7:36 video
Ivan wasn't looking for anything suspicious originally - most of the time he just lets his business run itself, delegating most responsibilities to his employees - but he had some extra time one day after work and was just browsing the files on his accounts, when something seemed a little off. It took him a long time to find exactly what it was, but when he did, he was NOT happy. As much as he loves his sexy little accountant, GG, he doesn't love what she's been doing with his money. He calls her into his office for a little chat. When he accuses her of stealing his money, GG plays ignorant, and even goes so far as to say that he's reading the accounts wrong, and she can show him what they really mean. "I'm the best accountant you've ever had!" Well, she's right about the "had" part - he has a new accountant now, and GG is out - but Ivan is not content just to fire her, he wants his money back, and he knows how to get it. He pulls a rope out of the drawer of his desk, pulls GG over by her hair, and starts winding the rope around her silky blouse, pinning her arms to her sides. She tries to convince him of her innocence while she squirms in his rope, and even says he just needs Quickbook to show him everything in black and white. Before long she starts pointing fingers at her own little assistant, trying to say GG caught her and that's why she got Ivan to fire her last week. "All your money's back there, just let me show you, please! You're being unreasonable!" He is, after all, tying her up on his desk, crossing her ankles and tying them off to the rope around her chest. "What are you, a sick pervert too?! You think because you have money you can be a sick perverted bastard?" Ivan adds a coil around her thighs, then moves up to her wrists. "Come on, let me go! I'll show you who did it, I'll get your money back!"
Already her lie is falling apart, since she already told Ivan his money was already back. She tries again, saying it takes a little while for the bank to process. "You're a great accountant, honey, really - but you're a very lousy liar." GG starts to beg, telling him he's hurting her, that she can't move, that she's going to fall off the desk, anything to get him to let her go, but he only tells her if she doesn't want to fall, she'd better not move too much. She continues to alternate between protests and begging, until Ivan has had enough, and grabs her by the hair, crams a cloth into her mouth, and wraps stretchy blue vet wrap around her head several times. It doesn't seem to shut her up as well as he'd hoped, but at least now he can't understand her and doesn't have to listen to her lies. Now he can focus on admiring how hot his former accountant is... he tilts her onto her side and unbuttons her blouse to show off those great tits she has. She screams desperately behind the gag while he fondles her, grabbing her boobs, rubbing her sexy legs, and pushing her skirt up to see more of her pantyhose. "I wouldn't wiggle too much if I were you," he warns before stepping out of the room to make sure his actions haven't aroused any undue attention. Fortunately, as he's the boss, he made sure no one would be in this part of the building right now, so he can privately give GG her options: go home with him and have some fun, or go to jail. GG would rather go to jail, though - she doesn't trust her creepy perverted boss - if he likes tying her up, who knows what else he's into?! But it's really Ivan's opinion that matters, not GG's, and he thinks she should go with him, whether she likes it or not. "If you please me and I don't get tired of you, I won't send you to jail. But if you don't, we turn those books in, and off you go to jail. GG doesn't like either option, but at least she knows what she's getting if she goes to jail! She squirms and arches, pulling on the rope, hoping she can find a way out of this mess, but it's too late - Ivan picks her up by the rope and carries her off to his house.
8:38 video
We get to see Faith playing around in rope. Her ankles, knees, and wrists are tied tightly together. She is rolling around on the couch, hopping around the room, and just show us all the hot angles.
9:59 video
When Ivan’s favorite reporter Orias put an ad out for an assistant, he finally has his chance. He's been following her career for the last six years - he never really cared about the news before, but now, with Orias reporting, he doesn't miss watching it. She makes the news worth watching, with the way she dresses - always something sexy, a skirt or a dress and always high heels, and sometimes you can glimpse the lacy tops of her stockings when she moves just right. He even tried writing her letters, even sending flowers, but she still ignored him. Now he can finally meet her in person, and make all his fantasies come true.
She is not impressed with his attire or his "briefcase" - a backpack - when he comes in for the interview. But he doesn't need a perfect resume or a fancy suit - all the credentials he needs are in that backpack; one coil of rope is only the beginning of his qualifications. He jerks her up out of her chair and XXXX her arms together behind her back, wrapping the rope tight just below her elbows. At first she only bitches at him, asking questions and complaining, black pumps shuffling around on hardwood, dancing on her toes.
"Are you a fan"?
“I've had fantasies about you, does that make me a fan?"
When she realizes that this is no joke, she starts to fight in earnest as he ties her wrists, muscles in her back flexing as she resists. She is caught off guard and mortified when he unties her sexy red dress at the neck, pulling it down to reveal her pale perky breasts. XXXX her to sit in the chair she started his 'interview" in, he crosses her legs the way she always does when she's reporting, and starts to tie them at the knee. She struggles, kicking her legs out, but Ivan XXXX them back into place, gripping both her ankles with one big hand, then just holding on to one ankle as he finishes tying her legs.
Now that she’s properly tied up, he can enjoy her presence even more, rubbing those sexy legs and fondling her tits. She tries to bite him when his arm gets close enough - and here he thought they were going to get along nicely. Well, it's a good thing he brought a backup plan - a roll of tape and a piece of cloth cut from one of his old t-shirts. With those in place, the tape wrapped all the way around her head, all her shit-talk is finally quiet, and all she can do is grunt and moan as she struggles. Ivan tosses her over his shoulder for one last look around her studio before she spends the rest of her days at his house as his sexy little toy.
10:57 video
This is Pepper first bondage video anywhere !
When Ivan got into his truck this morning, something didn't quite feel right. As he drove to work, he noticed the seat was pushed all the way back, as usual, but the mirrors were just a little off, the seat back was tilted less than the way he liked it. He shrugged it off until he got to work and one of his coworkers pointed out a glaring dent on the side of his truck - a dent that wasn't there the last time he drove it, a dent that he didn't make.
Last night, one of his buddies played Designated Driver for him and the other guys, so Ivan left his truck at home in the driveway. His girlfriend Pepper must have decided to take the truck, even though she knows she's not supposed to drive it at all, let alone without him, yet here was clear evidence that she has disobeyed. It seems all his warnings not to drive his truck just didn't sink in, so now he's going to have to teach her a lesson.
"I didn't do it!" Pepper protests when Ivan drags her in and tosses her down on the chaise. Ivan already knows it had to have been Pepper, so he ignores her lie and proceeds to tie her wrists. This should teach her not to drive his truck, but she still mouths off as she squirms, "I do what I want to!" As he ties a knot at her wrists, she further claims, "I don't deserve this." But she just admitted she took the truck! "I said I can," she tells him.
"You can but you didn't, huh." As soon as he loosens his hold on her, she tries to get up and walk off, but Ivan jerks her back to sitting on the chaise. He's not letting her get off that easy. He pulls out another rope and starts around her knees - those sexy legs are the main reason he started dating Pepper, with her shapely calves, toned thighs, and especially how they look in pantyhose. They look even better in rope. Her smirk says she knows that he can't resist her charm, even when he's pissed off about the dent in the truck. Or maybe she's smiling because she actually likes this... maybe her "punishment" of being tied up isn't so much a punishment after all.
"I said I didn't do it," Pepper reminds Ivan as he moves to tie her ankles, but it's not like anyone else could have done it. If someone wanted to steal it, they certainly wouldn't have brought it back, dented or not. And Ivan certainly would have noticed if he ran into something, so he knows he didn't do it. But now she tries to tell him it's his fault, that he put the dent in the truck, and just didn't remember, and now he's tying HER up for it. Well, he is liking the results, so maybe he will tie her up some more, but he's still not convinced she didn't dent his truck. He could think of a few other excuses to tie her up, like burning dinner... what else does she do wrong? "Nothing! I don't deserve this." That's her opinion, but right now, her opinion doesn't matter.
