15:18 video
28:57 video
Office leader Minx is one bitchy boss, and at least one co-worker has had enough! Catching her by surprise, he handcuffs her wrists behind her back, cutting off her complaints with a series of repeated hand gags every time she opens her fat yapper! This mistreated office drone is going to teach her a lesson once and for all! He wraps her naked body in a heavy blanket, stuffs her mouth full of used panties and tapes it shut for good! Now angrily grunting in fury, she is taped up tightly within the blanket and left to struggle. She has no idea what lies in store for her, but she DOES know that if she doesn't escape, things are going to get very bad indeed! She wriggles and flops like a fish, never stopping her gagged protests, but it is no use. She is mummified like no one has ever been mummified before! She's barely even recognizable as human underneath the endless layers of tape, blankets and stuffing! All the larvae-shaped mega bitch can do is moan into her wrapped head, her eyes darting about in misery as she is transported from the office to her co-workers backyard, where she is left to endure the elements! Who knows? By the time she is released (if she ever is) she may have even transformed from bitch to butterfly!!
17:09 video
Minx Grrl was all set for a relaxing bit of "self-care" involving her favorite method of relaxation: self bondage! She gagged herself with her favorite ball gag, blindfolded herself, and cuffed her ankles and wrists together before settling in to explore the arousing feel of cold steel on her limbs. Her hands roamed all over her body, rubbing her clit through her panties as she moaned softly in delight. Her reverie was interrupted when a strange hand clamped over her mouth! She was pulled roughly upright, and the stranger began to grope her body! She knew she should resist, but it felt so good! He re-cuffed her wrists behind her back and then added a third pair of cuffs, transforming her simple self bondage into a mean hogtie! He even threaded a length of chain around her waist and between her legs, forming a steel crotch chain that rubbed against her most private parts! He lay beside her, pulling the ball gag from her mouth and sealing it shut once more by wrapping endless circuits of tape around her head! Her mouth fused shut, her vision stolen by the blindfold, she could only pretend to struggle as he groped her breasts, his hand stealing down to her sex to occasionally sample her warmth! Finally, he cuffed her elbows, and added toe and thumb cuffs to increase her predicament, and left her to her struggles!
16:05 video
This is part 3 of 3: Cinched returned once again and asked if I was ready to have the clothespins removed from my nipples and to his surprise, I wasn't! He decided to give my feet some attention again first with his mouth and then with the electric toothbrush. Cinched turned his attention back to my upper body, straddling and grinding on me. He knows I am always horny for him so this torment was extra stimulating and frustrating. He removed the clothespins from my nipples and sucked on them as I writhed beneath him. Cinched decided that a reward was in order since I took everything he gave me. He cut a hole down by my bits and wedged the vibe toy onto my bits. I humped into the toy, wanting my pent up energy out. My toes curled as my pleasure was building. Cinched told me that I would have to cum by the time he finished the countdown or I wouldn't get an orgasm. He counted down slowly and as I approached my climax, time had run out and he removed the toy. I whined into my plastic wrap. I really wanted that release, but Cinched had one final task for me... I would have to stay put unless I was able to free myself and if I could, I could have him! That was all the motivation I needed. I wriggled, struggled and moved around until I was able to get my hands to the hole that he had made for the vibe. I tore the hole as much as I could, pulling the plastic wrap until I had the top wrapping separated from the bottom. I kicked my legs, using my sweaty body to my advantage. With my legs free, I got to my knees and felt around on the couch for something to use to help my escape. The plastic wrap held my eyes shut, but I knew I felt some safety scissors. I took my spot on the floor, but since the wrap was so tight on my chest, I didn't want to go straight to cutting the wrap. I used them to help stretch the wrap and then cut what I could. I got my upper body free and ripped the plastic from my head. I hopped up to go find Cinched and get what he had promised!
