9:30 video
Megan knows the rules at her workplace, but she really hates being boring and blending in with the crowd, and purple hair is so chic! Her boss doesn't see her that much anyway, so maybe he won't notice this time... but apparently he did, because he sent Ivan in to teach her a lesson. Unfortunately for Megan, that lesson involves rope - lots of rope. She tries to argue that it doesn't affect her job performance, that what Ivan is doing cannot be legal, but it's either this or be fired for not following the rules! Ivan bends her over the desk, her breasts pressing into the wood, and ties her wrists, then sets her on the desk so he can tie her knees and ankles. Megan tries to work out a deal with Ivan, offering him a date if he'll untie her - but Ivan takes his job seriously, and follows through with what he's told to do. He'll even be taking some pictures just to prove to the boss man that he did his job - which really freaks Megan out, with how easily digital media is disseminated these days. This is so not fair! She thinks the boss just wants those pictures for his own pleasure. She tries again, getting more desperate, offering Ivan a raise if he lets her go - since she controls the books, the boss would never have to know! Now she's just digging her grave even deeper - it's probably a good thing he stuffs a cloth in her mouth and tapes it shut! One last rope curls her legs up beside her as she leans in the corner, then Ivan can take some pictures to prove the job is done. After the pictures, Ivan decides to change his mind about the drinks - he's going to take her out for drinks now - she'll be perfectly comfortable riding all tied up in his Jeep!
12:16 video
Ivan has a weakness for pretty women with great legs, and Crystal definitely qualifies. So when she suggested a few particular investments to him, he didn't do his due diligence and did not research the company she was recommending - until it was too late. There went 5000 hard earned dollars, down the drain. Well, almost - $5000 went into the pockets of Crystal and her compatriots. But Ivan is not one to give up that much money easily, especially when he knows he can get his money back, one way or another. The lady with the lovely legs was surprisingly easy to find again - and so was lots of rope. For as convincing as Crystal was in suggesting those bad investments, she is not nearly as good at convincing Ivan to let her go. While he ties her wrists and elbows, she insults him, calls him stupid, tells him they've already spent the money, that this isn't fair, that it's not her fault he fell for it, that she was just doing her job. At least when he starts tying her ankles, she switches to bargaining, but he doesn't trust her anymore. As he gags her with purple panties and tape, he explains that he thinks he can get more than just his $5000 back - because Crystal's boss can't do this con without her, so she's worth considerably more than Ivan's original investment. He ties her a little more securely so she won't go anywhere while he talks to her boss. When he comes back after making the deal, it's time for his pound of flesh from Crystal - he unties her just enough to make it easier for him to throw her over his shoulder, then carries her off to his bedroom for a proper return on his investment.
11:57 video
The company of XXXX Pete has some thing Ivan needs and he has found out that it is kept in Briella Jaden's office. Ivan goes one night to collect only to be surprise when he find Briella sitting on her desk. This is no big deal Ivan know how to handle this type of situation. He has done it before and is prepared for it.Ivan XXXX Briella face down on top of the desk so he can tie her hands and elbows tightly together. Next Ivan binds Miss Jaden's sexy legs at the ankles and knees. Having her all secure he sits Breilla up, then stuffs a cloth deep into her mouth and uses some black electrical tape to hold it in. To make sure his sexy little captive does not go anywhere while he is getting what he came for she is placed in to a hogtie. Seeing that Miss Jaden still as a lot of fight and movement let Ivan adds a rope from the hair to the feet. Pull Breilla head way back and make her back ache. Now that she is total helpless he can get on with his business. Before Ivan leaves he pivks Briella up onto his shoulder and carries her off to hind her in the closet.
12:41 video
Angel Lee has ran away from her husband again. She has found out what business he is in and want kind of man he really is, both of which are not good. The husband has sent Ivan to find Angle and bring her back. Ivan has a hard time finding the bosses wife and when he does she refuses to come back. Ivan explains he has a job to do and he is going to do it one way or another so she should just come back. After Ivan over powers her and starts tying, Angel offers him money to let her go. He lets her know that is not going to work. If he does do the job her husband will send more men after her plus a group of men after him which will not be looking to just bring him back. Angel struggle and tries to talk Ivan out of taking her as she is being put in a very tight hogtied and gagged. Angel has no luck she is carried out over Ivan's shoulder on her way back to her husband.