While Ivan reaches for more rope, Pepper scoots toward the edge of the chaise like she's going to try to get away, despite the fact that her ankles are crossed and tied, not exactly conducive to walking. She certainly wouldn't get too far like that, but Ivan yanks her back again and starts a rope around her elbows. "In case you haven't noticed, this isn't the first time I've done this. I used to do this a lot when I was younger... might have to bring the habit back. We'll have Bondage Thursdays, how about that." Pepper scoffs at the idea, but her smile, half hidden by her hair, reveals that she secretly likes the idea. Ivan can't see her smile, but he can guess from the fact that she's not fighting it that much. Pepper still glares when he crams a few handkerchiefs into her mouth and wraps electrical tape around her head, so maybe she doesn't like the gagging part. He unbuttons her blouse just enough to pull out her full tits with the nipples pierced... now he has ideas about rope through those rings. Just one more rope for now, though, to make sure she doesn't try to hop off while he's examining the dent to see if it can be repaired, then he's going to take her up to the bedroom and see just how enthusiastic she is about his renewed interest in bondage. He pulls her crossed ankles almost into her hands, a nice and tight hogtie showing off those hot long legs, then leaves her alone a minute.
"Comfortable, babe?" Y'know, if she's enjoying this as much as he thinks she is, they can both have a lot of fun... or if not, well, at least he'll have a good time. When he asks, Pepper refuses to give him an answer one way or another, so whether she likes it or not, he picks her up, tosses her over his shoulder, and carries her off to the bedroom.
10:10 video
"Is the lady of the house in?" Maybe it's the charming Scottish accent, or the gorgeous long auburn hair, or the curvy figure in the sultry clothes, but when Ivan opens the door for sales lady Alexia, he slides right into the lie to get her into the house. As soon as she sets her make-up case down, he covers her mouth with his big hand - and it's a good thing he does, because she starts screaming bloody murder when he puts his hands on her. A grip on her throat stifles her scream, but does nothing to calm her down. He shoves her down onto a chair near the door to pin her hands behind her back, her legs flailing behind him while he grabs a rope from his bag and ties her wrists. She squirms the best she can, her Cuban stockings only helping her legs slide back and forth between Ivan’s, her shiny red heels not able to reach anything to hurt him. Her pencil skirt rides up the more she fights, showing off more of her shapely legs.
She is a feisty one! He pulls another chair up and plants her sexy ass in it; her skirt slides up in the front enough to get a peek at her red-tipped garters as Ivan ties her hips to the chair. When he reaches to unbutton her white blouse, she screams again, struggles, and tries to bite his hand, so he tightens the rope holding her to the chair and steps over to find something to stuff in her mouth, and some tape to hold it in there. That quiets her down quite a lot and prevents any biting when he does unbutton her blouse to reveal a pretty black bra and some lovely tits. A little more rope secures her further while her legs flex and dance in front of her. Ivan ties her elbows tight behind her and knots it off to the support bar of the chair.
Finally, his favorite part - the legs. He starts a rope around one leg of the chair, then to her opposite ankle, crossing those lovely legs, then around her thighs to make sure she sits pretty, then to the other ankle and the other leg of the chair. Oh yes, that highlights her gorgeous legs quite well. After a few gropes, Ivan goes off to get the other room ready for his unexpected guest, leaving Alexia to struggle and strain against the ropes. She manages to get one knot undone before Ivan gets back, but it's nothing helpful, and he doesn't even bother to knot it back before he throws her - chair and all - over his shoulder to carry her off to the bedroom.
15:51 video
Candle was sitting at home and was so enthralled in her book that she didn’t even hear the large man come in. She didn’t notice he was there until it was too late and he was reaching out to grab her. She struggled to get away trying to pull her arms from his grip as he pinned her to the couch. She manages to slide to the floor but the man gets her wrists tied behind her back making her a bit easier to handle.
While she struggles on the ground, her dress slides up revealing the tops of her Cuban stockings. The man goes for her legs next. She manages to flip around and almost breaks away for a moment, kicking and twisting on the couch. The man tires of her games rather quickly and wraps his strong legs around hers to keep them still. He uses another rope to cinch her ankles together, but she continues to buck on the floor hoping to get away.
The man ties another rope between her wrists and pulls her back along the carpet towards him. He then secures her in a tight hogtie to keep her a little more manageable. Candle squeals and pants trying to catch her breath after all the struggling to get away. The man slides her high heels back on and ties them in place. He adds another rope to her legs just below the knee to limit her mobility even more.
When the man straddles her hogtied body and gathers her hair in his hand, Candle is worried he might try to cut it off and a flash of pure fear runs over her face. Instead, the man stuffs a big ball of white fabric in her mouth and winds electrical tape around her head several times to lock in inside. He covered from just under her nose to her chin, each wrap making it tighter and tighter.
The man isn’t done yet though. He takes another rope and lashes her forearms together. She tries to yell at him through the tight gag but it’s hard to understand her with the huge wad of cloth taped inside. Candle yells at the man for him to take it off, meaning the bondage and gag, but he has other ideas. He cuts her dress in the back tearing off a huge chunk and exposing her flesh underneath. He continues to cut the dress, until he can pull it off leaving her in just a garter, stockings, and high heels.
Candle wiggles and squirms on the floor, her back arching lifting her perfect ass off the ground. Her legs flex tight against the ropes but they just bite harder into her skin. He reaches down and runs his hands over her body, pinching her nipple between her fingers. After getting a few things taken care of, the man comes back and tosses her hogtied body over his shoulder and carries her out.
14:21 video
Carissa is surprised by Ivan gagged and tied up. She is looking hot as hell wearing a tight black dress, fishnets stockings,and high heels. Her sexy shapely legs are tightky tied with her ankles crossed.
12:22 video
Sarah was looking forward to the nice cool comfort of the hotel after dealing with the summer heat all day, so imagine her disappointment when her room was as hot as outside, and the AC is blowing hot air. She calls for maintenance right away as she changes into her sexy green nightie and gets ready for bed. The maintenance guy, Ivan, shows up relatively quickly, but reveals as he grabs her and wraps rope around her wrists that he’s the one who rigged her AC so he could come up and tie poor Sarah up. What a bonus that Sarah’s pajamas are nothing like Ivan’s or his wife’s, much sexier and skimpier, and she’s even wearing white pumps to complete the look. She bitches and threatens to tell his wife that he’s a pervert who tied her up, but he counters that she’ll have no proof. Before long, Ivan is tired of hearing her pretty little mouth, so crams a cloth in and wraps yellow vet wrap around her head as she squeals that the cloth better be clean. Ivan figured that would be the least of her worries, but it turns out she’s a germaphobe.
Sarah tries to get up and get away, despite the rope around her knees and ankles, but Ivan just shoves her back down on the bed and slips the nightie straps off her shoulders to reveal her pretty tits. When she tries again, he lets her stand and starts a rope below and above her tits. Sarah tries to headbutt him, then when he moves away a little, she tries to kick him too. He has a solution for that, though, and ties a rope around her waist to anchor her ankles to, propping her up against the headboard in a very sexy pose. Ivan steps back to take some pictures while Sarah struggles and squirms, bouncing against the headboard and grunting in frustration. She finally manages to reach a knot in the rope and starts to untie it, which is good for Ivan, since he plans to leave her tied up and she can let herself out.
10:12 video
Beating his back and screaming bloody murder, Whitney is carried in over Ivan's shoulder, then dropped against the wall so he can properly restrain her.
"Let me go!"
"I don't think so." He winds a rope around her wrists.
"You're going to regret this!"
"I already do - but you know something, I think you're going to regret this more than I am"
"No, please, please, I have money, I'll pay you!"
"Whatever it takes!"
"Two hundred million dollars." He ties a knot at her wrists.
Whitney hesitates, then blurts out, "I'll have it wired from my Swiss bank account! Anything, just let me go!"
Ivan laughs at that. What a liar! He wonders if she even knows where Switzerland is. He plants a big hand in the middle of her back and presses her tits into the wall while he grabs another rope. "Are you enjoying that wall? It's enjoying you."
"What are you going to do to me?"
Ivan pulls her off the wall and starts to wrap the rope around her torso. "Well that depends on you, doesn't it?"
