9:08 video
My boyfriend has been a little too sneaky lately, all his secrets, suddenly having to go deal with things and the late night phone calls have me very suspicious. I decide to sneak into his private office to snoop to see if I can find any evidence of the slut I'm sure he's been seeing behind my back. I start going through his cabinets but I don't see anything that makes me think he's been seeing another girl, just a few random items like rope and rags.
About that time, Ivan come in and catches me digging through one of the cabinets. I know I'm not supposed to be in here and so I try to lie through my teeth. I tell him that I was just dusting inside the cabinet. He asks me if I was using my shirt and I pull out a rag I found in the cabinet as evidence of my dusting, trying to sell it with a smile He knows I'm lying and isn't happy at all with me. He is a very private man and I've just violated that trust. His big hand grabs my throat causing me to XXXX and he pushes me back against the wall. My hands fly up to grab his arm to pull it away instinctually, but he won't loosen his grip. I slam into the wall hard and he keeps me held firmly in place.
I try to pry his hands off but they won't budge at all. He uncoils a rope in front of me and as soon as he releases my throat I try to run, he's being very scary. He grabs me and turns me around slamming my breasts and face into the wall with a loud thud and pulls my arms away from my body behind me. He ties my wrists together behind my back and continues to question me about what I was doing. I can't tell him that I suspected he was cheating on me, that is surely a way to end our relationship and I don't want that. I lie again and tell him that I was looking for the remote.
Ivan tells me that the less I know about his business the better. I'm really starting to believe him. He pulls out another rope and I tell him that he doesn't have to do this, that I won't go in there again and that all I saw was rags and rope, harmless stuff. He says that he's not sure which cabinets I looked in because some of them have some things in them that are very private. I try to tell him that I didn't see anything and that I didn't look in those. I ask him why he has the rope in there and he tells me because of what's going on now. I get very concerned and ask him if he just ties up random girls. He tells me not random ones, just the ones that have been bad, to him or other people, and he he has to take care of it, like he has to take care of me.
That last line sounds a little to mafia to me and I try to turn around frightened and ask what he means by take care of me. He flips me back around and shoves me hard into the wall XXXX the air from my lungs. He finishes the knot and spins me around. He tells me I;m a bad liar as he unbuttons my blouse. He backs away to get another rope and my eyes flash towards the door. He sees me and tells me not to even think about it.
Ivan crosses my ankles and starts to tie them together. I start to lose my balance and tell him that I'm going to fall. I start trying a different tactic at this point, since the lying wasn't working. I tell him that I thought he cared about me and if he'll just untie me, we can go have some fun. I tell him that he was just getting a lot of late night calls and I was concerned that he was in trouble but now that I know he's not, I won't be snooping anymore. He tells me that he wasn't in trouble, but now I am. Another rope gets added, this time just below my knees. I tell him that we can be done with this part, adding honey, please, and reaching out to pet his head hoping that even a small caress might make things better.
I tell him that this whole rope thing has me a lot more concerned and worries than I was just looking in his cabinet. I had no idea what he had going on and now he's scaring me with how serious he is taking all of this. He pulls out a rag from the cabinet and grabs my hair to stuff it in my mouth. I beg him to stop but he won't and I'm XXXX to open my mouth as he stuffs the huge white cloth inside, pushing the wad into my cheeks and then wrapping a clear tape around my head several times covering from just under my nose to my chin. I whimper into the gag. He pulls my breasts from my bra and tells me to stay put that he needs to call his boss.
I try to yell at him that I didn't see anything hoping that he won't make the phone call. If he gets this scary I definitely don't want to meet his boss. He leaves me alone and I struggle in the tight ropes, flexing my muscles, bending over, and pulling on the ropes. When he comes back, he tells me that we are going to go for a little ride. Since he cares about me, he told his boss that he can't effectively find out what I know because he can't hurt me so he's going to take me somewhere else for them to interrogate me. He tosses me over his shoulder and carries me out while I kick and scream.
13:27 video
Candle Boxxx was sitting on the couch when she sees a large man walk in. He utters the words, “Hi Honey!” and tosses his bag on the couch besides her. She struggles her trying to get away from him. Within seconds, her red skirt has slid up around her waist showing off her legs and pantyhose covered ass. She bends and flexing, turning a flip in his arms as he ties her. Eventually, he leans on her body and is able to hold her still long enough to get her wrists tied.
Ivan pins Candle’s legs between his so he can secure them together as well. She will not stay still though and ends up freeing her legs. Finally, he straddles her body keeping her at least held in one place. He manages to get her ankles lashed together and uses a bit more rope to get her bound in a nice tight hogtie. They are both panting a bit from the struggle. She has been such a pain the ass up to this point, Ivan isn’t taking any chances. He loops more rope around her upper arms and torso, anchoring them to her body. The ropes pass over and below her breasts, framing them nicely. He pulls her top down and fondles her bare breasts with his hands.
Ivan’s heard enough from this lady and shoves a big scarf in her mouth. He circles her head with yellow electrical tape until he thinks she’s nice and quiet. He slides the high heels on that she kicked off earlier in the fight and adds a rope running from the upper body harness to her ankles and high heels. Satisfied that she won’t be getting away, he leaves to search her place for something to make all that hassle worth it. He returns empty handed and decides to take the girl instead. He tosses Candle over his shoulder and carries her away.
6:41 video
GG had a bad feeling when she saw the big creepy guy watching her from across the street. Yeah, a lot of times she gets looks because of what she wears - short skirts, pantyhose, and high heels - but something about this guy made her skin crawl. When he followed her into the parking deck, she tried to run, but he moves surprisingly fast for his size, and she was caught. He tied her wrists as quickly as he moved, then dragged her into a warehouse building that was filled with lights and filming equipment. What the hell is going on?!
"You'll be perfect for this part," he tells her while she's pinned to a table covered in a black cloth. "No I'm not," GG protests, but he stands her up to check one more thing, lifting her shirt above her pink bra and groping her lovely tits. "That's perfect, those are fantastic. You're exactly what we need for this part, babe!" He wraps a rope around her chest, twice below, twice above her breasts. "No! What part?" "You're going to be in a movie! An extra in our movie." That explains the cameras and lights, but this isn't any kind of audition she's ever heard about. She squirms and struggles, but he has her pinned. "You're going to be the girl we sacrifice on our alter." Oh boy, that doesn't sound good. "We wanted realism, so we figured we'd grab some girl off the street, randomly, tie her up, and take care of her." When GG realizes what this means for her, she starts to kick and fight, but it doesn't stop the man from pulling her panties down her legs and off. He stands her upright again, crams her panties into her mouth, and stretches medical tape over it, wrapping it around her head. She'll make a great little victim! He picks her up off the ground and puts her face down on the "alter," blocking her kicking legs, grabbing her ankles with one hand to start another rope around them with the other. She still flexes and pushes, but he's just too strong. Even her kicks to his hands don't seem to faze him, he just moves on to tie her knees together.
"The good thing about this part is there are no words, all you got to do is lay here and get snuffed out." GG is really panicking now, and tries to scratch Ivan when he puts another rope around her wrists. He can't really blame her for that, though - if somebody was tying him up, he's probably try to scratch the hell out of them too, especially for this tight hogtie he's putting her in. She can barely move! Ivan goes of to make a phone call, tell the director he has the perfect victim, and leaves GG to struggle and whimper on the table. When Ivan comes back, he explains her part to her, but it's pretty easy: they'll come in, re-tie her face up, and her in the heart with a knife, and all she has to do is act scared for her ten minutes of fame. Unfortunately, her first role will also be her last, since they're going for realism. After a while, the director comes in and examines their little victim, admiring her tanned body and sexy legs - and that terror in her eyes - that's exactly what they wanted, that real fear, the palpable panic. She really is perfect for the role!
11:20 video
Poor Serene was left in a tight hogtie, complete with hair tied back to her heels, while Ivan took care of a few things. She can barely move, but she can whimper and flex, which impresses Ivan when he finally returns. Feeling generous, he promises to untie her and re-tie her to a chair, something a little more comfortable and sustainable for their long night in. Serene shakes her head in protest, but when it comes down to staying tied like this and being tied to a chair, she’ll take the chair.
Mostly untied, Serene sits on the countertop stretching her legs while she can, still gagged and with hands bound behind her back. Ivan unties her wrists, then tells her to take her shirt off the rest of the way. It’s already unbuttoned and her bra is down, so it really doesn’t make much difference now, but she still protests. When he grabs her ponytail and tells her to take it off or he’ll rip it off her, she slowly complies. He unclasps her bra and removes it too, leaving Serene to cover her naked breasts for a moment before planting her pretty ass down in the chair. He re-ties her hands behind her back while she makes muffled protests at being his entertainment tonight. But, as long as she keeps him happy tying her up, he won’t do anything else to her – well, besides the groping of those fabulous tits and legs.
Ivan adds ropes to flatter her gorgeous figure, across her hips, around her waist, over her shoulders and to the chair, ensuring she stays put while looking so damned sexy. Each rope he adds flatters her more, or at least in his eyes, especially when he crosses her legs and ties her ankles to the leg of the chair. When Serene whimpers, Ivan reminds her of all the things he COULD be doing to her that he’s not. Right now he’s satisfied tying those sexy legs tightly to the chair, but if he gets bored, well, there are all sorts of awful things he could do. He notices after he has her all tied up that her nipples are hard. If he didn’t know any better, he’d think she was enjoying this as much as he is. Serene growls behind the gag and struggles against the rope, making the chair squeak. Maybe she wants to be turned around, have a different view, so he jerks the chair around, admiring the way her arms strain against the rope – but it seems like they need just a little more, so he ties her elbows together too. Now she looks sufficiently tied up, and it gets Ivan’s mind going on where he’ll tie her next – maybe that nice wrought iron bed over there, probably left by the last tenant. From there, the possibilities are endless…
Come back next week and find out what Ivan decides to do in Part 3!