13:42 video
This is part 2 of 3: Cinched returned with a new toy to play with... the crop! He took the crop to my naked breasts making me squirm from the pain. He used it on the tender sides of my tits and I groaned, hoping that he would turn his attention elsewhere and I didn't have to wait long. My feet were the next thing in his sights for the crop to turn to! He swatted the soles of my feet repeatedly and the bite of the leather made me wince. He went back to using the crop on my tits but this time, he went for my super sensitive nipples. I endured what he gave and I was rewarded with some pleasure. Cinched licked and sucked my toes as I was blissing. Cinched asked if I was ready for some clothespins to be used and I nodded yes. He put clothespins on my toes and tickled my feet with the electric toothbrush. I was less giggly as the pain makes me process the sensations differently, but I was still enjoying the experience. He asked if I wanted the clothespins off my toes and I nodded yes once again. He removed them from my feet and put them on my breasts, leaving my nipples free for the electric toothbrush. Cinched soon removed the clothespins from my tits and asked if I wanted to try them on my nipples. He know how sensitive my nipples are and that any type of clamp on them isn't something I am interested in, but I was up to it today. He placed one clothespin on each nipple and left me to feel the sensations on my own.
11:19 video
This is part 1 of 3: I was fully wrapped in plastic wrap, except for my nose, tits and feet, I was at the mercy of Cinched. I struggled on the floor, testing the plastic wrap for weakness, but I was stuck... just how I like it! Cinched came to join me, telling me that he had plans of how to have some fun with me in this vulnerable state. First, he took off his shoes and placed it over my nose, making me inhale his foot stink! Apparently, that wasn't enough because he then did the same with his dirty sock! I squirmed, but I wasn't able to get away. Cinched decided he would up the torment by grabbing an electric toothbrush and using it on my extremely sensitive nipples. I wriggled and writhed, trying to get some relief from the over-stimulation. Cinched decided that he couldn't let my exposed feet be left alone so he took the toothbrush to them next! I giggled and twitched, wiggled my feet but he was relentless! To make things even worse, he then decided to put his sock clad foot on my face while tickling me so I had to take big breaths of his stinky sock! After he had his fun, he groped my exposed breasts and left me to struggle while he went off to grab some more fun toys!
15:08 video
It's a beautiful sunny day, perfect for sunbathing, or so Minx Grrl thought! Tied into her patio chair, naked as the day she was born, her legs spread helplessly and her mouth sealed with a vicious tape gag, getting a tan was no longer on her mind. She was only thinking of two things: Could her neighbors see her, and would they help her before her assailant came back? If they WERE watching, they certainly didn't interfere when the man clamped her labia with mouse traps and then tied them to each of her big toes! The twine stretched them out, pulling on her sore lady lips and making her eyes water. Then things went from bad to worse when the man began tickling her feet! Each twitch, quiver and jerk only made her pull on the strings tied to the traps! It was an agonizing predicament!!! Finally, he left her alone on full display of the neighbors. She realized no one was coming to help her and strained with all her might to free herself, but only succeeded in pulling the traps free with an agonizing "SNAP". Moaning, she realized she was stuck there until help arrived. Or worse, until her assailant returned!!
19:09 video
This is part three of Spencer being spanked and it has on screen butt plug insertion and strapping.
Spencer was in for a bit of a surprise! In order to make the lesson stick, I pulled out a butt plug! I made sure to start with my finger and move slowly. His bottom hole was receptive to the attention so I grabbed the plug and lubed it up. I have had a lot of anal experience and anyone that has, knows you have to take things slow and since it was my first time inserting one into Spencer, we took plenty of time easing the plug into place. Once he was plugged, I grabbed a leather strap and added more color to his freshly filled bottom! The strap landed over and over and Spencer took it like a champ! Once I drove the lesson home, we hugged and I left him to rub his plugged, red cheeks and think about his actions.
17:53 video
Part two of this video has lots of implements!
Spencer is still over my lap and things are starting to amp up! The first implement that gets used on his bare butt is the hairbrush. This particular hairbrush was a gift from him and it was the first time I have had the chance to take it to his bottom. After the hairbrush, I moved to a small paddle and that thing can pack a wallop! Spencer did a great job of taking everything I was dishing out so the next toy was one of his favorites... the yard stick! I gave him over 100 swats with the yard stick before moving on to a leather backed wooden brush. Spencer had his hand pinned to the small of his back as I painted his bottom red. He whistled and grunted through the swats and took them well! It was time to move onto things that required a little more swing room, so he re-positioned on the couch and out came the bigger paddles! This isn't the most harsh punishment, but things are sinking in for Spencer!
