17 photos; 14:47 video
Chapter Forty: Madhatter Vs Spellbinder (Pt.1)
Spellbinder, one of the most powerful heroines of the SSH, had arrived, and was freeing Nikki from the chair bind. Spellbinder, was preparing to rescue Nikki, and make a quick getaway to the SSH HQ.
As Spellbinder, was working at the binds, Nikki, was trying to find ways to keep her from leaving, Spellbinder, was somewhat taken aback by the extra attentions of the still bound victim, Nikki, was truly doing her best, to play with Spellbinder's body, and she could not help herself when she started kissing Spellbinder. Though Spellbinder, was trying her best to fight off the effects of the kisses, she was also starting to realize that this was a location that had once belonged to the Geek. It was too late for Spellbinder, as Nikki, cackled out loudly as she placed the XXXX time juice soaked cloth over her savior's nose and mouth, XXXX Spellbinder into the very chair that had once held Nikki.
Walking back into the room with Nikki, brought with her the uniform, as she was quickly starting to strip out of her black dress, she also had to admonish the Geek, as he started touching Spellbinder, she did not approve of that, and soon she was starting to get her favorite outfit upon her body. Soon the red/black shimmering uniform of Madhatter, was now covering Nikki's body, as she soon began to bind the slumbering Spellbinder onto the chair, toying with the SSH heroine as she did so.
Soon Madhatter, allowed the Geek to assist, in her efforts, to bind up the captive SSH heroine, also he applied the Power Charm to her neck, which would disrupt her ability to focus her powers.
Spellbinder, awoke with a shriek, seeing Madhatter standing over her,..