16:47 video
I am super excited to have the chance to not only house sit but also use their boat to hang out on and have you join me. This is the biggest boat i've ever had the liberty to use to blow up balloons on with nobody else present but you and I. I dump out a small fraction of my balloon stash and get to blowing. I decide that I want to have each inflated and tied off balloon a different color and mostly different styles and sizes too. My goal is to not have one accidentally pop, altho we know that can happen, luckily not 1 pop during our time here. I just keep blowing and knotting, blowing and tying off the neck. I don't have a goal in mind but when the table and couch gets full of mouth inflated balloons, i think i'm happy. Lucky for you, you only got to see me blow each of them up with not pops or bursts. There is no part 2 as these loons are for a private video chat. So you can feel comforted knowing these balloons last as long as you prefer them too and played with however you like.
11:49 video
I start this very experimental video with an intro to explain what is about to happen, you know, since I have some great ideas, or well, some, okok, not many great ones, but I don't know until I try if some ideas will work and this is exactly one of those times. My plan is to get tied up however Knotty Guy wants, he then will add balloons, he then will pop them with hot wax, or so I hope. All of this is easy to talk about and in words, all of it makes total sense but my hypothesis really isn't proven until well, just watch and see.
The rigging is done off screen, so I am already suspended in a VERY hard side suspension with sisal rope I supplied in which feels like freakin needles everywhere its touching my skin. Its holding my weight therefor poking me so hard and oh my..my chest hurts even before the 1st balloon is wrapped on my body, but I suffer for science and well, it was all my idea. So I hang there and turn slowly as Knotty Guy seems to take forever to wrap 1 balloon at a time around my body as the rope digs more and more into my skin. My breathing is labored but I know my limits, I do I do..and well, a little bit of pain never hurt me:) He continues wrapping my legs, my body, my neck, my eyes, my everything with long inflated balloons, of course leaving my sexy lady bits out so you can see those all along. What a nice guy, right? He then steps back to take photographic evidence of his science experiment before the actual study begins. He then brings over a candle that has been lit a while ago, as it has lots of melted wax in it. He pours it over the balloons as I am very scared, as popping on my body actually doesnt bring me as much joy as one would think, so my adrenaline is super flowing, my body is being tested from the suspension and now I don't know where he is pouring the wax, altho I feel it on my skin but hear no popping. Oh My Goodness, its hot on my skin but its not popping any of the balloons. Oy, okok..I am blindfolded so I really just dont know whats happening, until i feel and hear pops on my skin. I feel them as they each sting me and my mind as I am in the dark. My reaction is as genuine as it gets as he pops the balloons with something sharp over and over and over again. My fear hits the climax as he pops the one over my eyes and around my neck. Oh my goodness. Well, my theory was wrong but damn am I as giddy and flying high as could be with this sisal balloon experiment. That concludes today's science class with Fayth and Knotty Guy. Now accepting new topics to study if you have any suggestions;)
22:04 video
I have known Kerry for years and I had no idea she has little to no experience with popping balloons and this makes me so giddy and happy knowing I get to bust her cherry in every way. We are good friends, so there is no acting, no fakeness, only true genuine reaction on both our parts. We laugh, we giggle, we make a fool of ourselves but I promise you this, all the balloons we touch pop!
I ask her a few questions about her looner history and its not diverse so I show her my favorite methods to popping balloons but of course we each must blow the lucky balloons up first. She struggles a tad but she succeeds in blowing each of them up and even with her super long natural nails, she ties each of them off too. I show her how to use her long nails to tease and squeeze the suckers until they pop. I show her just how fun and scary (in her opinion) it is to use our bouncing asses to pop 2 more. I then scare her as I show her and have her bite to pop her first ever balloon. Then of course, I think i know how she feels about me by this point, so I pick the most appropriate printed balloon i have. She totally agrees with me. We each attempt to blow to pop a Fuck You print balloon. We sit back to back and blow and chat and blow and blow. I am must faster then her but she isn't sure how to hold onto the expanded neck and is scared but she sure does give it her all. Once my loon explodes into so many shredded shards, I try to hold her hair back, hold her boobs and motivate her to keep on blowing but her grip is failing her, so I decide to assist her in using my strong lips and lungs to destroy this last balloon. We both scream and react as we do and we the biggest smile on our faces, we talk about what in the world I just made her do. I do think she will join me again, i really really hope she does. What a fun casual introduction to popping with Kerry. Don't you think?