11:55 video
I had asked Spencer to clean up while I was off doing my sessions and yet, when I returned, the place was still in disarray! Spencer and I took a seat on the couch, I reminded him of what I had asked him to do while I was gone and asked him to explain what he did instead since he obviously hadn't done what I had asked. Spencer told me that he wrote me a poem so I asked him to recite it for me. He did speak his poem and it was quite lovely, but that didn't dissuade me from wanting to tan his hide, however, since it was such a sweet gesture, he was lucky enough to get a warm up so I could keep beating his butt for a long while!
This is part 1 of 3 and is the hand spanking only. I was warming his butt over his jeans, boxers and then on the bare so I could amp things up and take implements to his bottom in part 2 which is coming soon!
16:33 video
Security busted me for stealing. He kept me waiting until Mr. Osborne got called and was ready to tell me how they were going to proceed. The security guy marched me into the Mr. Osborne's office and told the tale of catching me red handed. I told them both that I didn't have anything on me so we could just let this whole thing drop and I would leave. Mr. Osborne wasn't buying that for a minute and said I had no items because security had already confiscated the items and they had footage. Security left and I plopped on the couch trying to talk my way out of things, but Mr. Osborne pulled out his phone and showed me the evidence they had recorded and I knew I was screwed. Mr. Osborne gave me two options on how he could proceed... option one was calling the cops and option two was discipline of his choice. I told him I was on probation so I would take option two. Mr. Osborne pulled me over his lap and started spanking me, much to my surprise! I figured I could endure what he was going to dish out and it would be over soon enough. As the spanking continued, he did something I wasn't expecting... he went to pull my pants down and things just got worse for me. Mr. Osborne was shocked to see another pair of pants. I tried to explain that I was layering because it was cold, but he saw the store tag still on them. To make things even worse, there was another pair under them. Busted! He pulled them all down and spanked me even harder over my panties. He decided that wasn't humiliating enough so he wedgied my panties up into my butt crack until they started to tear! The spanks kept coming and my panties were pulled down, leaving me exposed and embarrassed! Mr. Osborne wasn't done with me yet. He told me to remove all of the pants, underwear and he would return shortly to finish up. I stripped down and Mr. Osborne returned with a scary looking leather strap. I got on my tummy and tried to prepare for what was coming. Mr. Osborne got to work taking the strap to my bare bottom. He scolded me between swats. I apologized and told him I wouldn't steal anymore and he assured me that he was going to make sure that would be the case. The strap landed harder and faster until he felt I had learned and was genuinely apologetic. He told me to get dressed and stay out of his store. I started to get dressed and let him know I would not be back!
This video has a couple behind the scenes moments at the end just for laughs. We hope you enjoy!
12:41 video
PLEASE NOTE: THIS IS THE "STRUGGLE ONLY" VERSION OF THIS CLIP. IT DOES NOT FEATURE ANY OF THE ONSCREEN TYING OR INTERVIEWWhen we first met Sunny, we could hardly believe our good fortune. An absolutely beautiful lady, she has a personality that matches perfectly. Plus, she's kinky! She's had limited personal rope experience, but today, she's getting bound and gagged on camera for the very first time! We take things slowly, inescapably securing her limbs as we ask her about her kink interests, her passions and more! Her nervous laughter during the experience is just delightful! Of course, getting bound is only part of the experience. She's soon struggling to keep from drooling around a fat ball gag as she tries her best to free herself from her first ever hogtie, and let's just say, she's going to be with us for a long time to come!
27:25 video
When we first met Sunny, we could hardly believe our good fortune. An absolutely beautiful lady, she has a personality that matches perfectly. Plus, she's kinky! She's had limited personal rope experience, but today, she's getting bound and gagged on camera for the very first time! We take things slowly, inescapably securing her limbs as we ask her about her kink interests, her passions and more! Her nervous laughter during the experience is just delightful! Of course, getting bound is only part of the experience. She's soon struggling to keep from drooling around a fat ball gag as she tries her best to free herself from her first ever hogtie, and let's just say, she's going to be with us for a long time to come!
