13:57 video
Real Estate Agent Sara Anderson awakes to find herself tied and gagged in the very basement of a mansion she was about to sell for a huge profit. Her mouth sealed shut with duct tape. Her wrists behind her back, ankles, and knees all tied tight with duct tape. Her rival enters to tell Sara she is stealing the sale of the mansion from her, and will be keeping her out of the way for the time it takes to get the open house and sale done. More tape is added around her legs and upper body. There is no way out. Later, just before the open house, she is tied hands over head in a kneeling hogtie. Once the sale is complete, she is bound with rope behind her neck tied to her knees to insure no escape, as her Rival escapes with the sale, the money, and the fame. And Sara gets nothing!
57 photos
The third predicament in August for my featured damsel character, Real Estate Agent Sara Anderson. "Real Estate Double Cross". Sara Anderson had been working on the sale of a mansion that would make her wealthy for the rest of her life. The contract was ready. The buyer was all in. Until Sara wakes up in the basement of the mansion she was about to sell, tape gagged and tape tied. How did this happen? Her rival, in the company she worked for (Amalieve), has found a buyer for the mansion also, and she was not to be denied the sale of a lifetime. She needed to keep Sara out of the way while she went through the open house and the sale. So, here is poor Sara. Helpless, bound, gagged, and put through the paces of captivity, as her rival steals the sale that Sara had worked so hard to arrange and set up. As her rival plotted to double cross her!
59 photos; 18:23 video
The conclusion to Home Invasions: "The Helpless Housewife". This update includes both the complete video with both Parts I and II put together, and a compilation photo set, with the best pics of both parts of this scene in one photo set. A Housewife grabbed by a robber while doing her dishes and zip tied to the hand rail on the stairs leading down to her basement, while he ransacks her home for valuables. And soon being taken into the basement and put into a standing tie with zip ties, once again tied to the stair hand rail, hands abover her head. Her skirt pulled up exposing her in her pantyhose to fully humiliate her. And leaving her with a magic wand down her pantyhose over her cock, as a parting gift, as he exits with all the loot!
46 photos
This is the debut of the latest edition of my Held For Ransom Files Series, entitled "The Captive Cock Tease". This is a 4 part scene that will run through November on Transformed By Bondage, culminating with the full video and full Photo Set Compilation in December. This is a scene that features the main character to be a very slutty woman who loves to tease men and others, but who never gives it up. To anyone. Until she is targeted by a dangerous man who does not accept her bahavior and attitude, and decides to make her pay for who and what she is. She is grabbed, tied, gagged and transported to the man's home. This is where we pick up the action. The first day of the woman's captivity. Bagged, tiedto a chair, gagged, and helpless!
8:33 video
Real Capture. Real Captivity. Real Struggling. Another real predicament for Real Estate Agent Sara Anderson. Trapped in an unknown underground location with no escape. In leather 5" high heeled boots, pantyhose, mini skirt, sweater and jacket. Her mouth sealed shut with duct tape. Her legs bound tight with sisal rope at her ankles and knees. Upper body double bound with more rope, along with her wrists behind her back. Featuring a serious struggle to escape her bonds on the upper level of a cement stoop, as well as on the lower level of the cement stoop. This is classic Joyce Alexander! This is classic Sara Anderson!
42 photos
Real Estate Agent Sara Anderson retuns for her second feature scene in August, a scene taken from my Missing Persons DID Serials. In this scene, Sara Anderson has been taken captive and brought to a restricted area, where no one is allowed to go, insuring there will be no possibility of her being found. This video depicts her attempts to try to free herself, to try to escape the ropes that bind her. You will see that Sara Anderson's predicaments involve her being tied in many different kinds of attire, looks, and outfits. In this case, a very nice ensemble of sweater, jacket, high heeled boots, pantyhose and mini skirt. This scene featurs tight bondage, and sexy struggling. Showing some of the trouble that Sara Anderson seems to always end up in!