Her eyes go wide. "What is that supposed to mean?"
"If you piss me off I'm going to hurt you." That's simple enough, isn't it?
Whitney, terrified, begs, "Please mister, I don't want to piss you off!"
"Then don't!" Ivan recommends.
"I'll do whatever -"
"Whatever I want? You told me you'd pay me whatever I want, I asked for 100 million dollars, and you couldn't pay."
Before thinking about what she's saying, Whitney asks, "Didn't you ask for two?" She realizes as soon as the words are out of her mouth that she shouldn't have said anything, but now Ivan has pegged her as a smart-ass.
"I don't think that's a good way to keep on my good side," he laughs. Whitney tries to excuse it away as her attempt at a joke, to lighten the mood, maybe get on his good side, right? She's really grasping at straws here. "Are you making fun of me?" Ivan's tone has turned chilly. "That's not a good idea."
"No, why would I want to make fun of someone who's tying me so tight?!" She whimpers, trying to pull away. "Owie owie!"
Ivan feeds the rope through a knot, and Whitney asks, "Don't you think that's enough?" But he's not nearly done. He jerks her back toward him, drapes the rope over her shoulder and loops it back up over her other shoulder.
"I don't want you going anywhere, honey."
"I won't go anywhere, I promise, just maybe untie me a little, loosen it just a little bit, I promise I won't go anywhere!" She babbles on. "I understand, you don't want me to piss you off right? Yeah? Right? So..." as he makes a cinch in the rope, "you think that's enough, right there, right?" He pulls it tight and she gasps.
"You quit whining so much I might not have to tie it so tight, how about that?" Whitney swallows audibly, then whispers acquiescence. Her eyes find the pile of rope on the floor, and she immediately opens her mouth again.
"You're not going to use ALL that rope, are you?"
Ivan shrugs. "Depends." When she asks, he answers, "On how I feel."
Whitney dares to ask, "How do you feel right now? You feel like that's enough, right?" She nods hopefully.
"You really want to know how I feel?" Whitney nods again, and he starts fishing in his pocket. "I feel..." He produces a white cloth, "like shutting your ass up." It gets crammed into her mouth despite her resistance, and his palm covers it while he pulls out tape to keep it in place. "I'm liking you better already!" Several wraps around her head assure she won't spit the cloth out. Finally, nice and quiet. He makes her get down on her knees, then lie down on the floor so he can tie her ankles. She doesn't sound too happy at this and squirms a bit in protest, but at least now she can't bitch about it quite so much. Another rope around her knees has her moaning and crying from behind the gag, but it does show off her shapely legs, and when he pushes her skirt up, it reveals the garters that hold her Cuban stockings up. Very sexy! She pulls her legs in and looks like she's about to kick Ivan, so he warns her against it, adding another rope just in case. "That won't be fun for you. You'll upset me a lot if you do that." He laces the other end of the rope behind her wrists and pulls it taut, her heels nearly in her hands against her pert ass. Whitney winces and whimpers, then wiggles angrily.
"Okay, honey, you stay here and be quiet," he rubs her calf with a big hand, "and I'll be back later to get you." He rolls her onto her side, then pulls her shirt and bra strap off her shoulder, pulling one tit out for a little humiliation. Before he's even gone, Whitney struggles against the rope, wriggling and tugging on her bounds. She rocks herself onto her side, hoping she can reach a knot or slide out of some part of the rope, but after a few attempts at loosening, she whines piteously at her defeat. Ivan comes back and paws her some more, then tells her he's going to take her in the other room to have more fun with her. This is almost more than she can bear, and she squeals when Ivan lifts her from the floor back over his shoulder, and carries her off into the other room whether she likes it or not.
10:57 video
Ivan’s son has never been a bright boy, but Ivan is determined that he will get a good degree regardless. So far he has been able to convince most of the teachers to boost grades enough to get by, but right now only on teacher stands in his way: Kobe Lee. She agrees to meet Ivan to discuss his son’s grades, but finds the location a little peculiar – a little secluded. But she finds out soon enough why he chose this back storage room when she refuses to boost his son’s grade; Ivan grabs her and starts tying her wrists with one of the many coils of rope he brought to their meeting. When she realizes just how serious Ivan is about all this, she immediately promises to change his son’s grade if Ivan will let her go. But he suspects that she’ll go blabbing to everyone about what he’s doing to her, so he figures he’ll have to go to Plan B: getting rid of Kobe. He ties her to a chair with a rope around her waist and unbuttons her blazer, pulling her lacy camisole off her shoulders to reveal perky little tits with rosy nipples. Perhaps the problem isn’t his son’s academic abilities (or lack thereof) that are giving him bad grades in her class, but that he is distracted by his sexy teacher, with her low-cut blouses, short skirts, high heels, and shiny pantyhose over shapely long legs.
To demonstrate just how alluring Kobe can be, Ivan makes her cross her legs and ties them that way, her muscles emphasized by the rope to make her that much hotter. While Kobe squirms, Ivan brings up Option C: blackmail. A few hot pictures of her all tied up sent to all the right people if she tells anyone about this should keep her in line, since she would lose her job and never be able to teach again. Kobe begs him not to take any pictures, just to let her go – she’s already agreed to change his son’s grade and keep her mouth shut about it – but Ivan wants absolute assurance that things will go the way he wants. Though admittedly he’s enjoying this process a little more than usual, with as sexy as Kobe is. Still, he’s tired of her desperate pleas and constant whining, so he crams a piece of cloth into her mouth, wraps black vet wrap around her head, and secures it with red electrical tape.
Now for the pictures – and they might be used for more than just blackmail, with as sultry as she is like this. Ivan makes sure he gets all the angles of poor helpless Kobe: front, side, other side, low, high, face XXXX, everything. She winces every time the flash goes off, knowing just how bad this could be for her. Ivan asks if they have an agreement, and Kobe agrees vehemently.
11:46 video
Ivan drags Anna into the corner of her office kicking and screaming. Ivan had applied for a job at Anna's office but he wasn't exactly what she was looking for, there was something in his eye that made her feel like he was a bit unstable and made her uncomfortable. It turns out she was correct in her judgment, but that isn't going to stop Ivan from getting some revenge.
Ivan bends her over the ottoman in the room and pulls her arms behind her back. He holds them tightly with one hand while he winds rope around her wrists to secure them together. She tries to scream for help and Ivan covers her mouth with his massive hand to shut her up, but as soon as he removes it she starts screaming again. He stands her up and pulls her hair out of her face. When she tries to scream again, he stuffs a ball of cloth on her mouth and winds a tan vetwrap around her head several times to lock the fabric in place and keep her from screaming quite so loud.
Since Anna is still being feisty, Ivan shoves her against the wall and wraps a rope around her upper arms and torso to lash down her arm a bit more. She lost her shoes in the struggle but she tries to stomp on his feet, and even tries kicking the massive man. This just makes him pull the rope even tighter. He jerks her around and slams her back into the wall again. He pulls the end of the torso rope between her legs and back up to the front of the harness to pull it tight against her tender flesh.
Anna's legs are his next target. He sits her back down on the ottoman and pins her legs between his own while he ties her legs together just under the knee. Her cuban stocking tops peak out from under her skirt. As soon as he lets go of her, she jumps to her feet and tries to hop towards the door. Ivan reaches out with one hand and pulls her back to the ottoman. He ties her ankles together and then slides her high heels back on before tying them on as well.
Feeling like she is pretty secure, Ivan leaves alone for a few moments. As soon as he's out of sight, she gets to her feet and starts to hop away. Ivan comes back around the corner and grabs her by the harness and XXXX her to hop back and forth a few times before XXXX her to get on her knees. He lifts her ankles and ties them up to chest harness leaving her on knee point bent over the ottoman. She eventually slides off the ottoman to the floor, lying on her back. Ivan finally comes back and lifts her from the ground to kneel on the ottoman and then tosses her over his shoulder to carry off to his house for a little more fun.
