10:49 video
HD Ivan checks into a nice hotel and call an escort service. He asks for a hot sexy lady who is willing to be tied up. When the woman comes to the door Ivan is not disappointed. Magenta is very curvaceous lady with a perfect pair of shapely legs, dressed in nothing but a girdle, Cuban stockings. and high heels. Magenta climbs on the bed showing off her sexy figure and awesome legs then invites Ivan to join her and of course he does. Ivan drags Magenta down the bed, rolls her over onto her stomach, and pulls her arms behind the back. Ivan start tying Her wrist. Magenta tells him to stop she is not ok with it, Ivan explains, I asked the service for a woman that was ok with being bound and gag. They sent you so it is going to happen. Magenta keeps talking trying to get Ivan to stop but he continues to tie her slim crossed ankles and knees. Ivan lifts Magenta into a sitting position. Where we get fantastic look at Magenta's cleave. While Ivan stuff a pair of panties between Magenta luscious lips then tapes them in tight. Ivan takes some time to caress and play with his sexy victim before stepping back to watch her struggle. Ivan comes back ties Magenta's elbows together before putting her into a tight hogtie. Ivan manhandles Magenta around bed then through her over a shoulder and takes her home with him.
12:02 video
HD Sahrye's father has had enough of her spending his money and behaving like a wild XXXX. He wants her to come home, and he has sent Ivan to bring her home - no matter what. And Sahrye is going to make it as difficult as possible, because she does not want to go home - her apartment in the city is home! She tells him she is tired after a long night and wants to take a bath and go to bed, not go home to daddy and his rules and restrictions on spending. His credit cards are exactly where they belong - in her purse! For being tired from dancing all night at a club, Sahrye certainly has enough energy to fight Ivan, running around, kicking off her shoes, struggling as hard as possible to prevent Ivan from doing his job, but when daddy says no matter what, he means it, so Ivan brought rope aplenty, and is ready to rumble. Besides, it is kind of fun to manhandle Sahrye every few weeks and tie her up when necessary. Sahrye is a hot little thing, after all, with her tan skin, hot curves, and the way she dresses in stockings and high heels all the time. But they go through this way too often, and Sahrye never learns. Maybe a little humiliation will help curb her behavior, so Ivan unties the neck of her dress, leaving her boobs hanging out for when he carries her out to the car for all to see - although it would probably be better if the neighbors don't call the cops on him, so he goes to check that the coast is clear, leaving her to try to free herself while he's gone. She makes no headway, though, and is royally pissed by the time he comes back, and squeals like mad when he tosses her over his shoulder to take her hope to daddy.
10:41 video
HD Ivan is getting tired of Amiee's being lazy and half ass doing her job. He goes to talk with her about the newest thing. Amiee has given Ivan a message for a meeting at 1 o'clock but it does not say with who. When he asks her who it is with she has no idea. Ivan figures a little time out in some tight rope will help. The whole time Ivan is tying Amiee's wrists and elbows she is being very sassy. So it is time to shut her up by cramming a cloth into her lovely mouth and taping it in. Ivan takes his time tying Amiee's shapely legs below the knees and ankles. Will Amiee become a better secretary?
9:40 video
HD When you look and dress like sarah, you get used to guys leering at you in public places. People buy you drinks, talk you up, try to get into your panties, and sometimes get angry about rejection. Something about this particular creep gives sarah the willies, though. Hes not the usual guy, hes not chatting her up, he doesnt even say anything to her. He just watched her, all evening, sitting just down the bar but never approaching her, never even buying her a drink. She wrote him off as a shy creep when she left the bar, not noticing he got up just after she did.He must have taken the stairs, or another elevator; he wasnt in the elevator with her, and she didnt see him when she got off on her floor. He certainly saw her, though, following her to her room he moves stealthily for such a big guy. When she let herself into her room, so did he. His hand clapped over her mouth, he shoves her down on the bed and pulls her wrists behind her back, wrapping them with green rope. She yells at him, but he knows that anyone else staying on this floor is either already asleep or still down at the bar, so he lets her yell, calmly knotting the rope around her wrists, then tying her elbows, too. Finally she starts screaming for help, a bit louder than before, and his massive paw covers her mouth again. That gets the message across well enough, so she quiets down and tries to reason with him why didnt he just talk to her, ask her on a date? She might have said yes (yeah right) but now hes lost his chance altogether. Well, a chance at getting her with her consent, maybe. Hes getting his chance now, anyway, and theres not a whole lot she can do about it. Who said he wanted to fucking date her anyway?He steps back enough to grab her legs and pull them up onto the bed, pressing those hot red stilettos against her tight ass and starts to tie her ankles, making her bitch even more. Seriously, who would want to date a bitch like her? Sure, shes hot, but what a loud-mouthed bitchy shrew! Her black dress has hitched up around her hips, and she tries to cover those lacy panties and sexy garter belt holding her Cuban stockings up, as if it would do her any good at this point. Why else is she wearing clothes like that but to get noticed? Well, Ivan sure noticed her, and now hes tying her knees. Probably not what she intended, dressing like that, but a girl should consider the consequences of her actions and words. All that bitching and moaning has consequences, too Ivan is tired of listening to her, but he has something in his bag for mouths like hers pretty pink panties from the last girl he tied up like this. Foam medical tape wrapped around her head insures her silence, or at least quiet, if not her cooperation. Adjusting her on the bed, he grabs another rope and pulls her heels close to her hands, wrapping the rope from behind her stilettos to the fronts of her shapely thighs and around her wrists.sarah is still making a lot of noise, but there is only so much she can protest now while he pulls the straps of her little black dress and her lacy black bra off her shoulders, revealing what lovely breasts she has, in addition to her long sexy legs and curvaceous body. Ivan figures that with a body like that, and dressing the way she does, she probably has guys giving her expensive gifts all the time, so he decides to search her luggage to see if theres anything shiny to sell. He knows he already has one thing to sell sarah will make a great new slave for somebody with a lot of money. He heaves her over his shoulder to carry her out the back way and to his van
9:51 video
HD Ivan is out looking for his next girl, when he sees Anna walking down the street. Ivan loves the way she looks wearing a very tight pair of jeans with high heels.Ivan follows Anna to her hotel room, Anna enter her room but doesn't notice Ivan coming in behind her until she is handgagged and XXXX onto the bed. Ivan starts tied Anna's hands behind the back but has to stop and handgag her again because she is screaming for help. Ivan lets her it be quit or her will break her pretty little neck. After the hands are tied Ivan flips Anna from where she is laying face down to sitting up on the bed. Which he did so the stuffing and tapegag could be put on. Anna is struggling the whole time but that doesn't stop Ivan from placing rope below her knees and around the ankles. After placing Anna in a tight hodtie Ivan ties her elbows together which only add to how sexy Ann;s figure already looks. Now that all the hotel fun is done it time to carry Anna over his shoulder to the car.
