12:50 video
Chrissy has been low on spending money and really needed some new wardrobe, so she decided she would try shoplifting a few things and did some research on what to do. She went into the store in just her long coat and knee high boots and snuck out with whole bunch of clothes underneath. She thought she got away, but she isn't aware that the owner saw her and followed her home. He would usually just call the police but whenever he catches a super hot chick shoplifting, he has other ways he like to get his repayment. Chrissy has just arrived home and is excited over how much she scored and how she is happy no one noticed! She removes her coat and boots and admires her brand new tights. Just then there is a XXXX at the door, and she wonder who it could possibly be. When she open the door the man XXXX himself in without her invite and she is shocked and confused. He tells her that he knows what she did, and she tries to play it off like she has no idea what he is talking about. She eventually confesses, but begs him not to call the police, she can't have a criminal record! He XXXX her to take off everything she stole from him. She starts with the two scarves she hid under her coat. Then she embarrassingly admits to taking two pair of panties, and removes them from over her tights. Next she removes the white pantyhose, yes she stole those too. She insists the dress is hers, but he doesn't really believe her. He XXXX her to remove it to reveal that she was hiding a stolen tank top underneath the dress as well! Now she stands completely naked and humiliated and unsure what to say.
He gives her two choices, either he will call the police, or she can let him tie her up. She wants anything but for him to report her, so she agrees even though she is really embarrassed and worried about why he wants to tie her up! He uses all the clothes she stole, the scarves bind her wrists and ankles, two pair of panties are packed into her mouth with the tights wrapped around between her teeth, the tank top joins her elbows and the dress binds her knees. She struggles and mmpphhss, the gag is very tight and visibly uncomfortable on the poor helpless girl. She insists she has learned her lesson and will never shoplift again, but he isn't convinced. He knows one way for sure. He leaves her alone struggling hopelessly, but before he goes, he tells her she can keep the clothes now, if she ever manages to escape which he doubts she ever will! Chrissy struggles and calls for help, but no one will ever hear her with that huge wad of stolen panties in her mouth!
7:32 video
After hours of struggling, my neighbor returns home to find me all taped up and gagged, with his son no where to be found. He rips off my tape gag and explain to him it was just a game that was taken to far, but he is furious that I have lost his kid! Before I can explain further he re gags me with the socks and wraps duct tape all the way around my head several times, pulling on my hair as I try to scream and moan to let me go! Then he uses more duct tape to hog tie me tightly, and leaves me helpless and struggling while he goes to look for his son.
13:32 video
I'm babysitting my neighbors son, bored out of our minds with nothing to do. I ask him what he wants to do, and he mentions wanting to play a game where I get tied up and struggle. Kids these day, how do they think of this stuff? I agree to play along, acting like a damsel in distress, but really it's all just fun and games. I tell him to get me something to tie myself up with, and he returns with a roll of duct tape! He tells me exactly where to put it, and before he helps me tape my hands behind my back, I tell him if I was really being tied he would need something to keep me quiet. He hands me his sock, which I stuff in my mouth and seal in with 4 more pieces of duct tape. Once I'm all taped up, I play along, struggling around on the floor, and trying to get up and hop around. Then all of a sudden a hear the duct tape again and I exclaim, more tape?! He ends up adding more tape to my torso to keep my arms and wrists in place. Now I really can't get free, even if I wanted to! As I struggle and pull on the duct tape it become twisted and more and more uncomfortable. I tell him I don't want to play anymore, and to please untie me, but that's when he turns into an evil little brat! He runs away and leaves me there all tied up! I have no idea where he is going, boy are his parents going to kill me!
13:21 video
I am taking a XXXX in my bed, fast aXXXX, when I start feeling a bit turned on in my dreams. Eventually the feelings become so strong that I awaken and notice a strange man undressing me and feeling me up! As soon as I try to call for help he stuffs my mouth with cloth and tapes it shut! He strips me and ties me up, I can't believe he is just going to rob my house and leave me like this. I think of a way to escape, but my elbows are bound so tightly that I don't even have wiggle room for my wrists. Just when I thought he had left, he comes back and starts messing with me more! I'm so afraid at what else he has in store for me, he just said he is sending over more friends to do the same. All I can do is continue to struggle and try to get free before they get here!