9:27 video
Chrissy heard a XXXX on her hotel door as she was sitting on her bed, just having gotten settled in. She opened it thinking maybe she left something in the lobby or there was a problem, and she was right about the second part. A large man barrels into her room XXXX her back inside. She backs up against the bed and falls on top of it, trying to push him away from her. She squirms around, eventually ending up with her arms pulled behind her by the big man. He coils rope around her wrists, whimpers and trying to kick him. He pins her sexy nylon covered legs between his own while he ties the knot on her wrists. She tries to call out for help and he tells her to be quiet, but she only yells louder.
The man dumps out the rest of his supplies and stuffs a huge wad of cloth in Chrissy's mouth and covers it with a wide piece of microfoam. He moves on to her sexy legs next. She tries to kick him but he gets rope around her knees pinning her thighs together. Her dress rises up showing off her panties as she wiggles around on her back. He gets her knees secure but the whole time she screams loudly into the gag calling out for help. He uses the same rope to bind her ankles tightly together as well, flipping her over to her stomach on the bed.
As soon as the man lets go of her, she rolls over to the other side of the bed trying to get away. He pulls her back towards him and sits her up on the bed to tie some more rope around her. He circles her upper body and upper arms cinching them close to her. She squeals loudly, crying out desperate to get away from this guy but she can't break free. Her screams turn to sobs and he shoves her down on the bed. He puts her high heels back on her feet that she had lost early on in the struggle and ties the chest harness back to them. He secures her hands in the rope as well, locking her in a nice little hogtie on the bed.
The man leaves Chrissy on the bed to search her room for anything valuable, he saw her come through the lobby and all the bags of electronics she had, plus he's sure she brought at least some jewelry along. She screams for help and wonders why no one in the hall has heard her yet. She pulls against the ropes but they won't budge. The man comes back and runs his hands over her hips, raising her skirt to show off her perfectly rounded ass. She's still yelling too loud so the man tosses her over his shoulder, still hogtied, to throw her in the bathtub so he can shut the door and hopefully stifle her screams.
9:45 video
Gigi was sitting at home on the couch when she heard a XXXX on the door; the man was finally here to install her new security system. She had a few items, specifically paintings, that made her feel like she needed to up her system. When he points to the windows with some questions, he reaches behind her and grabs her wrists XXXX them together. She realizes that this is not the real security guy and tries to get away. He ties her wrists tightly behind her back while she wiggles around. She tries to barter with the man, offering her a new painting if he will just let her go.
Instead of taking Gigi up on his offer, he tells her that just means he'll be taking two paintings with him when he leaves after he gets her tightly bound and gagged. The next rope goes around her knees, cinching her legs together. In all her struggling, her skirt slides up showing off her pink bikini panties under her pantyhose. She pleads with him to let her go, but is soon silenced when he stuffs a big red ball gag in her mouth.
The man leaves her alone to go search for the paintings in her house. She tries to call out for help but no one can hear her. She squirms and makes her way to the floor, rolling around. When the man comes back, he carries a chair into the room and places Gigi on it. He wraps the rope across her lap and secures her legs to the chair. When she wiggles, she ends up tipping the chair over onto the couch. After watching her struggle for a bit in this position, he sets the chair back up. Since he did her a favor, he decided that he was owed a better view and pulls her sweater up to show off her bra leaving her to struggle on display.
11:40 video
Crystal Frost and Lila Lasher are always trying to outdo each other with their parties - and they've got the money to do it. But this time Mrs. Frost had a secret weapon - a new caterer. The food was delicious: perfect little hors d'oeuvres, delightful little morsels, incredible entrees. Mrs. Lasher must have that caterer! But none of her usual sources can find out who it was, so she resorted to more desperate measures, and hired Ivan Boulder to get the information from Mrs. Frost. Mrs. Frost, however, is as much of a stuck-up stubborn bitch as Mrs. Lasher, so when Ivan tells her what he wants as he ties her wrists, she only scoffs at him, gloats about her parties, and swears that she won't tell him a thing. "Why would I tell you anything for her?" "Self-preservation," Ivan responds, shoving her down onto the ottoman. But even this doesn't scare arrogant Mrs. Frost, who flippantly replies, "You're weak; you'll crack." Then, as he's tying her knees together, "Are you done yet?" "You are a sassy little bitch, aren't you?" But Ivan hasn't even really gotten started, he's only halfway done tying her up, and then the fun will start. "Oh my god, this is ridiculous. Are you getting your little kicks from this?" she mocks Ivan as he moves to her ankles. "As a matter of fact, I kinda do like it." Oh great, now in addition to dealing with Mrs. Lasher's constant competition, she'll have this big pervert leering at her. "I'm telling my husband," Mrs. Frost threatens. "Please do," Ivan grabs her by the hair, "Tell that little dick-less wonder to come for you." He lets go of her hair and grabs something to gag the cocky harpy with, since she's not going to tell him anything. He reconsiders for a moment, offering to let her go if she can pay him more than Mrs. Lasher. "It's in my purse," she remarks casually, just before Ivan stuffs a scarf in her mouth and tapes over it with microfoam. It sounds like Ivan is going to get a little bonus on top of what Mrs. Lasher is paying him! Not to mention the fun he gets to have with Mrs. Frost now. He pulls her tits out from her fancy dress and fondles her, just so she can tell her husband some pervert fondled her too. He ties a rope around her neck to make her a little less comfortable, and maybe then she'll tell him. It's just a fucking caterer! But she still won't talk, so he feeds the other end of the rope between her knees, compliments her sexy legs, and pulls the rope tight, XXXX her to look at them herself. He ties her hands off to the back of the ottoman and asks again. She still refuses, so he pulls out one more trick, collecting her hair into a ponytail in his big . Her angry "don't touch me!" is muffled by the gag, but the intent is clear - she's starting to get upset now. When he puts a rope around the ponytail, she demands to know what he's doing, but figures it out soon enough when he secures the rope to the back of the ottoman and pulls her head back. Now things are really getting uncomfortable, but even so she won't talk. Ivan goes to make a phone call to Mrs. Lasher. "Do I have to do everything myself?" Mrs. Lasher comes on the scene, grabbing stubborn Mrs. Frost's hair and tugging hard. "Look, bitch, tell me who your caterer was! Those hors d'oeuvres were to for, and I must have them for my party!" But Mrs. Frost continues to be bull-headed. "Well, if that giant pussy can't break you, I certainly can." She gets down on Mrs. Frost's level and looks her in the eye. "I want that caterer, and you're going to tell me." Mrs. Frost replies with a haughty gagged "no," so Mrs. Lasher reaches for Mrs. Frost's nipple and gives it a vicious twist, making Mrs. Frost squeal. "Are you going to tell me now?" Mrs. Frost shakes her head. "How about both of them then?" Mrs. Lasher pinches both nipples and squeezes hard. "What is it, do you like that? Is your husband kinky? You're used to all this rope stuff?" Mrs. Frost's reaction makes it seem she is. "Well then, I might just have to talk to your husband instead, see if he wants to have a little rope fun with another sexy woman, how about that?" She pinches Mrs. Frost's nipples again. Maybe she's not being mean enough - or maybe Mrs. Frost likes it - maybe she needs to be nice instead. "Fine!" Mrs. Frost finally gives in, and tells Mrs. Lasher through the gag that she doesn't know. "What, you don't hire your own staff anymore? I don't believe you." She twists a nipple again, then leaves Mrs. Frost to stew a while. "Had enough yet?" Mrs. Frost has suffered enough, and promises to tell Mrs. Lasher what she wants to know. "Good, we can talk then." Mrs. Lasher peels off the tape gag none too gently, and asks, "What's his name?" But Mrs. Frost doesn't respond. When Mrs. Lasher starts to reach for Mrs. Frost's nipple again, she cries, "FINE! My husband hired some dude's wife that he's been messing around with." "Oh? Well, I guess I'll have to go talk to your husband after all. I'll just leave your here like this." She walks off. "Bitch, come back here! Let me out of here! Fucking bitch!" After a moment's consideration, Mrs. Lasher calls to Ivan, "Alright you big pussy, come untie the bitch."
13:04 video
It’s Serene’s lucky day – finally someone wants to rent the old coffee shop that’s been sitting empty for almost a year. She tries to contain her excitement as she shows the big man – who said his name was Frank – around the space, listing off all the amenities as she goes. When he says the space is perfect for what he wants, she wants to jump for joy, but instead just smiles. The grin disappears when he grabs her and pins her against the hard wood counter with her hands behind her back. What the hell is he doing? Ivan – his real name – admits he’s not going to rent the place, but he will be spending some time in it with her today. He ties her wrists as she flexes and stomps her feet in those sexy nude heels, getting really irritated when he tells her it will “only” be twelve hours or so while his crew robs the jewelry store across the street. Knotting off her wrists, he turns her around and lifts her ass to the countertop. Sensing an opportunity, Serene kicks and squirms, but the big thug has her legs pinned between his thighs as he pulls out more rope. When she finally gets a little leverage, he does let her go, but only to flip her onto her stomach so he can start tying her ankles. Serene pushes with her pantyhosed legs, but Ivan’s grip is relentless, and her crossed ankles are tied.
Ivan explains as he continues tying her up that having her here keeps her out of the way, and with her car out front no one will question his presence. And if she behaves for their little visit, he won’t have to hurt her, and he might even tie her in a more comfortable position. Serene continues to gripe and insult Ivan, so he pulls out a few more handy accessories from his bag.
“Ew, are those panties?!” Serene exclaims when Ivan tosses them onto her lap.
“Yep. I think they’re clean…” He sniffs them. “They don’t smell too clean.”