11:51 video
Ivan knew why he hired Orias over the other candidates for the secretary job: her resume was great, sure, but it was the legs that sold him: shapely, in stockings, and perched atop high heels.The only problem with that great set of legs is that they come with a lazy, easily distracted secretary who doesn't get things done, even high priority things like the million-dollar contract bid Ivan has been working so hard to win. He put it on her desk a week ago, and it was supposed to go out by the end of today, but it hasn't so much as moved an inch since he put it there. Instead, Orias is on her phone, texting or tweeting or whatever else that isn't part of her job description. If she lost him that contract...hell, even if she didn't, this is unacceptable. All she's good for at this point is looking sexy, so Ivan decides to make her look even sexier with some rope. He ties her wrists and elbows quickly, listening to her make excuses and sass him. But he came prepared, and stuffs a cloth in her mouth, wrapping red electrical tape around her head several times to make sure she can't spit it out.
Somehow that makes it much easier for him to tie up her legs now that he doesn't have to hear her prissy bitching. He ties her ankles, then her knees, speculating about what type of secretary he should hire in her place: maybe an ugly chick who doesn't own a smart phone would actually get the job done. And while it may be too late for this contract, maybe Orias can earn that million dollars at the strip club across town. She does have the body for it, after all. And Ivan happens to know the owner, and that the strippers often do more for patrons than strip, so she may actually be able to make a decent amount of money - though all of it will go to paying Ivan back for the contract she lost for him. Guess she should have worked a little harder to do the job she was hired for!
9:55 video
"You can't just pick girls off the street and call them yours!"
Anna tries to convince Ivan of this, but since that's exactly what he did and is doing, he just can't agree with her. He already has her hands tied, and quickly ties a knot-gag in her mouth, telling her that the more she fights him, the more it hurts her, and the more he likes it. She tries to kick him all the same, but he has a good solution for that – more rope, tying her knees together. It throws off her balance and sends her sliding down the wall and onto the floor. She still tries to kick him, now with both legs, but he takes away her leverage by rolling her onto her stomach, then tying her ankles together. While he knots the rope, Anna has been working on the rope around her wrists, which Ivan quickly fixes, adding another knot just to be thorough. But misbehavior like that deserves some punishment, so he unbuttons her blouse to reveal her tight little body and pretty satin bra while she squirms and wiggles, kicking her shoes off. Ivan warns that he likes her with her pretty pink pumps on, that they make her sexier, and that she shouldn't kick them off again. Instead she rolls around on the floor, into a sitting position, and tries to maintain her modesty when her bra strap slips off her shoulder, moaning and whining all the while.
Ivan thinks Anna is being a little too loud, so he adds a layer of gag material to quiet her down, putting a folded cloth over her mouth and wrapping pink vetwrap around her head. Ivan has to go get a few things ready for their fun – well, his fun – so he takes the ends from her wrist rope and ties them to her ankles, making sure she won't be running off while he's gone. All she can do now is squirm and roll around, arching and flexing, until he returns. When he comes back, he tells her that if she pleases him tonight, he *might* let her go. She would be the first girl he has ever let go, but all the same, it is in her best interest to do her best to make him happy. With that, he picks her off the floor and onto his shoulder, and carries her off to the bedroom.
10:18 video
HD Some chicks just like to tease, wearing fitted blouses, nice skirts, pantyhose, and high heels. Ivan and his coworkers are tired of seeing Pepper walk around all sexy, flirting with him and the other guys, crossing and uncrossing her legs, then getting upset when one of the guys flirts back, going so far as to get him fired. Well, it's time to get a little more than just flirting; Ivan is going to tie her up and take pictures of her for all the guys she's been leading on. He starts with her wrists, then opens her blouse to show off those big tits of hers, a rope around her elbows pulls her shoulders back and her breasts forward, making Ivan just want to add another rope under those tits. He plants her ass on the chair he used to lure her in, tying her securely to it before crossing her legs – like she always does to tease him – and tying them that way. She's not going to just tease anymore – Ivan is going to get some great pictures, as well as a few good gropes of her sexy legs and breasts. He doesn't want to be greedy, though – he'll call the other guys in to get their share of her sexiness too. A few hours of that will teach her to be such a tease!
10:33 video
It’s usually pretty easy to find - or create - a corporate spy: offer them enough money, and just about anyone will turn traitor on their own company. Annabelle was a perfect candidate for this job: she had the access the agency needed, she was eager for the payoff, and, bonus for Ivan, she’s a hot little thing, with a tight body, beautiful long brown hair, and great legs. And she delivered: all the info they wanted, and more. Only one problem: you can’t trust a traitor, even one you make. Ivan has no intention of paying Annabelle for her hard work - and she did have to do a few extra things to get access to all the data - he has something green for her, but it’s not money.
As soon as she realizes what’s going on, Annabelle tries to run, but Ivan already has her, so she tries to bargain: the data for her freedom. But they’re going to get the data whether she’s free or not, and she’s a loose end that needs tying. And that’s something Ivan’s very good at doing. He has her wrists tied quickly, despite her struggling and trying to stomp on and smash the flash drive she dropped in the struggle. He starts tying her to a chair when she decides to scream, but quickly stops when he threatens to break her neck. Ivan wasn’t planning on getting rid of her that way, but he will if necessary. It would be a damn shame to off the owner of those shapely legs he’s tying, and she would do quite well in the agency’s retirement plan; their private resort is mostly staffed with lovely ladies like Annabelle, aside from the heavy security, of course. In fact, Ivan may have to visit her there himself, as sexy as she is.
After checking to make sure the coast is clear, Ivan comes back and asks Annabelle if she’s ready to go. She shakes her head at first, not wanting to end up where it seems like she’s going, but then she thinks, wait, he has to untie me to get me out of here, right? I’m tied to the damn chair! So she starts to nod vigorously, but much to her surprise, he just picks her up, chair and all, over his shoulder and out the door.
11:46 video
Lizz had a run-in with a jerk at the bar tonight, but thankfully, Ivan was there to help out – and he even escorted her home safely from the bar. But, like most guys, he wants something in return, even if it's just a little show of gratitude, coffee or something like that – something Lizz isn't planning to give him. Well, it turns out Ivan isn't going to wait for her to offer, especially when she tries to give him the polite brush-off. And here she thought he was just being nice! Instead, it seems he saved her from one pervert only to be one himself. He grabs her, pins her to the arm of the couch, and pulls out a coil of rope from his pocket. What kind of guy carries rope around in his pocket?! It turns out he has several coils of rust-colored rope, as he ties her wrists, her knees, and her ankles. Lizz tries to convince him that rope is not the way to get her gratitude, and that if he really wants to get coffee with her, he should really untie them so they can go out for coffee.
But Ivan has already seen those sexy legs in rope, and he wants to see the whole package. He could do without the constant verbal abuse though – and it turns out he has more than just rope in his pockets, pulling out a handkerchief and a roll of electrical tape. She tries to resist, but he stuffs the cloth in her mouth and winds the tape around her head several times. She's even sexier now that she's a little quieter. He ties her elbows, too, while she shimmies and struggles, trying to convince him with her eyes that she'll cooperate if he unties her. At this point, though, he doesn't need her cooperation, and she can't do anything while he unbuttons her blouse. Ivan leaves her to contemplate her gratitude while he checks her fridge for a beer or other beverage. She's going to show her thanks before he leaves tonight. One more rope strung tightly between her wrists and her ankles gives a nice visual and a compact little package to carry to the bedroom, whether she wants to go or not.