11:37 video
Ivan has been looking for an escaped convict Jasmin. Jasmin a hot lady that conned her way out of one of those country club prisons. He finally found where she is hiding out. Ivan sneaks in and gets everything ready. When Jasmin comes back he grabs her by the hair dragging her into the downstairs room. XXXX Jasmin against the wall Ivan ties her hands and elbows behind the back. Jasmin is gagged pushed to the floor where her legs are tied tightly together. After hogtie Jasmin Ivan calls the cops to come pick her up.
9:15 video
When Autumn had a weird feeling about this month's paperwork, she dug a little bit into the company's records. She has been going over the paperwork, and there seems to be some money missing. She's really worried about this! So she takes her concerns to Ivan, since she noticed his department has the vast majority of the missing money. Well, he's glad she brought it to his attention first, since he is the one who's orchestrating the missing money - but he's not as honest as she is, and has no intention of letting anyone else know about the money. Since Autumn made it clear she would have to report this to their boss, Ivan has no choice but to get rid of her somehow - which is a shame, since he always enjoyed having her around the office for some eye candy, in her short skirts, stockings, and high heels.
Oh well. Ivan ties her wrists, stuffs a wad of cloth in her mouth and tapes it in with clear packing tape, and puts her pretty ass down on the desk so he can tie her knees and ankles. Next is her elbows, which just draws his attention to her breasts, so he decides to unbutton her blouse to get a better look at her great body. He starts to go off to pull his truck around, but after watching Autumn wiggle a minute, he thinks she needs a little more rope to make sure she can't find her way to a door or some means of getting someone's attention. Once he has her tied in the corner on her desk, he's pretty confident Autumn isn't going anywhere - well, anywhere but over his shoulder.
11:28 video
The very stunning Jacquelyn is being tiedup very tightly in her hotel room by a big guy. She does not know the guy or why she is being tiedup. Jacquelyn is so sexy as she struggles and fights as she is over powered and manhandled into the rope. The man tosses his little toy around letting you get a great view of Jacquelyn's sexy stocking clad legs and the way her blouse tighten across her lovely breast as she is round onto her side. Jacquelyn's top is opened before her elbows are bound together.
10:20 video
Amo and Ivan have been hanging out for weeks both at work and after. Amo has been flirting and leading Ivan on, at least that is the way he sees it. They are out of town together for work and sitting around the hotel room for another night of teasing. Ivan is go to set her straight tonight. Ivan is not sure how far he is going to take it but the ropes and gag are ready. After tying Amo's hands behind her and tying her long sexy legs together at the ankles and below the knees, Ivan sits back and watches Amo struggle as he decides what he will do next.
12:50 video
Ms. Tilly McReese a very good DA with a 95 percent conviction rate is trying a new case starting today. She is getting ready for work and is half dressed when Ivan comes in. Tilly is wearing a shinny below the knee skirt, Cuban stockings, and a great pair of high heels. Ms. McReese hands are tied in front before she is gagged with a cloth stuffed in her mouth and tape wrapped around her head. Ivan shoves Tilly face down on the bed so he can tie her shapely sexy legs together at the top of her muscular calves and slim ankles. Ivan tells Tilly he isn't there to hurt her just to make sure she doesn't make it to court. He know how good of a DA she is and doesn't want his friend to go to jail. Tilly is stretched out face down on the bed with her hands tied to one corner and her ankles to the opposite corner. Ivan has a great view of Tilly's lovely figure, firm round ass, and stunning legs. Ivan's plan didn't work. The court postponed the case so Ivan has no choose but to take Ms. McReese with him. He unties her from the bed and puts her over his shoulder for the trip to the car.
11:48 video
Serene is relaxing on her bed dressed in sexy lingerie, hose, and high heels ( And yes guys she really does that) when Ivan comes over unexpectedly. Ivan and Serene have been friends for a longtime so he feels comfortable telling her that he has been wanting to tie someone up and think she would be the right girl for it. Serene is ok with the fact that Ivan want to tie a girl up but really does not think it should be her. And tell him that with their friendship it would just be weird. Ivan does not agree and start tying her up. Serene fights and struggles but Ivan gets her hogtied and gagged.