Serene shudders at the thought, but when Ivan grabs her by the ponytail and crams them into her mouth, there’s not much she can do about it, especially when he starts wrapping microfoam tape around her head to makes sure she doesn’t spit them out. She glares at him as he finishes the last wrap, but at least her protests are silenced. It seems like a good opportunity to see a little more of her sexy body, so Ivan unbuttons her blouse, which is already tight to popping from her arms tied behind her back. She tries to scoot away, but she can’t go far enough to stop him. He’s trying to be nice by actually using the buttons, but he could be rough and just tear it open. Maybe she likes it rough. Ivan adds another rope around her elbows above her shirt pushed down her arms, just to make sure she’s completely secure.
While Ivan goes to check up front, Serene takes the time to examine the rope, to stretch and pull on it, trying to find a weakness she can exploit, but there’s nothing to work with – she’s stuck. Ivan adds another rope to occupy his time, tying up those pretty titties. It’s nice for Ivan that Serene is such a hot chick – this job wouldn’t be nearly so much fun if she was some ugly old geezer. In fact, Serene would look mighty sexy in a hogtie on the counter, so he turns her over and ties her ankles up to the rope around her chest, making her arch. Now she can’t barely even wiggle, she’s tied so tight. To make matters worse for Serene, Ivan adds one last rope – from her hair to her heels.
This is turning out to be much more fun than Ivan expected… he may have to tie her up several ways tonight! See what else Ivan does to poor Serene in Part 2
11:30 video
Christina is on the phone and asks her assistant to send over some files . She sits on her bed with her laptop trying to get some work done while she waits for the documents. When she finally hears a XXXX on her door, she gets up annoyed at how long it took her to get there. She goes to the door in a short black skirt, Cuban heeled stocking, and high heels and pull open the door prepared to scold Cindy for wasting her time. When she opens the door though, her little assistant isn’t on the other side. Instead there’s a huge man standing there. He tells her that Cindy couldn’t make it. Annoyed even more, she asks him if he has the files. He hands her the files and she tries to shut the door wanting to get back to her work. Instead of leaving though, the man takes a few steps towards her pushing into her room. She puts her hand on his chest trying to push him away but ends up backing up herself.
The man tells Christina that they need to have a little talk. He grabs her wrist and shoves her on the bed pinning her arms behind her back. He tells her that she doesn’t treat his wife right and that’s going to change. She yells at him frustrated she’s having to put up with this bs saying that she was nice to the little bitch. He uses some rope to secure her wrists together behind her back as she struggles trying to get away. She threatens him, crying out, even exclaiming that he isn’t in charge he’s just a little bigger than he. She calls him names and demands that he gets off of her. Her skirt rises up showing off her stocking tops and garter belt, as well as her sexy ass. The man asks her if she fought her way to the top or fucked her way there. Christina cries out exasperated.
Ivan lifts Christina's legs onto the bed and ties her ankles together while she curses him. She tries to get away telling him to get off her, but he doesn’t listen. She hasn’t quite gotten the message that she can’t control everything. Another rope goes on her legs, this time just below the knee. He asks her a question he already knows the answer to, if she knows what he does for a living. She responds saying no that she never fucking cared. She tells him that it’s not her job to care about his wife, that’s it’s the bitches job to care about her.
Christina rolls over and asks him if he likes spiked heels, waving her tied up legs in front of her in a threatening manner, like a snake ready to strike. Ivan reaching in before she can move, grabs her ankles and flips her back to her belly while she’s still mid sentence. He sits her back up and grabs a handful of her hair until she opens her mouth. He slides a knotted blue cloth between her teeth and ties it tightly behind her head cleaving gagging her. She pulls away falling to her side, showing off her amazing cleavage. He unbutton her blouse and pulls out her amazing breasts before tying a rope around her upper body, under and over her exposed breasts. She yells through the gag that she hates him and continues to try to get away from him, or at least make his job more difficult.
Finally, Christina tells Ivan that she’s going to fire his wife. He laughs and explains that that’s not really good incentive for him to stop If she’s already fired. Christina tries a different plan and says that she won’t fire her. Ivan pushes for more asking about a raise. She agrees to give her a big raise, asking him how much she wants. He doesn’t believe her and uses more rope to hogtie her on the bed. She reaches back trying to untie the ropes but starts sliding off the bed some. Ivan decides she’s still a little too loud and stuffs some white cloth over the cleave gag in her mouth. He then winds pink vet wrap around her head to keep the cloth in place. She continues to curse him but at least this way he can’t tell what she’s saying. He leaves her alone for a second to go get the van, claiming that the boys are going to like her. Once she’s alone, she cries out though all the material for help but no one can hear her Ivan comes back and lifts her to her knees, still hogtied on the bed and tosses her over his shoulder and carries her out.
10:42 video
Kobe looked around the living room, taking it in, looking at the structure, considering the location and doing some calculations in her head, decided that she could sell this place. Kobe made things really easy for Ivan, he just had to invite her over…under the ruse of selling his house. While they discuss the sale, Ivan inches closer and closer to her until he’s within arm’s reach. He reaches out and grabs her, pulling her back on top of him on the couch.
Kobe screams loudly, squealing, “What are you doing?!?” As she struggles, Ivan maneuvers her body around until he has her arms behind her back. He pulls out some rope he’s hidden and winds it around her wrists. She kicks and screams. Her skirt slides up showing off her garter and stocking tops. When he ties her legs at the knee and ankle, her shoes fly off leaving her nylon covered soles exposed for a few moments. He slides the high heels back on, & ties them on. He tells her about his obsession and how the two of them will have dinner later and how he plans to make her his girlfriend, whether she likes it or not.
Ivan lifts up her top to see her sheer dark red lacy bra. He gets the next part of his plan together, the gag. He stuffs some cloth in her mouth until it’s completely full and uses a few strips of microfoam to keep it in place. He runs his hands over his prize before leaving her to check on dinner plans. As soon as he’s gone, she struggles hard, lifting her legs, kicking in the ropes, pulling on them, everything she can think of…but nothing works.
Ivan comes back to find Kobe on her knees on the floor and he pulls her up to his lap. She whimpers and whines, not believing that this is actually happening to her. He pulls her bra down revealing her bare breasts and adds an upper body rope harness to high light them even more. He adds a rope from her ankles to her wrists and moves her to the floor. He leaves her hogtied and struggling to check on dinner once again. Kobe fights even harder trying to get free. He comes back and lifts up his dinner date, tossing her over his shoulder to carry to the table…where she will be tightly tied to the chair.
10:53 video
Sure, it is a fetish party they're going to, but what LiiLii wants to wear... well, Ivan just doesn't think it's appropriate. Hot, yes - tight brocade underbust corset, fishnet stockings, patent leather peep-toe heels, and nothing else - but not appropriate for a party where every guy can see her pierced nipples and exposed pussy. Apparently LiiLii wants some extra attention, and Ivan has a way to give it to her himself - with a little rope. Ivan pushes her against the wall, tying her wrists behind her back. She'll have his full attention all night long, and she'll do whatever he wants. So she can't complain about his attention, he puts a cleave gag between her teeth and knots it off tightly, then runs his hands over her tiny corseted waist. Something about her breasts above the corset makes Ivan want to add a chest harness, so he pulls out another rope, wraps it above and below her perky tits, and from between her boobs to over her shoulders, creating a rope halter bra. Maybe this wasn't exactly the type of attention LiiLii was planning, but she doesn't seem to mind. Ivan moves next to her sexy legs, the green rope around her knees accentuating her shapely calves, and the loops around her ankles tying the high heels in place. Propped against the wall with more rope being added, LiiLii is definitely delicious, and Ivan's attention on her is fully justified. He steps back to admire the view and to get a few more things for LiiLii, including something to improve the gag - stuffing and bandage wrap. After turning her around and caressing her sexy body a few more times, Ivan stands her in the corner and watches her fidget. After a moment, LiiLii decides to start hopping away from her corner, prompting Ivan to step in again, pick her slim frame up and set her down on her stomach on the floor, where she immediately begins squirming. He gets another rope to make sure she can't go anywhere this time, and pulls her into a tight hogtie, connecting her heels to the ropes around her chest. He picks her up with one hand and turns her for a better angle, so he can sit and watch her as she rolls around, flexes, and moves across the floor. Ivan preferred the first view, so picks her up again and puts her back closer to the corner. Watching all her sexy squirming and seeing her all tied up and vulnerable makes Ivan decide to take LiiLii to the bedroom for a little more fun - besides, she's already dressed for the occasion, right?
11:16 video
Isobel runs up to Ivan exclaiming, "He Bought it!" She is wearing a sexy black dress and high heels. Her long hair flows over her shoulders and back. Ivan checks his phone to see that the money transfer has gone through. Isobel looks at the money and gushing with excitement she does a little dance. While she's mid celebration, Ivan grabs her arms and pulls them behind her back. It takes her by surprise, especially when he pulls out a bundle of rope. She calls to him, "Baby.what's going on?" trying to remind him of their relationship, and feeling very confused. Ivan says they are celebrating. Isobel isn't amused and tells him to let her go, that's when the truth comes out.
"You double-crossing prick!" Isobel snaps at Ivan when he tells her that this is more a solo celebration. He gets her wrists tied behind her back and she first tries to flirt with him with the promise of fun if he lets her go but Ivan isn't falling for it. She exhales loudly, obviously irritated that she fell for Ivan's scheme, and even helped him. Grabbing her throat, he XXXX her to sit in the chair. As soon as he lets go of her, she's on her feet and heading towards the door.
Ivan drags a disheartened and partially bound Isobel back to the chair. He sits her back in the chair and this time gets a rope around her waist, tying her to the base of the chair. He unties the string on her dress letting it fall to show her naked breasts. He continues to secure her to the chair pulling the ropes over her shoulder and between her breasts. She tells him that she's going to make his life miserable, and if he lets her go right now, she'll give him a head start. He laughs since him tying her to the chair means he's going to get a rather long head start.
Isobel's legs are crossed and tied in place. She tugs at her wrists ropes while he's distracted but they are so tight. She goes back and forth between being indignant and trying to talk him into going back to sharing the profits with a sexy undertone in her voice. Her wrists are tied to one side of the chair, her ankles are secured to one of the legs, her torso and ass are tightly bound to the base and back of the chair. She can hardly move at all. He has one last present for her before he leaves.
