14:59 video
For the first time ever on Transformed By Bondage, I have combined 2 previously released scenes into one full video, entitled "The Gurl Next Door". For this video, I am wearing attire that I think the gurl next door should wear. A slutty gurl next door. 6" stripper heels, sheer pantyhose, short denim jean shorts, and silk blouse. And if properly attired as a gurl next door should be, she then ends up in both of the predicaments shown on this video. First off, she is captured and held captive in an isolated basement room. Then, bound fully in classic silver duct tape, ankles, knees, and legs tied tight. Upper body and wrists bound. And a 5 layer duct tape wrap gag. Then, for good measure, at a later time, she is hogtied with a zip tie connecting her wrists to her ankles. And on top of that, she is pantyhose hooded. This is, indeed, what "The Gurl Next Door" deserves for dressing the way she does. And it is all documented on this video.
10:59 video
I play"The Cable Guys GF" whom has been captured and is being held in her own basement by "The Sweatered Abductor" (Amalieve). I am, unfortunately for me, wearing my high heeled leather boots and a turtleneck sweater, which has made me a target for my captor. I am gagged with a layered, tight vet wrap gag, and bound ankles, knees, and wrists with speaker cable wire. And now things are getting a bit more intense and worse for me. Position #2. "The Sweatered Abductor" now sits me up and ties me, sitting on the floor to one of the poles in the basement with more speaker cable around my upper body and the pole, for more teasing and taunting. Position #3. After a period left alone struggling to escape, my female captor returns to untie me from the pole, only to put me in a strict hogtie, and then attach my hogtie to the same pole I was just tied to. The Abductor's intentions are simple. To keep me permanently as hers. No escape Ever!
12:01 video
And now for the struggling exploits of a helpless and trapped Tiffany Fine, dressed in her finest stockings, fuck me heels, an enticing leather mini skirt, and a very revealing see through silk blouse with a black bra. No wonder she has found herself tied and gagged. Her wrists tightly bound behind her back. Her legs wrapped and tied helpless with white electrical tape at her ankles, calves, above and below her knees, and thighs. Her mouth sealed with a pump gagged that has been thoroughly expanded to fill her mouth. The struggle ensues. But wait! I add a surprise element to her predicament halfway through the video. First, I added a tape hogtie from her bound wrists, attached to and wrapped around the heels of her shoes. Then I added a fisnet pantyhose hood over her head and face, and made her bondage a double hogtie by tying one of the legs of the pantyhose hood to her wrists. A delicious predicament for Tiffany and an even more helpless struggle!
25 photos
Tiffany Fine makes her second appearance In April, in a scene entitled "Panel Gagged And Taped", which was filmed on January 14, 2023. I did all the pics, video, and rigging for this scene, and Tiffany was looking extremely hot this particular night, wanting to be strictly tied and gagged. How could I say no to that, considering how sexy Tiffany looked in her outfit for the evening. She is attired in 4 high heels, black sheer stockings, a tight, short black leather mini skirt, and see through sheer black blouse with her black bra clearly exposed. Talk about sexy! I just happened to have lots of white tape to silhouette her entire black outfit, and I found a pump gag in her suitcase, which she thought would be the perfect matching gag for a nice and strict bed tie. Little did hse know I had an extra surprise in store for her for the video, which will be my very next update.
6:26 video
Here is the video for "A Bed Bound Struggle", the very first scene in my new Hot Pants Bondage series. The scene is a Queen size bed in a local hotel room. The Bondage is all zip ties, at my ankles, and above and below my knees, with my wrists zip tied behind my back. The gag is a 5 layer microfoam tape wrap gag. My outfit is made up of my favorit black 6" stiletto CFM heels, high denier pantyhose, my new spandex hot pants, along with my new red silk business blouse. My favorite restraint (zip ties), with my favorite gag (microfoam tape). In a solo strggling vignette, specifically designed for your entertainment and viewing pleasure. Coming later this month will be the second scene in my Hot Pants Bondage series, entitled "The Hog Zipped Harlot
8:31 video
The video for Part I of one of my Featured Scenes for April, "Three Times Tied". I play the gf of a man who is professionally employed as a "Cable Guy". Amalieve plays the part of "The Sweatered Abductor". She has been stalking me for a long time, extremely attracted to me and wanting me. Finally, the day arrives, when I am home invaded, captured and brought down into my basement, and kept out of sight. I am wearing 5" leather boots, high denier pantyhose, and a blue, white, and black patterned mini skirt, with a dark brown turleneck sweater. She has me fully tied up, wrists, ankles and knees, with speaker cable wire that she found, that my bf uses in his business. And I am solidly vet wrap gagged. I am struggling trying to figure out how to escape, when she enters, and attaches my ankles to a pole in the basement, insuring I will go nowhere. Lots of really good struggling, and very erotic groping, fondling, touching, and caressing, by "The Sweatered Abductor.