8:44 video
The Detective Chronicles Series of "The Chairman Of The Board" continues, with Part III: "Tha Chair Tie". In Part I, The Chairman was tied to a wooden post standing, in a basement storage room. Tape tied and tape gagged, in stripper heels, hose, mini skirt, and silk blouse. In Part II, The Chairman's skirt was pulled up and she was pantyhose exposed, still in a standing post tie, Now, In Part III, The Chairman finds herself chair tied in the very same storage room. Legs still tape tied, still tape gagged, and still zip cuffed. But now, The Chairman has been secured to a chair with tape around the seat of the chair and more tape around the Chairman's upper body, around the back of the chair. Microfoam tape gagged in glasses. Her blouse unbuttoned exposing her black lace bra. And her legs showcased in her red stripper heels and pantyhose, bound with tape.
22 photos; 4:31 video
Tiffany Fine returns to Transformed By Bondage with a very unique, sexy, and erotic scene, entitled "Billiard Bondage". Here we find poor Tiffany in more tied and gagged trouble. This time, atop a pool table in a freind's basement. Tiffany, in her usual blond look, is attired in 5" two tone slingback heels, pantyhose, black leather mini and black leather long gloves, with a short sleeve white top. I went to town on the rope bondage in this scene. Probably used more than I had to. But I couldn't resist tying Tiffany like this. Wrist and elbows cinced tight with rope. Ankles and knees tied with more rope. And finished with a double front rope hogtie. Wrists to ankles. And rope around her neck and brought down and attached to a rope tie around her feet and heels. And finally, gagged with a black leather bit gag.
11:36 video
Sara Anderson's nosy ways has now gotten her in serious trouble. She is now in the clutches of vengeful Eva Montgomery. Sara has been brought down to Eva's basement. Her wrsists bound with sisal rope behind her back. Her ankles tied with sisal rope. And her mouth stuffed with Eva's panties and sealed in with microfoam tape. Eva enters and binds Sara's legs with more sisal rope and tells her she will pay for snooping and she has plans for her. Sara struggles to escape, but there is no way out. Eva returns with more rope and very tightly and securely puts Sara into a hogtie. Sara is now in a hopeless predicament. Eva tells Sara that she is now going to be a part of the sale of her home and will be on display for all to see during her Open House. The guests begin to arrive, and Sara now becomes the hit of the open house, by many that know Sara and don't like her. Payback for the snooping Sara Anderson.
45 photos
Welcome to my August featured Series, DID Serials: "Real Estate Agent Sara Anderson". This scene, "Open House" kicks off the first of four scenes that feature one of my favorite damsel charcaters, Real Estate Agent Sara Anderson. Miss Anderson finds herself in 4 predicaments, all invoving real estate deals. In "Open House", Sarah is snooping the location of a big real estate deal soon to go down, hoping to get in on it, and make a ton of money. However, Sarah is caught snooping by the owner of the home, Eva Montgomery (Amailieve), and soon find herself tied up and gagged in the basement of Eva's home. But what she doesn;t know, and soon finds out, is that Eva has decided to put up Sarah Anderson for sale as part of her open house and the sale of her house, as payback for snooping around on the sale of Eva Montgomery's home.
11:18 video
Here is the video for Part I of the debut scene for my new Series, "Ankle Boot Bondage". In "Gagged, Tied, And Trapped!", we have a woman whom has been captured and hidden away at an unknown location, in a garage. Wearing a leopard print blouse, her skirt having been removed, now only in crotchless pantyhose, nylon stocking boy shorts, and 4" leopard print ankle boots. Her captor has decided to make her pose for pics and video which he plans to sell for a profit. Tape gagged, with her hands zip cuffed behind her back, made to stand and pose, as the camera clicks, and the video runs, trapped in an inescapable situation, where no one knows where she is, and no one will ever know where she is.
9:57 video
The conclusion to a new segment of my Home Invasion Series, Part II of "The Helpless Housewife". The captive housewife has now been moved from the stairs leading to her basement, into the basement to the side of the stairs, her hands now zip tied over her head to the stair rail. All part of the robber's parting gift to the victim housewife. He has pulled up her skirt and has exposed her fully in her pantyhose. Totally humiliating his captive victim. But he is not done. Before he leaves, he puts the magic wand that he found in her bedroom to good use. Her magic wand is now used against her after he puts it inside her pantyhose, over her cock, on high speed. And that is how he leaves her. Tape gagged, hands, ankles, and knees zip tied, with The Wand working it's magic, with no relief in sight, With no possible escape!