22:09 video
The hot and sexy Isean tied up in knee high fetish boots. Ivan plays with Isean's lovely breasts and ass. She is manhandled, handgagged, fondled, plus more.
10:46 video
HD Isobel loves the power she has over Ivan, blackmailing him as much as she wants because he doesn't want those pictures out. He's paid her a lot of money over the years, but he’s really getting tired of it. After this time she won’t be asking for payments anymore, Ivan’s going to make sure of that. Instead of bringing a bag full of money this time, he brought a bag full of rope - a much more permanent solution. He grabs her up from the couch and pins her hands behind her back, tying them tightly. Isobel tries to bargain, offering to tell him where the photos are if she'll let him go, but he's planning to get her to tell her everything he wants to know before he’s done, so she'll tell him that anyway. He counteroffers that if she tells him where the photos are, he might consider letting her go… but then she doesn't like that solution, especially as he continues to tie her knees and her ankles. Besides, how could she trust him when she has pictures of him doing that? She does have a point. But he's okay with his solution anyway - and it’s a lot more fun for him. Isobel keeps trying to convince Ivan that they can work something out, but he's past that point, and there's no use talking about it any more. He pulls out a black ball gag to shut her up, then unbuttons her blouse to recoup a little on the investment he's made in her. With as much money as he's paid her, he should have had sex with her by now, but he's content with a little bondage, groping, and getting rid of her. He connects her wrists to her ankles, her legs folded under her to one side, and anchors her in that sexy position with a rope to her petite waist. Ivan does have plans for poor Isobel, though - he can either take her down to the docks and give her to his buddy who will sell her overseas, and he won't even charge him for it - that's how tired he is of Isobel. He leaves her to think about it a moment, and she desperately claws at the rope trying to get free. Finally she manages to untie one knot, hurrying to work it loose before Ivan comes back. He sneaks up on her before she gets too far, but instead of stopping her or even rebuking her, he encourages her to keep going. He even offers to help her, and pulls the rope loose. Could it be that he's going to let her go after all? Nope, he's just allowing her to stand up before he throws her over his shoulder to carry her off.
7:45 video
When Ivan comes in to see Annabelle in her office, she's lounging on the desk, goofing off as usual, legs crossed and examining her nails. He strikes up a conversation with a little office gossip, talking about Maria in accounting, who just got fired out of the blue last week. Annabelle's eyes light up at the topic. "Do you want to know why she got fired?" she gushes. "Can you keep a secret? I got her fired! Walking around the office like she's top shit, yeah I got her fired!" Well, the only problem is Maria suspected that Annabelle got her fired, and told Ivan. "There's no way she could have known," Annabelle scoffs.
"You know what the best part about it is?" Ivan asks with a laugh, then suddenly drops the smile, "She's my girlfriend." Annabelle thinks he's joking, but he is quite serious, and grabs Annabelle's wrists behind her back, pulling her over on top of the desk and pinning her down against it. "Do you see me laughing, bitch? I'm going to teach you a little lesson about firing people you know nothing about." He pulls out a roll of blue electric tape and starts it around her wrists. "Did you know she has two kids?" Maria never talked about her kids, but now their household has one less income to support the family.
"Let me go!" Annabelle demands, but Ivan has different plans for her. Maybe next time she should check into the friends and family of the person she's getting fired before she acts. "She never said anything about dating your or her stupid fucking kids!" Would that have made any difference? No. "Look, isn't there any way we can work this out other than THIS?" This is working just fine for Ivan, taping those shapely legs together at the ankles and knees, watching Annabelle wiggle her ass, her dress sliding up and revealing her lacy stocking tops and cheeky boyshorts as she struggles. "Someone is going to come in and see you doing this!" Actually, probably not. Most people are out of the office now, but even if someone does come in, with as much of a bitch as Annabelle often is, who knows, they may want to join in. Ivan winds some tape folding her heels close to that hot little ass, holding the spikes of her shoes to keep her nice and tight. When Ivan starts pulling her beautiful hair out of her face, she snarls, "Don't touch me!" Maybe he should shave all that pretty hair off - wouldn't that be a sexy look? Annabelle starts yelling for help at that threat, but Ivan has something to shut her up, a nice big wad of cloth he crams in her mouth. That's a lot better, a lot quieter, several turns of electrical tape holding it deep in her mouth. She still tries to bitch through the gag but it is too muffled to be understood. Ivan uses just a bit more of the blue tape to pull her elbows together, making it even harder for her to move.
Ivan has to go take care of a few things, so he leaves angry Annabelle to squirm and struggle on the desk. When he comes back, he tells Annabelle, "Well, I called and told her that you were the one who got her fired," he tilts her onto her side, "and she told me to make you pay for it." He slides her dress off her shoulder, one boob popping out, the nipple full and rosy. "How should I make you pay, hmm?" His fingers close around her nipple and he squeezes, making Annabelle moan in pain. "Does that hurt? Squeeze harder?" He does it again, a little more viciously, then slaps her ass a few times. "I think I know a way to make you pay: take you down to the wrong side of town, drop you off, and tell the guys to use you as they wish!" Annabelle protests as loudly as she can from behind the gag, shaking her head vigorously. "Well the good news is I don't think you'll have a job here either, tomorrow." He goes to get things ready to move her, then comes back and tells her, "I'm back, and we're going!" He cuts the tape around her elbows to make it a little easier to carry her, then lifts her off the desk and over his shoulder. Karma is a bitch, isn't it?
12:23 video
We have Lil Mizz Unique suspended all tied up and looking sexy. She is really showing off her sexy legs in this one.
10:38 video
Dragged in by her hair, Drea can't get away from Ivan, no matter how hard she tries. She fights to get away, but he still manages to pull her shirt over her head and to tie her wrists behind her back, slamming her tits and nipple rings into the wall every time she tries to flee. He adds another rope around her chest to allow for better manipulation, which comes in handy the next time she tries to slide down and wiggle away. He pins her to the floor with one hand and knots the rope off around her elbows, then lifts her easily off the floor to standing against the wall again. Once more she attempts to squirm free by sliding down the wall, but ends up on the floor on her stomach, allowing Ivan an easier vantage point from which to tie her ankles, and subsequently her knees while she moans and begs him to stop.
What a feisty one she is! As soon as Ivan takes his hands off her, she tries to worm her way away from him. It only encourages him to add another rope around her waist and to her ankles to hobble her. She still whimpers and twists even as he pulls the rope tight. Once he has her finally somewhat tamed, he takes a moment to admire the situation, then picks her tiny body up and puts her in the corner like the bad girl she is. But she's been too loud, so he crams a white cloth into her mouth and tapes it in with several wraps of black electrical tape. Her moans are muffled as she rolls around on the floor and tries to get loose. One last addition of a blindfold, then Drea is ready for Ivan to toss over his shoulder and carry off.
11:23 video
A big man drags me into the living room as I was getting ready for bed and had just changed into my nightgown. After shoving me against the wall, he grabs the bottom of my gown and starts cutting. I try to stop him and he says it's either the gown or me so I let go but plead with him to stop. He pulls the gown off leaving me standing there in high heels, pantyhose, and my white lacy panties. He cuts a strip from my night gown and ties my wrists behind my back with the fabric. I try to fight him but he's just too strong for me.
When he bends down to get the gown, I try to make it to the door. He grabs me by my hair and pulls me back towards the corner. He cuts more strips to secure my ankles and legs together. He takes more of my gown and stuffs it in my mouth and then uses electrical tape to cleave gag me very tightly. He XXXX me to the ground and then ties my ankles up to my wrists so I can't get up.
The man leaves me alone and I pull against the tight binds and end up tearing the part holding my ankles to my hands. I wiggle around trying to the other stuff to tear but it won't. I try calling out for help, begging for someone to help me. When the man returns, he has some scarfs and bandanas in hand and adds them to my bondage making everything doubled. He even adds another one on my upper arms to lash my elbows together thrusting my breasts forward. Once he has me in the corner, he re-ties my legs up to my wrists bending me at a very uncomfortable angle. He leaves me to struggle and call for help, but I know no one will hear me.