17:42 video
Chrissy got separated from her friends and couldn't find her way back, so she decided just to call a driver from one of those apps on her phone. While she is waiting she is being watched by a man, admiring her long tan legs and tight body from a distance. He has been looking for someone to tie up for quite some time, and she looks just perfect, just his type. He decides to drive up and ask what she is doing all alone out here. She tells him she is waiting for her driver, so he takes a chance to see how easy she is. He tells her that he is the driver, but she mentions that the car isn't a match. He just says they haven't updated his information, and that's enough for her to believe him, plus she is desperate for a ride home! She hops in the back seat and asks if he knows his way back to the city, but she barely buckles her seatbelt before he sprays something in her face and she starts to get dizzy, her eyes roll, and her head falls XXXX. He ties her ankles and wrists while she is XXXX and starts to make his way to his hideout, but before he can make it there she wakes up and starts to panic. She struggles and begs him to let her go, trying to scream for help, but no one can hear her outside of the car windows, and there is barely anyone around! She can't believe she trusted a complete stranger!
Once they arrive he unties her ankles to walk and sneaks her inside with a coat to hide her bound wrists. He throws her on the couch, strips her topless and rips off her panties. She fears the worse, begging him not to hurt her, or worse! He proceeds to stuff her panties in her mouth to shut her up before she gets any louder, then wraps and ace bandage around her head, tightly sealing them in! She is so frightened that she can barely struggle as he finishes tying her up. He is so cruel he even ties he arms back behind her head! He leaves her struggling while he goes to set up for his plans. This is her only chance and she tries her hardest to escape, but she barely makes it off the couch before he catches her. He decides she will need to be tied even tighter too keep her in place until he is ready for her, so he ties an insane hogtie, leaving Chrissy completely helpless and barely able to move! We see her struggle and mmpphh helplessly bound and gagged on the floor until he returns to undo her hogtie and carry her off to the bedroom!
17:30 video
"OK, I'm in," Chrissy says to her friend on the phone. "You really think this guy is the creep who took Cindy?" She pauses as she spots something nearby. "Well, things do seem a little suspicious. The party's still going on downstairs, so he should be distracted. I'm just going to slip off my shoes - I'm sure I'll be a little quicker and quieter if I'm barefoot, I'll check back in if I find anything. I feel like a real Nancy Drew today." Chrissy slips off her heels and walks through the room, quickly noticing the digital camera on the kitchen counter. She picks it up and turns it on. "Bingo," she says with a smile, dropping the camera into her bag. Just then, the homeowner enters the room. "What are you doing?" he asks. "Oh, sorry, that seems a little extreme, doesn't it?" Chrissy says. He threatens her and XXXX her to turn around. Cant we talk about.. she doesn't even have a chance to finish her sentence before he hits her in the back of the head with it and she falls to floor. Chrissy looks around dazed and confused, eyelids fluttering, then goes out with a sigh. The man takes her by the ankles and pulls her along, but within a moment or two she starts to reawaken. She moans softly, starting to come to, but the man hits her head against the floor, causing her eyes roll back, and she's out again. The man resumes pulling her away.
Chrissy awakens on a bed, wearing her shoes again. She shakes her head and regains her composure. There's nobody around. "Wow, I've gotta get out of here," she says. Before leaving, she takes off her shoes again. Chrissy opens the door and creeps down the hall, but before she gets too far, the man springs out and pins her back against the wall! He clamps a white cloth over her mouth. She struggles violently, but the cloth takes effect quickly, and her eyes flutter shut as shes XXXX again. The man picks her up and carries her over his shoulder back to the bed, laying her down and looking her over, trying to figure out what he is going to do with this dirty little spy. Before leaving, he gets a nice look at her sexy bare soles. Next Chrissy awakens in a chair at a table with the man, a drink in front of her. "Are you some kind of stalker or something?" She asks. "I'm not answering any questions, dear" he says. "I'd ask you some questions, but I've got a party to get back to and I don't want anyone else coming up here. So you're going to drink that, and I'm going to go back to the party while I figure out what to do with you." Chrissy runs a foot up the man's leg. "Are you sure there isn't any other way we can figure this out? I might not even press charges if we just forget this whole thing." The man starts getting impatient. "Look, I'm not interested in anything like that. Just drink the drink, and we don't need to get violent." Chrissy leans back and says "Fair enough". She takes the drink and sips from it. "Wow, that works fast," she says, putting a hand to her head. "I feel so... woozy..." Chrissy stands up and the man comes around the table as she slumps XXXX into his arms. This time Chrissy awakens sitting in a folding chair, hands tied behind her. She looks around and notices the man. She starts to get fed up. "When I get out of here, you're really going to get it!" She says. "I don't think so," the man says, "I'm