15:00 video
There is a room in the building Wenona works in with a big sign that says DO NOT ENTER. She has also been told by Ivan to never go into that room. Ivan is not happy when he see her going into it. Ivan grabs Wenona and drags her to a back room by the hair. Ivan XXXX her against the wall by the throat to get her attention. Ivan not being sure what to do with Wenona decides to tie her up and then check with his buddy on the best way to hand this.After tying Wenona's wrist and elbows tightly together, putting a chest harness on her, and a cleave gag Ivan knows what he wants to do with her. Take her home with him but still thinks he should talk it over with his buddy. Next Ivan ties Wenona's very shapely fishnet covered legs at the knees and ankles. Wenona looks so hot leaning against the wall all tied up. With her top and skirt pulled up we get a great look at her fantastic figure and flat stomach. To make sure Wenona does not go anywhere while he is gone, Ivan places her on the floor faces down and pulls her into a tight hogtie. And just to make sure Wenona stays put Ivan pulls her head back with a rope to the feet. Ivan goes off to talk with his friend leaving Wenona on the floor to struggle against her ropes. Wenona puts on a great show rolling around on the floor trying to get away to bad Ivan is missing it.When Ivan comes back. He is very happy. His friend agreed that taking her home would be a good idea. So Ivan picks Wenona up and swings her over his shoulder for the trip home.
9:16 video
When Ivan discovers a lovely young woman in one of his offices going through the drawers, she pretty swiftly comes up with some quick excuses about being his new cleaning lady, from a business known for their sexy maids - but unfortunately not very believable, since she doesn't have any cleaning supplies with her, and Ivan would be the one to bring on a new cleaning crew. So he grabs Adara and ties her up in short order, questioning her as to who hired her and what they're looking for. She tries to lie about why she's there, and even suggests he call the cops like a normal person would if someone was trespassing. The problem with that is that he doesn't want the cops going through his business any more than he wanted a hot chick to be snooping - though the hot chick is at least fun to tie up. He has her gagged and hogtied on the desk without much effort other than containing her squirming. To add insult to injury, he even makes some suggestions on how she could have handled this better, with more believable lies or at least some props and a costume change.
But he still doesn't know who hired her, or even who she is. He leaves her tied up and struggling on the desk while he goes to watch the surveillaance footage to see which car is hers, and once he figures that out, he can find out where she really works and why she's going through his office. Well, maybe some of the serious questioning will come later, when he gets to do all sorts of vile things to make her talk. Right now, he only needs to confirm she doesn't actually work for a sexy cleaning company and that she's here for another reason. That's when the real trouble begins for Adara...
6:23 video
Drea Morgan is tied up wearing a gas mask,short black skirt and sexy high heels. Drea is a very agile lady and a lot of fun to watch struggle and hop around with her ankles and knees tied together. Her elbows and wrist are also tied tightly behind her back.
Sahrye, Ivan's very sexy neighbor, comes over to his house interrupting his Superbowl party to let him know how upset she is with his friends. Ivan's very classes friend have been going over to Sahrye's and peeing in her yard during Ivan's many parties.She yells at him about it killing her grass. Getting tied of Sahrye's mouth and thinking she would be fun for the halftime entertainment Ivan bend her over the chair and ties her hands behind the back. After tying her hot shapely legs together at the ankles and knees Ivan puts Sahrye into a very tight hogtie on the floor, leaves her there to go tell the guy about the sexy halftime show he has planed. Sahrye struggles and rolls around the floor until Ivan comes back picks her up off the floor and tosses her over his shoulder so he can take her to see the guys.
10:40 video
Ivan has told his hot young girlfriend to stop flirting with ever guy she sees.Tonight she does it right in front of him. Ivan has had enough. So when they get home Ashley is dragged to the basement and Ivan starts tying her up. He know how much she hate being tie and the cold. A perfect way to punish her. Ashley keeps insisting she was not flirting. Ivan pulls Ashley's dress down over her lovely breast and up over her sexy round ass. Now she can really feel the cold. After Ivan ties Ashley's wrists and elbows together really tight, he gags her and XXXX her to the floor. Ivan continues by tying Ashley's ankles and knees. to make sure Ashley is very uncomfortable she is placed in a tight hogtie. Ivan watches his hot sexy helpless girlfriend struggle for a while which makes him want to take her up to the bedroom. So he tosses her over his shoulder hogtied and off to the bedroom they go.
11:36 video
Ivan has be in the business of acquiring things for people and not always in the most legal way but lately he has getting bet out by a sexy new player. While Ivan is out on a job to get some papers for a client he spots her coming in the door. To make sure he does not lose this one to Lizz and all her sexy ways. Ivan intercept her and takes her out. Lizz finds herself being dragged into a garage. Where Ivan makes Lizz put in a ballgag in her mouth. Ivan ties Lizz to a stool so he can keep her out of the way while he get to the paperwork first. She struggling to get free when Ivan return to play with her and let her know he has the paperwork. After having his fun Ivan leave Ms Andrews tied to the chair.