19:38 video
I just spent an hour getting wrapped in plastic and black electrical tape, now its time to give the taper a break and give me no choice but to hang out on the bed and not move. I cant move, I barely can breath, and i'm sweating profusely beneath this very unbreathable material. My legs look welded together, my arms are crushing my lungs and Im as tightly wrapped as i ever have been in all my life. I am incredibly uncomfortable and when my dear friend leaves the room, i have to hold myself from panicking so I just talk to you (the camera) to help distract myself and explain to you a few things on how I feel and what is going on in my head. I really wish i could breath better, I wish my hands weren't numb, I wish my feet weren't numb,i then would have not called for Joe to come back and cut me out. The only reason I last as long as i did was because i am very very scared of cutting instruments. I have been accidentally cut a few times, giving me ptsd whenever scissors or any type of cutting instruments are near my skin. Joe is my best friend and I trust him but i don't trust sharp objects. As you will hear me, my fear, my genuine concern of feeling the metal against my skin, this scene is nowhere near the end in my head, this is the climax and i am scared but need out of this mummification. Joe is patient with me, but also knows i need out. Once my arms and chest are free, i feel euphoric but still know there is still more to be cut out. Once I am free, i am in a sweat covered subspace barely able to keep my thoughts and words im wanting to speak to you...but in the end, id do it again but next time with duct tape;) I suppose I am a masochist after all;)
15:04 video
What a pretty day to go for a walk as I look outside and put on my sneakers. I decide to go for a walk in the middle of nowhere, somewhere I have never roamed before but what better place to be safe and not hassled by cat calls or traffic or anything but nature. I am too busy looking around when I step into a hole. This hole is unlike any other. I cant get my foot out. I do everything I can to pull, and lunge, dig, and yank to try to remove my foot from this ankle deep hole. I yell for help but it's no use as I really am in the middle of nowhere. Nobody can hear me and this path is so untraveled that it could be weeks or longer that anyone else comes by or even close. I am stuck here with nothing but nature. I really give it my all to get unstuck. I am breathing heavy, I am sweating and I am trying not to panic. Once the sunsets, there's no telling what nature will appear. I must get unstuck but i just cant pull my foot and leg hard enough. I am seriously doomed. I am out of energy to keep trying as the screen fades to black. ******Alternative ending included....finally thinking smarter not harder*****
5:14 video
As soon as I put this full body suit on, i feel strong, sexy and seductive. My entire body is covered in silky smooth spandex and its design emphasis parts of my body that really does it for me in the mirror behind you. I cant help but touch myself and of course I want to play with a big clear lovely balloon too. I slowly seductively blow this loon up as I cant take my eyes off of you as I blow and caress my body. This is a rare mood for me as my hair is down and I just let my mood take me as it expands and stretches by means of only my mouth. You cant take your eyes off my body as you meet my blue eyes piercing yours. Once I am happy how big this balloon is with my air and lips and lungs. I tie it off and play and squeeze and touch and fondle it with a helpless sexy smirk. I want to ride it, hump it, lay on it, just like you wish for me to do to you. As soon as I mount it with my body and prep for the ride of its life, its explodes. I cant help but giggle since I have a feeling you would do the same thing after watching me seduce you before hopping on top. I cant help but keep touching myself as you now wait for your turn to be ridden.
21:16 video
Its springtime and its time to celebrate accordingly. I have the need to be bound but also feel like i need reborn in a way. What better way than to watch Knotty Guy tie each rope on me to prepare for a Faythful crucifixion using rope and bamboo. We casually chat about the color of the rope, why we are celebrating and just having a lovely time as he put rope after rope after rope on me to prepare for the big hang. This does not include the lift, only the prep to make it happen. Suspensions are not quick, nor should they be treated lightly and this is a good example of what it takes to do it the right way to make it somewhat tolerable and safe on the body for more than just a moment. Every knot and rope are engineered to not pinch, hurt or be painful so do not try this at home without expert help, no matter how much you wish to be reborn again;)
19:43 video
I have been asked to blow up a bunch of long balloons but I am not sure why. Of course, i dont have to be asked twice to play with balloons. I have 2 different diameters of long balloons as I use a hand pump to inflate each of them. There are a few accidental pops but that is just a natural step when a pile of loons are laying around. I keep pumping and tying them off, pumping and tying as I smile and smirk the more balloons that surround me. I love how the pile grows and grows. The balloons that blow up in a spiral make me smile too. I love all the colors too. Once a couple accidentally pop, i realize its time to stop, seeing that I have so many already inflated. Now to see what the plans are for all these lovely balloons.