going to drop you back off at your house, with your shoes and your bag, and we're going to forget this incident." The man steps behind her as she starts to say "What makes you think I'm just going to." But before she can finish, he hits her sideways across the back of her head again. Chrissy slumps back into the chair, XXXX. The man takes her chin in his hand and moves her head from side to side. "I hope this is the last we see each other," the man says. He lets her head drop down, chin to chest.Chrissy is just arriving home, takes off her boots and pulls out her phone to call her friend. "Hey, I got the evidence, it was crazy!" As she talks, she pulls off her ankle socks and resumes playfully kicking her feet. I really did feel like those stories, like Nancy Drew. I even got XXXX a few times, which was really strange. Yeah, I've never been XXXX before, but it would have been kind of sexy if I wasn't in danger. I guess it's all those stories we read when we were younger? She looks around. "Huh, actually I'm starting to feel kind of XXXX now..." Her eyelids grow heavy. "Oh, what was I saying? I think I have to go. Chrissy hangs up, but soon passes out on the sofa. When she comes to, she is in her bed, the man sitting next to her. "I think you have something of mine," he says menacingly. "Uh, I don't think so," she says. "Maybe you just lost it?" she asks innocently. "Do you know what a pressure point is?" the man asks. "I don't think so," she says, as the man leans in and pinches a spot on Chrissy's neck. She sighs softly, fainting on the bed. The man stands above her and looks her over, running a hand down to her breast and groping her. After a moment he steps away. "Keep it professional," he says to himself, and walks away. Chrissy wakes up on a chair, her hands tied behind her back, scanning the room for the man. "I guess I'm alone this time," she says to herself. She sees her cell phone on the ground nearby and starts reaches to it with her feet, trying to grasp at it with her toes. Then suddenly, the man reappears. "Oh no, you aren't supposed to be up yet." He says. "What are you going to do?" she asks confidently. "XXXX me out again?" The man steps behind her and chops the back of her neck. She cries out, her eyes roll, and she's out again. She reawakens to find the man in front of her with a white cloth. "Don't you have anything better to do than creep around and XXXX people out," she asks. "I'm not some damsel in distress, you know. If I was free you'd be in trouble. The man has heard enough and covers her mouth with the cloth. She struggles, and the man soon removes the cloth. "Tell me where the camera is," he says. "Nope," she replies with a smile. The man covers her mouth again, as she grows weaker. He removes it again. "The camera!" he yells. Chrissy is having trouble staying awake, but she looks at says "I'm not gonna give it up." The man shakes his head, and reapplies the cloth to XXXX her out again.
Chrissy wakes up in the chair yet again. The man is not around, and she manages to loosen the ropes. "This jerk has really made me mad," she says. He re-enters, and Chrissy pretends to be bound. The man approaches and squats before her. "Are we going to need to do that again?" he asks. "I don't think so!" Chrissy says as she brings her legs up, wrapping them around his neck. In just a few moments, the man slumps to the ground. "See," she says. "I'm not such a pushover." She frees herself from the bonds and dials her friend on the cellphone. "The creep busted in here," she says. "Yeah, I'm OK. Believe it or not, I've got something better than the evidence. I've got the guy. Call the police and come right over. I'm going to tie this creep up. I might get a couple punches in on him, while I'm at it!
14:22 video
Yoga instructor Chrissy was locking up the gym after her last class of the night and started walking to her car alone when she was grabbed by a man lurking in shadows, waiting for the perfect opportunity to capture a hot young girl to sell as he is in need of some fast cash. He quickly threw her in the back of his van, cleave gagged her and tied her wrists and ankles with rope for transport back to his home. When they arrive, he carries Chrissy into the house, she was kicking so hard along the way that she lost her shoes, revealing her white ankle socks. Chrissy begs and pleads for him to let her go, she is so confused and doesn't know what's happening! That's when he starts fondling her and pulls up her bra top to expose and grope her big tits. He teasingly asks her how much she thinks she is worth, and tells her to stay put while he goes to start the bidding and find a buyer for her! Shocked and terrified, Chrissy struggles like mad, but only draws more attention to herself and the man returns before she is able to get free.
The man asks Chrissy if she would like her gag removed, and she shakes her head yes, of course! But he was only kidding, she thought he was going to be nice, but he only did it to shove a huge ball gag in her mouth instead! That should keep her more quiet! Chrissy is still squirming around too much, so he decides she needs to be more secured before he leaves to finish closing the deal. He tightly hogties her and peels off her socks to reveal her bare soles. He gets an idea, he knows ticklish girls can be sold for a lot more. So he starts tickling Chrissy, and finds out she is indeed very ticklish, perhaps the most ticklish girl he's ever tickled! That should get him an even better offer on poor Chrissy! He has his fun aggressively groping her then leaves her struggling, helplessly awaiting the highest bidder to come claim his new bound and gagged slave!