8:09 video
Despite the efforts of Crystal's boss to maintain her success in transporting the briefcase containing important documents, providing decoys and as much anonymity as possible, Ivan immediately identified her as the one with the goods. He caught her in a moment of vulnerability, and though she tried to hang on to the briefcase, her determination is no match for his strength. He pries the briefcase out of her hand, setting it aside to take care of her to make sure he'll have a clean getaway. He ties her hands behind her back, pinning her against the wall while she stomps her pretty red high heels and flexes her sexy legs. Next her elbows are tightly tied, pulling her shoulders back and making her chest stand out, the buttons of her blouse straining with the effort of keeping her covered. In a brief moment of freedom, Crystal turns and kicks at the briefcase, trying to activate the security lock for situations like this. Ivan grabs her angrily by the throat and shoves her into the wall again, warning her not to piss him off. He crams a huge handkerchief into her mouth, then holding it in place with a finger between her teeth, wraps white electrical tape around her head and between her lips, creating a very sexy cleave gag that still shows off her cherry red lips. Ivan jerks her off her feet, getting a muffled squeal.
<br><br>Ivan pulls out another rope. "You going to be nice now?" Crystal kicks and tries to move away, but he grabs her legs and starts tying her knees just above the shapely calves, then down to her ankles and around her lovely high heels. She moans and screams in frustration behind the gag, especially when Ivan suggests that she should be making her money using her body, not transporting top secret documents. He unbuttons her white blouse and pulls down her bra to show off her beautiful tanned skin and perky nipples, then pulls up the hem of her blue skirt to reveal her thighs above the stockings held up by garters. As she rolls around on the floor, struggling in the ropes, Ivan checks the briefcase to make sure everything is there, which, fortunately for Crystal, it is. Ivan considers giving himself a bonus in playing with her, but decides time is a little too short for that, so leaves poor Crystal to struggle helplessly in the ropes while he escapes with her briefcase.
12:09 video
Ivan has a fiesty little devil this time! GG fights him all the way in, punching and kicking at Ivan, who shrugs each tiny hit off as if she were a mosquito buzzing around his head. He turns her around and throws her against the wall, knocking the breath out of her and getting an "ow." "Quit fighting so much, and it won't hurt as much, will it?" GG says "no!" more as a protest to him tying her elbows than an answer to his question. To emphasize her point, she throws back elbows at him, kicks her heels up and nearly scores a hit. Despite the close call, Ivan continues wrapping rope around her arms until he tugs it and it doesn't move - GG has grabbed onto the rope. "Let go of the rope, honey."
"Let go of me, honey!" GG retorts. Rather than comply, Ivan slams her against the wall again, and she loosens her hold on the rope, grabbing his shirt instead. Ivan jerks that out of her hand and pushes her against the wall with his hip, but the woman keeps fighting, trying to stomp on his toe with her stilettos. Ivan just laughs, "Honey, how much do you weigh? You'd have to weigh a lot more to hurt my foot." He knots the rope at her elbows and steps back a moment.
"Ok, please!" GG starts.
"Please what?"
"Let me go!" she begs.
"Go where?"
She sounds so pitiful and desperate, Ivan replies, "Ok, you get your wish - go right there." He shoves her into the corner.
"No, please, no!" Ivan ignores her and turns to get another rope. "Please, there's a spider up there, I see a spider! Please!"
Amused that she almost seems more afraid of the spider than of him, Ivan offers, "Where's the spider, want me to bring it down?" GG shrieks, "No!" so Ivan shifts her back to the right and starts the next rope around her chest. The top few buttons of her blouse have already come undone with all her struggling, and the rope just highlights her lovely cleavage.
"Ok, stop, let's talk about this, please." GG grips the hem of Ivan's shirt again.
"Let go of my shirt, woman - it's doing you no good - nothing but stretching my shirt out and irritating me."
"Come on, I'll do anything - just let me go!"
"Anything I want? Ok, turn around, stay right there - that's what I want." He continues tying the rope above her breasts.
"Come on you psycho fuck! Ow, stop!" GG brings her knee up, trying again to land a hit. "Someone's coming!" She tries again, but her tight skirt limits her range of motion.
"First of all," Ivan tells her, "I don't think you're going to get your knee that high. Second, I'm protecting it. Third, if you do, you're just going to piss me off!" She's already annoying enough!
"You're hurting me! This hurts, you psycho fuck! I can't move!"
"You're moving a lot for someone who can't move!"
"Stop!" She starts to lean over and bites the hem of his shirt and the white cloth sticking out of his pocket.
Ivan laughs. "I can't stop, honey - know why? Because I'm a psycho fuck!" Ivan mocks her. She pulls the cloth out of his pocket, and he asks, "You want that?" GG realizes what it's for just a little too late, and protests as he puts it between her teeth. "You were the one asking for it, you went in my pocket and got it!" He ties it in tight. "You're looking pretty sexy there."
"Ok stop," she says through the gag.
"I'll stop when you stop!" He doubts she'll ever stop fighting.
"You stopping?" She agrees. "Completely? Not going to kick me anymore? You promise?"
GG begs pitifully, "Please let me go. I can't do this. I want to go home." She grabs the rope again.
Ivan is getting tired of this game. "Let go of the rope, or I'll break your fingers off." With that threat, GG lets go, and Ivan ties her wrists to her waist, and hooks the rope under her skirt, hiking it up, showing off more of her legs and centering the rope on her crotch, tying it off at the front of her waist. Before he gets it knotted off, she's already trying to knee him again, but this time he blocks it a little harder than usual, hurting GG. "I told you to stop trying to kick me."
"Stop, please," she tries again.
"Ok, I'll stop tying your arms up..." GG starts to thank him, but he continues, "And start tying your legs." He lifts her off her feet, puts her on the floor, and gets another rope while she scoots around on the floor, sliding closer to kick at him, then backing off as he brings the rope close. He flips her over, ropes her ankles as she squirms helplessly, then moves up to her knees, bracing her feet against his thigh so when she tries to straighten her legs, she's only flexing her muscles.
"You fucking asshole! Let me go!"
She's nearly all tied up on the floor, rolling around while Ivan brings just one more rope out and another cloth to stuff in her mouth since she still hasn't shut up. He tapes it in with several wraps of clear medical tape. "Look on the bright side, honey, we're almost done. One more rope and I will leave you alone for a while." He ropes her ankles off to her chest for a tight hogtie, eliciting a whimper from poor GG. "Ok, just lie here, enjoy yourself for a while. I'll be back."
GG rolls around on the floor, moaning and groaning, flexing her legs and whimpering. When Ivan comes back, she squeals behind her gag. "Want me to let you go?" GG doesn't even bother to answer, knowing her answer won't make a difference. "Maybe tomorrow, next week... maybe next month. We'll see." He picks her up off the floor and throws her hard over his shoulder. Her squeal of terror amuses him, so he rotates around, tipping her just a bit further, asking, "Got all your stuff?" She gives a muffled scream again as he tilts her. With a smile, Ivan says, "Ok, let's go."
8:57 video
HD Alisa is exhausted from a long, trying day at work, and just wants to take a hot bath before bed. As she comes in the door, she doesn't even notice the big man coming in behind her until he grabs her from behind and shoves her into the dining room. It seems she has always been oblivious to her surroundings, since Ivan has been following her for months, mapping out her schedule and habits, watching her prance around in her high heels, tight skirts, and stockings. He ties her wrists behind her back as she tries to get free of his grip. When Alisa makes as if to kick him, Ivan picks her up and plants her sexy ass in one of her bar stools, her skirt riding up to reveal the yellow garters that match her yellow satin shirt, his fist in her hair so she can't get back up. Another rope secures her hips to the chair, her shapely stockinged legs kicking as she insults Ivan and tells him she's not afraid of him. Whether she is or not, she should be. He stuffs a knotted scarf into her mouth and ties it behind her pretty blonde hair so he doesn't have to hear her mouth anymore. Now that her protests are muffled, he takes a rope around her left ankle, leaves the end dangling while he puts another rope cuff on her other ankle. Ivan XXXX her sexy legs crossed and ties one ankle off to a leg of the bar stool, then the other, showing off her great legs. To add to the hot view, he unbuttons her blouse to reveal a matching black and yellow bra. It's too enticing a view to not take a picture of, so he pulls out his camera to commemorate his visit. Just to make sure she can't spit out the knot gag and call for help, he adds a couple of wraps of microfoam tape before gathering his things and heading out the door.