8:32 video
Ivan loves picking up these street-walkers for his pleasure, because if you offer them enough money, they're up for most anything. Or at least once you pay them, you can pretty much ignore their protests on the grounds that you've already paid them, so they're just earning their keep. Ivan picked Pandora tonight because of her fabulous legs and tight little body, imagining how hot she'll look all tied up. He ties her wrists, which she's already a little nervous about, but it's when he starts to tie her elbows that she decides she wants out. It's a little late now, though, so when she really freaks out over the rope to a ring hanging from the ceiling, he just ignores her until he has her wrists tied off, making her bend over and show off that sweet little ass of hers, and crams a cloth into her mouth, wrapping green vet-wrap around her head to keep it in.
Now Ivan doesn’t have to listen to Pandora whine any more, and can tie her sexy legs in peace. They look even more fabulous with her ankles crossed as he ties them, highlighting those shapely calves and amazing thighs. Oh, he is going to enjoy playing with her. He goes to get his camera to take a few shot to remember her by, leaving her to struggle and pull against the ropes. After several pictures of her from this angle and that, he unties her arms form the ring so that he can move her to the bedroom for the next part of their fun tonight. He tosses her tight little body over his shoulder, once again admiring those toned legs as he carries her off to the bedroom.
9:16 video
GG may not have a lot of fancy things, but she does have a nice 60" flat screen TV, which is visible through the window. Ivan has seen it and figures she has other valuable things, so one night he slips in to take what he pleases. It doesn't matter that GG is home when he gets there, that just means he gets to tie her up in addition to taking her stuff. GG is a feisty little thing, but with more bark than bite. She runs her mouth the entire time Ivan is tying her up, threatening, cajoling, even turning on her neighbor (who has much more expensive stuff) to try to get Ivan to leave her alone. While Ivan is amused by her attempts to convince him to let her go, he continues to tie her up, first wrists as she kicks her legs and struggles, then ankles while she promises her neighbor's stuff, then knees as she explains how she can help him. Ivan finally cuts her off with a cloth crammed in her mouth, giving him a little peace while he puts her in a tight hogtie.
While Ivan is carrying out her TV, GG struggles on the chaise, pushing against the rope and squirming sexily. When he returns, Ivan tells her he has decided to take her up on her offer to help with the neighbor's stuff (though not quite the way she wanted), and picks her up over his shoulder to bring her with him
13:06 video
Ivan has talked to his girlfriend Lucky about flirting with other guys a dozen times. He's not normally a jealous person, but Lucky has given him plenty of reason to be jealous. Tonight, it was her flirting with yet another guy at the bar. Ivan finally got so disgusted that he got up and left, expecting Lucky to follow shortly, but it was another twenty minutes before she showed up in their room. Ivan is tired of it. When she stumbles into their room, he's waiting for her. As they start to argue over the same old thing, Ivan pushes her onto the bed and pins her hands behind her back, pulling out some rope from under the covers to tie her wrists.
Lucky starts to get really pissed off at Ivan saying he's going to punish her, and starts to kick when he ties her knees. She demands he let her go, angry at his jealousy, and when he starts to question her about the guy at the bar – did she wear those Cuban stockings for that guy? did she give him her number? – she starts to get loud with her frustration, so he quickly ties off her ankles and sits her up to quiet her down. While she yells and bitches and tries to make comparisons to him looking at porn, he crams a cloth in her mouth and wraps tape around her head to hold it in. Finally, a little peace and quiet! He pulls down her dress to expose her pretty breasts, then adds rope to highlight them. She squirms and makes angry sounds, but it doesn't stop him from turning her over and tying her wrists to her ankles. It makes for a pretty little picture, her sexy little body with those Cuban stockings, high heels, and lots of rope to keep her in place, a gag to keep her quiet. This is a pretty good deal for Ivan! He could really get into this. He decides to take a few pictures to remember her like this. It stimulates his imagination, all the different ways he could tie her. It would even be more fun at the house, with the rafters in the basement… She can ride home just like this; she'll fit nicely into the back seat where he can see her. He picks her up off the bed, tosses her over his shoulder while she squeals, then carries her out to go home.
11:22 video
HD Ivan has been looking over the books, and he's noticed several consistent "mistakes" - too consistent to really be mistakes. When he hired Maddie, he could tell she was smart enough to do them properly, so he's pretty sure it's not stupidity that's causing this; in fact, he's pretty sure she's stealing from him. Rather than hand her over to the appropriate authorities, he's going to take care of her in house. He calls her into his office to confront her, and of course she plays dumb, but he already knows better. He grabs her wrists, ties them tightly, then tells her, as he continues to tie her up, what he's going to do with her. She surely knows about the other sources of income than the business front, the less legitimate side of things, which is where she's going to end up. There are a few options there, though - she can be a willing, high-paid call girl, or she can be the XXXX bondage slut. People pay a lot of money to screw a tied up girl, and Ivan finds that Maddie looks oh so good tied up, with another rope around her elbows, then knees and ankles. Maddie can object all she wants, but she doesn't have much choice - Ivan knows what he's doing. A rope from her wrists and elbows to her ankles makes the package complete - almost. That pretty mouth of hers is kind of pissing him off, so he pulls off several pieces of shiny black tape, crams her mouth with a white cloth, the tapes it in. Just to make this thieving bitch more uncomfortable, he ties her hair off to her ankles, creating such a lovely arch in her long lean body. Ivan is enjoying this a little more than he thought he would, so he offers her an alternative - being his little bondage slut, or being everyone's little bondage slut. After being left to stew for a couple hours, Maddie has had plenty of time to think about her options, and Ivan takes her away to find out her answer someplace more comfortable.
15:17 video
Ivan likes to hire sexy secretaries, but while they're great to look at, they rarely seem to get anything done. Sure, for the first month or two, they'll work a decent amount, but the longer they're there, the less they work, and Lexy Mae is no exception. He has been watching her via the security cameras, and not only is she not working, she's not even doing anything sexy, just sitting there with her legs crossed in her turquoise dress, shiny pantyhose, and black high heels. It's time for a new secretary. Ivan could just confront Lexy about the problem, but he has a better idea, and brings some rope along. Rather than just firing her, Ivan thinks she might earn back some of the money she wasted by daydreaming all day. He tells her he knows what she's been doing, and when she argues that she was just resting for a minute, he grabs her wrists and ties them behind her back. She continues to argue and bitches about how ridiculous Ivan is being, and he continues to tie her up, shifting her onto her stomach on the desk, then tying her elbows, ankles, and knees, packaging her up for his friend to make use of her and her sexy talents. The rope really highlights her sexy body, those shapely calves and muscular thighs, slim little body and sexy outfit.