13:05 video
Cinched had been out doing yard work while I was inside relaxing and reading some smut. He joined me on the couch and when I asked what I could do to help him relax after all of his hard work. Cinched said that he wanted to enjoy my body and how could I deny him (and me) that fun?! He started with a raspberry on my belly before nibbling and licking my tummy. He moved his tongue around my belly button before sticking his tongue in it. I moaned as he enjoyed my body. Cinched's hands moved to my tits and his focus changed. He slowly lifted my shirt up and began to tease me with slow licks to the underside of my boobs. He freed my breasts and began to suck on my nipples. The pleasure was mounting in me as his body pushed into my bits. I writhed under his tongue and body as he continued licking and sucking my boobs. Cinched returned his attention to my tummy and worshiped it with his tongue. My body has never felt as good as it does when hes giving me kisses and licks. I told him that if this is what doing yard work does to him, he should do yard work more often!
22:52 video
Cinched was a little salty that I didn't have dinner on the table by the time he got home so he took charge of the situation by taping me to the table. I told him I could have made dinner by the time he'd finished taping me up, but that didn't go over well so he stuffed my mouth, wrapped some tape around my head to keep it in and added some more tape to my legs before leaving me to struggle. I tried to break free of the tape, but I was good and stuck. I was able to jiggle the table around and get my bound hands free from being pinned to my legs, but Cinched returned to fix that! He wrapped my torso, got my hands secured again and told me I'd have to watch him cook and eat! I struggled more than ever and my ruckus got Cinched's attention again and things only got worse! He wrapped my head with vetwrap, tape and then put his stinky sock on top and added more tape! I was stuck sniffing his smelly sock while taped thoroughly! I would likely reconsider getting dinner on the table before he got home in the future, but we will see!
19:52 video
Bri had no idea why she had been chosen by the creep. Maybe he admired her beauty, maybe he had a grudge against her, maybe it was nothing more than having been in the wrong place at the wrong time. It mattered little. She was his now, stripped naked and desperately afraid. Somehow, the fact that the creep had allowed her to keep her shoes scared her most of all. She knew that she was now trapped and there was nothing she could do about it. At least, not until she grew strong enough to break through steel chains and handcuffs. That day was a long way away, and it was pushed even further into the future when the creep returned. He unchained her from the heavy table, replacing her simple ball gag with a far more frightening and strict harness ball gag. It squeezed every inch of her head with its network of tight leather straps, even locking under her chin and making her bite down on the huge rubber wedge in her mouth! The leather blindfold covered her eyes, filling her nose with the pungent scent of the material and thrusting her into darkness. No longer able to see, the poor girl had nothing to give her any clues as to what was happening next save for the sounds of her assailant and the feel of his hands on her body as she was manhandled onto her stomach, her shoes removed. More steel captured her limbs in the form of steel elbow cuffs, wrenching her arms together behind her back. Toe and thumb cuffs followed soon after, biting painfully into her fingers and toes. Even more chains fused her into a hogtie, her head yanked back in a painful arch and held in place. The sound of the padlocks clicking shut and ensuring her complete helplessness left a cold lump in her stomach. Groaning, drooling, thrashing and pulling for all her worth despite the pain, she struggled in a frenzy to escape, but she knew she was doomed. She sobbed into her gag, knowing her future was as black as the inky darkness she had been plunged into.
16:29 video
Bella Rossi and I have known each other for over a decade and after a long time of not having seen each other, we decided to catch up and have a little play session! I was zipped up in a rest sack with a hood on, waiting on the fun to begin. Bella came in, rolled me over and unzipped the back so she had access to my bare butt! She started off with some hand spanks and bum cheek squeezing. I moaned into my hood at her touch. Bella grabbed a crop and took it to my exposed bottom with expertise. We were having a great time until Cinched found us and asked if we'd cleared play with him... we hadn't! He wanted to teach us both a lesson so he put Bella in a rest sack, unzipped her booty area, put a tight cleave gag on her and leaving us to struggle on the floor!