13:24 video
Brooke is a very important person in local politics. She is also a very hot and sexy brunette which works out great for Ivan. Ivan has a hot sexy brunette he has to slip into an exclusive party. So it is simple stop Brooke from going and send his girl. Ivan shows up at Brooke's hotel room and XXXX on the door. Think it is room service Brooke opens the door. Ivan handgags her and XXXX her back into the room. Ivan is real happy to see Brooke is wearing a robe over a very stunning outfit ( black bra, panties, stockings, and high heels) Ivan makes Brooke take off the robe before bending her over the desk and tying her wrist behind the back then her elbow tightly together. Brooke is then cleavegagged pushed down into a chair where Ivan secures her around the waist. Next Ivan ties Brooke's sexy legs at the ankles and below the knees. To make her a little more helpless he ties bends her knees up and ties her ankles to the arm of the chair. Realizing the cleavegag is not enough the keep Brooke quit he shoves some stuffing into her mouth and wraps tape around her head to hold it all in tight. When time is up Ivan tell Brooke he is going to untie her enough so she can get herself free with some work and then leave.
14:50 video
Some people, when they gain fame and renown, forget the people who helped them get there, like their fans. Ivan has been Lexy Mae's biggest fan for years now, buying all her videos, writing her letters of admiration, buying her gifts - all to show her how much he cares. But these days she gets a lot of those adoring letters, so she has been ignoring him, and that's kind of pissing him off. Sure, she'll smile at him if they pass in the street or accept a drink with a glowing smile from across the hotel bar, but she doesn't know him from any other guy. Well, from now on she's going to know who he is, because he's the only guy she even sees for the next few months.
As soon as she figures out who he is, she tries to run, but he's ready for her. He ties her wrists quickly, and even as she fusses and bitches at him, he ties her ankles and her knees over those sexy stockings she wears. Even as pretty as Lexy Mae's mouth is, it's so much better when Ivan crams a colorful cloth into it and tapes it in. He manhandles her around a little more and starts to untie her wrists, but she still fights him! Once he explains what he's doing, she calms down a little, but as soon as her hands are free, she starts to smack at him as he moves her around again, yanking her sexy orange dress over her head, and pulling off her bra before tying her wrists again. Then he adds a rope around her elbows and chest under those perky breasts, accentuating her perfect figure. See, THIS is why he has been such a big fan of hers - she is gorgeous from head to toe, with the beautiful face, lovely hair, pouty lips, awesome little body, great legs, and always wearing heels and stockings. What's not to love? And she's even hotter up close than in her videos - especially with his rope on her. She'll look even better in his remote cabin where no one will find her!
10:57 video
Janira Wolfe looks absolutely stunning in a tight red dress, Cuban stocking, and high heel as she is snooping around Ivan's room. Ivan throws her face down on the bed and ties her hands behind the back. Miss Wolfe comes up with a lame excuse about thinking it was her room. Ivan continues by tying her long shapely legs at the ankles and below the knees. Janira is being to loud. Ivan hand gags her letting her know to be quit. He then places a cleave gag in between her lovely red lips. Ivan tells Janira that this will not keep her quit but is a reminder to be quit. And if she is not quit he will gag her right. Janira looks absolutely gorgeous with that cloth between her teeth but as Ivan is tying her elbows, she will not be quit. So Ivan sits Miss Wolfe up and shoves a cloth deep into her mouth and wraps tape around her head to hold it in tight. Ivan pulls down Janira's dress to get a look at her sexy figure. As we all know the smaller and more compact some thing is the easier it s to carry. Ivan puts Janira into a strict hogtie and roles her around on the bed getting a good look at her fro all angles. Ivan swings her over his big shoulder for the trip to the truck.
9:51 video
Crystal is goofing of as usual, being the boss man's daughter, she gets by with a lot of shit and her coworkers are fed up with her. The gang sends Ivan into the back room where she hinds from work to get their point across. Ivan starts off talking to but know that will not work so he holds Crystal down on the desk and ties her hand behind her back. She is running her mouth in that high voice, which Ivan come not stand, so he pulls off her panties and stuffs them deep into her mouth and uses some clear tape to hold them in. Ivan explains to sexy little Crystal what is going to happen to her if she does not start doing her job and doing it right.