40 photos
The debut of a brand new series on Transformed By Bondage, Hot Pants Bondage. Much like my Sneaker and Pantyhose Bound Series, Hot Pants are a fairly recent new fetish for me, as I branch out into more different looks, always progressing. Basically, this is a new series that features me bound and gagged wearing hot pants in many different types of predicaments. In this case, bound in my hot pants on a bed in a hotel room. My hot pants always matching the color of my high heels, which, in this scene, are 6" stilletto CFM heels, with high denier pantyhose and a brand new red silk blouse. I thought this to be a fitting outfit for my first hot pants scene. Beginning with sitting on the edge of the bed and progressing to a full bed struggle. I was thinking, my heels should have been tied on my feet. Next time, they will be. The video for "A Bed Bound Struggle" will be released later this week on Transformed By Bondage!
11:17 video
Here is the video to "The Captive Cocktail Waitress". I play a cocktail waitress being held captive in a basement by an unkown hooded, very dominant crossdresser (played by Tiffany Fine). The bondage is all classic silver duct tape bondage and gag in a reverse chair tie. My attire is 6" stilleto CFM heels, waitress fishnet pantyhose over suntan pantyhose, a black mini skirt, and classic casino waitress top and bow tie. During the video, my captor subjects me to various forms of torment and torture. I am fondled, groped, and seduced. I am choked, hand gagged, slapped and spanked. I am threatened with a whip and eventually the whip is used on my body and legs. Nipple clamps are applied to my tits. And lastly, I am subjected to torture with a sharp steel rolling device. Fitting treatment for a cocktail waitress that dresses like a whore!
14:29 video
In "The Hostage Hotel Managers", we have a sordid tale of 2 Hotel Managers, who have been captured and are held captive in their own hotels, by hotel guests. The amazing and incredible Tiffany Fine plays both of the roles of the 2 Hotel Managers. The first one is dressed in a business suit, pantyhose, business pumps, and leather gloves. She has been captured with rope, sitting on a couch, rope bound about her wrists behind her back, rope around her upper body, and more rope about her knees and ankles, with her high heels tied onto her feet. She is gagged with a layered electircal tape wrap gag. Later in the video, she is also hooded with a spandex hood tight over her gag. Our Hotel Manager #2, is a in a bit more of a predicament. She has been ushered into the bathroom to be stored away, bound and gagged on the long sink counter in the bathroom. She is stocking footed, with her legs and ankles zipped tied, upper body zip tied, wrists zip tied in front of her and wrists zip tied to her legs, and once again, electrical tape wrap gagged. 2 helpless and hopeless predicaments for 2 hotel managers. And a very sexy performance by Tiffany Fine.
46 photos
One of my 2 featured scenes for the Month of April, Boots And Sweater Bound: "Three Times Tied". A Series that features high heeled boots and various kinds of sweaters worn by bound and gagged captives. One of my most popular Series. In this scene, I am featured (along with my captor, Amalieve) tied in 3 different postions. All 3 positons will be highlighted during the month of April and all 3 positons are included in this photo set compilation. Position #1 is a floor tie struggle. Position #2 is sitting on the floor bound to a pole. And position #3 is hogtied on the floor. I am wearing 6" leather high heeled boots, high denier pantyhose, a multi colored blue, black, and white spandex mini skirt, along with a turtleneck sweater. All the bondage is done with speaker cables and the gag is a layered, tight vet wrap gag. The video for Position #1, the floor tie struggle, will be featured next week on Transformed By Bondage!
7:39 video
And now, the video for "Hooded And Hog Taped". One of the first videos I have filmed with the camera all in one position for the entirety of the video, with the photos for the scene being taken during the filming from behind the camera. Tight secure electric tape bondage and hogtie, in combination with tape gag, spandex hood, and tape blindfold. My outfit in this scene is made up of the sexy combos of red and black. Red 6" stilletto heels, red gloves, and red vinyl mini skirt. To match the red hood and red tape. And a black silk blouse, and black flame designer pantyhose to offset all of the red bondage. And to match the tape blindfold. And I absolutely love the basement setting for this scene also. One sexy struggling vignette!