Ivan gathers Isobel's hair together behind her head and grips it in one hand to hold her head in place. He holds a cloth in front of her face and with a little persuasion, he stuffs it deep inside her mouth and wraps yellow electrical tape tightly around her head securing the gag in place. She yells at him behind the gag but it comes out all garbled. He mocks her telling her that if she ever finds him, he'll give her the money. He walks out leaving her very tightly bound and yelling into her gag.
11:54 video
Mr. Boulder pulls Candle in by her hair and demands that she takes her panties off. She looks humiliated as she agrees, terrified of what he's going to do to her. She reaches down and raises her skirt and pulls it up to reveal her stocking tops and garter belt. He tells her to hurry not having time for her pathetic attempts to delay the inevitable. She grabs her panties and slides them off her sexy legs. He tells her to wad them up and stick them in her mouth. She hesitates again, he grips her hair tighter, and she shoves them completely in her mouth with a grimace.
Ivan pulls her back onto a stool he has ready for her. Candle keeps her mouth closed tight around the panties sure that he would do something worse to her if she drops them. He rolls out some tape in front of her mouth and tells her to open up. She looks confused but obeys his command and quickly finds out what he has in mind. He pulls the tape between her lips XXXX her dirty wet panties further in her mouth. He winds the tape around her head and cleaves the tape once again in her mouth.
Once Candle is effectively quieted down, Ivan grabs her arms, pulls them behind her back, and binds her wrists together. Candle begs him to let her go, explaining that's she scared. She tries to offer him money, but Ivan isn't really interested in her money. He adds more rope securing her waist and upper body to to the chair as she keeps talking through the gag hoping he'll have a change of heart. She wiggles and shakes, kicking her feet and tells him that it's too tight. She begs him though the tight gag, finally asking him what he wants from her.
Mr. Boulder grabs one of her ankles, hooks her high heels on the crossbar for the chair, and ties it in place. She mumbles into the gag still trying to get him to change his mind about whatever he has planned. When he runs his hand on her thigh, she is mortified. She yells at him, but it comes out a lot less threatening than she intended. She tries to wiggle and use her free leg to push her skirt back down, finally managing to get it down some and crosses her legs with a triumphant hmmph!
To Candle's surprise, Ivan ties her legs in the crossed position she's placed them in. He pushes she skirt up more showing off more of her Cuban heeled stocking tops. It seems like every time she moves, he just adds more rope. She pleads with him but it doesn't do any good. She becomes very upset and tries to yell at him again, this time making more noise but still somewhat stifled from her own panties. She cries out for help and he quickly puts a stop to that. He places a blue cloth on top of the cleaved tape and wraps even more tape around her head. He needs her to be really quiet for the next part.
When she sees the sharp blade, her eyes go wide with fear and she tries to pull away shaking her head and saying no! no! no! Ivan tells her not to move and starts cutting off her top slowly. He cuts off one shoulder to show off one of her breasts, then cuts the nipple off of her shirt to show just the tip. He continues cutting off small parts of the top enjoying the scared look and the sexy whimper noises and squeals she makes.
Ivan leaves to go get his camera to take some pictures of his little prize since he'll be leaving her soon. She struggles in the ropes, pulling tight against them, moaning and gasping. When he finally returns, he assures her that he'll call someone to come untie her, but it might be a while.
9:02 video
Drea had just moved to town. She was so happy that all the people she had met thus far were so helpful. She was waiting on one of her friends to arrive with the rest of her furniture after she had spent the day interviewing. She really needed to find a job and was hoping moving to the big city might help her.
Drea was happy the cable guy had already come. She was sitting on her watching some TV and didn’t even hear her front door open. By the time she saw him, it was too late, he was on her. In a panic, Drea tried to get away from the man, climbing up the arm of the sofa. When she hit the wall, she tried to make a run for it, but he reached out and grabbed her, slinging her body back around. He moves her body so she is bent over the arm of the chair. Furiously, she kicks and screams loudly hoping to break free, but she’s outsized.
With the attractive young thing held tightly in his grip, he gets to work adding rope. He starts with her wrists, wanting to get her arms out of the equation quickly. He moves on to tying her legs seamlessly. Before she knows what’s happened, her legs have been tied just below the knee, her ankles crossed and bound in place. She begs, “No more…” but he’s not done. He grips her throat and with one hand and stuffs the white cloth in her mouth with the other. He winds white electrical tape around her head over and over until the cloth is secured deep in her mouth.
Drea didn’t think things could get any worse. She was bound, gagged, and felt like her new home had been violated. When he unbuttoned her blouse and took her bare breasts in his hands, he added humiliated to the list. He moved her body to her stomach and looping the rope under her body, he finished up the rope with a hogtie. With his captive secure, he leaves her alone to load up on valuables. As soon he he’s gone, she screams loudly into the gag calling out for help. She knows that no one can hear her, but she has to try. She arches her back, lifting her ass high in the air trying to find some way to slip from the ropes. Finally, the man comes back in, tosses Drea over his shoulder and carries her out.
9:46 video
She was wearing Cuban pantyhose, high black heels, and a fitted red skirt; Ivan loves when his victims dress the part - it makes his job so much more rewarding. He just needs to keep Sienna out of the way for a while so his employers can do their business without interference, which means tying the sexy bitch up for a couple of hours. Not that she needs to know why this is all happening to her - it's much better for everyone if she remains ignorant of why she's being tied up. Ivan starts with her wrists, bending her over the back of the chaise, her ass high in the air, her long legs kicking and flailing while he ties her hands from the side. She fights and squirms, but Ivan is much to strong for her, and has her hands tied in short order, ignoring her questions of "what do you want" and her demands of "let me go!" It's nothing personal, really, he just has a job to do - though he is enjoying the way she flexes her legs and kicks. She threatens to kick him in the balls, but since he's off to her side, that's an idle threat, and he's not worried. Even so, those legs will look better with a little rope to keep them under control. He crosses her sexy legs at the ankles and winds a rope around them, appreciating the view of her healthy thighs and tight ass. While he adds another rope around her knees, framing those muscular calves, he pays her a compliment on her allure. But Sienna doesn't appreciate it, spitting an angry "fuck you!" at her captor. Well, she is in an ideal fucking position - just rip those seductive pantyhose and go to town - but that's not part of his job description, and, as tempting as it is, it's not worth the trouble. Instead, Ivan turns the chaise lounge for a better angle, easily lifts and shifts her around to the other side, making her shriek. Now that she's kneeling on the seat of the chaise, he can do something about all that noise she's making. He has a big fat ball gag all ready to fill her mouth, and the next time she opens it to scream, he crams it past her teeth. That's much better. The stubborn bitch still makes it difficult, though, tossing her head back and forth, her red tresses flying, trying to prevent him from buckling the gag tight into her mouth. It does make her somewhat quieter when Ivan notices her blouse is almost completely unbuttoned already and decides to free that one last button. It appears Miss Sienna likes to wear sexy lingerie under her professional business attire - she has on a lacy black bra under her white blouse. Despite her squealing protests, Ivan slides the straps off her shoulders and tweaks her perky nipples. All that squirming she's doing makes Ivan worry she might just squirm her way right off of the chaise, so he uncoils another and wraps it around the back of the chaise and around her waist, tying her securely to the chair. Sienna bounces and writhes, pressing her tits into the cushion, wiggling, flexing, and moaning. The whole display highlights her enticing assets, but Ivan wants a little less movement and a little more tight flexing, so one more rope comes out as he teases her. "Do you want me to stop?" Of course Sienna can't answer, as much as she wants him to stop and to let her go, but it's not like he would anyway. Ivan ropes her ankles to her waist, pulling her delightful calves into a permanent flex. What a delightful little package she makes! Too bad he has other things to do now. Hopefully someone will find her eventually, but for now, she's not going anywhere!
9:50 video
For the next scene, Ivan unties everything but Crystal’s bound wrists. He carries her over his shoulder into the bedroom and tosses her on the bedspread. She is still wearing her blue skirt, black wide belt, nude thigh highs, and red high heels. She begs to be let go, upset and frustrated by this whole situation. Even when she calls for help, the other people around won’t help her since that’s what she’s supposed to be doing according to the job description. They don’t understand that she is really in distress. He had really thought this one through; this was some of the most realistic content he had ever gotten from one of the girls the agency sent over. He ties her ankles together and her high heels on her feet then slides her belt and skirt off to show off her sexy black panties.
Ivan adds a rope just below Crystal’s knees, almost taunting her with how great his plan was and what a great job she’s doing. He manhandles her, repositioning her body, roughly groping her breasts. He grabs her hair in one hand and shoves a red ball in her mouth. He tightens and buckles the leather strap behind her head, enjoying how it distorts the sounds coming from her mouth. The next rope goes under and over her breasts and over her arms. He pinches her nipples in his hands making her scream into the gag, testing its effectiveness.
Crystal can’t do anything when he runs his hands all over her body, feeling her warm flesh under his fingers. A couple more ropes to hold her in position. One goes from her upper body harness to one corner of the bed, the other from her ankles to the opposite corner, leaving her body stretched diagonally. After watching her struggle for a while and getting enough footage for his clip, he returns and tells her that it’s time for the next scene. She tries to roll away from him, especially after he tells her what it is going to be. He unties her from the bed and tosses her back over his shoulder to change sets.
10:49 video
Kali is hanging out on her chaise when a man charges into the room and quickly places a huge hand over her mouth to stifle her scream. He spins her around and XXXX her to her stomach. After a moment of shock, she starts asking the man questions, what he wants, how he got in, etc. He refuses to answer her making her even more frustrated. He uses rope to secure her wrists behind her back and she tries to break his grasp. He lifts her legs up and secures them together at the knee with another piece of rope. The man still hasn't spoken at all and Kali is getting really scared.