9:49 video
What better way to celebrate my birthday than to get bound and go swimming. Altho, the 2 really are things that should be done at the same time. But this is a special birthday so why not celebrate with both. My legs and my arms are each frogtied as I am in an empty bathtub outside in the sunny weather. The water is turned on but not in a calm fashion but is sprayed all over me as I spit and sputter but hey, I wanted to get wet, i didn't say how. As the tub fills up and the water level gets higher and higher, I try my best to struggle around this very small area. I realize quickly that being on my back isn't smart as the water is too high for my face. My dear friend Knotty Guy is so smart as he helps me put my diving mask on so no water gets up my nose then he even helps me not to inhale any water as he hands me my snorkel. What a pal, what a friend..lol. I have some fun under the water now that I can breath as you look down at me. I'm definitely having a bit too much fun. Apparently they thought i was a dirty girl so lots of soap is added to the tub as the jets are on, filling the tub overwhelmingly with white bubbles everywhere. You can only see my bound legs at times and my snorkel out of the top of the bubble layer. Wow, Im glad these bubbles don't taste bad, cause they totally go in my mouth when i try to talk. I don't think I have ever been so covered in suds in my life. What ever lesson I was supposed to learn, i learned it..lol. Knotty Guy is nice enough to untie 1 arm and 1 leg off screen as I think I need to jump into the pool and rinse off. I wear my mask as my snorkel isn't cooperating anymore and I swim like a very crippled frogtied Fayth but hey, atleast im all clean now by the best bound birthday bath ever!!!
13:43 video
I need a break from the office as I go where i didn't think anyone else was aware. I just need to decompress but as soon as I look up, i see you are there doing the same thing. I realize you are the one that has been looking at my pantyhose legs and feet all day, all week helplessly. Everytime i slip my heels off or dangle them from my toes, you get very distracted. You want to taste my toes,my soles, my sweet sweet flavor that the pantyhose hold in. Im feeling frisky and I decide to take this break from work beyond your wildest dreams. I slowing strip out of my tight dress, my bra, leaving me in nothing but my black thin sheer pantyhose. I tease you, I beg you, I demand you put your tongue between my toes. Suck each one like you would a lollipop. I get so excited, I begin masturbating with my hand and fingers beneath my see-thru tights. I insert my fingers and rub my sweet spot all while working up a sweat like never before. I then use the very handy hitachi to finish off and have a 2nd orgasm while my feet are happily in your face and mouth as if its the last meal on earth. ahhh..wow, I am so sweaty and satisfied but we must get back to the office before they think anything is wrong or well, oh so very right! You go first and let me dry off and get dressed and i will see you in the office and of course I will intentionally but secretly tease you with my pantyhose clad feet and toes as much as I can get away with and hopefully nobody suspects a thing.
6:12 video
I have a bunch of semi see thru lovely balloons already blown up and tied up waiting to see what will happen next. Well, since your not here to help keep them from popping, it's me, my tight shiny pants, and my love for popping balloons to take care of all of them. These crystal balloons are much tougher and more durable than I expect for the most part as several of them really make me work for it as I bounce and I bounce making the knotted neck stretch out so far with every bounce. I give it all I got and they just don't want to give into their destiny of shards. If my ass cant do it, a little help with my sharp long fingernails does the trick. Tho most of them, my ass is just too much for them to handle. I squeeze them with my thick thighs and make them bulge and stretch so much. All you need to know, is not 1 balloon survives this day with me, not 1!
