27:58 video
I have a handy dandy pool toy inflatable and its time to play. I have an air compressor, my bra and panty set on and i'm ready to see what this fun I can have with my bacon. Everybody likes bacon but what happens when bacon has too much of human inflation? Well, it doesn't go easy. It take lots of air and a huge smile and excitement to deal with this much bacon to say the least. Instead of it simply popping from too much air, the 1st 2 seams burst making it a very oddly shaped piece of pool toy bacon but that doesnt stop me from filling it up with more air. I lay on it, I let the bacon cover me, I lick it, I bounce on it, I simply have fun with the biggest piece of bacon I have ever laid my eyes on. I keep on inflating hoping the 3rd seam will pop so I can add even more air but it has had enough of my devouring it fun and it stretches to its fullest before it bursts so loudly and unexpectedly. WOW! Now this is the most fun I've had with rubber bacon ever! Oh wait, theres more..I crawl inside the now popped bacon pool toy and roll towards you. You want some Faythful bacon? This shard IS for sale, email me to inquire!
11:57 video
I have been friends with Nyssa for over 10 years and for some reason i never knew Nyssa was afraid of popping balloons. We talk a bit about her balloon history but it doesn't take long for us to inflate many balloons and pop them in many different ways. Everytime a balloon is getting close to popping she is super anxious and scared. She doesn't know when it will pop or where the shards will fly. I find this very humorous and I keep on blowing an popping them to keep her suspense going. Her scream, her reaction, her smile, her tits, the entire package makes me so happy! Our boobs are out and we simply have so much much blowing up many balloons and we sit to pop, blow to pop, nail to pop and more. This laughing popping time is what it is about for me. Don't you wish you could join us on the popping couch? Well, if not, then you get to clean up all our shards to say the least!
34:01 video
Elecktra Van Zunlt and I are teamed up again to get bound by Delona & Paulli on the bondage escape stage at Boundcon 2018 in Munich, Germany. As we discovered in previous years, our language barrier is what makes this the most challenging. She speaks French and I speak English so we can't communicate like we want too but luckily we are all speaking the same language of rope. It is understood without even speaking that whoevers hands or fingers are the most available works on the others ropes first. We both are sweating and both are smiling but very determined to do our best to escape these 2 wonderful and very experienced riggers ropes. Lets just say, giving 15 minutes for a rope artist to bind a woman is lots of time for them to make oh so pretty designs where they are unreachable and unescapable in the 15 minutes we have to escape. I use my fingers and teeth and all I have to get Elecktras hands and welded elbows loose from the ropes but that doesn't leave enough time for her to get me loose so my theory is if we just make out and kiss, we all win, right???? Enjoy this fun bondage escape challenge because i know all 4 of us really did and you can tell by our huge smiles through out!
13:09 video
Vivian Ireene Pierce also known as VIP and I are hanging out in Ibiza, Spain and what better way to enjoy the sun and fresh air than to force our hot air into balloons and pop them! We just popped several balloons seen in part 1 on Vivians website vivianbound.com and we just cant get enough so we just keep on blowing and popping and having a fun time. We blow2pop a few, we inflate and tie off others and sit on them and even try a unique popping with a balloon inside a balloon. Then we blow up larger beautiful gold balloons and I have a genius idea on how I want to pop mine. Since we both have our bikinis on, and there's a pool right next to us, why not do a flying bellyflop pop into the pool? I really get some air on my jump as I splash into the pool as this balloon pops from too much pressure from Fayth. WOW. What a great method of popping and better yet, cool down from this hot popping fun. I hope you will join us again for more looner action!
21:24 video
This one time at Fetish Con I was walking around checking out the tables of all the flyers just happy as could be, saying hi to passerbyers but not realizing there were 2 men scoping me up and down as I walk by them. I step inside a small area and keep reading kinky adverts when all of a sudden i am grabbed from behind one of the men watching me. He is as big as a house and there is no way out, I kick, I scream, I fight and I fight. He even puts his huge hand over my mouth and nose to calm me down when his minion comes and rips my blouse off and rips my pretty white skirt off of me as the big galute makes the demand to tie this bitch up as I kick and protest all the way! Then the video fades into me stript nude of all my clothing and bound but not simply, but with atleast 300 foot of rope. I yell, I bitch, I scream and I swear to be released but they have other plans for me. The first step is to shut me the hell up with a 6 layer gag. 1st a ball-gag, then OTM necktie, then tape, a bandana, more wrap around tape gag, another bandana and to finish it off, a tight cotton layer covering them all including my nose. My verbal protest is now muffled but I still fight and make noise as this is not how my convention time was supposed to go. I don't just give in during grab, nor the rest of the time. I am a fighter and a struggler as you watch me struggle as hard as I can in all this rope in a hog tie. I roll over, I mpphh, I struggle, i sweat. The gag or the rope isn't coming loose or off anytime soon. I genuinely and sincerely give this fight all the energy I have as you cant get enough just watching me suffer. Eventually I fight so hard, my body is exhausted left bound and gagged with 6 layers, all I can do is lay on the floor hoping someone will come in to help me as I close my eyes hoping this is all a nightmare as I continue to breath heavy in all these tight ropes.