Kali tells the silent man that it hurts and begs to be let go. He won't even tell her what he wants or why he is there. Her mind races with all sorts of awful things he could be planning to do to her making it that much worse. Another bundle of rope is added to her sexy squirming body lashing her ankles together in a crossed position, he even runs the rope under her silver high heels to make sure they stay of for what he has planned. She continues to whimper and hopes that he'll just take what he wants and let her go.
The man sits her up and places a thin piece of blue cloth between her sexy red lips. He wraps the cloth around her head several times before he ties it off making a nice cleave gag. He grabs some white cloth and stuffs it on top of the cleave and Kali really starts to freak out. He winds red electrical tape around her head several times to keep the cloth in place. With her now only able to make minor whimpers, he binds her elbows together behind her back making her even more helpless.
Kali still needs more rope though. He adds another piece going from her wrists to her ankles and locks the poor girl in a hogtie on the chaise. He then lashes her ankles to her thighs making sure that she won't be going anywhere. The quiet man repositions her on the chaise and then leaves the room to get a few other things taken care of leaving Kali tightly bound, gagged, and afraid of what's to come. She wiggles on the chaise trying to reach the knots to get out, but she can hardly move in all the tight ropes. The man finally returns and tosses the hogtied girl over his shoulder to carry out with him.
9:19 video
Alisa's first did video ever.
Alisa was dressed up for a party this evening in a skin tight red dress that hugged every curve of her body. She was wearing Cuban heeled stockings that ran from her toes in her high heels up her long sexy legs to the garter belt she was wearing. She was surprised when the large man entered her room. Before she knew what was happening, he grabbed her by the arm and XXXX her to bend over the couch. He tied her wrists tightly together behind her back while she whimpered.
When the man repositions Alisa to sit on the couch, he tells her that Victoria hired him to make sure she doesn't attend the party. The man lashes her legs together below the knee and at the ankles. She tries to figure out what she could have done to cause Victoria to take such actions. The next rope goes around her torso and upper arms, passing over and under her breasts, framing them nicely. Alisa was handling all this relatively well, until the man stuffed a large wad of white cloth in her mouth and wrapped blue vetwrap tightly around her head. As if that wasn't bad enough, the man winds white electrical tape around the center of the gag, XXXX the cloth even further in her mouth. He then moves her once again, lying her face down on the couch. He ties her high heels on and locks her in a tight hogtie, passing the rope through the harness and under her hips. He leaves her wiggling and whimpering on the couch while he searches for any valuables he can use to get some quick cash. When he's done, he tosses the hogtied blond over his shoulder to carry her to the bedroom.
9:55 video
Just four little numbers that's all Ivan wants from Lola. Well, mostly, anyway he wants to toss her around, tie her up, and torture her a bit too, but the goal of all that is to get her to give him the code to the bank vault. He has already done a little of that, tying her hands before dragging her into his garage. He likes manhandling her and watching her stagger in her high heels and tight curvy skirt. But he does need that code from her all the same. I'm not going to give it to you! Lola is delightfully stubborn and defiant, adamant that she won't give him the code. That's okay. If she gave it to him right off the bat, it wouldn't be nearly as much fun. As it stands, he gets to tie her up more, he grabs a coil of rope and starts to wrap it around her knees, but her struggling and kicking gets it tangled. When he tried to jerk it free, Lola gives an angry ow! I'm not worried about hurting you, honey, Ivan tells her, trying to untangle the rope. Lola sees an opportunity and attempts to pull one leg out from the loop, but Ivan yanks it back into place. Although maybe it will be easier to fix the rope when it's not around her legs, it's not like she's going anywhere with her hands tied behind her back anyway. Just to be sure, though, he tosses the rope aside and grips her ankles, enveloping them with his big hands, and props her legs on his knee, pinning them with one arm while he deals with the rope. Lola tries to pull her legs free again, but Ivan has them pressed between his body and his arm. Let me go! I'm not giving you the code! Ivan laughs. Oh you'll give me whatever I want. He wraps the rope around her squirming ankles as he continues, You'll give me your first born when I'm done with you. Anything I possibly want you'll give me. You wish,†Lola mutters. That's not going to happen!†She kicks at Ivan, but only succeeds in making her skirt ride up more and hurting herself in the process. I told you, honey, I'm not worried about hurting you.†He secures the rope around her ankles, even looping it beneath her stilettos.
Piece of ! Why don't you get a job like everyone else?I have a job,†Ivan replies. Robbing banks, Lola grumbles condescendingly. Hey, it's a job. Pays good, too. And I get to meet sexy people like you. He shifts to tie her knees. I got to meet you! My lucky day, she bitches. Ivan goes on, What other job do I get to tie up hot chicks? I didn't pick your bank by accident, I picked it because of the sexy manager. He knots her knees off. You sure you don't want to tell me the code now? I told you I wont tell you! Do whatever you want. Oh really? Ivan likes that answer. Since you're not going to talk, I guess I'll shut you up.†He covers her mouth from behind and tips her head back. Look at that pretty little face. He crams a handkerchief into her mouth while she protests, and wraps purple vet bandage around her head several times, making her whimper. Want to talk? he asks again. Lola gives a muffled No! Piece of ! behind the gag. I think you will eventually, honey, Ivan tells her, pulling out a roll of black electrical tape to add on top no way she can spit the gag out now. He starts to unbutton her blouse, saying, I'll play with these a little, see if it loosens your tongue. It's certainly garnering plenty of protest and struggling. I figure you'll probably scream before I'm done, that's why the gag's so tight. Lola tries to XXXX Ivan's hands off her buttons with her chin, but he has already unbuttoned enough to slide her shirt down over her shoulders. He flicks her bra straps off too, and pulls out her full breasts they fill even Ivan's big hands. Very sexy boobs, he comments, groping them appreciatively. Tell me now? Lola glares, No! Fuck you! Even though her words are muffled by the gag, the anger and indignation is clear. Ivan pulls out another green rope and loops it around the chair leg, ignoring Lola's furious gaze. When he moves toward her with the rope, she bends at the waist, her full breasts pressing against her thighs, but Ivan still manages to get the rope around her waist. This keeps getting worse, he warns her. You can stop everything just four little numbers... He crosses the rope over her chest between those gorgeous breasts, then above and below, creating a perfect rope bra for her perfect tits. Such pretty nipples... I'd hate to have to cut those off... With that ominous threat, he starts to walk away. I'll let you think about it a little while.
Lola fidgets in the chair, squirming in the rope, considering her situation. It's not worth losing a nipple over, she decides, so when Ivan comes back and asks if she's changed her mind, she nods immediately, but he still twists her nipple harshly, making her scream. Oh really? Well damn, he was hoping it might take longer to break her. But wait, maybe she's just saying that to get out of this. I don't trust you. Let's make sure... He pinches both nipples with his strong fingers, and she shrieks, pulling her legs up in pain. You say you'll tell me, Lola nods vigorously at this, But I think you'll lie to me. Best to let her stew a little longer, just in case. I'll be back in a few minutes. Lola whines into the gag and pushes against the rope, whimpering as it cuts into her big tits. She really will tell him the right code! Ivan comes back, groping a boob on his way in. You say you'll tell me, right? He displays a shiny blade and kneels next to her. Let's have a little discussion here before we start. His arm goes around her shoulders as if for an intimate conversation, the knife caressing her thigh lightly. You have ONE chance to tell me. If you lie to me, he moves the point to her nipple, I'm going to cut this little nipple off, then the other... Lola's eyes are wide with terror. Then other little slivers all over... So it better be the truth, cause if it's not, I'm going to come back, you'll be tied in the same chair, and guess what... He tips the chair back to look her in the eye so she's knows he's serious. It'll be time to slice. Ivan pinches her nipple lightly, but Lola is focused on nodding in terrified agreement.
11:05 video
Jacquelyn came from a very privileged family; she's never had to lift a finger in her life. When her servant fails to get the house and garage clean, she had no qualms with laying into him. Ivan smiles and nods and says he'll return in one moment. She continues to trash him as he walks away.
Today wasn't the day for this. Ivan was having a rough day already and she just pushed him over the edge. He grabbed his bag, threw some rope and other supplies in it and went inside to make her pay. He snatchers her from the couch and XXXX her to her knees, bent over the cushion. He holds her hands in one hand and coils rope around her wrists with the other. She twists and squeals as he manhandles her body.
Ivan repositions his ex-boss on the couch so she's lying face down while he ties her ankles and knees together, roping her high heels into the tie. Since she can't manage to keep her mouth shut, he decides to help her with this. He stuffs cloth in her mouth and puts strip after strip of white tape over her mouth and under her chin. He isn't quite done tying his blonde boss yet. He locks her wrists to her ankles and then to her thighs, leaving her in a very secure hogtie. With all of her struggling and wiggling on the couch, her skirt rides up her thighs and ass until it's bunched around her waist showing off her garter belt and stocking tops. He decides to add one more rope, to speed up the process a bit and really drive home his point. He lashes her elbows together and pulls the ropes around her shoulders and back to her feet.
At this point, Ivan knows he holds all the cards. He tells her it's time to renegotiate his contract and goes over his new pay and vacation day schedule while she struggles helplessly on the floor. He leaves her alone to let her fully understand her situation. When he returns, he decides it's time to take this conversation to the bedroom. He tosses her over his shoulder and carries her off.
10:58 video
Ivan drags a very sexy Annabelle into the almost empty room and XXXX her to sit down on the long ottoman in the center. She tries to jerk away from him but she’s not going anywhere. He secures her wrists behind her while she whimpers, too afraid to speak. He pushes her torso down and pulls her legs up, putting her on her stomach so he can bind her ankles. As she strains to get away from Ivan’s strong hands, she kicks off one of her shoes revealing the bottom of her Cuban heeled stocking. Her dress rises up revealing a very sexy ass framed by black garters. After he binds her ankles together, she kicks off her other shoe leaving both just in stockings. Her knees get tied together next, locking her very alluring long legs together.