Ivan is getting tired of hearing her argue with him, though, so he pulls out some pink frilly panties his last secretary left behind and crams them into Lexy's mouth, wrapping wide black electrical tape around her head, He puts her back face down on the desk and strings a rope between her ankles and her wrists, then around her thighs for good measure. It XXXX an arch in Lexy's back and makes her plump little ass much more noticeable, something not lost on Ivan. She'll certainly be using all these assets in her new job as a call girl for Ivan's friend. He goes to let his friend know she's ready to be picked up, leaving Lexy to fight against the ropes, tugging and pulling, twisting and arching, trying to loosen anything she can. But Ivan comes back to grope her legs and take a look at those pretty tits of hers, since he hasn't seen them yet. While she was his employee, he would never have taken advantage of her, though she always turned him on with the way she dressed and the way she walks in those heels, but now she's not his employee anymore, and he can probably get a discount from her new boss at her new job, he might have to call first dibs on her sexy ass. Lexy really squirms while Ivan goes out to meet his buddy, but she's still just as tied up when he comes back to pick her up and carry her off to her new job.
11:05 video
Shauna loves living within walking distance of all the best clubs in the area, so she can party and dance and drink and not have to worry about how she's going to get home. So it's definitely not the getting home part that gets her in trouble; it's the being not quite sober enough to have seen the big guy following her from the club, even when she glanced over her shoulder, and not noticing when he closes the gap between them as she arrives home, slipping in right behind her before she can close the door. He clamps a big hand over her mouth, then bends her over the arm of her couch, pinning her arms behind her back and tying her wrists rapidly. She immediately tells him where her money is stashed, hoping that he'll just take it and go, but that's assuming he came here to steal from her, which, while not a bad idea, isn't why he's here. He's here because she was all hot on the dance floor, dressed to thrill, that tight skirt and fishnet stockings and patent leather high heels; he's much more interested in her than in her possessions. He ties her ankles and knees, fondling those muscular calves and thighs, then stepping back to watch her struggle and flex before going off to see what she has in the bedroom.
When he comes back, Ivan readjusts poor Shauna to a sitting position with her legs over the arm of the couch, and while it's marginally more comfortable than the other way, it doesn't stay that way for long. Ivan had picked out some lacy white panties from Shauna's bedroom, and now he's going to use them to keep her a little quieter. She clamps her mouth shut in rebellion, but has to open her mouth when he pinches her nose shut, cramming the panties into her mouth and wrapping shiny black tape around her head to hold it in. Now he can admire that sexy body a little closer, and decides those beautiful full breasts will be even better with some rope around them. She's still a bit too squirmy for his liking, so he adds another rope to pull her chest to her knees. She flexes against the rope, that nice line of muscle in her thigh reminding him why she caught his attention on the dance floor, so it's time to take her to the bedroom.
16:02 video
Chrissy and Blair were up way too late last night, XXXX and dancing and partying until almost 4am. But that's what you do in Vegas, right? Well, it catches up to you in the morning when you party till you drop. They didn't even get undressed when they got back to the hotel room, just on the bed with their short skirts, black stockings, and high heels all still on. They might still be a bit XXXX when they hear a XXXX at the door. Blair nudges Chrissy awake to answer the door, so XXXX Chrissy gets up, slides off the bed, and opens the door. Blair figures it's Chrissy's boyfriend, especially when Chrissy starts to make some noise. Isn't it a little early to be getting it on? Blair covers her head with a pillow and ignores her friend, but it's not sex noises Chrissy is making – some guy has barged his way into their hotel room and grabbed Chrissy, one hand over her mouth, the other holding her arms behind her back. Ivan pushes her face into the bed, tying her wrists behind her back while Blair bitches about the noise and the early hour. He rather agrees about the noise, so crams a cloth into Chrissy's mouth and wraps medical tape around her head, then continues to tie her ankles.
"Chrissy, shut up!" Blair chides her friend, still hiding her head under a pillow. She had no problem with the noise last night when they were up partying, but now all she wants to do is XXXX. Ivan has other ideas, though, as payback for keeping him up last night. Blair gets the same treatment as Chrissy, wrists tied behind her back, then panties shoved in her loud mouth and medical tape holding it in. It doesn't quiet her down much – it's still pretty clear when she asks Chrissy what the hell is going on. Chrissy did try to tell her, but Blair was too hung over to listen, and now she's getting her ankles tied too. She may not remember much of last night and the loud music they had blaring and keeping Ivan up, but they're sure going to remember today. Ivan ties her knees, then ties Chrissy's too. Blair and Chrissy have a gagged conversation Ivan can't understand, but it doesn't make any difference to him as he ties Chrissy's wrists to her ankles, admiring her hot little body. He does the same to Blair, groping her calves before moving on to her elbows. After their loud fun last night, it's time for Ivan to have his fun. He lifts Blair to his shoulder to take her to his room, promising Chrissy he'll be back for her once he's done with Blair. Chrissy can only sit and wait, all tied up and worrying while they're gone. But Ivan is true to his word, and comes back to get Chrissy to come join them in his room.
9:08 video
People tend to get very upset about money, and Ivan is no exception. When he figured out he got conned out of the money he thought he was investing in a good venture, he was determined to get his money back, and he wasn't going to take no for an answer. He found the guy handling the investments and extracted some answers from him after a few beatings. Somehow it doesn't surprise him that the lovely Anna is part of the little operation – she was, after all, the one to convince Ivan this was a good investment – so it's time to pay her a visit.
Of course she remembers Ivan, but Anna tries to play the victim, claiming that she got conned by the guy too, and that he's just trying to get Anna to take the fall for him. Ivan doesn't believe her; it's much easier to believe someone who has no more reason to lie, so he trusts her former partner a little more. He ties Anna's wrists while she tries to convince him it's not her fault, then wraps tape around her head to keep her from lying to him anymore while he ties her up the rest of the way. She tries to get away from him, but he fixes that problem by pinning her legs with his. He ties her elbows, then ties the rope around her waist to show off that alluring figure. Rope for her knees and ankles is next – she'd better hope she knows the codes to the accounts, otherwise it will take a long time to make his money back, and not a good way for Anna. As he ties her up, he remembers why he followed her advice to begin with – those sexy legs, pantyhose and high heels, and great ass. He goes outside to pull the truck around.
If Anna decides not to help him, well, he's going to have to help himself – not a good option for her. Not that she really has any good options here, but some are better than others. If she does help him, and he gets his money back, he *might* even let her go after. Well, she has time to decide – they have a long truck ride ahead of them. He lifts her onto his shoulder and carries her out to the truck.
8:51 video
"My car broke down and my cell phone battery is . Could I use your phone?"
No good deed goes unpunished – Fayth goes to get her cell phone to let this guy make a call, but as soon as she turns her back, Ivan reaches to clamp a hand over her mouth and grabs her arms behind her. He pins her down on the chair beside the door, holding her wrists tightly while he wraps electrical tape around them. Fayth begs him not to hurt her, just to take whatever and go – which he plans to do, but he's going to tie her up so she won't be in his way. He tapes her elbows next, then shoves a piece of cloth in her mouth and wraps the yellow electrical tape around her head a few times to keep it in. Now that he has a chance to actually look at her, Ivan likes what he sees. He pulls her dress down to see her perky little tits, and she immediately tries to hide them by leaning forward against the chair. Ivan just picks up her legs and pushes her onto the chair so he can tie her ankles and knees while she tries to tell him to take her things and leave her alone – she won't tell anyone. A few more wraps of tape pull her heels close to her shapely ass, ensuring Fayth will stay exactly where she is while Ivan scopes out her place.