***Thank you Ivan Boulder for helping make this happen, no other manhandler could I trust not to hurt in the grabbing scene as we both fight the other as hard as we can. ****
6:54 video
So one time at camp....there was Princess Dragina, Lilsam, and I. Dragina and I wrists are bound above our heads and a log is between our legs and a shirtless man with a chainsaw ready to saw some wood. Once the chainsaw is put to the log, it vibrates immensely on our vagina and clit. I’m smiling and Dragina attempts escape as it must’ve been just too intense. She is rebound it’s the chainsaw still running, I then become a bratty girl and work on trying to get loose. Once the log is cut in half, our cement supports wiggle and with my struggling, this then becomes fun to me. This give Dragina time to work on her get away plan yet again. This scene was purely experimental, not serious, and a first for us all. We definitely wouldn’t mind trying one thing this crazy and country again....Just let me know your ideas.
14:35 video
Chloe Kennedy is visiting and of course I must show her what makes me smile. I have a small sample of balloons for her to pick from to start her balloon introduction. First I talk with her and ask her about her balloon history and popping experience. It is very clear that she is a genuine popping gal and would prefer they all turn into shards instead of keeping them alive. I show her a few methods of popping but right off the bat, she shows me how capable she is to blow2pop. I am super excited so we just keep grabbing smaller balloons and blowing them up. We tie some off and sit2pop a pair, we bite to pop several, and we use our thighs and sharp long fingernails to pop others. She really seems to enjoy playing with and popping balloons with me, so I hand her the grand finale. I challenge her to blow2pop a huge clear balloon. Stay tuned for that video to come! She truly is a looner and never knew it. I am so glad Chloe could open up a new first for her. This most definitely wont be the last time I have her pop for me!
8:02 video
I am so very stuck in a unique but strict rope tie. My wrists are bound around one of my thighs as they too are tightly tied and my knees along with my ankles with white cotton rope. My mphhs and moans and distress are muffled by an efficient Over the mouth thick gag. I struggle and I test my binds as this is a very tricky place to be left bound and helpless. I kick off my black high heels at the start to make my struggling less evasive on the floor. I slide down to the floor doing all I can to use all the floor to my or well, your viewing pleasure. My skirt rises up to reveal my control top pantyhose as my nylon clad bare feet wiggle and writh. Myb white turtleneck sleeveless sweater clings tightly on my breasts no matter what I do or how I move. I mpph and struggle the best I can in the washroom but nobody comes and saves me, will you?
9:04 video
I have known Nyssa Nevers for more than a decade and when I say I trust her, i mean it. She decided that it would be a great idea to put me in rope bondage and then attach balloons all over it to make me look like the oompa loompa or maybe the michelin man but what the scariest part is, she has a huge very sharp knife. First she gags me with a long balloon. This muffles my protest and my screams but you can still hear me and my very fearful reactions to her actions. Her devious and sadistic laugh only makes it worse as she slowly pushes the sharp edge of the knife into the balloons making them burst near my face and onto my bare skin as all i am wearing is a very itty bitty bikini. The shards bite my skin and it hurts but my fear of the blade i think supersedes it all. I cant believe how scared I am by being surrounded by 2 things i love, but the knife controls me the most...WOW. This sure was something different and i am super happy it was Nyssa to help me out with this 1st time being tormented but rope, pops, and her devious ways;)
9:53 video
Spyder Fayth knows right where Black Panther Tomikos next place of terror is. Her spandex Spidey powers brought her right to the door where she was going to heist next. Luckily Spyder Fayth has the ability to break in without being seen or heard as she just waits in the shadows for Black Panther to make an appearance. Just as she predicted, Panther Tomiko comes in and gets surprised and grabbed from behind in a very hard headlock XXXXer hold. Her XXXX black spandex clad body falls to the floor as we get a good look at the villian in lala land. Now its time to ensure she doesnt escape or get away from me as I have been tracking and hunting her for ages. She awakens to find herself cuffed and locked into a hogtie on the bed of doom. She is insisting I release her but instead I must demask her to ensure its not one of her decoys that I have captured. Ahh..perfect, it IS the true Black Panther Tomiko. Now its time to torment her a bit and get a good look at the helpless and bound villain. Her bare feet as it is her crime ridden signature to not let any typical boot marks behind. I get a good look at her long toes and vulnerable soles. She protests entirely too much as i shove a knotted silk cleavegag into her mouth forcing her to muffle her words and gag talk and protest. I sit back and enjoy creating this blackmail video of her demeaning situation as i inform her that she is going away for a long long time, its just a matter of waiting for my guys to come take her way as she struggles and protests her unexpected situation of the leather binds.