16:44 video
I have been contacted to do some wiring. My prices are cheap since im still considered an apprentice, but don't tell anyone. I examine the wire in the ground while I measure what I think is the correct wire to use. I greet the customer and discuss the job. Luckily he has a wire cutter i can use as I strip down to the perfect electricians outfit. Shirt off, shoes off, so i am grounded, right? I go upstairs and roll the coil of wire to measure as you watch my ass in the short jean shorts I am wearing. He knew right from the get go that I really don't know what I'm doing so he insists on showing me how to work with this wire and how to use it the proper way. Of course I agree, help is lovely, right? The next thing I know, I am very tightly bound to a ladder on my back with the wire I brought. It may not look like it but its tight and I really cant move my arms, my body, my legs, as it digs into my skin as it was properly spliced around my body. I try with all my might to talk my way out of this. The inspection will not pass with this wire job but he does not care, I am thoroughly wired and stuck. He comes in and lowers my top revealing my tits then just to be on the safe and quieter side, he shoves yellow and black super sticky strips of tape over my mouth. I try to mpph and gag talk but this tape is so sticky, my words are very muffled and hard to understand. To top it all off, he shows me to joys of battery operated technology in the form of a vibrator as he shoves it down my shorts and onto my sweet spot making my gagged protests turn to moans of pleasure. Damn it, this is not how I anticipated my first day on the job to go. Ahhhh...now he can call a licensed electrician in to do the job I certainly am in no shape to do. I wonder if I will still get paid for my services.
7:08 video
Now that we have celebrated Valentines day every which way we could. Tho there are 2 things we need to do to finish our celebration off, first we need to play with these balloons since you have asked me if you could watch as I pop them for you. Im feeling frisky so I decide to sit on each of them and bounce and bounce. I cant believe how durable most of them are. I bounce and sit on them with all my weight as all i'm wearing is a red silk gown and bright green skimpy panties. I get really warm with all the bouncing and popping as I eventually strip out of my silk slip leaving me topless and almost naked in my panties. I choose to use my fingernails to pop a couple as my butt just isn't heavy enough to pop them. Nomatter, I am sitting on them as they burst sending me to the ground fast. All this popping is really getting me hot and bothered and now that we have no more balloons to pop, can we go to the bedroom to make this day ours, together, so close together, please?
8:45 video
I'm already suspended upside down in rope art shibari by Knotty Guy. I needed a good back stretching so he finishes his process. He adds more rope and the pet rock I carried a few miles a couple weeks back just for this purpose. He pulls my hair back, adjusts my leg angle and bends me just like my mind and body needs. My waist and booty silk undergarment and the rope over makes my ass bubble out like never before. My arms bound, my hair bondage, my bent back leg and my inverted position puts me in an immobile state other than my eyes and my periodic giggle. ahhh, nothing like super strict bondage to help me stretch and my mind relax. I do think the pet rock tied to my knee then my foot is the icing on the cake to this tie.
23:20 video
I have agreed to enter into a temporary 24 hour bdsm dynamic. After all limits and personal objectives were discussed, I agreed into a contract that has me doing several tasks today, I am on my physical task #2. Earlier I completed all my electronic tasks, now its time to do tasks that bring attention to myself, hoping I continue to do more for me and the health of my mind and body. My busy schedule does not allow or so I think to do as much yoga as I wish to do, so this task is just that. I was sent a simple yoga flow video to follow and I explain what I am doing to you before I complete this final task, tho there is a self punishment coming. You sit in the corner and ensure I do each exercise to the best of my ability and keep an eye on my form, my body, my ass in my very tight yoga pants. I do change my position on my mat so you have the best angle possible. I sure hope this exercise in obedience and self care turns into a habit, as we all know, with all the rope bondage I do, it certainly won't hurt;)
11:04 video
I have slid into a tight purple Winter Fetish purple shiny catsuit and knee high boots and I have a beautiful blue long inflated balloon waiting for some fun. I am a bit hot and bothered after blowing and blowing the balloon up so what better way to alleviate this hotness, or well, make it better than to hop onto the balloon and straddle it, ride it and ensure it stays between my legs no matter what. I writhe, I hump, I ride, I gyrate on this durable long balloon. I'm not sure if the balloon or myself will last longer, especially once I grab the hitachi and start masturbating thru my catsuit. The vibrations make the balloon feel like a huge hitachi as I hold it to my sweet spot until I cum and cum again. This sure only helps me sweat more and breath heavier. The catsuit is just enough of a layer for me to keep on masturbating until my arm is tired. The balloon has the same idea as I with one big burst of my orgasm, the balloon pops too, causing me to land on the couch in the final throws of shivers of orgasm. I catch my breath on top of the shards, just as it should be. ahhhh, what a great way to play with a durable balloon that should burst in a special way with all the air I blew into it earlier.