11:18 video
I was captured by an evil man who stripped me down, brutally tied up my breasts, legs, wrists and crotch! Then he gagged me, blindfolded me, and took me to an unknown place! He left me here struggling and barely able to keep my balance. I fall onto the floor and continue to squirm around, trying to get the blindfold off to see if there is way out. My boobs feel like they're going to explode they are bound so tightly, why would he do such a thing to me! Then I hear footsteps, and something jingling in the hall. He comes into the room and I start to panic. I try to plead with him through the ball gag to let me go, but he just tells me that he is officially going to make me his slave now! He starts putting a collar on me, and to my XXXX that collar has nipple clamps attached to it! He put them on my swollen nipples as I squeal in pain. He tells me he will be back, he is preparing special arrangements for us in the other room, but first decides to remove my blindfold and tighten up the clamps for good measure!
I struggle around frantically, I have to get free before I find out what else he has in store for me! In all my wiggling and squirming I cause both my nipple clamps to pop off. I don't get very much relief before he comes back to check on me, and realizes he needs to put the clamps back on but even tighter! My tits are so painfully swollen that the tight clamps are excruciating on my big puffy nipples. Once he's confident that I'm secured and not going to escape, he leaves to finish his preparations. I continue my attempt to get free, struggling as hard as I can against the ropes, and drooling through my ball gag and all over my bulging breast in the process, but it's no use. I'm so tightly bound and gagged, I'm doomed to be his slave until someone finds me and rescues me from this breast bondage torture!
10:12 video
I've been trying to build my endurance for a marathon I will be running soon, and I found a new trail that offers the perfect difficulty to prepare. I've been jogging the same trail for almost two weeks now and rarely ever see anyone else around. Today I am preparing for my run, feeling a little tight, so I do some extra stretches to make sure I don't hurt myself so close to the big race! I start jogging, realizing I really should have worn a top as my sports bra does not seem to want to contain my bouncing breasts today. All of a sudden as I am running I am grab from behind and a man puts his hand over my mouth and drags me off into the nearby bushes, where I'm XXXX from his hand XXXX.
When I come to I am in a strange house bound with ropes and gagged with a bandana! He even excruciatingly tied my elbows together and hog tied me with my ponytail, XXXX my head to yanked backwards when I try to struggle. My starts to remove my sneakers and socks as I beg and plead with him through my gag to leave me alone and let me go! Instead he decides to roll me over and pulls my tits out of my bra, humiliatingly groping them while I am stuck on my side. I have to use all my momentum to roll back over on my stomach to keep him from fondling me any longer. Then he starts playing my bare feet! I squirm and struggle as he touches my ticklish and sensitive soles. Once he is done he says he is going to leave me here to go find some more girls for me to play with! I beg him not to leave me here in this unbearable position, but he doesn't listen and slams the door behind him as I'm left to struggle aimlessly, moaning and whimpering through my gag, hoping someone is coming to rescue me!
12:31 video
I love being a successful businesswoman, but sometimes that means people just assume Im the dominating type. Truth is, away from the office I really like to be dominated like a submissive little slut. So today I called you, one of my employees, over to my house after work. When you arrive, I tell you that I am looking for a service, but it must stay behind closed doors (or else!). I explain I want to be dominated and punished and that it would ultimately satisfy me. I pull out a bag of rope and sex toys and various bondage props to perhaps help initiate, but you seem unsure of what to do. At this point on Im on my knees, begging to be dominated. I seduce you with my cleavage and plead with you to indulge me until you finally agree.
Our session has begun, and you instruct me that I will call you sir after instructions are given. Yes, sir. You tell me to let my hair down. Then you tell me to turn around and bend over the bed. You start gently caressing my ass before administering a firm spanking that makes me moan in delight. You tell me Im going to be tied up. I can hardly wait.
Now my wrists, elbows, ankles and thighs have been tightly bound. A few buttons on my blouse and trousers have been opened, exposing my lacy bra and panties. Im starting to feel incredibly turned on by predicament. I must say, job well done! One thing is missing though, I dont like the fact that I am able to talk. I think you need to gag my dirty whore mouth. I can tell you have just the idea.
You come up with a few pairs of my dirty panties. I love the idea, and beg to be gagged. I feel the anticipation building, and my pussy getting so wet as you shove those panties deep into my mouth. You seal them in with a cleave gag and lay me down to struggle and squirm, covering my head with the remaining dirty panties. You pull my tits out of my bra revealing my perky hard nipples, just begging to be pinched and sucked. The humiliation, lack of control and tightness of the ropes continue to turn me on as I moan pleasurably through my gag throughout our session. Theyll definitely be a bonus in your paycheck next week!
