:54 video

"Ouch! You're hurting me! Let me go!"
Unfortunately for Ten, Ivan can't oblige her just yet. "Just relax, stay here a while - in a couple hours, I'll take you back home, drop you back off. Everything will be fine. That okay with you?"
"Not exactly, no!" Neither is him tying her wrists behind her back.
"You don't have much of a choice." As much as she's struggling, Ivan is still quite a bit stronger than she is, and ultimately he's in control here. She tries to tug her hands away again, trying his patience. "Bitch, you're making this hard. You're not going to like it when it gets too much harder." He pulls her wrists back and starts tying the knot.
"I don't like it right now!"
Ivan grabs a full of hair and jerks her head back, glowering down at her. "I'm being nice now - it could be a hell of a lot fucking worse," he growls. "You want it to get worse?" Ten gives a tiny shake of her head. "Then fucking calm down."
Finally the bitch stops fighting quite so hard, her face a terrified pout. She whimpers when Ivan pulls a new rope around her chest, the XXXX of Ivan's movements making her dance short steps to keep her balance. "This is all for your own safety, honey," Ivan explains. "So you won't do anything stupid, get yourself in trouble."
"Please just let me go," Ten begs pitifully.
"Yeah, one day." He ties a knot in the middle of her back, pulling the rope tight under her breasts. "We'll keep you out of the way a couple hours, you'll be ready to go."
"Out of the way of what?"
"You think you really need to know?" Dumb bitch, the whole point of this exercise is her ignorance. "It's a lot safer if you don't know." He yanks her downward, ordering, "Sit down." Her seat is a simple block of wood, and she watches with wide eyes as he loops the other end of the rope around her chest to a hook hanging from the ceiling. She starts to panic, so he reassures her, "Don't worry, honey, it just keeps you in place, that's all it's for."
Ten can't help but fidget and flex her legs nervously. "Please, just let me go," she whimpers quietly.
"Okay," Ivan responds sympathetically, "Just give me a second." Her whining is getting on his nerves.
Ten looks hesitantly hopeful, but when Ivan presents her with a big purple ball gag, she protests, "No no no no!"
"You talk too much!"
"Please don't do that, I promise I'll shut up!"
Ivan doubts that. "Really?" Ten assures him she will. "Uh huh. Go ahh." Ten flinches as he brings the gag close again, clamping her mouth shut, but Ivan pinches her nose, and when she opens to breathe, he crams the big ball gag in, buckling it tight into her mouth. Much better! Finally she's nice and quiet. Ivan moves down to her legs, tying her knees together while she whimpers behind the gag. When he ties the knot, she pulls her legs back, trying to make herself small. Ivan simply grabs her ankles and pulls them toward him, looping the rope around several times, then around under the stilettos of her heels. "That ought to hold you in place for a while." He runs a hand up her leg, making her grimace. "You behave, this is all I have to do to you."

Ten's patent high heels squeak as she shifts and flexes her legs. She leans back against the rope, pushes her legs forward, stretching them out and pulling on the rope. Ivan slips back into the room behind Ten, making her jump when he gets close. "How we doing, honey? Doing good?" Ten shakes her head - of course she's not okay! "We're not? Well, a few more hours... got to entertain myself a bit..." He caresses Ten's shapely leg. "You're a very sexy woman - fantastic legs, hon." His hand dips between her thighs, and Ten shakes her head hard, whimpering, nearly crying. "If I can't entertain myself that way, how can I?" He ponders a moment, playing with his goatee. "I've got an idea. I'll be right back." Ten hopes this new idea isn't worse than the first one. "You're gonna like this. Well, maybe not, but I am." That doesn't sound good to Ten, who renews her struggling, leaning back on the rope, trying to pull it loose while Ivan ties another rope off to the ceiling. He grabs Ten's ankles, lifts them up, and ties them off to the other rope, her legs extended, displaying her pretty calves and shapely thighs. "Since you don't want me rubbing on you or playing with you, I have to go for a more visual pleasure. Give me a show, show off those sexy legs!"

Ten whimpers. Well, it is a better option than having his hands all over her, so she flexes her legs, pulls against the rope, rubs her thighs together, points her toes, the shiny patent leather gleaming as she shifts. She tries to keep him distracted for the remainder of their time, straightening her legs, bending them, pulling and pushing on the rope, praying she'll get out of here safely. Finally Ivan tells her, "You've been very entertaining," and gives her one last grope. "Unfortunately, I've got to get rid of you now." Ten's eyes go wide with terror. "It's okay, don't worry, I'll just take you home, tie you up on your bed, call the cops to untie you." She doesn't seem to like the idea much. Perhaps she doesn't want to be untied after all. He lowers her legs, then unties the chest rope from the hook, wrapping it above her pretty breasts. "Be quiet, I'll be back in a second." Ten fidgets, rotates herself on the block, stretches her legs out and leans back on her hands. Ivan comes back and tells her, "Okay, stand up honey. Ready to go home?" He helps her to her feet, then throws her over his shoulder. "I'll take you home, baby." Ten can only hope he means HER home, not his.

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