Fayth can barely move, can pretty much only flex her legs and arch her back. Ivan's not too happy with what he finds, though – Fayth's TV is one of the big bulky old ones, maybe worth $20 on the street, and she only has a VCR – who even owns those anymore? She has some jewelry, but it's cheap stuff, pretty much worthless. Just about the only thing of value in the house is sexy little Fayth. He might have to take her with him to make this trip worthwhile. Girls are harder to sell than stuff, but she's hot enough that he might be able to get some good money for her. He picks her up onto his shoulder, rotating to let her get one last good look at her house, then carries her out the door and down the steps to his truck.
8:58 video
Dakkota expects her employees to get their work done - not an unreasonable expectation - but Ivan has consistently failed to do his job. It’s one break after another, always finding something else to do besides what he’s supposed to. She’s tried talking to him, but it’s now way past that point, and she’s just going to fire him. He goes to clean out his locker, but he comes back after a few minutes, and shows her how much of a mistake she’s making. He grabs her up from her desk chair, pushes her on top of her desk, and ties her wrists behind her back. She tries to call for security, but they’re downstairs enjoying some of the coffee and donuts he brought - that’s not why he brought them, but they sure came in handy today. Still, better to be safe than sorry - he pushes an old tie between her lips to quiet her down. He easily manhandles her onto her stomach to tie her ankles and knees, then ties her ankles to her wrists.
Dakkota notices how easy this is for Ivan, and begins to wonder if this is another thing he wastes his day doing while she pays him to work. He says he’s never done this on the job before, but she certainly will, since this will be her job from now on. He has, however, fantasied about her tied up like this while on the job - and his perversion grosses her out. He’s going to miss watching her walk around, since she always wears the skirt, pantyhose, and heels on the job - but she’ll be wearing them on her new job, just not walking around so much, since she’s going to disappear from this office and never come back - at least now he’ll have the view at home. Ivan goes off to make sure all the other employees have enough donuts and coffee for distraction so he can take Dakkota out to the truck unnoticed. While he’s gone, Dakkota struggles against the rope, trying to get free before he comes back, but it does no good, and he just tosses her over his shoulder to take her to her new job.
15:26 video
Ivan has been watching Drea for a long time, much longer than he usually watches a girl before he picks her up, but she’s so damn sexy that he enjoys just watching her walk around in those high heels, pantyhose or stockings, tight dresses or skirts, and other clothes that generally show of how fantastic her body is. It always inspires him on ways to tie her or other things to do to her, so by the time he grabs her, he is primed and ready. He lured her over to his place with the idea of selling her some of the antique furniture he inherited from his parents, but he’s not planning to sell. Instead he has rope set up and ready in his garage when she naively strolls right in. As the garage door closes behind them, Ivan grabs her arms and plants a big hand over her mouth. Since it is the garage and the neighbors aren’t too far away, the first thing he does is stuff her mouth with a cloth and adds a few layers of tape to keep it in. He tied her hands in front of her and off to a cross-beam on the wall of the garage. He lifted the hem of her dress to show off her sexy hips and ass, then retrieved another rope and started tying her knees. Whimpering, she flexed her thighs, which only made Ivan appreciate his captive more. He crossed her ankles, making it hard to stand, and tied them that way. The tape on her mouth had starting coming loose, so Ivan goes to get some more, leaving Drea to pull on the ropes and hop around a little.
When he comes back, Ivan unties her wrists from the beam, but he’s not letting her go. He pulls her dress over her head, then grips her wrists with one hand and hikes them high, making her bend forward for him to appreciate her tight ass. He ties her wrists again, this time behind her, then her elbows, and as he’s knotting the rope at her elbows, she tries to give her legs a little break by going down to her knees, but Ivan jerks her back to her feet. She doesn’t go down until he tells her to - and now he does, putting her on her stomach on the floor so he can tie her ankles to her wrists, with the rope through a ring hanging from the ceiling. As flexible as Drea is, this isn’t too bad, though still terrifying, but then Ivan pulls the ring higher, making it a little more uncomfortable for her, and a little more sexy for him. If she gives him a good show, he’ll keep her around for part two... but if not, well, her role ends now.
Drea squirms and flexes, not so much focusing on giving Ivan a show, but genuinely trying to get loose, arching her back and sticking her ass up in the air, rocking back and forth, flexing her legs. Her attempts are turning Ivan on - he might keep this one around for a few weeks, as sexy and entertaining as she is.
10:24 video
The job description at the temp agency was a little odd, with dress and appearance requirements in addition to the usual, but it was hard to resist the lure of such high pay for a secretary-type job, as Mr. Boulder’s personal assistant. Sahrye figures that if the interview is too weird, she just won’t accept the job. When Sahrye gets to the interview, Mr. Boulder explains the responsibilities: all the usual personal assistant elements, like making appointments and answering the phone; dressing in an attractive way, like the Asian style dress, garter and stockings, and high heels he requested for today; and one little detail not mentioned by the temp agency: being tied up. Mr. Boulder explains that he enjoys looking at tied up women, especially in outfits like the one she has on today, and it’s part of how he relaxes. Sahrye isn’t quite sure how she feels about this, but as long as it’s just a little rope and no touching or anything, it might be okay - it does explain why the compensation was a tad high. Mr. Boulder demonstrates by tying her hands behind her back, just to give her a taste of what it would be like, though she thinks the rope is particularly tight, especially for her first time, but he says it doesn’t look right if it’s not tight.
If this is all there is to it, then the job probably is worth the money, though it’s pretty weird. But Sahrye quickly finds out that Mr. Boulder has more in mind for her than she originally bargained for; as soon as he has her hands tied and pulls out more rope for tying her legs, he unbuttons the neck of her dress, and despite her objections and attempts to prevent him, he unzips the side of her dress, exposing a beautiful breast, which really starts her yelling and squealing. Ivan covers her mouth with a big hand while he opens a drawer and pulls out a long gold cloth to wrap around Sahrye’s head and into her mouth, quieting her shrieks. He has decided that she has the job, whether she wants it or not. Mild-mannered Sahrye practically turns into a wild when Ivan continues to tie her, kicking and twisting and doing everything she can to prevent Ivan from tying her up. But this isn’t his first rodeo, and he manages to tie her ankles and put her in a hogtie relatively quickly, thoroughly enjoying her feistiness and sass, even though it causes her to put a run in those sexy shiny stockings. She’s hot and fun enough that he thinks maybe he’ll find another personal assistant, and make Sahrye his personal play-toy instead. Time for her to go home with him for a more thorough “interview” there.
11:31 video
Ivan has a few hot friends who are trying to get into the modeling industry, and one of them is slightly more... motivated than most. She found out about a gig that could really set off her career, but the agency had already brought in a model: Moon. Seeing an opportunity for advancement, Ivan's friend asked him to "delay" Miss Moon, and Ivan agreed - not just because he gets to tie up a hot little model, but now his sexy friend owes him a favor. For now, though, Ivan is simply enjoying his temporary captive, and tying her wrists and elbows before tying her to a chair. His green rope complements her green gown, and highlights her shapely body, but she certainly doesn't like it, and spends every second bitching and complaining and fussing at Ivan that he could have just told her not to go to the gig. Ivan doesn't really believe that would have worked, and it's a little late now anyway, so to shut her up, he crams a cloth into her mouth and wraps purple sport-wrap around her head, with yellow electrical tape making it even more secure.