24 photos
To begin the 12th year Anniversary of Transformed By Bondage, we have a brand new scene, "The Captive Cocktail Waitress". In this scene, all of the bondage and gag are done with classic silver duct tape in a very classic setting for a captive, reminiscent of the classic Detective covers of the 60's and 70's. In this particular case, we have ourselves an unsuspecting cocktail waitress, that has gotten herself in trouble with an unhappy customer, that frequents the casino the waitress works in. Lured to his house after work, the waitress finds herself tied to a chair in his basement/laundry room for a long stay as his captive. The waitress is tied with duct tape around her legs at the ankles, above and below her knees, and her thighs. Her wrists are tied behind her back, and she is secured to the chair with more duct tape wrapped around her body and the chair, in a reverse chair tie. The video for "The Captive Cocktail Waitress" will be released next week on Transformed by Bondage!
21:57 video
For the very first time ever on Transformed By Bondage, the full and complete video for "I Spy", my featured scene of the month. This video simply combines Parts I and II, and puts them into a full movie. From the very beginning of the Secret Agent being captured by the very Spy she has been tracking, to the stict and tight bondage, gag, and blindfold with zip ties, To a helpless zip tie hogtie, to The Secret Agent secured to a pole, roped and tape gagged, to her ultimate humiliation at the hands of The Spy, to a ripped and torn blouse and skirt, with lace bra exposure, to her soon to be impending doom at The hands of The Spy. I had no intentions of putting together or releasing this movie, but the response to the entire I Spy series has been so overwhelmingly positive, I had to do it. For You. Of Course.
9:28 video
After being captured and left in a zip tie hogtie overnight, a Secret Agent is now tied with rope to a pole, and tape gagged, the prisoner of The Spy she was tracking and following. The Spy has no intentions of releasing her foe. No, quite the opposite. The Spy brings out a pair of scissors and begins to slowly shred the leopard blouse and skirt of The Secret Agent, humiliating her into complete submission. And that is exactly how The Secret Agent will be left. As The Spy makes a clean get away, and The Secret Agent gets left for dead!
37 photos
You all know I love 2 things, for sure. Being hooded. And being hogtied. So, it made perfect sense to combine these 2 predicaments into one scene for you. On the floor of an unknown basement location. Left alone to struggle, hoping for some possible way to escape. The restraint of choice in this scene is electrical tape. Red electrical tape to contrast and match my black and red outfit. Wrapped tightly about my ankles. And above my knees. Layered and wrapped around my wrists with my wrists behind my back. And even more electrical tape that attaches my wrist to my ankles. A very tight hog taped situation. My mouth is taped with microfoam tape under the red spandex hood, with 4 layers of black electrical tape over my eyes, over the hood. A truly horrfic hooded predicament and extreme tape tied trouble!
19 photos; 6:21 video
The Conclusion to Pole Bound: "A Double Feature", starring the delectable Tiffany Fine. In the first part of this Pole Bound Feature, Miss Fine was tied, gagged, and stretched between 2 wooden poles with rope, with the aid of zip ties, and tape. Now, in the Second Feature, Miss Fine's helpless struggles have a new position. Now, her wrists are still bound above her head to one pole. But her legs are now in the air tied to the very same pole as her wrists, making her completely vulnerable and even more helpless. Rope attached from her ankles to above her head to the pole. Still dressed in the same exact amazing sexy attire as in Part I of Pole Bound. Same gag, and same zip ties around her legs. But now the seams of her stockings clearly visible and so enticing. One of the best scenes Tiffany has done with me. Here, for your struggling pleasure, Tiffany Fine in "Pole Bound"!
43 photos
A top flight Secret Agent, captured and being held prisoner by the very spy that she was following, is now pole tied, gagged, and helpless, after being left in a hogtie with zip ties overnight. Tied and attached to the pole with rope and tape gagged, The Secret Agent is at the mercy of The Spy's wants and desires. The Spy's plans for the agent are simple. First, some humiliation, as The Secret Agent's skirt and blouse are shredded with scissors, exposing the agents bra, shoulders and legs. The final twist of this plot, is the The Spy leaving The Secret Agent for dead, helpless in bondage isolation, in a location that no one knows about!
7:08 video
In this video, we have me as The Gurl Next Door, trapped, bound and gagged, on the floor of a back room in an unkown basement location, struggling to free myself from my captivity. I am wearing a silk blouse with gloves, short shorts, sheer choclate brown pantyhose, and white 6" stripper heels. A very sexy outfit for a helpless captive, I must say. My legs are wrapped tightly with classic silver duct tape, at my ankles, and above and below my knees. My upper body is wrapped tight with more duct tape. And even more duct tape is wrapped 4x around my head and over my mouth. The finishing touch to my helplessness is a pair of pantyhose over my entire head, with the legs of the pantyhose wrapped over both my eyes and mouth, rendering my senses useless. The entrapment of The Gurl Next Door, documented on video.