24:26 video
Raina Graysin finds herself on top of a wooden table with leather cuffs tightly strapped to her wrists and ankles as she is only wearing a skimpy semi see-thru pair of black thongs and completely covered and glistening from the oil all over her body. She is slowly stretched forcing her arms and legs to go as straight as her body will allow. Her elbows straight, her armpits fully exposed and vulnerable along with her tits, belly, thighs and everything in between. The bandanna cleave-gag keeps her quiet at this position is simply stretches her beyond believe. She stares at the pendulum as it slowly lowers closer and closer to her shiny lubed up belly. Her armpits are very smooth, hairless, and oiled up and the camera makes sure we see her armpits often as well as her gagged face and strapped down body. She realizes its pointless to scream when there is nothing she can do but watch the pendulum swing back and forth as it gets closer to her mid section. Eventually it cuts into her belly causing slices as we hear it hitting her belly button jewelry as well. The red fluid is helpless as she is unable to suck in her belly any more than she already is as she has not choice but to just feel and watch as the pendulum of doom does what it does. The pain is too much as she faints as we continue to watch her now XXXX body as the pendulum is stuck still in her belly and the red liquid is dripping down her sides. Yet another woman falls for this pendulum peril of doom.
9:04 video
I have known Nyssa Nevers for more than a decade and when I say I trust her, i mean it. She decided that it would be a great idea to put me in rope bondage and then attach balloons all over it to make me look like the oompa loompa or maybe the michelin man but what the scariest part is, she has a huge very sharp knife. First she gags me with a long balloon. This muffles my protest and my screams but you can still hear me and my very fearful reactions to her actions. Her devious and sadistic laugh only makes it worse as she slowly pushes the sharp edge of the knife into the balloons making them burst near my face and onto my bare skin as all i am wearing is a very itty bitty bikini. The shards bite my skin and it hurts but my fear of the blade i think supersedes it all. I cant believe how scared I am by being surrounded by 2 things i love, but the knife controls me the most...WOW. This sure was something different and i am super happy it was Nyssa to help me out with this 1st time being tormented but rope, pops, and her devious ways;)
11:08 video
So a long long time ago in a land far far away I got to hang out with my dear friend Steve Villa. I thought we would have some fun after he made me dress up in pantyhose covering my entire body except for my head. My hands are webbed, by arms are covered, and little do I know, my head will soon be encased in tights as well. He throws a few rolls of ducttape onto the bed as I show you my flapper webbed fingers. He then throws a big pair of silk panties on the bed. Now Im really confused but Mr. Villa knows exactly what hes doing. He grabs me and starts taping me, shoves the panties in my mouth and securing it around my head with sticky tape and pantyhose and more tape. Tape is added to my legs, arms and everywhere between leaving me to struggle and mphhh for mercy. He just stands back and watches me in his handy tape job. I roll over, i beg you through my gag as you see my pleading eyes through the head encasement and even get great views of my full back silk panties I'm wearing beneath the pantyhose that i'm wearing over my legs and bum. I struggle and struggle as you get the best angles of all my bound and struggling body. I'm pretty sure you will enjoy this much more than I lead you on to believe I do;)
16:03 video
Looky looky i found a virgin...a balloon popping virgin! I must break this cherry and break it hard and many times too. Meet Carissa Dumonde, and she has never intentionally popped balloons in her life and it is time for me to educate her on just how fun it is to do just that. As we sit on my couch in our casual wear and barefeet, we talk about her history with balloons and I go over a few quick safety tips about the shards and such but we can get to blowing and blowing. We tie off a few first off and sit on them until they burst. We blow to pop several together. I even show her one of my favorite ways to pop a balloon as I teach her the proper approach to bite 2 popping a balloon. We discover our lips may not have the same muscles or something so I give her some homework aka balloons to take home and practice with for next. Carissa smiles and laughs so genuinely, just as I do. I not only popped her cherry but she wants more more more. Feel free to suggest what you want us or her to do with a balloon or ways we should pop them or not, we can try anyways;)