11:06 video
It's so easy to lure some girls out - especially those club girls after a night of XXXX and dancing. All it takes is the promise of more booze, and they'll come right along, even with a stranger. But alcohol isn't what Ivan has in store for Megan - he has rope, tape, and a gag instead. Not that he doesn't appreciate her skimpy dress, fishnet stockings, and high heels, with those great tits, shapely legs, and plump ass - that is what made him target her, after all. She looks even better with his rope pulling her arms behind her back and framing those big breasts. When he throws her down on the ground, he ties her knees and ankles, then leaves her propped up in the corner to wiggle for him. After Megan gives him a nice little squirming dance, he puts her face down on the floor and adds another rope for a tight hogtie which shows off her legs even more. Ivan tells her that the better show she gives him, the less time she has to spend tied like this - so she fidgets and rolls around, shaking her ass almost as well as she did in the club. Her show was good enough that Ivan's ready to take her to part 2 of the night - tying her to his bed.
14:17 video
Ivan loves this hotel restaurant for its ambiance and its uniform: corset, garter, stockings, high heels - and he is a generous tipper when his waitress is decent and looks good. Angel qualifies on all parts, so he tips her well - usually upwards of $100, every time. But snooty little Angel, as hot as she is, doesn't even know Ivan's name - doesn't even recognize him as someone who tips her so well. She flirts, sure, but it is nowhere near what $100 should earn. After being jilted several times by her, Ivan decides it's time to get his money's worth. He noticed that she takes her breaks between shifts in one of the isolated hotel lounges, and so follows her there. She's used to guys fawning over her, but what Ivan has in mind is entirely different: a bag of rope, and a tied-up hot chick. He ties her wrists, her full chest, her knees, and her crossed ankles, and ties her to the desk chair, while the entire time she bitches and whines and runs her ditsy mouth. It is amusing for a while, he does eventually get tired of her lip, and crams some shiny panties into her mouth, keeping them in with several pieces of glossy black tape. Much better! Now he can admire and grope her in relative peace. But of course that's not all he has in store for her - he has to get several hundred dollar's worth of fun out of her, after all - so he rolls her out to his van and takes her with him!
10:55 video
After sitting at the bar watching all the hot girls dancing at the bar. Ivan has picked himself out a very sexy one and follows her up to the room. Sara being a little XXXX does not notice Ivan coming in behind her. Ivan XXXX Sara down on the bed and handgags her. After telling Sara the more she struggles the more it will hurt,he flips her over and spins her around so he can tie her wrist behind the back. Spinning Miss Brooke around again he crosses and ties the ankle then below the knees. After spinning her back around Ivan handgags Sara and takes a little time to admire how sexy she looks. At this point her dress has fallen down show him her lovely full breasts and her shapely looks look awesome in the fishnet stocking. Ivan stuffs a cloth deep into Sara's mouth then sits her up and tapes it in tight. Next Ivan puls off Miss Brooke's dress so he can see you fantastic figure. Leaving he wearing only her panties,fishnet stocking,and high heels. At this point Ivan ties Sara's elbows tightly together, wraps a chestharnes around her, and places her into a mean hogtie. Ivan takes time again to enjoy Sara's fine body. He roles Sara on the her side and handgags her as she is fondled. With all the prep work done Ivan picks Sara up onto his shoulder and off they go. After seeing Sara dance, Ivan knows she is going to look so sexy struggling in rope all night.
10:44 video
Terra is way behind on her rent and Ivan has been very patient with her. It has been months and it is time to get her out of the house and if possible get some of the money.
Ivan thinks Terra has the money and is not paying because she know how sexy he finds her, how he loves seeing her shapely legs, beautiful figure, and long hair. What ever the reason Ivan is getting Terra out of the house. Ivan XXXX Terra into her bedroom and on to the bed. He asks for the money and she start make promises. Ivan finds some very nice stockings in a draw and uses them to tie Terra up and then cleavegag her, while her looks for some hidden money. Terra struggles on the bed in a very tight hogtie show off her awesome legs as Ivan searches the room. Ivan comes back, stuffs a pair of Terra's panties in her mouth and wraps some wide electrical tape around her head to hold it in tight before continuing he search. Ivan finds a good amount of money before he comes back and throws Terra over his shoulder and evicts her.