14:04 video
Agatha is in for a long night! Taped to a table top, her legs spread wide and locked to the table legs with very tight, very sticky tape, she tries to alert someone, anyone to her plight, but the tape plastered over her mouth makes calling out all but impossible! Her body has been fused to the table with more tape, her large bare breasts left exposed and on full display for her tormentor's enjoyment! He enters and fuses her hands to her open legs with more of the awful tape, leering at how helpless and exposed she is. Only a pair of panties preserve her modesty, but how long will she be permitted to keep them? Grunting into her gag, she stares on in horror as he brings out a roll of plastic wrap and begins to fuse her head to the hard surface of the table! When he wraps it over her eyes, she is plunged into darkness, straining to hear any clue as to what may come next! Finally, more tape is wrapped over her already sealed mouth, re-enforcing the gag and mashing her lips tightly! A few more wraps of tape anchor her head still, ensuring immobility! How long will he keep her like this, and what else does he have in store for her? She whimpered, knowing the answer would be coming soon!
30:37 video
Smitten Sorella came home after a long day of work and was in need of some TLC. We chatted on the couch for a bit before I suggested something a little different than our usual night together... bondage! I told her that I had been watching some bondage instructional videos and I have heard that it can be relaxing and pleasurable. Smitten was happy to give it a go and I was giddy to get to try my hand at some rope so I took my spot on the floor and started with some rope on her ankles before giving her cute sock clad feet some attention. I then added some rope just below her knees and above them. She wriggled playfully, enjoying this new bit of fun between us. Soon she was in a chest harness with her arms secured behind her back and I couldn't help but take some time to grope her. I made sure to put my hand over her mouth sweetly before introducing the idea of a gag and she was willing to keep playing with me! I gagged her and kept rubbing on her before popping off to go get some more rope for some more fun. She struggled on the couch once she realized how stuck she was. The poor little thing couldn't get free and I had some plans for her once I realized that she had stolen my favorite socks!
Now hogtied on the table, I took my seat in front of her, letting her know my displeasure with her taking my socks without asking. She tried to talk to me, but the gag did a great job of preventing that. I told her that she would be spending the night all tied up as punishment for her thievery! Smitten started to make more frantic noises, but I wasn't falling for her tricks and kept taunting her in her helpless state. What I hadn't noticed was that a strange man had entered the apartment and was skulking behind me, grabbing me with a hand over my mouth and dragging me off! Soon, I was in a similar predicament as Smitten was in! I was taped to the chair, my hands taped firmly, tape gagged and the man was groping me! I struggled away from his touch but was unable to move much. The man left us to struggle as he looted our place. I scooched my chair close to Smitten but with my hands taped, I wasn't able to do much for her or myself. We whimpered and tried our best to get free but we didn't know how long or if we would get free.
18:55 video
Poor Mia and Bri! Their neighborhood has been struck by a series of bizarre break ins. Police haven't released many details, but women have been warned to keep their doors and windows locked at all times. Mia scoffed at the warnings despite Bri's pleas to be careful while Bri was at work. No sooner had Bri left for the office when Mia was captured by the criminal! She was thoroughly mummified in bandages, only her head and bare feet exposed! Her cries were stifled by a pair of thick cloth OTM gags, leaving her grunting and "mmmppphhh"ing for help! Worse still, she had been further bound in a network of ropes that compressed her bandaged form and left her anchored to the bed! The intruder returned and began sensually rubbing poor Mia's bare feet! Disgusted by the intimacy of the act, she thrashed and moaned, trying to free herself before the intruder could focus his attention on other parts of her body! Mia thought her nightmare would never end, but she heard a key in the front door. It was Mia, back from work! She was saved! Unfortunately, the intruder captured Bri as well, and soon two helpless gagged, wrapped, roped barefoot beauties were subjected to the very thorough attentions of the foot bandit! They squealed, arching their wrinkled soles, stretching and flexing their toes, but nothing could alter their plight! Finally, the intruder left the pair, helplessly cocooned and gagged! His parting words sent chills down their spine: "I'll be back tonight!"
13:20 video
Yeah, we know, the title is a terrible pun, but the lady is AMAZING! To make sure we'd have easy access to shoot with her anytime we wanted, we tied her to a luggage rack in two very interesting positions! She's totally helpless, bound, drooling, naked as the day she came into the world (but definitely more developed) and completely at our mercy! Unfortunately, she's fast learning that mercy is not a quality we possess!!
12:27 video
20:12 video
18:53 video