14:04 video
Sexy Amanda is hanging out with Ivan. He comes back after leaving her tied up for awhile. Ivan plays with Amanda before adding more rope. Now that Miss Robin is all tied up and tied down Ivan can just sit back and enjoy the view.
10:44 video
Chrissy has been sent to spy for Ivan. She returns with the information he wanted but refuses to give it up until she sees her money. Ivan was never planning on playing the snotty bitch and jerks her across the desk by her hair. He XXXX her to let go of the thumb drive she has clasped in her hand and then proceed to tie her wrists behind her back. She tries to fight him off and argues that this wasn’t the deal they made. Flipped over on the top of the desk, her stocking tops peak out from under her skirt revealing her black garter belt as well.
Ivan tells her that she’s already proven that she isn’t trustworthy since she was willing to steal from her own company so why should he trust her now? She tries to kick at him so he takes care of her ankles next, cinching them tightly together and tying her high heels on her feet. She wiggles and squirms on the desk top, her curved ass rising and falling as she arches her back. He tells her that since she’s sexy they won’t have to kill her, just get rid of her another way.
Ivan pulls out a white scarf and knots the center before stuffing the big knot in her mouth and knotting the white cloth being her head. He adds more rope to her sexy legs just below the knee. She whimpers and then tries to call out for help but the sound is muffled due to the large amount of cloth pulled between her sexy lips. Another rope gets added making her a perfect little hogtied package. He ties her wrists to her knees and then runs the rope back over her ankles pulling her high heels closer to her perfect ass.
Ivan is growing tied of Chrissy making so much noise, it seems like she just won’t take a hint and shut up. He goes to tell Lila to shut her up while he goes to handle a few phone calls. Lila come sin and stuffs a big pair of panties over her mouth and then places a nice wide piece of 4” microfoam tape over the mouth packing. She decided to torment their little toy for a few moments, running her hands all over nylon covered legs. Lila even rolls her over on her side to unbutton her blouse to check out Chrissy’s tits.
Lila decides to up the ante a bit since Chrissy is still being a little feisty. She ties a rope in her pretty hair and pulls her head back, tying it off to her ankles. Chrissy’s noises turn into more of a painful whimper as Lila continues to run her hands all over her bound body. Lila leaves her alone to ask Mr. Boulder if there’s anything else he wants done with her while they wait. Ivan returns and unties the hair rope trying to give Chrissy a false sense of security that he’s the nice one. He tosses her hogtied body over his shoulder and carries her out while she screams into the gag.
8:24 video
Jacquelyn is all dressed up sexy – seductive little white lingerie with garters to shiny nude stockings, white and black peep-toe pumps – excited about her boyfriend getting home after a long day. Any minute now he’ll be home, and she plans to welcome him appropriately. She hears the door open and close, and seductively coos, “Hi honey – ” until she sees it’s not ‘honey’, it’s some big, questionable-looking guy coming toward her. The man grabs her ankles and pulls her over, flips her onto her stomach and pins her hands behind her back. From his bag he pulls a coil of green rope, and starts wrapping it around her delicate wrists while she pleads for him to not kill her or XXXX her or anything, just to let her go. She tells the man her boyfriend will be home any minute, and that he has lots of guns in the house and knows how to use them. As she squirms on the bed and moans, Ivan ties her ankles tightly. When he moves on to tie her knees, he tells her she’s going to be really upset when she finds out who hired Ivan to do this to her: her boyfriend. How else did he get in here so easily and know where to find Jacquelyn dressed the way she was? She calls him a liar, doesn’t believe him – her boyfriend would never do that. Well, whether she believes him or not, he has something to shut her up – a nice fat ball gag to silence her cries for help. He buckles it deep in her mouth while she whines. “What, you don’t like this? Your boyfriend seemed to think you would.” She bitches and kicks at him as he walks around the bed back to his bag of rope to be able to tie her elbows together, making her whimper.
“Your boyfriend’s a little tired of you, so he has given you to me.” Jacquelyn doesn’t want to believe him. “You are now MY woman.” Jacquelyn groans and writhes on the bed. When he pulls another rope out, she whines and shakes her head, but he anchors the rope to her ankles and tethers her wrists with it, pulling her into a tight hogtie. As hot as Jacquelyn is, especially like this, all tied up, her boyfriend just decided he wants something new and different, some OTHER hot chick. Ivan goes to get the truck ready so he can haul Jacquelyn off with him, leaving her to struggle on the bed, trying her best to get free so she can disprove Ivan’s claims about her boyfriend, but no matter how much she twists and flexes, she can’t get herself free. Ivan comes back and tells her it’s time to go. He throws her over his shoulder, making her squeal, and carries his new woman – sexy legs, great ass, beautiful curves - off home with him.
11:45 video
Trixie is played with and manhandle as she is tied up on the floor. Ivan adds rope from Trixie's sexy bond body to a pole until she can barely move, As a final step Trixie's hair is tired to her heels.
11:25 video
No good deed goes unpunished. Ivan generously untied his captive for the night to let her go to the bathroom, and the ungrateful little bitch tried to escape. It's a good thing he made sure to lock and bolt the door shut, so he was able to catch her before she could unlock anything, but now he's a little bit upset. He had been nice to Serene before, tying her in a more comfortable position, not being cruel to her or XXXX her all that much, but she had to go and try to get free. He drags her back into the main room by her ponytail, throws her down on the bed, and starts to tie her again. She's fighting back a lot more this time, perhaps because he's being rougher, gripping her wrists hard and pinning them against her ass. He's not risking being easy on her now, so he wraps the rope tight around her wrists while her pantyhose-clad legs flail. The fun part of Serene's night is over now. Ivan lets her go briefly to grab more rope, and immediately she tries to get away, but he grabs her ankles and spins her around on the bed, sitting down to pin her legs under his arm while he ties them.
I hope you got that out of your system, because there will be no more going to the bathroom for you. As a matter of fact, I think you're going to spend the rest of the time tied up on this bed in the same position all night long. He knots off her ankles, then stands to get something else for her. Immediately Serene tries to scoot off the bed, but he grabs her by the elbows and drags her back up toward the headboard, then sits her up in front of him, more or less in his lap. He jerks her ponytail back, making her squeal, then shows her how he's going to make it worse for her now, displaying two wads of cloth he's going to cram in her big mouth. She tries to resist, but he XXXX her jaw open and feeds the entire first wad in, then packs the second piece on top of it. "No more nice tape, either" he tells her as he starts covering her mouth with the shiny black tape, "This stuff sticks like hell" Serene whimpers as he winds it tight around her head, and grunts when he pushes her over onto her side. Her knees get tied together, then he manhandles her onto her stomach to tie her elbows together, running the tail ends over her shoulders and tying it behind her neck. Ivan's not holding back anymore – after he knots that rope off, he stretches a rope from one corner of the headboard to her ankles and off to the bottom corner, then to her knees and off to the other bottom corner. She can barely budge her legs at this point. Then he ties her wrists off to both corners of the headboard.
So far it's not too bad, she can't move much, but it's not horribly uncomfortable, as she feared it would be. But Ivan has more rope, and he ties it around her waist. He reminds her that she's going to be in this position for the rest of the night, which worries her, especially when he pulls her hips forward, making a sharp arch in her back and pushing her arms high behind her. The muscles in her back and ass strain in this position, making it all the hotter for Ivan. And Serene really can't move at this point; her shoulders are already starting to ache and she can only flex her thighs and her feet. Ivan is kind of glad now that she decided to be rebellious; he's really enjoying being mean to her now. Too bad he can't stay and watch her suffer, but he has to check on the progress across the street.