6:54 video
I have hundreds if not thousands of 160 & 260 size balloons to twist whatever I feel like but as you hopefully know by now, i must pop balloons nomatter how big or small. I have a handy air compressor hose and I have never inflated to pop these types of balloons before so i get right to it. I blow2pop the 1st and it surprises me on how loud and ear peircing the sound is, but that doesn't stop me from popping more and more by means of too much air inflation. Once I burst several, I decide to show you a bit of my twisting ability. I make you a pretty pathetic looking flower and you dont like and it and i get a bit frustrated so i stomp on it and pop the suker to bits for not appreciating my handy work. I inflate2pop a few more but i see you want me to make you something else from these long balloons. So I make you a hat. You instantly are not pleased so I used my long sharp fingernails to destroy this too. Looks like you dont get anything but a bunch of shards instead of a Faythfully made balloon design. You really should start appreciating my effort and maybe next time I will make something you are happy with other than destroyed balloons and shards. I mean how often do you get a naked woman making you balloon toys?
24:39 video
Since BoundCon 2018 in Munich just ended and so much fun was had, its time to reminisce what happened at BoundCon 2017 when my dear friend Delona and wonderful rope artist Paulli challenge Elecktra Van Zunlt and I to a bondage escape challenge on the might red stage. They try to keep us from seeing how the other is being bound but once their 15 minutes is up. We have 15 minutes to help each other escape the ropes we actually don't want to get out of. But since this is the name of the game in front of all the fans and photographers. We sure do try very hard to work on the ropes that are all over our body nice and tight. The challenge in is convention is the language barrier. We all speak the same bondage language but not the same verbal language as Elecktra only speaks French and I only speak English. So we are unable to communicate with words on what to work on next or where to roll or anything. This is what makes this stage and event so special for me. No one has to speak the same language but we all love the 1 language of rope and this inturn makes us all a family full of smiles, laughter, and sometimes failed escape challenges that are never sad. What a wonderful experience this was and luckily I had another chance this past weekend with Pauli and Elecktra on the same stage so stay tuned to see if we ear later at Boundcon 2018
37:01 video
Taylor was trying to impress me by wearing my favorite color bra and panties but of course I had to fix his bra as most men barely cant get them off, more or less put them on right. Once I have him sorted, I get to wrapping him with lots of green plastic wrap to ensure he is unable to move and in my complete control. I allow him to see what I'm doing and speak but only when necessary. He also sees how i am smirking with a smile at his demise. I have him lay down so I can be a bit safer incase the waves of the ocean make the ship XXXX him over. I continue taping and wrapping his entire body into a mummification and I use other color ace wrap on his legs then rubber tape to make it even prettier on his bound helpless body. Now that he is stuck, i shove a penis gag into his mouth and do what I can to ensure he cant hear me. I even play a bit of a breath play with him. Darn it, i guess submissive sluts have to breath too..geesh. He has chopsticks handy and I show him my favorite use of them by playing the drums on his plastic wrapped penis but eventually rubberband them together with his manhood squeezed between the sticks. I let him relax and ponder what I might do next but of course the ships formal dinner is soon and I must get ready for supper as you watch me do my evening preparation as he just lies there wrapped and bound and unable to get ready for anything but more Fayth torment. Ah...shoot but i really would like company for dinner.
