32 photos
Azkadelia is a bit pain-averse. But she decided to come to femmeXotique anyway, apparently just to test herself.
As a slender little thing, she was able to undergo some of the stretching necessary for the positions we wanted. When it came to those pesky clothes pins, though, she was definitely not in her happy place! First, we clamped them all over her pussy, just to see what she thought of it. Surprisingly, that was only moderately bad.
That's when the proved the old maxim to her: Less is more. We removed clothes pins till there was only one ... and placed it firmly on her clit.
Ah ha! Now, we had her attention. Putting one on her tongue just left her too out of control, so we removed that and started playing with her clit pin. Yep, she was feeling it with each little flick or stretch or movement.
Time for another lesson? Sure, why not. We removed that nagging menace, and she nearly jumped out of her skin. Not easy to do with one leg tied to the ceiling!
Finishing off the first set with a little pseudo-XXXX left our young miss very compliant.
Funny how those things work out.
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