64 photos; 13:27 video
In this tribute to a scene from Harmony Concepts, I play a local housewife, who is captured by a down and out video producer (Amalieve), who has had her eye on me for quite sometime. It seems The Producer has decided to re-create scenes from Harmony Concepts videos, and I am the one she has chosen to be the bondage model for her videos.....against my will. I am blackmailed and forced to agree to be a bondage model for 10 scenes and videos, that The Producer plans on selling and making a fortune! Of course, this is all being done without my consent! Somehow, I have become The Producers's "Harmony Bondagette"!
7:33 video
And now the video for "The Closet Captive", starring Joyce Alexander as Secretary Carolyn Hunter. Miss Hunter has been captured by her Boss, whom she has turned down several times, and taken to his home, where she has been stashed in the back room of his basement, far from the view of anyone, and with no chance of being heard. She is bound and gagged and will stay that way for an unspecified period of time. She is tied to an old fashioned chair with no escape. Her wrists are tied with thick white rope behind the chair and her upper body secured to the chair with more white rope. Her legs are tightly bound at the ankles, and above and below the knees with unforgiving zip ties. And finally, she is kept quiet and gagged with a 4 layer microfoam tape wrap gag. This video depicts her struggle to escape when she first arrives at the house, realizing that she has no escape and no way out of her predicament.
29 photos
Some secretaries are repeatedly bound to get themselves in trouble. Such is the case with Secretary Carolyn Hunter. Detective Chronicles is a series that depicts scenes that could easily have been covers for the great Detective Magazines of the 50's and 60's. Everything about this scene says Detective Magazine cover. The location is a back room of an unknown and hidden basement location where Carolyn will never be found. Maybe if she hadn't worn the outfit she is in, this would have never happened to her. She is wearing brand new white 5" classic high heeled pumps. A matching white vinyl white, short, and very tight mini skirt. And what really makes this scene is the matching patterned silk blouse and patterned designer pantyhose that perfectly shape her legs. What did she think would happen to her if she wore this outfit to the office? Obviously, her Boss liked it very much. Enough to bring her home with him. The video for "The Closet Captive" will be my next update.
20 photos; 8:15 video
Tiffany Fine makes her monthly appearance on Transformed By Bondage, in a two part scene featuring Tiffany helplessly pole bound. A double feature of lovely Tiffany captured, tied, gagged, and vulnerable. In part one, Tiffany is stretched and tied between two poles in an unknown basement location. Tiffany is wearing matching red high heel pumps, amd leather skirt and gloves, with sheer pantyhose and a sleeveless top. When I first saw Tiffany in this outfit, I immediately knew what positon I wanted to tie her in. Between the two poles seemed a perfect fit for what she is wearing. Her ankles are bound with thick rope and attached to one pole. Her wrists are tied abover her head with more white rope, and attached to the other opposite pole. Her legs are tightly zip tied above and below her knees. And her mouth sufficiently taped with microfoam tape. One of the best struggling ties and scenes Tiffany has ever done. Part two of this scene will be realeased later this month on Transformed By Bondage.
13:23 video
Here is the video for Part One of "I Spy", part of my tribute series to Harmony Concepts. A Secret Agent (Joyce Alexander) tracks down and finds out the hidden whereabouts of a Spy (Amalieve) she is seeking to capture and put in prison. down into the dungeon lair The Secret Agent proceeds, gun in hand. But suddenly from behind there is a gun pointed at The Agents head by none other the The Spy she tracks. Soon, The Agent is rendered helpless in another room of the lair. Ankles zip tied, wrists zip tied behind her back, and athletic tape wrap gagged. The Spy tells The Agent of her impending doom and death, but not before The Spy has some fun with The Agent for a few days, under her full control. Next The Agent is blindfolded, with both the blindfold and gag secured with more zip ties. Finally, The Agent is hogtied with even more zip ties and left to struggle, as The Spy attends to business. Tune in later this month to find out what happens to The Secret Agent in Part II of Harmony Revivals: "I Spy",
34 photos
Well, it seems our "gurl next door" has gotten herself into more trouble, this time worse than last time. It seems showing off her legs in her short shorts, pantyhose, and stripper heels might not be such a good idea. Her next door neighbor seemed to like the idea though. So much, that he has decided to keep her around. Indefnitiely! And he has made sure she will stay put for awhile by tying her up and keeping her quiet, so none of the neighbors hear her cries for help. Too bad for "the gurl next door", as she is now fully tied with duct tape, at her ankles, above and below her knees, her wrists behind her back, and around her upper body, keeping her very helpless. She is tape wrap gagged, with her head encased in sheer L'eggs pantyhose, and just for her own safety, she is hogtied with a very tight and secure zip tie. "The Gurl Next Door". Pantyhose Hooded and Hog Zipped!