16:41 video
Now that Zonah and I popped several smaller balloons in part one of the sharp dungeon balloon fun, its now time to get down to business and take care of these darn balloons that are winking at us. Its not consensual so we will show these balloons who the boss is, topless and all! We blow and inflate and blow and blow some more. We chitchat a bit so our lips can get a bit of a break but we keep on blowing as we are back to back for safety. No use of having the shards hit us where they shouldn't. We both start this challenge thinking we want to B2P these suckers but the more we blow and blow and once the neck starts forming on both, neither of us think it will be the way to pop them. We keep looking up and seeing the sharpest ceiling ever so we decide that we need to use this to our advantage and the balloons disadvantage. As I blow and as the neck keeps forming, I use my free hand to push this huge loon upwards to make it pop instantly. The echo is so amazing and the loud boom is unlike anything we have ever heard. Luckily we have another, but Zonah wants me to feel to vibration of her pop thru a balloon, so i grab and blow up a colorful balloon to its fullest as she also used the ceiling as she is blowing to burst her huge yellow balloon. BOOOOM...Wow..what a sensation and experience. Of course I pop the small balloon using the sharp ceiling as well. Now its time to clean up our shards. Zonah crawls around doing the deed but of course I must push record again since not only is she crawling around inside a cage but showing off her lovely backside as she reaches far for the cleanup duties. Hmm..i sure wouldn't mind if she cleaned up all my shards from all my balloon popping videos, don't you agree?
8:16 video
Have you ever wanted to tie up someone since the day you met them but then the years pass and more years pass..well, my dream finally came true after more than 10 years have gone by, its damn time I get my ropes on Whitney Morgan. We casually discuss our past and how we both agree its time we got together. Now I'm going to keep her altho she doesnt know this yet. I tie her ankles, I tie her wrists, then of course I add a rope to connect her limbs forcing her into a simple, tight and very effective hogtie. I shove her mouth full with a large ballgag. Im even nice and give her a balloon to play with while in her predicament. Ohh..right..I forgot, I have an appointment I must go too, so I leave the damsel in distress Whitney to struggle around while I tend to my business. She struggles, mpphs, and does a bit of hogtie traveling as you watch her lingerie clad body and her lovely high heels stay on through out. Her eyes are piercing with plea and peril and her body is begging for rescue but little does she know that i plan on keeping her for a long while so we don't have to wait years and years again to be in eachothers company. What a great friend I am, right:)
29:08 video
Many if not all balloon fetishists have a stash of balloons, some stashes are simply huge and not all the balloons are used or played with as the stash grows bigger and bigger and some balloons just take a bit more effort, or mood, or situation to play with them. This balloon fits into that, unique mood, air compressor needed, and a bit of time is needed. Of course no clothing is needed tho, thank goodness;) I have this huge older doll shaped balloon. I honestly am not sure what it is supposed to be, but i think a nude no print doll balloon describes this the best, but feel free to correct me if you know what this loon really is. So I explain to you why its discolored and for that reason alone, its time to get this sucker blown up and see how much air this lovely shaped balloon can hold before it bursts. I tape the neck to the hose handle so i can take a break with my hand and let the compressor fill up periodically and i simply inflate this sucker more and more and more and more. My nervousness sets in way sooner than i suppose it was supposed too but I have no idea when it will pop or if the floor or my feet will pop it or anything, so my reaction is as genuine as it gets the bigger it gets. I cant figure out how to inflate the head part of it but i do try to figure it out but i don't want it to pop prematurely with me trying to push and squeeze the air into its head so I simply keep on forcing air into this huge balloon. I really cant believe how much air this balloon is holding but the bigger the better, right? I adjust my naked body on the couch out of anxiety and comfort and safety not knowing where the shards will fly and when? I dont give up inflating this loon until it cant take anymore. I am not expecting it either when it goes BOOM and surprises me so much. WOW, I cant believe my eyes and ears. What a wonderful burst this was. I grab the shards and talk about a possible theory but in reviewing the pop, it did in fact blow2pop, not leave the handle and pop from hitting anything. WOW. Maybe i need to dig in my stash and find more huge loons to pop like this?
7:03 video
I just got finished wrapped Wenona into a plastic wrap frogtie in a very fun and casual manner. I even am a nice friend and use her panties to hold the Hitachi on her sweet spot. But as soon as I think my idea is complete, I hear a noise in the other room. I go and investigate and I scream. This unexpected visitor now has us both plastic wrapped in a frog-tie, gagged and left to struggle as we are bound back to back. The unseen villain is "nice" enough to leave the Hitachi turned on as its still stuck in Wenonas panties but I have nothing to keep my mind distracted so I decide to keep my tradition alive and struggle like the mad woman I am. Seems the thigh-high stockings I have on have kept the plastic from sticking as good as it is on Wenonas legs, so I am able to escape my leg bondage. I then work on removing my upper body from this predicament. We fall over to our sides as I slowly, diligently, safely somehow manage to slide out of the plastic holding us together. Instead of running away, I turn my attention to the still bound Wenona and torment her. I hold my hand over her mouth as I adjust the Hitachi. Its not fair. Once I realize that she shouldn't be pleasured if I cant be pleasured, I remove the Hitachi from her panties and leave her very unhappy but still bound. Now I can leave. Silly me decided to leave as the hitachi is nearby as Wenona does manage to get her hands and arms free, but instead of escaping all her binds, she grabs the hitachi and pleases herself. Geesh, shes more worried about cumming than escaping, and that's quite alright in my book.