22:44 video
I've been slacking off with my schoolwork lately and turns out I am failing one of my classes. It's a very important class and I need to pass it this semester to graduate. I ask the professor if I can come over that evening and discuss my grades, and he agrees. I arrive and apologize for bothering him so late at his home, but he assures me it's no problem. I start explaining to him that I am there because I would like some extra credit assignments to improve my grade. We discuss my wrong doings and he decides that there is one way I can earn some extra credit. He really like my crop top and tell me to do a little strip tease for him. "You mean you wan't me to take off my top?" I hesitate and tell him that I'm not sure, I don't really want to be known as THAT girl who gets her grades by screwing the professor! But in the end he convinces me, and I don't really have much choice if I want to pass. I remove my skimpy shirt and do a shy but sexy little dance. Just when I'm finished and have earned my extra credit, he tell me it's only going to pull me up from an F to D! At least I'll pass, but that's still pretty unacceptable, especially after showing him my boobs! He tells me he has other ideas, starts talking about this bondage stuff, and I'm skeptical, but ask how much extra credit will I get for letting him tie me up. He said it will bring me up to a B. "B for Bondage" I say as I giggle nervously, but agree that I will handle a little bondage in trade for the good grade, as long as he promises not to hurt me!
He starts tying me up with rope, and I try to keep the conversation going and pretend like this isn't weird or uncomfortable at all. It will be over with soon, then I can put my shirt back on and leave with a good grade, though perhaps slightly less dignity. He ties up my wrists, elbows, ankles and thighs, then tells me he wants me to wiggle and squirm around on the floor for him. I should have known it wasn't just as easy as being tied up! I struggle off of the couch and onto the floor. It feels silly and I'm getting annoyed as my skirt keep riding up exposing my panties. Then I start get really angry as the professor lifts up my skirt and pulls my panties down to my thigh rope! I yell and beg him to stop it, we didn't agree on this, but he just gropes me as I'm too helpless to stop him! I don't want to do this extra credit anymore, I'd rather fail! I start to get loud so he brings out a ball gag and gags me tightly to solve that problem. I can't believe he is doing this to me, I thought he was so harmless! He leaves me alone and I struggle and eventually remove my heels in an effort to escape, but without luck. Then he returns with his camera and starts taking pictures of me! I feel so humiliated as squirm and struggle, naked and exposed, and now he has black mail. I plead with him to not tell or show them to anyone! He just says he has to go grade papers and will be back for me later! I'm begging him to untie me as he leaves. I can't let him get away with this! I struggle around the room frantically trying to get free so I can escape. I struggle so hard that I manage to rip off my own skirt, leaving me even more exposed than before! I whimper and moan through the gag as I begin to realize just how helpless I am. I hope the professor will let me go soon and doesn't keep me here indefinitely as his schoolgirl bondage slave!
12:37 video
Two bad guys broke in to rob my house, and didn't expect to find me home! I tried to scream but they immediately gagged me tightly with a piece of cloth and started tying me up with rope! They humiliatingly stripped me of my pajamas leaving me fully exposed. My elbows are brutally bound together, as are my wrists, ankles, thighs, chest and then they hog tied me! After they stole all my most valuable possessions, they left me here helplessly struggling on the cold hard floor!
I struggle around frantically trying to get free. I'm quite uncomfortable from the pressure of the hard ground on my ribcage as I try to struggle around on the floor. I squirm and moan through my gag for the entirety of this clip as I try to break free from the ropes, to no avail, they are far too tight! I try not to give up as I grow increasing fatigued from struggles, no one will find me here alone at home so I hope I can get free on my own!
17:01 video
Starring Chrissy & Vika - I just spent the whole day at the pool with my friend Vika and we just made it back to our hotel room to get ready for the night. We are super thirsty but to our disappointment there are no cold drinks in our fridge! I call room service to bring us some water as Vika complains about how they always take forever. A short time later we here a XXXX at the door and I say come in thinking it is room service, but Vika reminds me that was far too quick to have really been true! Just then a man bursts in the room threatening us and then orders me to tie up my friend! I have no idea what to do but I am scared so I comply, even though I am afraid I am hurting her! I beg him not to hurt us while I try to quickly tie her up to his liking. I don't understand what he wants, but then I recognize him as some guy that I ignored at the pool bar! This must be his idea of revenge! He has enough of my pleading and ends up gagging us both with several strips of duct tape, before using the tape to also bind my wrists, ankles and thighs! Just when I think it can't get any worse, he pulls my tits out of my bikini and puts tape around my chest. Vika tries to kick him off of me as he gropes me which really pisses him off, so he returns to her and hog ties her with tape around her already rope bound ankles and wrists! He pulls out her tits too before returning to hogtie me with duct tape as well. He tells us he will return and leaves them us alone struggling on the bed. We try to talk to each other through our gags to find a way to get free, but I'm pretty convinced it's hopeless. After some time of helpless squirming and mmpphing, Vika positions herself to where I can just barely remove her gag. She starts to try and rip the tape off of me with her teeth as our only chance of escape. Watch to see if we manage to get out in time to call for help before that crazy bad guy returns!
