4:45 video
Tarantula (Vesta) defeats both Femmbat (Ember Skye) and American Spirit (Natalie Minx).
52 photos
Starring Cali Logan as Cobalt & Evelyn Rose as Onyx
56 photos
42 photos
51 photos
2:49 video
Insight (Yola) is captured by Ultra Woman (Mandy Taylor).
3:43 video
Slip Stream, played by Annabelle Genovisi catches and has some fun with Venom Valentine played by Jessica Nova.
62 photos
Starring Candleboxx as Crimson Star & Orias Bastet as Blue Knight
68 photos
78 photos
3:24 video
Madame Dragon (Evelyn Rose) leaves Wonder Tomi (Tomiko) tied up
3:28 video
Britannia (Evelyn Rose) and American Avenger (Vesta) take down the evil Red Dawn (Kendra James)
38 photos
Starring Vesta as American Avenger & Slyyy as Liberty Belle
57 photos
Starring Aralyn as Emerald Avenger & Stacey as Arachnia
50 photos
Starring Julie Coffey as Countessa & Michelle Peters as Blue Arachnid
49 photos
Starring Michelle Peters as Blue Arachnid, Anna Lieb as Genocide
4:30 video
Mandy Taylor plays Star Girl and she is tricked and defeated by Venom Valentine (Jessica Nova) and former super heroine tiurned bad girl Gladistor (Kim Daniels)
5:10 video
The mighty Soviette (Danielle Trixie) catches the speedy villain Silver Streak (Tianna Love)
90 photos
61 photos
58 photos
6:12 video
Blue Arachnid (Michelle Peters) takes down her rival Red Nemesis !!
6:34 video
Ultra Violet (kendra James) beats down the evil Madame Dragon (Evelyn Rose)
43 photos
Starring Anna Lieb as Goddess and Michelle Peters as Bounty Hunter
4:28 video
Justice is defeated by the evil Luna!
3:26 video
Super speedster Slip Stream (Kendra James) is defeated by the evil Cherry Bomb (Alexis Grace)
3:37 video
Tomiko as Wonder Tomi comes home and is ready tpo have dinner. But Venom Valentine (Jessica Nova) and Madame Dragon (Evelyn Rose) have othe rplans fpor the mighty heroine!
3:22 video
Poor Patriot Girl (Mandy Taylor), after a long night of crime fighting she thought she would go home and rest. But Badd Kitty had other ideas!
40 photos
Starring Tomiko as Golden Avenger & Alice Malice as Annie Arbor
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