Ivan tries to use the end of the knee rope to hogtie her wrists, but realizes that the rope isn’t tight enough. He tightens it getting a squeal from a very helpless Annabelle. He puts her shoes back on, not wanting t leave anything behind when it’s time to transfer her and she begs to be let go. He grabs another rope and lashes her elbows behind her back making things even more uncomfortable for the poor damsel At this point she is pleading for him to let her go. He has explained that that isn’t going to happen and he quickly grows tired of listening to her. He XXXX a big black ballgag in her mouth pulling the straps tight and buckling it behind her head. She really doesn’t like this and starts making all sorts of complaining noises behind the gag.
Ivan still thinks she needs to settle down some. He removes the chopsticks from her hair and using another rope tied in her hair, he ties her head back to her ankles making the hogtie even tighter and much more uncomfortable. With her unable to move, he runs his hand along her body then goes to grab his camera to take a few pictures of the very sexy woman. She tries to struggle but she can hardly move at all, any movements pull her head back even more. She drools behind the gag and feels humiliated at the helplessness. He returns, slides her top down, and takes her nipples in his hand. She breathes heavily in the awkward position, her bosom heaving.
Finally, Ivan unties the hair rope and she immediately begins to squirm thankful for some relief. He unties the hogtie rope and re-ties it on her high heels locking them on. She whimpers into the gag as she feels the rope being tied, her last chance of being let go destroyed. He brings her up to her knees and then throws her over his shoulder carrying her out of the room as she cries into the gag.
11:02 video
The man grabbed me by my ponytail and XXXX me into the office. When he orders me to take off my shirt, I do as he says, wanting to avoid any injuries from this brute of a man. I unbutton as fast as I can and drop the shirt to the floor. When he asks me to take off my bra, I hesitate, but I don't have a choice. I slide the straps off my shoulders and unclasp the back, but I keep it held against my breasts. He pulls my hair harder and tells me to drop it. I do and cover my exposed breasts with my hands.
The man pushes me back, XXXX me to sit down on the desk. He pulls my arms away from my breasts and ties my wrists side by side in front of me. I whimper and ask him why he's doing this to me, begging him to let me go. I try to keep myself covered and am taken by surprise when he stuffs a giant red ball gag in my mouth. He tightens it until I squeal loudly behind it. He lifts my arms up, pulling my wrists behind my head, making me vulnerable. He takes advantage of this by running his hands over my body and bare breasts. He rocks me backwards and my legs come up to try to cover myself the best that I can. He uses another rope to tie my ankles together so they are crossed. I look towards the door, trying to figure out how I'm going to get there when he lets go of me.
I thought he was done but he just keeps adding more rope. He lashes my legs together just below my knees and then repositions my body. I'm bent over the edge of the desk, my breasts pressed into the cold wood desktop, and my arms outstretched in front of me. He ties my wrists to the opposite side of the desk from my feet. He pulls my skirt up and runs his hand over my ass and legs. There's nothing I can do to stop him. The next rope goes around my waist. He lifts my ankles off the ground and ties them in the air with the waist rope. I'm now supported by my hips on the edge of the desk and my outstretched arms. I try to relieve some of the pressure on my hips and raise my legs up. He doesn't like that much movement, so he ties my knees down to the bottom of the desk. It grinds my hips into the corner of the desk and I cry out loudly. He's not quite done yet. He adds a rope in my hair and ties it back to my lower half XXXX my head back sharply. When I think things can't get any worse, the man leaves, and I'm stuck wondering exactly how long I'll have to stay in the awful position before someone finds me.
11:21 video
When Ten left work today, everything seemed normal. It wasn't until she got to her own front door that she felt a shadow fall over her, and by then it was too late. She was grabbed from behind and shoved through the door she just unlocked. When she finally gets a look at the much larger guy, she realizes even the self defense she knows won't help much against a guy his size. Still, she has to try - when he gets her down on the floor, she twists to try to use her legs against him, kicking with her red pumps and trying to scissor his head with her thighs. This only makes Ivan smile - he knows she's no match for his strength, and her feeble attempts just amuse him. He pulls a coil of rope from his pock, shifts his bulk to pin her body, and starts the rope around her knees. "Let me go!" Ten demands as she tries to push Ivan off, but he just clamps down tighter and cinches the rope around her legs. "You know, honey, it doesn't have to be this hard." Ten flexes her legs, asking, "What do you want?" Well, right now, "I want you to stop struggling." Ten starts beating on Ivan's back with her . "I guess that's a no." He gives a short laugh. "Is that working for you?" It only barely distracts him from knotting the rope around her knees, and then he's free to deal with those annoying little hands. Ivan easily flips Ten onto her stomach and straddles her thighs - "Hey baby, nice ass!" Ten only glares at him and throws a back, trying to hit him, which only results in her wrists getting pinned against her back with rope wound around them. Her struggle momentarily abates, making it easy for him to wrap the rope a few more times. "That's better - did I wear you out? Rode the bronco-" Ten interrupts him with more wild bucking and twisting underneath him, losing a shoe in the process and making Ivan laugh. "You're fun, hon!" He shifts his weight off her, plants one hand squarely on her hip and pushes her back onto her stomach so he can knot her wrists. Ten grimaces at how easily he manhandles her. When he turns to tie her ankles together, she sits up and tries to headbutt him, only succeeding in amusing him further. She flops back to rest for a moment. As Ivan cinches the rope around her legs, he comments, "Very sexy shoes - are they expensive?" Ten doesn't answer. "Is that a yes or a no?" Ten quietly responds, "A little..." before renewing her fight. With her legs firmly pinned by Ivan, all she can really move is her upper body, which isn't very helpful in getting her out of this situation. "We don't want to leave expensive shoes behind when we fly you off to the Orient or wherever." Ivan pops the shoe back onto her stockinged foot. His comment startles Ten. "What?!" Up until now she thought he was just going to rob her or something. "You might be going to Belgium, how does that sound." He ties the rope behind the stilettos of her heels. "I'd like to stay right here, actually!" She rolls a half turn but he pins her again, adding another rope from her ankles to her wrists.
When she gives a quiet "ow," Ivan offers, "What hurts, I'll kiss it make it better," which prompts an "Ugh!" from Ten. "I guess I won't then," and he pulls the slack out of the rope, yanking her heels close to her ass, prompting another cry of pain. "You 'ouch' a lot," he comments. "You're hurting me!" she responds. "You're hurting yourself," he retorts. "I'm not the one holding the rope!" Ten protests. "I think you're holding the rope just fine - it's all over your sexy body!" Ivan grabs her by the ankles, creating a nice arch in her body, and pulls her back towards the corner away from the door. "Don't go anywhere, I've got something else for you." Ten fiddles with the rope while his back is turned, then rolls to her side to see him better when she hears the ominous sound of tape ripping. "You're way too loud," Ivan informs her, dropping the roll of black tape in front of her. She shakes her head meekly. "Promise me you won't make a sound," he offers. Very softly, she replies, "Yes." But of course it was a trick question, because any response she gives would be making a sound. He reaches in, grabs her head, and crams a wash cloth into her mouth, and holds it in with one hand while the other presses the first piece of tape over it. As he tears more tape, Ten tries to spit out the washcloth, but that one piece of tape prevents her from getting rid of it completely, only pushing it out a little. "That's not a good idea, hon. You spit that out, I'll wrap this tape all around your head - do you want that? Wrap it 8 or 9 times, each time tighter and tighter?" That calms her down a little, and she lets him put several more pieces over the lump of washcloth. "I'm glad you finally calmed down - you're just too sexy to do all that rolling around and struggling." He puts one last strip of tape over her mouth, then stands back to admire his handiwork. "Nice, baby! Very nice!" He leans down and smacks her shapely ass. She squirms and arches prettily, not realizing that her display is turning Ivan on. He sits down on the floor behind her, rolls her to her side, and reaches for the buttons on her sweet little innocent-looking dress. Poor Ten shakes her head, but Ivan continues and replies, "No? I think it's 'yes, please Mr. Ivan, unbutton my shirt, play with my boobies!" He pinches a pretty little nipple.
The ribbon on her dress has come undone, and Ivan sees a use for it. He pulls it free of the dress, folds it in half and slips it between her back and her elbows, pulling her elbows tightly together. It makes the situation for Ten even more uncomfortable, but even more sexy in Ivan's opinion. He rather likes this feisty little vixen. "I might just keep you for myself," he tells her, groping her curves. "Be my personal bondage slut? You turn me on, I wouldn't mind keeping you around. I'd take good care of you, feed you, clothe you - nice beautiful clothes, expensive shoes... It would be a nice life, babe, just let me tie you up whenever I feel like it." It beats the alternative, anyway. "You think about it. I'll be back." He walks off, and Ten squirms, fidgeting and pulling at the rope, considering her fate. When Ivan comes back, he asks, "Do you want to go with me, or should I ship you off? I can guarantee I'll take good care of you, but if I ship you off, I can't guarantee what they're going to do to you. So, stay with me?" Ten nods quickly. "Okay, well," he starts to untie her elbows, "I'll untie you, take you out of here. We'll go have some fun, see if you live up to my expectations. If you don't, remember... I can always ship you off. Okay?"
12:15 video
Annabelle is tired of all the lies and asks Ivan when he's going to tell his wife about her. In a not so nice manner, he explains that she is his mistress, not his wife and no one is going to tell his wife anything. She lies back on the bed and asks him how he could leave her to go back to that old hag. She lifts her leg, teasing him with it while she smiles, her arms up over her head. When she insists that one of them has to tell his wife, things take a nasty turn for Ms. Annabelle.