12:51 video
I just got back to my room after spending the morning at the beautiful rooftop pool at my hotel. I'm super thirsty but I remember my mini bar is still empty from last night so I call room service and ask them to send someone to re-stock my fridge. I expect it will take a while so I go to relax on the bed but quickly here a XXXX at the door. That was quick! I tell them to come in, I left it cracked, and to my surprise a mischievous looking man bursts in and I yell "you're not room service!" before he quickly grabs me and hand gags me to stop me for screaming for help. He tells me he was watching me at the pool and followed me back to my room! He starts tying me up tightly with rope as I try to get away with no luck and no escape from his groping and spanking. I struggle and protest with him, begging to be let free, earning myself a nice tight cleave gag to shut me up. He pulls open my bikini top leaving me tied up topless and humiliated. </p><p>He tells me he knows I have money and he is going to find my in room safe and take it all! But before he leaves, he decides I need more rope, and binds me into a back breaking hog tie before leaving me to struggle hopelessly on the bed. Hopefully he will just let me go after he gets his money. I roll around and tug on the ropes to no prevail, it's no use. He returns once he's gotten the goods, but just gropes me some more and even tickle tortures my bare feet before leaving me there for room service to find!
18:30 video
Chrissy was out with her girlfriends and this strange guy kept bringing her drinks from the bar. She is used to getting free drinks so she didn't think much of it. A little while later she starts to feel really weird. She decides that she is going to walk home and XXXX it off, it's just a few blocks, but she just barely makes it home and immediately changes into her nightie and falls asleep. When she awakens she is bound tightly in duct tape and has her mouth gagged and taped shut. She thought she saw that creepy guy from the bar follow her. This just confirmed her suspicion. Chrissy needs to escape fast! The tape is so painful on her soft bare skin, but she has to push through the agony if she has any chance of getting free! Can she do it?
15:10 video
I'm sitting on the couch playing video games when my roommate walks in the door. I had been wondering where he has been, he is usually home hours earlier. He starts telling me about this class he has been taking, something about bondage and tying people up. He seems pretty excited about it, so I go along with it. He mentions that he needs to practice some more before his next class, and asks if I would help him. After asking a few questions and hesitating a bit, I agree, as long as it doesn't take too long. He starts tying me up with rope, and it's a little snug, but surprisingly not bad. He finishes by asking me the gag they gave to him at the class, which I though was a bit strange, but I again agreed since I knew it was almost over anyway. Unfortunately I was wrong in that sense. When I ask him to untie me, he starts to act strange and then says he's not going to! Then he starts getting creepy and pulls up my top and down my jeans to expose my bra and thong! I would have never expected my roommate to do something like this! He leaves me there all tied up and gagged and I panic as I have no way to escape! I struggle around on the floor and try to loosen my ropes before he returns!
6:41 video
As I lay here on the oily massage table, bonds still tied tight to the legs, exhausted from hours of struggling, I hear footsteps coming up the stairs. Oh no, the masseuse has returned, just as he said he would. I hope he doesn't plan on groping me again. Maybe he had time to reconsider and he came back to let me go. He approaches me and starts to softly run his hands and fingers over my body, and then to my surprise he starts tickling my armpits! I am so ticklish that I struggle violently to get away. It seems to go on forever as he tickles my whole body, especially my bare feet and armpits. The ropes are so tight, there is no escaping his tickling fingertips, I'm stuck screaming and pleading for the tickle torture to stop. This is part two of two.