Ivan suspects that a model like Moon has sexy legs, so he hikes up her dress to check them out - and sure enough, her legs are gorgeous - nice muscular thighs and shapely calves, made even hotter by the Cuban-heeled stockings that give just the right sheen, with the black seam up the back and garters holding them up... no wonder Ivan's friend wanted Moon out of the way. He ties her legs crossed at the knee, and ties each ankle off to opposite legs of the chair, enjoying the view and caressing those hot legs. While Moon sits there and squirms, flexing her calves and pulling on the ropes, Ivan snaps several pictures, partly for his own enjoyment, and partly as security, so that if Moon decides to ever tell anyone about how he tied her up, he'll release the pictures and probably ruin her modeling career. Once he's sure they have an understanding, he promises to let her go.
11:03 video
Sarah has dressed up for her married boyfriend, in a tiny little black skirt and a burgundy top that shows off her fabulous tits, with lace-top fishnet stockings and patent leather high-heeled pumps. He told her to be waiting for him at the hotel, which is far enough away from his house that his wife will never see Sarah. She thinks maybe he has some surprise for her - maybe he's going to tell her he told his wife and they're splitting up so he and Sarah can really be together! But she tries not to get her hopes up, and is casually sitting on the ottoman in the hotel room when the door opens. From where she's seated, she can't see the door, so when he comes around the corner - well, it's not him. The first question out of her mouth is, "Who are you?" But she can't seem to get past those words when the guy grabs her and starts tying her wrists. Finally she asks, "Why are you tying me up?" But she doesn't believe his answer - that her boyfriend told him to "take care of" Sarah. But, as much as her boyfriend likes Sarah's sexy body and clothes, he likes his money and his wife's money better. And Ivan kind of likes "taking care of" Sarah, anyway - he gets to tie her sexy ass up, gets to fondle her lovely breasts, add rope to make them stand out, and generally have his way with her, before really "taking care of" her.
And she does look good in his rope. He ties her ankles and knees while she glares darkly at him and tries to headbutt him, squirming and making angry noises. Ivan ties off her ankles and wrists to the legs of the ottoman. He decides she's being a little too loud, so goes to get something else to cram in her mouth. She fidgets with the rope, but the best she can do is pull on it, not unknot it, and certainly not before Ivan comes back and tapes more packing in her mouth. Now that she's quieter, he can go and check to make sure the way is clear. When he comes back, he seems in a helpful mood to poor Sarah, untying her from the ottoman, but it's short-lived generosity, since his next step is to pick her up over his shoulder and carry her out with him.
11:25 video
No good deed goes unpunished. Ivan generously untied his captive for the night to let her go to the bathroom, and the ungrateful little bitch tried to escape. It's a good thing he made sure to lock and bolt the door shut, so he was able to catch her before she could unlock anything, but now he's a little bit upset. He had been nice to Serene before, tying her in a more comfortable position, not being cruel to her or XXXX her all that much, but she had to go and try to get free. He drags her back into the main room by her ponytail, throws her down on the bed, and starts to tie her again. She's fighting back a lot more this time, perhaps because he's being rougher, gripping her wrists hard and pinning them against her ass. He's not risking being easy on her now, so he wraps the rope tight around her wrists while her pantyhose-clad legs flail. The fun part of Serene's night is over now. Ivan lets her go briefly to grab more rope, and immediately she tries to get away, but he grabs her ankles and spins her around on the bed, sitting down to pin her legs under his arm while he ties them.
I hope you got that out of your system, because there will be no more going to the bathroom for you. As a matter of fact, I think you're going to spend the rest of the time tied up on this bed in the same position all night long. He knots off her ankles, then stands to get something else for her. Immediately Serene tries to scoot off the bed, but he grabs her by the elbows and drags her back up toward the headboard, then sits her up in front of him, more or less in his lap. He jerks her ponytail back, making her squeal, then shows her how he's going to make it worse for her now, displaying two wads of cloth he's going to cram in her big mouth. She tries to resist, but he XXXX her jaw open and feeds the entire first wad in, then packs the second piece on top of it. "No more nice tape, either" he tells her as he starts covering her mouth with the shiny black tape, "This stuff sticks like hell" Serene whimpers as he winds it tight around her head, and grunts when he pushes her over onto her side. Her knees get tied together, then he manhandles her onto her stomach to tie her elbows together, running the tail ends over her shoulders and tying it behind her neck. Ivan's not holding back anymore – after he knots that rope off, he stretches a rope from one corner of the headboard to her ankles and off to the bottom corner, then to her knees and off to the other bottom corner. She can barely budge her legs at this point. Then he ties her wrists off to both corners of the headboard.
So far it's not too bad, she can't move much, but it's not horribly uncomfortable, as she feared it would be. But Ivan has more rope, and he ties it around her waist. He reminds her that she's going to be in this position for the rest of the night, which worries her, especially when he pulls her hips forward, making a sharp arch in her back and pushing her arms high behind her. The muscles in her back and ass strain in this position, making it all the hotter for Ivan. And Serene really can't move at this point; her shoulders are already starting to ache and she can only flex her thighs and her feet. Ivan is kind of glad now that she decided to be rebellious; he's really enjoying being mean to her now. Too bad he can't stay and watch her suffer, but he has to check on the progress across the street.
Look for part 4 the last part of Serene's night of bondage
6:02 video
Christina is showering in her hotel room, naked, wet, and vulnerable. A man walks in and grabs her perfect body from behind the curtain, dragging her from her shower. He continues dragging her out of the bathroom and throws her on the bed, drenching it with water from her skin. He grabs her arms and pulls her wrists tight behind her back. She tries to get away from him and manages to pull an arm free because of how slippery the water has made them, but the man gets a tight grip after pinning her body with his. She demands that he get off of her and when he reaches for her again, she kicks her feet around, spinning her body away from his. He lunges over the bed and grabs both of her ankles between his legs to keep them still while he binds them tightly as well. Her tight little body wiggles and squirms trying to get away from this awful man but the more she fights the harder he holds her. He uses stockings to bind poor Christina and after he has her legs secured at the ankles and knees, he grabs another one it ties it tightly around her head and through her mouth creating a very tight cleave gag. He pulls her ankles up to her wrists and uses another stocking to tie her in hogtie. Christina pulls against the hose moving her body all around on the bed, cursing at the man and finally begging him to let her out. He ransacks her room and finds all of her valuables and then comes back to rub his hands over her body before leaving her bound on the bed. Starring Christina Carter
10:59 video
Mallory is in the middle of getting ready, she has only managed to get on her panties, stockings, and her sexy high heels when she hears a rapping at the door. She runs over to the door doing her best to cover herself when she cracks the door open. She leans over to see who it is and a hand reaches out going over her mouth and shoving his way through the door. A woman, Fayth, follows closely behind him closing the door behind her. Ivan pulls her arms in place while Fayth stuffs Mallory’s mouth full of fabric, and then wraps her head several times with a teal vet wrap. Fayth snaps at Ivan telling him to keep the whore still. Mallory squirms and shakes her head desperately trying to get away from this crazy couple.