Look for part 4 the last part of Serene's night of bondage
6:02 video
Christina is showering in her hotel room, naked, wet, and vulnerable. A man walks in and grabs her perfect body from behind the curtain, dragging her from her shower. He continues dragging her out of the bathroom and throws her on the bed, drenching it with water from her skin. He grabs her arms and pulls her wrists tight behind her back. She tries to get away from him and manages to pull an arm free because of how slippery the water has made them, but the man gets a tight grip after pinning her body with his. She demands that he get off of her and when he reaches for her again, she kicks her feet around, spinning her body away from his. He lunges over the bed and grabs both of her ankles between his legs to keep them still while he binds them tightly as well. Her tight little body wiggles and squirms trying to get away from this awful man but the more she fights the harder he holds her. He uses stockings to bind poor Christina and after he has her legs secured at the ankles and knees, he grabs another one it ties it tightly around her head and through her mouth creating a very tight cleave gag. He pulls her ankles up to her wrists and uses another stocking to tie her in hogtie. Christina pulls against the hose moving her body all around on the bed, cursing at the man and finally begging him to let her out. He ransacks her room and finds all of her valuables and then comes back to rub his hands over her body before leaving her bound on the bed. Starring Christina Carter
10:59 video
Mallory is in the middle of getting ready, she has only managed to get on her panties, stockings, and her sexy high heels when she hears a rapping at the door. She runs over to the door doing her best to cover herself when she cracks the door open. She leans over to see who it is and a hand reaches out going over her mouth and shoving his way through the door. A woman, Fayth, follows closely behind him closing the door behind her. Ivan pulls her arms in place while Fayth stuffs Mallory’s mouth full of fabric, and then wraps her head several times with a teal vet wrap. Fayth snaps at Ivan telling him to keep the whore still. Mallory squirms and shakes her head desperately trying to get away from this crazy couple.
Fayth encourages Ivan to hurt Mallory if she doesn’t hold still, giving her nipple a hard tweak in the process. He hands some rope to Fayth and she quickly ties Mallory’s wrists behind her back saying that she deserves this and calling her a whore again. Ivan runs a piece of rope from Mallory’s wrists through her legs and around her waist and elbows locking them in place while Fayth takes the opportunity to grope her breasts. Fayth keeps accusing Mallory of doing something and demanding that she admit it but Mallory begs and pleads to be let go, claiming to have no knowledge of what she’s done.
The couple sits Mallory on the floor, straddling her, pulling her head back, and tells her all she has to do is say that she is sorry but Mallory refuses. Ivan flips her over and tells Fayth to sit on her to keep her still while he finishes the bondage on the leggy brunette. Fayth smacks her ass over and over until Mallory finally claims that she won’t do it again. Ivan finishes tying her ankles and knees and then leaves poor Mallory for Fayth to play with. Mallory afraid to endure any more pain at the hands of Fayth tries to agree to whatever she says, saying that she is sorry but Fayth just won’t believe her. Fayth takes off her shoes and spanks Mallory with the bottom of her high heel adding insult to injury.
Ivan comes back and Mallory tries to shout that she’s sorry but the couple decides that she’s lying since she doesn’t even know what she’s done to be sorry about. Ivan adds some more rope binding her legs in a bent position and ties her hands into the mix putting Mallory in a tight hogtie on the floor. Fayth laughs at Mallory when she tries to beg, taunting her, and teasing her. Mallory whimpers swearing she won’t do it again. The couple takes turns tormenting Mallory, squeezing her nipples making her squeal into the gag until they finally decide to go get the other witness.
11:49 video
Ivan is missing some money and is pretty sure he knows where it wandered off too. He grabs Elizabeth and brings her to his “special location”, ties her to a chair and interrogates her. He refuses to let her go until she tells him where the money is. The clips starts with Ivan leading Midian into the room with the tied up Elizabeth. Her wrists are already bound and she has an upper body harness tied tightly on her upper half. He tells Midian that he has been told that the money was given to her and she should know where it is. Midian calls Elizabeth a bitch, blaming her and asking her how she could do that. Ivan takes that to be an admission of guilt. Midian still denies taking the money. Ivan is convinced that Midian knows where it is and he plans to find out one way or another. He ties her to the large pulley in the room to make sure she doesn’t go anywhere.
Elizabeth tries to tell Midian through the gag that she wouldn’t do that to her, that she hasn’t told the man anything, but Midian can’t understand her though the gag. All she understands is the word I’m sorry and that sets her off. She decides to turn the tables and starts claiming that she had nothing to do with the missing money, that it was all Elizabeth!
Midian swears that she doesn’t know where the money is. Ivan shoves a black leather gag in her mouth since she’s not telling him anything useful. She whimpers behind the gag, some of her anger turning to fear. Ivan raises the pulley, lifting Midian’s arms up high behind her, parallel to the ground. Ivan grabs another rope and ties it around Midian’s waist. Ivan ties her thighs together, then continues down with the rope, just below her knees, and finally secures her ankles together as well. He ties Midian’s waist rope to her elbows locking them together.
Ivan leaves the girls gagged and bound to try to figure out who is to blame. As soon as he’s gone, the girls try to help each other escape. Elizabeth hops around in the chair trying to reach Midian’s ropes or at least the pulley to lower it, but before she can get anywhere, Ivan comes back in the room. They both squeal trying to get back to “normal” so he doesn’t make things any worse for them.
Ivan pulls out Midian’s gag and asks her if she’s ready to talk. Midian, ignoring the fact that Elizabeth just tried to help her, quickly blames her for the missing money. She tells Ivan that Elizabeth put it in a vault and that’s all she knows. He decided to go to the vault to see if it’s there. Ivan isn’t going to ignore the escape attempt though. He places Elizabeth under the pulley as well and runs the rope through the top of the chair and then around Midian’s hips locking her ass and back around Elizabeth’s torso. He continues to wrap the rope around the two bound girls until finally knotting it off out of reach of the two girls.
The girls manage to partially untie the ropes and wiggle and sqirm trying to get out but the rope is caught. Midian manages to wiggle her body enough to get the last rope to slide down to her ankles but she can’t get out of it without falling. Elizabeth grabs the ropes and continues to work on the knots. Ivan comes in to inform them that the money was in the vault and that since they are doing such a good job working together to escape, he’s going to leave them too it. Starring Midian & Elizabeth Andrews
9:33 video
Kim is looking for a job dancing at an out of town club. She meets the manager and tells him she knows all the pole tricks. The manager love her long black hair, firm figure, and sexy legs so he gives her a shoot. Seeing that Kim lied and can not do any of the tricks. The manager tell Kim he will show her. He ties her hands around the pole to help her learn (he says). After Kim's hands are tied he pulls her head back by the hair and tells her he is going teach her a lesson about lying. Kim is gagged and tied to the pole. Standing there looking at Kim the manager gets an idea for a new side line business. A bondage club where guy can come and see sexy women tied up. Kim will be his first employee.
10:24 video
Mr. Boulder's excuse for bringing Ms. Boxxx to the back room instead of his office seemed reasonable - his office was being renovated, and it is all in disarray, and this room is available for them to finish the interview process. Ms. Boxxs is very qualified for this "executive assistant" position, but Ivan has a few more "questions" for her. He slips behind the desk she's perched on and grabs her by the hair, taking her completely by surprise. "What are you doing? This is not standard operating procedure!" Well that's certainly true, and neither is untying and removing her blazer, pinning her hands behind her back with one hand, and pulling out rope with the other. While Ivan holds her wrists tight and uncoils the rope, Candle twists around and tries to kick Ivan in the head, but he ignores her attempts and simply flips her onto her stomach to tie her hands behind her back. "In case you haven't realized, this job is not for an executive secretary." This just prompts Candle to try kicking him again, but he's out of her reach - for good reason, as this isn't his first time. Somehow this surprises blonde Candle. "What kind of creep are you?" "The wealthy kind," Ivan responds, and Candle kicks again. "Those are awful pretty weapons there, I'll have to do something about those..." And he pulls out another rope to secure her ankles and those sexy high heels.