13:11 video
My massage therapist is about to arrive and I am somewhat nervous since I've never had a masseuse come to my house before, and I'll be here alone today. At the same time I'm looking forward to it very much as my muscles have been feeling very tense lately. When he arrives, I show him where to set up the massage table, and I go get changed into just a towel. When I return, he asks me to remove the towel. I ask him if he can turn around. Seems strange he would expect me to expose myself full frontal to him, but maybe I don't know what the guidelines are. I lay face down on the table, and he starts to pour the oil on me, at first it is super cold, not as relaxing as I had hoped! His strong hands stroked and relaxed my muscles and quickly warmed me up, but I did notice that he seemed to be trying to move further and further up my leg. He asks me to turn over, luckily he covers me with towels again. For a minute I thought I could trust this guy, but not for long, as his massaging quickly turns into obvious groping. When he starts groping my tits and I feel very uncomfortable and protest, he grabs a ball gag out of no where and gags me! I was not expecting him to take it so far! I become worried that he may have plans to harm me. He ties my wrists together and then attaches them to the massage table, same with each ankle. The are so tight I feel my fingers tingling almost right away. I struggle to get away as he continues to grope my oil glistened body, but there is not give in the ropes. Then he tells me he has other appointments and is going to leave me here and come back later! After he leaves I struggle and try to escape, my oiled body so slippery on the massage table. There is no way I can get free from this. I struggle as much as I can until I decide to conserve my energy, wondering what exactly is going to happen next when he return for me. Part one of two parts!
11:46 video
I lost track of time tonight while I was studying at the school library, and before I knew it, it was dark outside. I couldn't find a ride, so I had no choice but to walk home in the dark. What a mistake! I was busy texting and listening to music when I was grabbed into an alleyway and XXXX! I woke up in a strange mans apartment, with my wrists and ankles tied together with rope! I beg and plead for him to leave me alone, telling him he will never get away with it, but instead, he gags me with several strips of duct tape! He starts to grope and fondle me, stripping me out of my top, revealing my perky natural tits, as he squeezes and twists my nipples to torture me. He tells me that he has clients who like tied up schoolgirls like me. I don't even know what type of clients he is talking about! I'm so worried about what is going to happen to me! I struggle and fight furiously to escape as he gropes me.
Next, he decides that I need more rope, and decides to arrange a rope going straight up my pussy and ass crack, then tape my thighs together to finish it off. He abuses me with the crop before leaving me to struggle while he makes some calls and searches for suitable buyer! I struggle against my bonds but make no progress at escaping. After sometime I wonder if he is ever going to untie me. Once he finally returns he tells me that he found a buyer and that it's time to go! I panic and beg him please not to take me away, but instead he hogties me and carries me away!
19:00 video
Chrissy just got home from running errands and was surprised to find a robber in her home! He hand gags her to keep her quiet and makes her agree to cooperate with him. She nods her head and he removes his hand from over her mouth. He XXXX her to strip out of her clothes, so that the tape will better secure her. She is extremely embarrassed but follows his orders out of fear. When she removes her bra he can tell how humiliated she is and decides he will let her keep her thong on. He has to move quickly so he gets to work taping her wrists and and pinning her arms down. She questions him and begs him to stop, she thought he wouldn't tape her up if she stripped for him! He shoves a sock in her mouth to put an end to that and wraps the tape around her head several times to muffle her cries for help. Then he tapes her legs and leaves her bound and gagged while he finishes searching the place. She struggles hard trying to get free, but the tape won't budge. She can still manage to roll around quite a bit though, so she inches her way towards the door. She can't reach the handle so tries desperately to stand up and eventually succeeds, but not quick enough, as he catches her just before she can manage to unlock the door. She tries to hop away and escape, but he just grabs her and goes to town wrapping her up tightly, from her ankles to her breasts then back down, leaving her perky tits exposed for his groping pleasure. She whimpers and precariously struggles to not fall over as he yanks the tape around her, getting tighter and tighter until she can barely move an inch! Just perfect! Now she won't be able to get away or delay his robbery any longer, and absolutely no one will be able to hear her with that thick gag on her mouth. She will be helplessly stuck in this tape mummification until he decides to let her out, or perhaps he will just take his loot and leave her helplessly struggling until someone else finds her!
11:25 video
I just arrived at my hotel, ready for a wild and crazy weekend getaway to Vegas! I notice an attractive bellhop when I arrive at valet and ask if he will help me bring my bags up to my room. When we arrive, he hesitates to enter the room with me, but I tell him if he helps me unpack a little I will be sure to give him a good tip. Once inside I have his attention and I start to go through my bag of kinky toys, pulling out the bundles of white rope, as if it's nothing new for me, which it isn't! He looks confused, so I go on to explain to him that I have a little fetish for being bound and gagged. I'm not sure if he will be into it, but I ask anyway if he would help by tying me up, as it is hard to do myself! To my surprise, he agrees to play along! I tell him I'm going to go get ready to be tied up and will be right back, I'm getting turned on just thinking about it!