10:45 video
I cant believe that my step-mom was able to escape from the hogtie I left her in but more surprisingly, she has more knowledge about bondage than I ever would have guessed. She instantly gets to work on getting her revenge on her dear spoiled step-daughter. She makes me remove my bra as she finds money tucked in the cup. This only pissed her off even more as she knows she didn't give it to me. She really verbally degrades me saying Im a spoiled rotten brat that lives off of her dime. I didn't know her boyfriend taught her how to do bondage and how to tie but clearly she knew all along as she ties my wrists, and my elbows together insisting I really should work on my yoga more. She ties my ankles and my knees and shoves a ballgag in my mouth but of course doesn't shut me up. I gag talk all along while she reprimands me and tells me what she thinks as I am sweating profusely and she is hot. I really don't spend her money the way I should. She spanks me so hard so many times. My ass cheeks get super red as I squeal in pain. She laughs at my feather flogger then she hogties me to teach me a lesson as her kinky boyfriend taught her well, how to tie. She leaves me bound on the bed then calls her boyfriend in to show her what she has done. Now I'm really nervous as I don't know what he has in store for me. Wow, I sure didn't expect my step-mom to tie me up, nor her boyfriend to see me humiliated like this. I am covered in sweat as I protest thru the ball gag but there is not much I can do but plead to be released. That likely wont happen for a long while, as i deserve this revenge without a doubt.
7:14 video
This is my favorite hill to climb when I visit this area of the United Kingdom and my next favorite thing to do is bang, or well, pop things. So what better way to show my excitement than to grab 3 very yummy flavored and colorful condoms and blow the suckers up until they pop. Im wearing tight yoga pants and a workout tank and the background view is phenomenal too. I am in all my glory, trying to get away with popping and banging things while trying to avoid people at the same time, except for you. I am so happy and smiley and with every burst of the condoms, the happier and giddier I get. I love blowing up thing until they pop and I think this experience once again proves this. ahhh, what a great time banging on the hill top with a great view and happy me;)
16:03 video
I am in a special kind of mood. I need bound more so bad and I mean I need to be made to be still and I need to feel. I am too impatient for rope, so I have a few rolls of electrical tape and of course my dear friend Knotty Guy offers to help me with my unique need. I don't have any suggestions of how I want taped, I just want it to be hard and good. He starts taping my forearms and biceps together, then to my body. he then tightly taped my legs into a frogtie position. I'm actually pleasantly surprised how immobile I get so fast. This makes me happy tho Knotty Guy then is in charge of moving my body where he needs me to add more tape. He adds tape around my body around my knees to put me into a ball tie of sorts. He adds a belt of tape around my belly, simply for decoration. To top it off, he wraps tape around my head and in my mouth as a very tight cleave gag and since he has spare tape, he wraps it around my eyes. I cant move, I can see but finally I can feel. Exactly what i needed. Stay tuned for my struggle attempt and removal process, which i feel soo much more so than i expected from this scene.
16:50 video
I am checking in on a friends house while she is out of town and I see she has hand weights and I get a genius idea that I should see if I know how to use them. I am ready for the beach but i take off my bottom layer to show you my bikini and more skin as I talk thru my thoughts. I don't go to the gym, i don't work out nor do I know the proper way to use weights but I give it a whirl. I do what bicep and tricep exercises that I know of. Im sure I have my technique wrong but at least I try. I should you my shoulder and back muscles and tattoo as well. I use all of the weights, 1, 3, 5, and 8 pound free weights in different ways. I giggle at the 8 pound weight, that is until i finish with it and wow, it got heavier to say the least. I then decide to do 20 sit up and a few crunches on the hard floor. It hurts my spine but I don't give up. If you have any suggestions or ways for me to workout that you want to watch, let me know and Ill try to visit her place again to borrow her weights:) Now off to well deserved beach time.