Ivan slams Annabelle against the wall by her throat. She yells that she's tired of sharing him. He tells her that one of them has to go and it's not going to be his money making wife. Angry and hurt, she screams that as soon as he leaves, she's going to find her and tell her everything. He lashes her wrists together and spins her around. He pulls her top down showing off her bare breasts and cupping and squeezing them in his hand. She tries harder to convince him that she should be the one to stay, but he loves having money more than he loves her so she's got to go.
The next rope on Annabelle goes around her waist, over her wrist rope and between her legs, getting pulled nice and tight against one of his favorite parts of his mistress. When he knots the rope, she tells him that the ropes are tighter than normal play. He replies that this isn't for play. He grabs the ball gag that he knows she hates from their nightstand with one hand and holds her hair with the other. He XXXX the huge ball in her mouth and straps it tightly behind her bed. She whimpers and whines from the huge intruder. He shoves her on the bed and uses the last bit of rope to tie her high heels into a tight hogtie. He knows how feisty she can be so he adds one more rope to her legs, just below the knee, and one to her arms at the elbows.
After a while, Ivan decides that she is still way too loud. He places a cloth over the ball gag and wraps white tape around her head to hold the cloth in place. He gives her a choice, he can get give her to a friend of his to get rid of her, doing as he pleases with her beforehand, or she agrees to never call his wife and they continue their lives as per the norm. She very quickly agrees to option two. Since she's already tied in a nice little package, he lifts her up over his shoulder and carries her out to go on a little trip.
11:25 video
No good deed goes unpunished. Ivan generously untied his captive for the night to let her go to the bathroom, and the ungrateful little bitch tried to escape. It's a good thing he made sure to lock and bolt the door shut, so he was able to catch her before she could unlock anything, but now he's a little bit upset. He had been nice to Serene before, tying her in a more comfortable position, not being cruel to her or XXXX her all that much, but she had to go and try to get free. He drags her back into the main room by her ponytail, throws her down on the bed, and starts to tie her again. She's fighting back a lot more this time, perhaps because he's being rougher, gripping her wrists hard and pinning them against her ass. He's not risking being easy on her now, so he wraps the rope tight around her wrists while her pantyhose-clad legs flail. The fun part of Serene's night is over now. Ivan lets her go briefly to grab more rope, and immediately she tries to get away, but he grabs her ankles and spins her around on the bed, sitting down to pin her legs under his arm while he ties them.
I hope you got that out of your system, because there will be no more going to the bathroom for you. As a matter of fact, I think you're going to spend the rest of the time tied up on this bed in the same position all night long. He knots off her ankles, then stands to get something else for her. Immediately Serene tries to scoot off the bed, but he grabs her by the elbows and drags her back up toward the headboard, then sits her up in front of him, more or less in his lap. He jerks her ponytail back, making her squeal, then shows her how he's going to make it worse for her now, displaying two wads of cloth he's going to cram in her big mouth. She tries to resist, but he XXXX her jaw open and feeds the entire first wad in, then packs the second piece on top of it. "No more nice tape, either" he tells her as he starts covering her mouth with the shiny black tape, "This stuff sticks like hell" Serene whimpers as he winds it tight around her head, and grunts when he pushes her over onto her side. Her knees get tied together, then he manhandles her onto her stomach to tie her elbows together, running the tail ends over her shoulders and tying it behind her neck. Ivan's not holding back anymore – after he knots that rope off, he stretches a rope from one corner of the headboard to her ankles and off to the bottom corner, then to her knees and off to the other bottom corner. She can barely budge her legs at this point. Then he ties her wrists off to both corners of the headboard.
So far it's not too bad, she can't move much, but it's not horribly uncomfortable, as she feared it would be. But Ivan has more rope, and he ties it around her waist. He reminds her that she's going to be in this position for the rest of the night, which worries her, especially when he pulls her hips forward, making a sharp arch in her back and pushing her arms high behind her. The muscles in her back and ass strain in this position, making it all the hotter for Ivan. And Serene really can't move at this point; her shoulders are already starting to ache and she can only flex her thighs and her feet. Ivan is kind of glad now that she decided to be rebellious; he's really enjoying being mean to her now. Too bad he can't stay and watch her suffer, but he has to check on the progress across the street.
Look for part 4 the last part of Serene's night of bondage
6:02 video
Christina is showering in her hotel room, naked, wet, and vulnerable. A man walks in and grabs her perfect body from behind the curtain, dragging her from her shower. He continues dragging her out of the bathroom and throws her on the bed, drenching it with water from her skin. He grabs her arms and pulls her wrists tight behind her back. She tries to get away from him and manages to pull an arm free because of how slippery the water has made them, but the man gets a tight grip after pinning her body with his. She demands that he get off of her and when he reaches for her again, she kicks her feet around, spinning her body away from his. He lunges over the bed and grabs both of her ankles between his legs to keep them still while he binds them tightly as well. Her tight little body wiggles and squirms trying to get away from this awful man but the more she fights the harder he holds her. He uses stockings to bind poor Christina and after he has her legs secured at the ankles and knees, he grabs another one it ties it tightly around her head and through her mouth creating a very tight cleave gag. He pulls her ankles up to her wrists and uses another stocking to tie her in hogtie. Christina pulls against the hose moving her body all around on the bed, cursing at the man and finally begging him to let her out. He ransacks her room and finds all of her valuables and then comes back to rub his hands over her body before leaving her bound on the bed. Starring Christina Carter
10:59 video
Mallory is in the middle of getting ready, she has only managed to get on her panties, stockings, and her sexy high heels when she hears a rapping at the door. She runs over to the door doing her best to cover herself when she cracks the door open. She leans over to see who it is and a hand reaches out going over her mouth and shoving his way through the door. A woman, Fayth, follows closely behind him closing the door behind her. Ivan pulls her arms in place while Fayth stuffs Mallory’s mouth full of fabric, and then wraps her head several times with a teal vet wrap. Fayth snaps at Ivan telling him to keep the whore still. Mallory squirms and shakes her head desperately trying to get away from this crazy couple.
Fayth encourages Ivan to hurt Mallory if she doesn’t hold still, giving her nipple a hard tweak in the process. He hands some rope to Fayth and she quickly ties Mallory’s wrists behind her back saying that she deserves this and calling her a whore again. Ivan runs a piece of rope from Mallory’s wrists through her legs and around her waist and elbows locking them in place while Fayth takes the opportunity to grope her breasts. Fayth keeps accusing Mallory of doing something and demanding that she admit it but Mallory begs and pleads to be let go, claiming to have no knowledge of what she’s done.
The couple sits Mallory on the floor, straddling her, pulling her head back, and tells her all she has to do is say that she is sorry but Mallory refuses. Ivan flips her over and tells Fayth to sit on her to keep her still while he finishes the bondage on the leggy brunette. Fayth smacks her ass over and over until Mallory finally claims that she won’t do it again. Ivan finishes tying her ankles and knees and then leaves poor Mallory for Fayth to play with. Mallory afraid to endure any more pain at the hands of Fayth tries to agree to whatever she says, saying that she is sorry but Fayth just won’t believe her. Fayth takes off her shoes and spanks Mallory with the bottom of her high heel adding insult to injury.
Ivan comes back and Mallory tries to shout that she’s sorry but the couple decides that she’s lying since she doesn’t even know what she’s done to be sorry about. Ivan adds some more rope binding her legs in a bent position and ties her hands into the mix putting Mallory in a tight hogtie on the floor. Fayth laughs at Mallory when she tries to beg, taunting her, and teasing her. Mallory whimpers swearing she won’t do it again. The couple takes turns tormenting Mallory, squeezing her nipples making her squeal into the gag until they finally decide to go get the other witness.
11:49 video
Ivan is missing some money and is pretty sure he knows where it wandered off too. He grabs Elizabeth and brings her to his “special location”, ties her to a chair and interrogates her. He refuses to let her go until she tells him where the money is. The clips starts with Ivan leading Midian into the room with the tied up Elizabeth. Her wrists are already bound and she has an upper body harness tied tightly on her upper half. He tells Midian that he has been told that the money was given to her and she should know where it is. Midian calls Elizabeth a bitch, blaming her and asking her how she could do that. Ivan takes that to be an admission of guilt. Midian still denies taking the money. Ivan is convinced that Midian knows where it is and he plans to find out one way or another. He ties her to the large pulley in the room to make sure she doesn’t go anywhere.
Elizabeth tries to tell Midian through the gag that she wouldn’t do that to her, that she hasn’t told the man anything, but Midian can’t understand her though the gag. All she understands is the word I’m sorry and that sets her off. She decides to turn the tables and starts claiming that she had nothing to do with the missing money, that it was all Elizabeth!
Midian swears that she doesn’t know where the money is. Ivan shoves a black leather gag in her mouth since she’s not telling him anything useful. She whimpers behind the gag, some of her anger turning to fear. Ivan raises the pulley, lifting Midian’s arms up high behind her, parallel to the ground. Ivan grabs another rope and ties it around Midian’s waist. Ivan ties her thighs together, then continues down with the rope, just below her knees, and finally secures her ankles together as well. He ties Midian’s waist rope to her elbows locking them together.
Ivan leaves the girls gagged and bound to try to figure out who is to blame. As soon as he’s gone, the girls try to help each other escape. Elizabeth hops around in the chair trying to reach Midian’s ropes or at least the pulley to lower it, but before she can get anywhere, Ivan comes back in the room. They both squeal trying to get back to “normal” so he doesn’t make things any worse for them.
Ivan pulls out Midian’s gag and asks her if she’s ready to talk. Midian, ignoring the fact that Elizabeth just tried to help her, quickly blames her for the missing money. She tells Ivan that Elizabeth put it in a vault and that’s all she knows. He decided to go to the vault to see if it’s there. Ivan isn’t going to ignore the escape attempt though. He places Elizabeth under the pulley as well and runs the rope through the top of the chair and then around Midian’s hips locking her ass and back around Elizabeth’s torso. He continues to wrap the rope around the two bound girls until finally knotting it off out of reach of the two girls.