15:28 video
I have just unpackaged a manual footpump and I have realized that I have never really played with one to burst whatever it can. Today is the day I play and see what its capable of. I have some inflatable beach-balls and well, i think I have 1 too many so its time I do something about that. I explain a bit and shove the nozzle into the small hole in the beachball and i use my hand and arm muscle to pump this sucker up. The bigger it gets, the harder it is to pump. Yes, i realize its a footpump, but who says I must use my foot to complete my task? I start sweating and trying to figure out if I can beat the leak and pop this ball. I switch arms, I use both arms and even blow up another beach ball with my mouth while i continue to pump and pump the other. I have a seat on one as I continue pumping and inflating. I then realize the small one is a bit distracting so I put it aside and concentrate on this pump2pop mission at hand. This is much more of a challenge than I anticipated but I am stubborn and wont give up! Its stretched so big as I continue working this pump forcing the air into it as it is super hard. I decide that I should sit on this very inflated stretched beach-ball while I continue pumping. I bounce just a few times and I guess it just couldn't handle the wrath of Fayth as it explodes beneath me, sending me to the floor fast. Whats great is it sticks to my bum as I show you my bum covered with a exploded beach ball. How fun is this! I show you that it didn't pop at the seam and my smile is super genuine and my sweaty wet shirt certainly shows you that this wasn't an easy task but darn it, I conquered and popped this sucker my means of this handy fun foot-pump and my bum too! Stay tuned for more Footpump2pops coming soon!
7:59 video
Whitney and I have been in the same fetish family for more than a decade and its darn time we got together and had some fetish fun together. Of course I want her to play with my balloons. We talk a bit about what she likes to do to them and how she prefers to let them live so they can be played with more and more but she learns quickly that I having a passion of bursting them. We blow several up and laugh and blow and pop and blow. We did on them, she bounces on a stubborn balloon and I admit, scares me with how hard and tight she blows them up before she ties them off. I blow to pop, I assist her in not letting any survive our wrath. I do however appreciate her sharing this moment with me so I inflate a heart balloon for her, tie it off and I cant help but test its durability before I decide to give this balloon to her not in the form of shards so she can play with it whenever she wants to think of me. What a great casual fun laughter filled balloon session we have, dont you wish you could join us?
18:26 video
I am just getting home from a long day at the office. As I'm fumbling around with my keys and trying to unlock the door, little do I know there is someone watching me. As soon as I open the door, I am grabbed from behind and a white cloth is shoved between my teeth as he uses the gag to pull me back as I kick and scream as my purse goes flying. Next thing I know, my wrists are tied behind my back, my ankles and knees are bound and my vagina is split so far in 2 with a excruciatingly tight crotch rope. The chest rope ensures my arms aren't moving and helping my hands go numb. Right from the beginning all the way thru my bondage struggling torment, I gag talk and gag talk and gag talk. I beg you for mercy, I plead with you to let me go, I beg you to release me, but all you do is watch me struggling around this dirty, hard cement garage floor. The more I struggle the tighter the ropes seem to get, not loose. I really try to struggle in every possible position to try and get the ropes off but instead, the only thing that comes loose are my white highheels and the dirt from the floor onto my knees and skin. The more I struggle, the more raggedy and dishevelled I become. I am dripping sweat and I am gag talking constantly. I realize I cant escape the ropes but i see a door that I might be able to escape the house. I use my now bare dirty feet and toes to unlock 1 of the locks, then realize my toes aren't strong enough to unlock the other. I carefully stand up in my bondage and use my almost completely numb hands to finish unlocking it. I open it and hop out to the freedom outside as I lose my balance and fall to the ground to continue my struggling. I beg and plead, please help me. Will you please help?? ********I have included a still bound and gagged thank you at the end of this video. Yes, im smiling and loved every minute of this dirty sweaty strict torment:)*****