12:22 video
I left you in a room of pretty inflated yellow balloons. None of them were over inflated and so ready to be played with but you decided to just sit in the corner waiting for me to return and just watching them. You were too scared to touch them, play with them, hit them around or anything since you knew it increased the chances of them popping. I really thought i did you a favor blowing them up for you to enjoy your alone time but now you will see me do what I do best to each of them. Luckily I just returned from a sewing class so I have a huge needle in my hair that is perfect use on these loons. I put 1/2 of the needle in my mouth and use the sharp end to give them all a lovely KissOfDeath bursting experience. I barely react other than my genuine smile knowing they met their fate and are now shards. I didnt realize I had dropped one of my needles on the floor until a balloon finds it by accident. Hmm, maybe you were right thinking they might pop if you play with them. It just makes me giggle as I destroy the rest of the balloons with the needle between my lips holding the balloon to my face and making it touch the needle. My hair goes flying back with every pop. This means of popping really makes me happy and as I tease you knowing it scares you so much watching me do this. You are stuck in the chair just watching me, shivering in fear. You really wish I wasn't so close to you when they pop, but your fear just makes me come closer. Do I need to tie you to the chair next time so ensure you cant move? hmmm...well, next time I inflate a bunch of balloons for you, you better play with them or else this will happen again!!!
8:36 video
I just got off of work serving wings & beer and making men happy with my customer service talents but now I must fix the ceiling light. I am borrowing this ladder but I have no clue how to use it. It folds, unfolds, clicks, moves, gets stuck but is not doing what I need it to do. My roommate comes in and cant believe what he sees. He definitely knows how to work the ladder but in a very non traditional manner. Next thing I know, rope is tied around my forearms and my ankles and legs holding me in a very vulnerable bent over position. I swear rope is the solution to all things in his world. i can't do anything but bitch and moan that my project isn't going to get fixed like this. He has a solution but only to keep me more secure and quiet, not for my ceiling light. My hair is pulled up and bound to the ceiling holding my head up and a ball gag shoved in my mouth. This doesn't keep me quiet to say the least but it does make my words a bit harder to understand and drips of drool helplessly dropping to the floor. Seems this might be where I am stuck for the night. I just hope he fixes my broken fixture with the "normal" ladder that's been behind me all along.
14:56 video
I once again have a genius idea but first I must inflate a bunch of balloons to make my idea come to light. I am hanging out in a friends backyard naked as could be. I have a pile of rope that is part of my idea later but for now, it will help hold down the balloons I pump up by hand as I can intertwine the balloons with in the rope so they don't blow away. I mean, to me, its the best of both my worlds in 1 place. I just keep on pumping and tying off, pumping and tying off. I have 2 different diameter size long balloons. The hand pump is intended for the wider one, but I make it work for the thinner ones as well. The pile of blown up balloons grows as my arm gets a great workout too. Being naked is so freeing and having your company and talking to you is really nice. Now stay put because the 2nd part of my idea is something I have never seen or done before, but lets get out of this sun for a bit before we begin.
16:17 video
I come back to my lair from fighting crime & villains all day. What a nice gesture or so I think my assistant lft me a beverage and smoke to wind down from an exhausting day. Little did I know is that the 1 villain that got away left it instead and spiked my smoke and leaving me in lala land moments later. The next thing I know, Im hanging from my wrists, not moving but still fully affected by the spiked smoke. I slowly turn and twist from the limb allowing you to get a view of my very humiliated and still spandex clad body with my feet simple dangling lifelessly off the ground. A crotchrope is then added to my not moving suspended body keeping me from twisting but putting much pressure in my most tresured body part. Soon I am made to open my eyes and realize by situation by a spray of a cold water hose. I am hosed again and again until I totally with it and understanding that I have been captured and hung as a revenge. I demand release but the hooded villain has another idea. He shows himself as he comes in a removes mty mask, revealing Spyder Fayths true identity. Humiliated and wet, more rope is added to ensure the hanging can tolerated for days if not weeks more. A hitachi is then connected and securely put in place to her sweat spot. Now Spyder Fayth is hanging, damasked, wet, and moaning and cumming. What will the future hold for her? Will she ever escape this peril she finds herself in? Who else knows where her lair is? Time will tell. Or will she forever be the villains cumming hung slave as his new yard decoration?