The girls manage to partially untie the ropes and wiggle and sqirm trying to get out but the rope is caught. Midian manages to wiggle her body enough to get the last rope to slide down to her ankles but she can’t get out of it without falling. Elizabeth grabs the ropes and continues to work on the knots. Ivan comes in to inform them that the money was in the vault and that since they are doing such a good job working together to escape, he’s going to leave them too it. Starring Midian & Elizabeth Andrews
9:33 video
Kim is looking for a job dancing at an out of town club. She meets the manager and tells him she knows all the pole tricks. The manager love her long black hair, firm figure, and sexy legs so he gives her a shoot. Seeing that Kim lied and can not do any of the tricks. The manager tell Kim he will show her. He ties her hands around the pole to help her learn (he says). After Kim's hands are tied he pulls her head back by the hair and tells her he is going teach her a lesson about lying. Kim is gagged and tied to the pole. Standing there looking at Kim the manager gets an idea for a new side line business. A bondage club where guy can come and see sexy women tied up. Kim will be his first employee.
10:24 video
Mr. Boulder's excuse for bringing Ms. Boxxx to the back room instead of his office seemed reasonable - his office was being renovated, and it is all in disarray, and this room is available for them to finish the interview process. Ms. Boxxs is very qualified for this "executive assistant" position, but Ivan has a few more "questions" for her. He slips behind the desk she's perched on and grabs her by the hair, taking her completely by surprise. "What are you doing? This is not standard operating procedure!" Well that's certainly true, and neither is untying and removing her blazer, pinning her hands behind her back with one hand, and pulling out rope with the other. While Ivan holds her wrists tight and uncoils the rope, Candle twists around and tries to kick Ivan in the head, but he ignores her attempts and simply flips her onto her stomach to tie her hands behind her back. "In case you haven't realized, this job is not for an executive secretary." This just prompts Candle to try kicking him again, but he's out of her reach - for good reason, as this isn't his first time. Somehow this surprises blonde Candle. "What kind of creep are you?" "The wealthy kind," Ivan responds, and Candle kicks again. "Those are awful pretty weapons there, I'll have to do something about those..." And he pulls out another rope to secure her ankles and those sexy high heels.
Candle ceases her attempts to kick Ivan, and resorts to threats: "Y'know, I have a knife in my purse! I'll take care of you!" This only makes Ivan chuckle - her purse is up in the lobby, and she's not going to make it all the way up there in her current situation. As he ties her knees, showing off those sexy long legs, he tells her she'll fit right in with his group. Finally it sinks in for Candle, "I'm going to be some kind of sexual slave?" Yep, she'll be in his rope a lot. "But I'm not into rope!" That's actually better - guys pay more for chicks who aren't into it. And it's nice for Ivan, too, because it means he gets to break her, to XXXX her to do what he wants her to do, like open her mouth and take a huge red ball gag. He loves a good challenge. He unties her pretty blue blouse and rolls her onto her side to expose her delicate bra, then pulls that down to reveal her perfect breasts with their rosy pink nipples. To make the nearly ideal image all the more sublime, he loops a rope above and below her tits while she struggles to sit up. That actually makes it easier for Ivan to finish wrapping the rope around her chest, even though she's trying to hop around the desk. Ivan ties the knot just as Candle starts to hop away, and before she's two feet from the desk he simply grabs her by a couple of ropes and puts her back, face down, on the desk. Candle squirms and wiggles as Ivan adds the last rope from her ankles to her wrists, making sure to knot it several times and extra tight to slow the fidgety woman down while he's off getting the van ready for her.
Knowing this is probably her last chance to possibly get free, Candle wastes no time pulling against the ropes, stretching and arching to get loose. When that proves futile, she call for help through the gag, but to no avail - Ivan is the only one who comes. He gropes and fondles poor Candle, leaning her off the edge of the desk against his hips. Yep, he'll have her behaving just he way he wants in probably less than a week. "Ready to go?" Of course, Candle is not, but Ivan tosses her over his shoulder anyway, and carries her off.
11:12 video
Ivan grabs Destiny and leads her to a chair placed against a pole in a garage. He tells her they need to have a little chat as she sits down causing her very tight fitting short skirt to rides up. He grabs her wrists and starts binding them behind the pole, causing her shirt to become strained at the button on her chest. Ivan tells her that he knows she’s been cheating on him, that he saw her last night with Lew. Destiny is still in disbelief, not really taking in the helplessness of her situation…yet. Ivan takes some blue tape and runs it through her unfaithful mouth and around the pole, thus securing her head to the pole. Ivan then uses a rope attached to the ceiling to tie her forearms together making her position considerably more difficult. Destiny finally starts seeing how serious this all is and starts to whine and wince a bit behind the tape cleave gag. Ivan crosses her legs and she tries hard to look down to see what he’s doing. He starts tying her legs just above the knee and then continues using that rope to tie each ankle to the opposite chair leg on the front. This just accentuates her stunning stocking covered legs and her vulnerability. All she can do is shift her arms back and forth slightly. Ivan stuffs some material in her mouth and then uses a thick heavy black tape to keep it in place over the tape cleave gag. Ivan tells Destiny that he’s going to grab the camera and take a few pictures and then call Lew, and he can come and untie her if he would like to. Destiny tries to protest but not much sound escapes her twice gagged mouth and her body is very limited in its movement, but she does try. Her sexy body pulls against the ropes with each shift. Ivan comes back in and releases the button on her shirt revealing the tops of her breasts and a white lacey bra. Ivan tells her that he is done with her and he has called Lew and Lew admitted to being with her and he may come by to free her at some point. Ivan leaves the room leaving the girl bound, gagged, helpless, and unable to do anything about it. Starring Destiny
14:29 video
Lola and Nyxon and sitting on the couch, deciding what they want to do for the night. Lola is wearing a very sexy, clingy, leopard print mini dress, while Nyxon is wearing a little black dress that is a bit more conservative, especially when compared to her slutty roommate Lola. They hear a XXXX on the door and Lola asks if Nyxon was expecting someone. Nyxon answers the door and let a mountain of a man, Ivan Boulder, come in and tells Lola that he’s a friend and will be hanging out with them tonight. Ivan walks over and kneels beside Lola, getting fairly close to her. He sits down his green bag and reaches into it while Lola slides away, trying not to be too creeped out by Nyxon’s friend. Nyxon tells Lola that she got something for her and she starts to get excited until Ivan pulls out a bundle of rope. Lola, turns to Nyxon bewildered. He grabs her wrists and coils the rope around them while he explains that Nyxon informed him that Lola was screwing around with Nyxon’s boyfriend!
Lola claims she would never do that to Nyxon, but Ivan offers up pictures as proof and Lola is at a loss for words. Nyxon even tells her that Bobby told her it was true! Ivan continues to bind Lola’s arms while she tries to plead her case, despite the overwhelming evidence against her. Ivan stuffs a big ball gag in Lola’s wide-open mouth and straps it tightly behind her head turning her pleas into muffled mumbles. Lola calls Ivan disgusting and demands that he gets away from her. Instead, Ivan pulls her dress down and exposes her braless beautiful breasts. Ivan lets Lola in on the plan, that he gets to do whatever he wants with little Lola for the night – Nyxon thought it was a very fair punishment.
Nyxon continues to berate Lola while Ivan wraps rope just under her breasts and around her upper arms, cinching them to her naked torso. Nyxon tells Lola that she’s sure her husband wouldn’t like her fucking around either. Ivan wraps the rope above her breasts as well before crossing over one shoulder, looping the rope between her breasts and back up the other side, making them nice and perky. Ivan dumps out his bag of rope on the floor and Lola sighs, resigned to her fate. Nyxon is really enjoying watching her friend go through this. Ivan binds her legs just below her knees and at her ankles locking them together.
Lola finally admits that she fucked Bobby. Instead of saying she’s sorry though, she tells Nyxon that she’s only jealous that her boyfriend wanted to fuck Lola instead. Nyxon tells her that she isn’t jealous, that she just expected more from a friend. She turns to Ivan and tells him that Lola has a little nickname…”Loose Lola” that people like to call her.
Ivan finishes up the ropes on Lola and stands up to take a look. While Nyxon is leaned in checking the knots, Ivan casually walks up behind her and then reaches out grabbing her arms behind her back as well. Nyxon screams out in surprise and says that this isn’t what she hired him for. He bends her over the couch and coils rope around her wrists as well Lola slides away from them in a “you deserve this” kind of manner. Nyxon tries to bite Lola and she slides even further away. Ivan reaches in front, slides Nyxon’s dress down showing off her breasts, and straps a ball gag in her mouth as well.
Ivan picks up Nyxon, sits her on the couch, and gets to work binding her legs to match Lola’s. He tells them that there’s big money in pictures of girls tied up and that he plans to take advantage of the two lovely ladies for some financial benefit as well. When Nyxon acts disgusted by fucking Ivan or seeing Ivan fuck anyone, Lola immediate turn to Ivan and suggests they fuck. He asks her who’s first, her or her friend. Lola suggests that Nyxon go first and that she get to watch. She tries to win over Ivan by pretending to be turned on by the thought of fucking him and being mean to Nyxon.
Ivan leaves the two girls alone on the couch. They bicker and it turns to shoving, and then escalates to full on throwing themselves at each other. Lola tackles Nyxon shoving her off of the couch before giving a victory “hmph” into the gag. Nyxon’s not done yet though, she leans back and starts to kick Lola with her bound legs. Lola tries to kick back but Nyxon is able to slide away.
Ivan returns and finds Nyxon on the floor. He asks how she got there and she replies that Lola pushed her. Lola quickly looks up and says she did it for him and continues to try to moan and act turned on for Ivan. He gets the bed ready then comes back for Nyxon first. He lifts her up with two hands and pulls her to his chest carrying her out of the room. Lola struggles trying to untie the rope before he gets back. He returns to give a little advice to Lola, then throws her over his shoulder and carries her away. Starring Nyson & Lola Lynn