I return wearing just a robe, and as I drop it to the floor, he looks equally shocked and amazed at my nude body. I guess he didn't expect me to be naked underneath! I assure him there's no need to be nervous, I'll tell him everything to do.I gag myself with my ball gag and he proceeds to tie me up with the ropes, doing a fine job for a first timer. I start wiggling and squirming against the ties which starts to visibly turn him on as he reaches to grope my big perky tits. I go on to reveal that I have another surprise in my bag. He reaches in and pulls out a leather paddle. I roll over and present my ass, telling him I've been a very bad girl and he should spank me with it! He punishes my ass and bare feet as I moan from the pleasurable pain, and then spends the rest of the time watching me struggle helplessly bound and gagged but enjoying every minute!
5:50 video
Hey it's me...your naughty little foot girl. I know you're away this week, but this is just a little taste of what you'll get when you come back. These helpless little bare feet will be all yours, for as long as you want! It's already driving you crazy, isn't it? The thought of having your way with these soft, wrinkly, little bare feet while I struggle. You're going to devour my poor little toes, aren't you? I know how much you love them. I can barely stand it when you worship my little bare feet and when you taste all these sweet little wrinkles up and down my helpless bare soles. Are you going to punish your naughty little foot girl? My wrinkly little bare feet are all tied up, ready to be punished until they're all pink and tender. You can hardly control yourself right now, can you? Do you like my outfit? I wanted to make sure nothing would get in the way of my little feet when you're ready for them. Will you tape my mouth or make me wear a gag? I think you'd rather hear me tell you all the nasty things I want you to do to these feet. I know you love it when I beg you to play with my little bare feet some more. You want to suck these pink little toes for hours, don't you? You want to taste every sweet little wrinkle on my bare, helpless, naughty little soles. Well, when you get here, I'll be waiting, just like this. Until then, just imagine how amazing it will be to have your way with my poor little bare feet while I'm all tied up by watching this sexy video tease just for you!
18:00 video
Chrissy enters her apartment after working her shift at the local Hooters, completely unaware that there is an intruder hiding inside, waiting for her to come home so he can finally have his way with her! He has been stalking her for some time now, so he is well prepared for this occasion. She turns to hang up her keys and purse and when she turns back the masked intruder is quickly approaching her with a white cloth! She screams but has no time to escape before she is pinned up against the wall with the cloth covering her nose and mouth, XXXX her to deeply breathe in the toxic fumes until her eyes roll back and she's XXXX, her XXXX body sliding down the wall to the floor. The intruder drags her to the middle of the room and immediately starts getting to work tying up her sneaker clad feet. He binds her wrists and pantyhose covered legs as well then decides to wait until she wakes up to finish the rest.
When Chrissy awakens, she is initially groggy and confused, then realizes that she's tied up with rope, and starts to remember what happened ! She looks around and doesn't see the man. She hopes that he left, but of course that's not the case! She starts struggling and he hears her from the bedroom, so he knows it's time to keep her quiet so he can finish his plans! She panics as he approaches her with a roll of duct tape. As she tries to beg and plead for him to let her go, he pulls out a huge wad of cloth and shoves it in her mouth! She struggles violently and mmmpphs, trying to spit it out in protest, so he gets even more cruel and pulls another wad of cloth out of his other pocket and packs her mouth to the brim! He seals it in with several strips of duct tape, sure to keep her quiet while he ties her up even tighter! He ties together her elbows and gropes her tits and ass as she's helplessly bound and gagged. He leaves her alone for a few minutes and she struggles like mad, eventually trying to scooch her way to the front the door, but he comes back just in time, dragging her by the ankles back to the middle of the room, and punishing her with a back breaking hogtie! He leaves to finish preparing the bedroom for his other devious plans. Chrissy struggles but is tied and gagged so tightly, she surely has no chance to escape, but she is going to try her hardest out of fear of what else the masked intruder is going to do to her!
10:52 video
Help! A man broke into my house and is going to capture me for his business! I beg him to leave me alone but he orders me to put shackles on my ankles very tightly so that I cannot get away. He orders me onto my stomach as I ask him over and over what it is he is going to do with me. I ask if he wants money, but he says he is going to make more off of me than I would ever be able to pay him! He handcuffs me, looping the cuffs through my the chain on my shackles, leaving me helplessly hogcuffed!
He pulls up my crop top and pulls my panties down just to the bottom of my ass, groping and humiliating me. I struggle hard, but the shackles are very painful digging in to my ankles if I pull on them too hard. I try crying for help as there is no way to escape the cuffs. The man returns and ballgags me to shut me up. I continue to struggle throughout the rest of the clip, causing the cuffs and shackles to be quite noisy as the chains rub against each other. I try to get to my cell phone and call for help, but I can't manage, and instead start drooling all over my bed. The chains of the cuffs and shackles slide between my ass cheeks and along my pink pussy, spreading it in the process, and it even start to arouse me despite my dangerous predicament.