Candle ceases her attempts to kick Ivan, and resorts to threats: "Y'know, I have a knife in my purse! I'll take care of you!" This only makes Ivan chuckle - her purse is up in the lobby, and she's not going to make it all the way up there in her current situation. As he ties her knees, showing off those sexy long legs, he tells her she'll fit right in with his group. Finally it sinks in for Candle, "I'm going to be some kind of sexual slave?" Yep, she'll be in his rope a lot. "But I'm not into rope!" That's actually better - guys pay more for chicks who aren't into it. And it's nice for Ivan, too, because it means he gets to break her, to XXXX her to do what he wants her to do, like open her mouth and take a huge red ball gag. He loves a good challenge. He unties her pretty blue blouse and rolls her onto her side to expose her delicate bra, then pulls that down to reveal her perfect breasts with their rosy pink nipples. To make the nearly ideal image all the more sublime, he loops a rope above and below her tits while she struggles to sit up. That actually makes it easier for Ivan to finish wrapping the rope around her chest, even though she's trying to hop around the desk. Ivan ties the knot just as Candle starts to hop away, and before she's two feet from the desk he simply grabs her by a couple of ropes and puts her back, face down, on the desk. Candle squirms and wiggles as Ivan adds the last rope from her ankles to her wrists, making sure to knot it several times and extra tight to slow the fidgety woman down while he's off getting the van ready for her.
Knowing this is probably her last chance to possibly get free, Candle wastes no time pulling against the ropes, stretching and arching to get loose. When that proves futile, she call for help through the gag, but to no avail - Ivan is the only one who comes. He gropes and fondles poor Candle, leaning her off the edge of the desk against his hips. Yep, he'll have her behaving just he way he wants in probably less than a week. "Ready to go?" Of course, Candle is not, but Ivan tosses her over his shoulder anyway, and carries her off.
11:12 video
Ivan grabs Destiny and leads her to a chair placed against a pole in a garage. He tells her they need to have a little chat as she sits down causing her very tight fitting short skirt to rides up. He grabs her wrists and starts binding them behind the pole, causing her shirt to become strained at the button on her chest. Ivan tells her that he knows she’s been cheating on him, that he saw her last night with Lew. Destiny is still in disbelief, not really taking in the helplessness of her situation…yet. Ivan takes some blue tape and runs it through her unfaithful mouth and around the pole, thus securing her head to the pole. Ivan then uses a rope attached to the ceiling to tie her forearms together making her position considerably more difficult. Destiny finally starts seeing how serious this all is and starts to whine and wince a bit behind the tape cleave gag. Ivan crosses her legs and she tries hard to look down to see what he’s doing. He starts tying her legs just above the knee and then continues using that rope to tie each ankle to the opposite chair leg on the front. This just accentuates her stunning stocking covered legs and her vulnerability. All she can do is shift her arms back and forth slightly. Ivan stuffs some material in her mouth and then uses a thick heavy black tape to keep it in place over the tape cleave gag. Ivan tells Destiny that he’s going to grab the camera and take a few pictures and then call Lew, and he can come and untie her if he would like to. Destiny tries to protest but not much sound escapes her twice gagged mouth and her body is very limited in its movement, but she does try. Her sexy body pulls against the ropes with each shift. Ivan comes back in and releases the button on her shirt revealing the tops of her breasts and a white lacey bra. Ivan tells her that he is done with her and he has called Lew and Lew admitted to being with her and he may come by to free her at some point. Ivan leaves the room leaving the girl bound, gagged, helpless, and unable to do anything about it. Starring Destiny
14:29 video
Lola and Nyxon and sitting on the couch, deciding what they want to do for the night. Lola is wearing a very sexy, clingy, leopard print mini dress, while Nyxon is wearing a little black dress that is a bit more conservative, especially when compared to her slutty roommate Lola. They hear a XXXX on the door and Lola asks if Nyxon was expecting someone. Nyxon answers the door and let a mountain of a man, Ivan Boulder, come in and tells Lola that he’s a friend and will be hanging out with them tonight. Ivan walks over and kneels beside Lola, getting fairly close to her. He sits down his green bag and reaches into it while Lola slides away, trying not to be too creeped out by Nyxon’s friend. Nyxon tells Lola that she got something for her and she starts to get excited until Ivan pulls out a bundle of rope. Lola, turns to Nyxon bewildered. He grabs her wrists and coils the rope around them while he explains that Nyxon informed him that Lola was screwing around with Nyxon’s boyfriend!
Lola claims she would never do that to Nyxon, but Ivan offers up pictures as proof and Lola is at a loss for words. Nyxon even tells her that Bobby told her it was true! Ivan continues to bind Lola’s arms while she tries to plead her case, despite the overwhelming evidence against her. Ivan stuffs a big ball gag in Lola’s wide-open mouth and straps it tightly behind her head turning her pleas into muffled mumbles. Lola calls Ivan disgusting and demands that he gets away from her. Instead, Ivan pulls her dress down and exposes her braless beautiful breasts. Ivan lets Lola in on the plan, that he gets to do whatever he wants with little Lola for the night – Nyxon thought it was a very fair punishment.
Nyxon continues to berate Lola while Ivan wraps rope just under her breasts and around her upper arms, cinching them to her naked torso. Nyxon tells Lola that she’s sure her husband wouldn’t like her fucking around either. Ivan wraps the rope above her breasts as well before crossing over one shoulder, looping the rope between her breasts and back up the other side, making them nice and perky. Ivan dumps out his bag of rope on the floor and Lola sighs, resigned to her fate. Nyxon is really enjoying watching her friend go through this. Ivan binds her legs just below her knees and at her ankles locking them together.
Lola finally admits that she fucked Bobby. Instead of saying she’s sorry though, she tells Nyxon that she’s only jealous that her boyfriend wanted to fuck Lola instead. Nyxon tells her that she isn’t jealous, that she just expected more from a friend. She turns to Ivan and tells him that Lola has a little nickname…”Loose Lola” that people like to call her.
Ivan finishes up the ropes on Lola and stands up to take a look. While Nyxon is leaned in checking the knots, Ivan casually walks up behind her and then reaches out grabbing her arms behind her back as well. Nyxon screams out in surprise and says that this isn’t what she hired him for. He bends her over the couch and coils rope around her wrists as well Lola slides away from them in a “you deserve this” kind of manner. Nyxon tries to bite Lola and she slides even further away. Ivan reaches in front, slides Nyxon’s dress down showing off her breasts, and straps a ball gag in her mouth as well.
Ivan picks up Nyxon, sits her on the couch, and gets to work binding her legs to match Lola’s. He tells them that there’s big money in pictures of girls tied up and that he plans to take advantage of the two lovely ladies for some financial benefit as well. When Nyxon acts disgusted by fucking Ivan or seeing Ivan fuck anyone, Lola immediate turn to Ivan and suggests they fuck. He asks her who’s first, her or her friend. Lola suggests that Nyxon go first and that she get to watch. She tries to win over Ivan by pretending to be turned on by the thought of fucking him and being mean to Nyxon.
Ivan leaves the two girls alone on the couch. They bicker and it turns to shoving, and then escalates to full on throwing themselves at each other. Lola tackles Nyxon shoving her off of the couch before giving a victory “hmph” into the gag. Nyxon’s not done yet though, she leans back and starts to kick Lola with her bound legs. Lola tries to kick back but Nyxon is able to slide away.
Ivan returns and finds Nyxon on the floor. He asks how she got there and she replies that Lola pushed her. Lola quickly looks up and says she did it for him and continues to try to moan and act turned on for Ivan. He gets the bed ready then comes back for Nyxon first. He lifts her up with two hands and pulls her to his chest carrying her out of the room. Lola struggles trying to untie the rope before he gets back. He returns to give a little advice to Lola, then throws her over his shoulder and carries her away. Starring Nyson & Lola Lynn