Fayth encourages Ivan to hurt Mallory if she doesn’t hold still, giving her nipple a hard tweak in the process. He hands some rope to Fayth and she quickly ties Mallory’s wrists behind her back saying that she deserves this and calling her a whore again. Ivan runs a piece of rope from Mallory’s wrists through her legs and around her waist and elbows locking them in place while Fayth takes the opportunity to grope her breasts. Fayth keeps accusing Mallory of doing something and demanding that she admit it but Mallory begs and pleads to be let go, claiming to have no knowledge of what she’s done.
The couple sits Mallory on the floor, straddling her, pulling her head back, and tells her all she has to do is say that she is sorry but Mallory refuses. Ivan flips her over and tells Fayth to sit on her to keep her still while he finishes the bondage on the leggy brunette. Fayth smacks her ass over and over until Mallory finally claims that she won’t do it again. Ivan finishes tying her ankles and knees and then leaves poor Mallory for Fayth to play with. Mallory afraid to endure any more pain at the hands of Fayth tries to agree to whatever she says, saying that she is sorry but Fayth just won’t believe her. Fayth takes off her shoes and spanks Mallory with the bottom of her high heel adding insult to injury.
Ivan comes back and Mallory tries to shout that she’s sorry but the couple decides that she’s lying since she doesn’t even know what she’s done to be sorry about. Ivan adds some more rope binding her legs in a bent position and ties her hands into the mix putting Mallory in a tight hogtie on the floor. Fayth laughs at Mallory when she tries to beg, taunting her, and teasing her. Mallory whimpers swearing she won’t do it again. The couple takes turns tormenting Mallory, squeezing her nipples making her squeal into the gag until they finally decide to go get the other witness.
11:49 video
Ivan is missing some money and is pretty sure he knows where it wandered off too. He grabs Elizabeth and brings her to his “special location”, ties her to a chair and interrogates her. He refuses to let her go until she tells him where the money is. The clips starts with Ivan leading Midian into the room with the tied up Elizabeth. Her wrists are already bound and she has an upper body harness tied tightly on her upper half. He tells Midian that he has been told that the money was given to her and she should know where it is. Midian calls Elizabeth a bitch, blaming her and asking her how she could do that. Ivan takes that to be an admission of guilt. Midian still denies taking the money. Ivan is convinced that Midian knows where it is and he plans to find out one way or another. He ties her to the large pulley in the room to make sure she doesn’t go anywhere.
Elizabeth tries to tell Midian through the gag that she wouldn’t do that to her, that she hasn’t told the man anything, but Midian can’t understand her though the gag. All she understands is the word I’m sorry and that sets her off. She decides to turn the tables and starts claiming that she had nothing to do with the missing money, that it was all Elizabeth!
Midian swears that she doesn’t know where the money is. Ivan shoves a black leather gag in her mouth since she’s not telling him anything useful. She whimpers behind the gag, some of her anger turning to fear. Ivan raises the pulley, lifting Midian’s arms up high behind her, parallel to the ground. Ivan grabs another rope and ties it around Midian’s waist. Ivan ties her thighs together, then continues down with the rope, just below her knees, and finally secures her ankles together as well. He ties Midian’s waist rope to her elbows locking them together.
Ivan leaves the girls gagged and bound to try to figure out who is to blame. As soon as he’s gone, the girls try to help each other escape. Elizabeth hops around in the chair trying to reach Midian’s ropes or at least the pulley to lower it, but before she can get anywhere, Ivan comes back in the room. They both squeal trying to get back to “normal” so he doesn’t make things any worse for them.
Ivan pulls out Midian’s gag and asks her if she’s ready to talk. Midian, ignoring the fact that Elizabeth just tried to help her, quickly blames her for the missing money. She tells Ivan that Elizabeth put it in a vault and that’s all she knows. He decided to go to the vault to see if it’s there. Ivan isn’t going to ignore the escape attempt though. He places Elizabeth under the pulley as well and runs the rope through the top of the chair and then around Midian’s hips locking her ass and back around Elizabeth’s torso. He continues to wrap the rope around the two bound girls until finally knotting it off out of reach of the two girls.
The girls manage to partially untie the ropes and wiggle and sqirm trying to get out but the rope is caught. Midian manages to wiggle her body enough to get the last rope to slide down to her ankles but she can’t get out of it without falling. Elizabeth grabs the ropes and continues to work on the knots. Ivan comes in to inform them that the money was in the vault and that since they are doing such a good job working together to escape, he’s going to leave them too it. Starring Midian & Elizabeth Andrews
9:33 video
Kim is looking for a job dancing at an out of town club. She meets the manager and tells him she knows all the pole tricks. The manager love her long black hair, firm figure, and sexy legs so he gives her a shoot. Seeing that Kim lied and can not do any of the tricks. The manager tell Kim he will show her. He ties her hands around the pole to help her learn (he says). After Kim's hands are tied he pulls her head back by the hair and tells her he is going teach her a lesson about lying. Kim is gagged and tied to the pole. Standing there looking at Kim the manager gets an idea for a new side line business. A bondage club where guy can come and see sexy women tied up. Kim will be his first employee.
10:24 video
Mr. Boulder's excuse for bringing Ms. Boxxx to the back room instead of his office seemed reasonable - his office was being renovated, and it is all in disarray, and this room is available for them to finish the interview process. Ms. Boxxs is very qualified for this "executive assistant" position, but Ivan has a few more "questions" for her. He slips behind the desk she's perched on and grabs her by the hair, taking her completely by surprise. "What are you doing? This is not standard operating procedure!" Well that's certainly true, and neither is untying and removing her blazer, pinning her hands behind her back with one hand, and pulling out rope with the other. While Ivan holds her wrists tight and uncoils the rope, Candle twists around and tries to kick Ivan in the head, but he ignores her attempts and simply flips her onto her stomach to tie her hands behind her back. "In case you haven't realized, this job is not for an executive secretary." This just prompts Candle to try kicking him again, but he's out of her reach - for good reason, as this isn't his first time. Somehow this surprises blonde Candle. "What kind of creep are you?" "The wealthy kind," Ivan responds, and Candle kicks again. "Those are awful pretty weapons there, I'll have to do something about those..." And he pulls out another rope to secure her ankles and those sexy high heels.
Candle ceases her attempts to kick Ivan, and resorts to threats: "Y'know, I have a knife in my purse! I'll take care of you!" This only makes Ivan chuckle - her purse is up in the lobby, and she's not going to make it all the way up there in her current situation. As he ties her knees, showing off those sexy long legs, he tells her she'll fit right in with his group. Finally it sinks in for Candle, "I'm going to be some kind of sexual slave?" Yep, she'll be in his rope a lot. "But I'm not into rope!" That's actually better - guys pay more for chicks who aren't into it. And it's nice for Ivan, too, because it means he gets to break her, to XXXX her to do what he wants her to do, like open her mouth and take a huge red ball gag. He loves a good challenge. He unties her pretty blue blouse and rolls her onto her side to expose her delicate bra, then pulls that down to reveal her perfect breasts with their rosy pink nipples. To make the nearly ideal image all the more sublime, he loops a rope above and below her tits while she struggles to sit up. That actually makes it easier for Ivan to finish wrapping the rope around her chest, even though she's trying to hop around the desk. Ivan ties the knot just as Candle starts to hop away, and before she's two feet from the desk he simply grabs her by a couple of ropes and puts her back, face down, on the desk. Candle squirms and wiggles as Ivan adds the last rope from her ankles to her wrists, making sure to knot it several times and extra tight to slow the fidgety woman down while he's off getting the van ready for her.