35 photos
This is the debut of a brand new Series on Transformed By Bondage, called "Ankle Boot Bondage". I have developed a new fetish for high heeled boots that are only ankle high. They give a boot look but don't hide my legs, but still accent my legs. This Series will be all about predicaments and situations involving me tied, gagged, and helpless, always wearing ankle boots. In this first installment of this Series, I am playing a targeted woman, entitled "Gagged, Tied, And Trapped!". A woman who has been captured and has been hidden and locked away in a garage. With no way out. This is also the very first scene that I have worn crotchless pantyhose. And the very first scene that I have worn nylon stocking see through boy shorts.
7:00 video
The perils of Tiffany Fine's bondage in her lingerie comes to a conclusion in a very pantyhose exposed predicament. Poor Tiffany. Started out with her legs and wrists zip tied and her mouth fully microfoam tape gagged. Then she was saran wrapped to the pole. Her legs, her body, and even her neck and mouth, wrapped tight to the pole. Now, in Part III, her bondage and gag have both intensified. Wide black electrical tape is now tied around her legs and the pole at her ankles, knees, and thighs, over the saran wrap. More tape tied above and below her breasts around the pole. And finally, the high heel that she lost during her struggles in Part I of this scene, is now being used as a an extra gag over her mouth, secured by more black tape. One of the best ties on Tiffany that I have ever done.
4:45 video
And now for Part II of a new Series on Transformed By Bondage, entitled "The Detective Chronicles". A Series that brings back the feel of the old crime magazine covers. This scene features one of my most popular damsel characters, "The Chairman Of The Board". In Part I, we find The Chairman tied to a wooden pole in a basement storage closet, in a standing tie. In red stripper heels, suntan pantyhose, red mini skirt, white silk blouse, glasses, and red gloves. Now in Part II, The Chairman is still tied to the same wooden pole, but is now fully pantyhose exposed for a very sexy, erotic struggle in a very helpless situation and predicament. Legs bound with red electrical tape and microfoam tape gagged.
29 photos
Part II and the conclusion to another installment of my Home Invasion Series, "The Helpless Housewife". I play the victim of a robbery, a home invasion. A housewife caught in the middle of doing her daily dishes. In Part I, I was zip tied to the hand rail of the stairs, sitting on the stairs that lead to my basement. First, pantyhose exposed, then my legs securely zip tied. Now, in Part II, The robber has already taken all of my valuables and decides to have some fun with me before he leaves with the loot. I am led from sitting on the stairs into my basement and my hands, still in my dishwashing gloves, are zip tied to the same stairs hand rail over my head. My legs are re-tied with more zip ties. I am fully pantyhose exposed. And just to humiliate me even more, my magic wand, that he fpund in my bedroom, is put inside my pantyhose, over my cock and turned on high. The robber, pleased with how humiliated and turned on I am, laughs at me and leaves me like this. For who knows how long!
16:31 video
This is the full and complete documentation of me as a home invasion victim, trapped in my basement and tied to a pole for so long that I could no longer stop myself from urinating myself and soaking my pantyhose in my own urine. For this scene, I am dressed in nude 5" office pumps, suntan pantyhose, black spandex mini skirt, and blue silk blouse. Hands zip tied behind the pole in my basement and microfoam tape wrap gagged. Moving around the pole to see if there is any chance for escape. But soon, my legs are zip tied in four places, and I am unable to move at all. A prisoner in my own basement, and having to go to the bathroom. And it is not long before I begin pissing all over my legs, my pantyhose, my heels, and the floor.
34 photos
The third and final segment of my latest pantyhose exposed adventure, starring Tiffnay Fine, "Lingerie Bondage". Yes, Tiffany asked to be tied and gagged in just her lingerie. But I highly doubt she expected was is now happeneing to her in Part III of this scene. In Part I, Tiffany's hands are zip tied behind a pole and her legs zip tied, with Tiffany microfoam tape gagged, losing one of her heels during her struggle. In Part II, Tiffany, clad in only her bra, corset, pantyhose, panties, heels, and gloves, was fully saran wrapped to the pole, with hardly any movement possible. Now in Part III, maybe more than she bargained for, as if the saran wrap mummification was not enough, I added more tape around her legs and body to the pole, and then finished her off with a very unique and humiliating high heel gag.