Knowing this is probably her last chance to possibly get free, Candle wastes no time pulling against the ropes, stretching and arching to get loose. When that proves futile, she call for help through the gag, but to no avail - Ivan is the only one who comes. He gropes and fondles poor Candle, leaning her off the edge of the desk against his hips. Yep, he'll have her behaving just he way he wants in probably less than a week. "Ready to go?" Of course, Candle is not, but Ivan tosses her over his shoulder anyway, and carries her off.
11:12 video
Ivan grabs Destiny and leads her to a chair placed against a pole in a garage. He tells her they need to have a little chat as she sits down causing her very tight fitting short skirt to rides up. He grabs her wrists and starts binding them behind the pole, causing her shirt to become strained at the button on her chest. Ivan tells her that he knows she’s been cheating on him, that he saw her last night with Lew. Destiny is still in disbelief, not really taking in the helplessness of her situation…yet. Ivan takes some blue tape and runs it through her unfaithful mouth and around the pole, thus securing her head to the pole. Ivan then uses a rope attached to the ceiling to tie her forearms together making her position considerably more difficult. Destiny finally starts seeing how serious this all is and starts to whine and wince a bit behind the tape cleave gag. Ivan crosses her legs and she tries hard to look down to see what he’s doing. He starts tying her legs just above the knee and then continues using that rope to tie each ankle to the opposite chair leg on the front. This just accentuates her stunning stocking covered legs and her vulnerability. All she can do is shift her arms back and forth slightly. Ivan stuffs some material in her mouth and then uses a thick heavy black tape to keep it in place over the tape cleave gag. Ivan tells Destiny that he’s going to grab the camera and take a few pictures and then call Lew, and he can come and untie her if he would like to. Destiny tries to protest but not much sound escapes her twice gagged mouth and her body is very limited in its movement, but she does try. Her sexy body pulls against the ropes with each shift. Ivan comes back in and releases the button on her shirt revealing the tops of her breasts and a white lacey bra. Ivan tells her that he is done with her and he has called Lew and Lew admitted to being with her and he may come by to free her at some point. Ivan leaves the room leaving the girl bound, gagged, helpless, and unable to do anything about it. Starring Destiny
14:29 video
Lola and Nyxon and sitting on the couch, deciding what they want to do for the night. Lola is wearing a very sexy, clingy, leopard print mini dress, while Nyxon is wearing a little black dress that is a bit more conservative, especially when compared to her slutty roommate Lola. They hear a XXXX on the door and Lola asks if Nyxon was expecting someone. Nyxon answers the door and let a mountain of a man, Ivan Boulder, come in and tells Lola that he’s a friend and will be hanging out with them tonight. Ivan walks over and kneels beside Lola, getting fairly close to her. He sits down his green bag and reaches into it while Lola slides away, trying not to be too creeped out by Nyxon’s friend. Nyxon tells Lola that she got something for her and she starts to get excited until Ivan pulls out a bundle of rope. Lola, turns to Nyxon bewildered. He grabs her wrists and coils the rope around them while he explains that Nyxon informed him that Lola was screwing around with Nyxon’s boyfriend!
Lola claims she would never do that to Nyxon, but Ivan offers up pictures as proof and Lola is at a loss for words. Nyxon even tells her that Bobby told her it was true! Ivan continues to bind Lola’s arms while she tries to plead her case, despite the overwhelming evidence against her. Ivan stuffs a big ball gag in Lola’s wide-open mouth and straps it tightly behind her head turning her pleas into muffled mumbles. Lola calls Ivan disgusting and demands that he gets away from her. Instead, Ivan pulls her dress down and exposes her braless beautiful breasts. Ivan lets Lola in on the plan, that he gets to do whatever he wants with little Lola for the night – Nyxon thought it was a very fair punishment.
Nyxon continues to berate Lola while Ivan wraps rope just under her breasts and around her upper arms, cinching them to her naked torso. Nyxon tells Lola that she’s sure her husband wouldn’t like her fucking around either. Ivan wraps the rope above her breasts as well before crossing over one shoulder, looping the rope between her breasts and back up the other side, making them nice and perky. Ivan dumps out his bag of rope on the floor and Lola sighs, resigned to her fate. Nyxon is really enjoying watching her friend go through this. Ivan binds her legs just below her knees and at her ankles locking them together.
Lola finally admits that she fucked Bobby. Instead of saying she’s sorry though, she tells Nyxon that she’s only jealous that her boyfriend wanted to fuck Lola instead. Nyxon tells her that she isn’t jealous, that she just expected more from a friend. She turns to Ivan and tells him that Lola has a little nickname…”Loose Lola” that people like to call her.
Ivan finishes up the ropes on Lola and stands up to take a look. While Nyxon is leaned in checking the knots, Ivan casually walks up behind her and then reaches out grabbing her arms behind her back as well. Nyxon screams out in surprise and says that this isn’t what she hired him for. He bends her over the couch and coils rope around her wrists as well Lola slides away from them in a “you deserve this” kind of manner. Nyxon tries to bite Lola and she slides even further away. Ivan reaches in front, slides Nyxon’s dress down showing off her breasts, and straps a ball gag in her mouth as well.
Ivan picks up Nyxon, sits her on the couch, and gets to work binding her legs to match Lola’s. He tells them that there’s big money in pictures of girls tied up and that he plans to take advantage of the two lovely ladies for some financial benefit as well. When Nyxon acts disgusted by fucking Ivan or seeing Ivan fuck anyone, Lola immediate turn to Ivan and suggests they fuck. He asks her who’s first, her or her friend. Lola suggests that Nyxon go first and that she get to watch. She tries to win over Ivan by pretending to be turned on by the thought of fucking him and being mean to Nyxon.
Ivan leaves the two girls alone on the couch. They bicker and it turns to shoving, and then escalates to full on throwing themselves at each other. Lola tackles Nyxon shoving her off of the couch before giving a victory “hmph” into the gag. Nyxon’s not done yet though, she leans back and starts to kick Lola with her bound legs. Lola tries to kick back but Nyxon is able to slide away.
Ivan returns and finds Nyxon on the floor. He asks how she got there and she replies that Lola pushed her. Lola quickly looks up and says she did it for him and continues to try to moan and act turned on for Ivan. He gets the bed ready then comes back for Nyxon first. He lifts her up with two hands and pulls her to his chest carrying her out of the room. Lola struggles trying to untie the rope before he gets back. He returns to give a little advice to Lola, then throws her over his shoulder and carries her away. Starring Nyson & Lola Lynn