20:55 video
Here we have all the best segments and moments from all 3 scenes that I shot with Phoenix Gold. A full 23 minute movie packed full of chair ties, floor ties, pole ties, spanking, forced kissing, pantyhose, high heels, short skirts, maids, secretaries, home invasion victims, blackmail, punishment, and bound and gagged captivity. 3 sections of video from "The Academy For Poor Performance". 3 segments from "Shameful Submission" and 2 clips taken from "The Blackmail Burglar". It is all here. Some of the best double damsel videos that I have ever filmed and am extremely proud of. So, to Phoenix Gold, Thank you so much for giving me the opportuinity to experience who and what you were. Truly incredible! May you rest in peace and live in my heart and mind forever!
77 photos
This update begins the conclusion to my tribute to the late great, erotic, wonderful, sexy Phoenix Gold. This is a photo set that includes the best photos from all of the 3 scenes that we shot together. Photos taken from both Parts I and II from "The Academy For Poor Performance", where we both play punished secretaries. The best photos from "Shameful Submission", with Phoenix and I as captive maids put up for sale, and Home Invasions: "The Blackmail Burglar", with us both playing blackmailed victims of a home invasion by a female burglar. This is the definitive never before released complete photo set of "The Best Of Phoenix Gold".
8:41 video
The story of a well-to-do housewise who is surprised by a burglar, while doing her wifely duties, doing the daily dishes. The video begins with The Housewife seated on the stairs that lead to her basement. Still with her dish washing gloves on, her hands have been zip tied to the hand rail and her mouth has been wrap gagged with black electrical tape. She is attired in her grey high heeled business pumps, suntan hose, dark grey skirt, and a grey silk blouse, with a black neck scarf. She struggles on the stairs as her home gets ransacked up stairs, but is unable to free her hands from the zip tie. Later, her legs are now zip tied at both her ankles and her knees, her positon on the stairs unchanged. But this is just the beginning of her ordeal at the hands of The Burglar. Part II of "The Hepless Housewife" will be released on Transformed By BpondageIn July, and we will see what TYhe Burglar has in store for The Housewife next.
18:46 video
The final update of my newest Series on Transformed By Bondage. MILF Bondage, which will always feature me as a grey haired slutty MILF who always ends up in various bound and gagged predicaments. In this particular case. Tiffany Fine asks me to model for her in both pics and video. I love to be photographed, so readily agree. But I did not know what I was really getting myself into. Soon my hands are tied with rope in front of me with my mouth taped with pics being taken and being filmed, which I did not agree to. I only agreed to model. Soon, my hands are tied over my head and my skirt is pulled up, exposing me in my pantyhose. But Tiffany was not done. I am soon being whipped thru my pantyhose as I am being filmed and photographed. As Tiffany says, "Exactly what a sluttly MILF derserves!".
17:40 video
So, we have 2 sexually intimate girlfriends whom are now trapped in their basement, tied with both rope and tape and microfoam tape gagged, being held captive by a stocking hooded female burglar, who has bad intentions for the pair. While they struggle against their ropes trying to escape, their home is being looted by The Burglar. Who soon returns to her captives, showing them that she foiund their licenses and credit cards, which she is now going to use to blackmail them. If they do not cooperate, she steals their identities and wipes them out financially. And just for fun, the girl's gags are removed and they are forced to make out to The Burglar's pleasure and enjoyment. They are then re-gagged, they are stocking hooded, and wrap gags added over their hoods to keep them quiet and submissive. The Burglar leaves with the loot, but promises to come back for more fun at the pair's expense at anothe time.
59 photos
The third and final scene filmed with the incomparable Phoenix Gold, another installment of my Home Invasions Series. "The Blackmail Burglar", starring Phoenix Gold and Joyce Alexander as "The Captives", and yet another sexy performance by Amalieve as "The Blackmail Burglar". This is the story of 2 girlfriends who fall prey to a home invasion by a female burglar. Both tied and gagged and held captive in their basement. bound and gagged. Helpless to stop the greedy Burglar from looting their home of money and valuables. After a long struggle to escape while they are being robbed, The Burgalr returns with a surprise for the pair. With their credit cards and licences in hand, she has decided to blackmail the gurls. Cooperate or identities stolen and ruined.They are forced to kiss and make out to put on a show for the burglar or be blackmailed. Then, re-gagged and stocking hooded, the pair are left behind as The Burglar escapes with the loot and their identities.