12:50 video
Betty is all ready to go out with her boyfriend to celebrate their anniversary, dressed in hot high heels, sexy black thigh highs complete with back seam, and a provocative dress that shows off even the lacy tops of her thigh highs. But for whatever reason, Betty's boyfriend asked her to stop by Ivan's place before their party, so why not? She has caught Ivan eyeing her before, and she always liked the attention, even if he is a good friend of her boyfriend. When she arrives, Ivan tells her why her boyfriend asked her to come by - her boyfriend wanted him to talk to her - there are a couple things he wants to straighten out. And actually, he wanted Ivan to do more than talk to Betty - starting with a little rope around her wrists. It turns out her boyfriend thinks she could learn a little respect, learn to play the submissive role a little better. Betty scoffs, "He doesn't know what he's talking about." But Ivan believes he does, and the question is, does she? She doesn't seem to be taking Ivan seriously yet, despite her hands already tied behind her back, so he yanks her to his lap by her hair and tells her what is in store for her: a week long training to make her a proper little submissive bitch. She squeals in protest, but Ivan does not plan to stop, and in fact goes to unbutton the sole button keeping her modest, pulling her dress from her shoulders and her bra down to reveal her full breasts and the bars through her pierced nipples. What a beautiful body she has! Ivan turns her to her stomach and pins her ankles with just one hand while he uncoils another rope to tie them and her knees. The first part of her training is being tied up for a while until she decides to listen him. If this takes the whole week, well then, she'll be tied up the whole week.
Betty doesn't seem to like the idea, but Ivan is glad her boyfriend sent her - he's been wanting to tie her up since he first met her. She is an awfully sexy woman. Again Betty says no, which Ivan chooses to take as disagreement to how sexy she is, so he adds improving her self-esteem to the list of tasks for the week. She ignores him and instead threatens to kick her boyfriend's ass. Ivan has noticed, however, that despite her current predicament, Ivan's rope around her wrists, ankles, and knees, she has only spoken ill of her boyfriend, not of Ivan, the one who has her tied up in his lap, and she's not fighting very hard either. In fact, her expression is almost one of enjoyment. It rather makes him wonder. Maybe this isn't such a bad thing for Betty, maybe she likes it. This finally sparks some real resistance, and she tells him to stop, to let her go, and struggles against Ivan and his rope, making her skirt hike up up around her hips, showing off her sexy little thong and tight ass. Ivan slides out from under her bound body and slaps her ass a few times, then steps away to gather things to quiet Betty's sassy mouth. Betty squirms and shifts until she's sitting up again, which is the perfect angle for Ivan to stuff a large handkerchief into her mouth - all the way in, stuffing to fill that big fat mouth as he tells her what she will learn this week: primarily, respect, and that her boyfriend is the head of the house, she isn't. But Betty of course disagrees, rather clearly and loudly despite the gag, so Ivan replaces the cloth holding the handkerchief in with tape to keep it in place more effectively. And now for more rope! He ties those pretty boobs up tight, emphasizing how nicely her tits are shaped. He'll really have to thank her man for this, he's quite enjoying training little Miss Jaded. He never knew she was this hot! Betty shies away from the compliment and from Ivan, pulling hard enough away to fall to her knees beside the couch. Look at that, she's learning already! Already on her knees for him, that's good! Betty makes faces and pulls away again.
Well, if she's not going to be nice, neither will Ivan. He pulls out another rope, drags her back to him, and flips her to her stomach, which Betty takes as the perfect opportunity to try to kick Ivan. He laughs, and tells her to go ahead and kick, get it out of her system, though it doesn't matter to him. In this battle of wills, he knows he's going to win, and by the end of this week, he will break her. "Trust me," he says, as he uses the last rope for a tight hogtie. Betty still fights, but Ivan tells her she'll learn one thing this week: "Rope never gives up." And certainly not before she will, that's for sure. But for now, he just needs to let her man know Ivan has her all wrapped up tight, and that she's being stubborn - but he probably already knows that part. He goes off to make the call, leaving Betty to struggle in the ropes on the floor. She flexes and fidgets, and groans when she realizes she really can't get loose. When Ivan comes back and fondles her again, she can only whine in protest, but she's still just as stubborn, so Ivan is convinced Phase 1 hasn't worked on her. It's time to move on to Phase 2 - he leans in close to tell her, "You're not going to like Phase 2." Starring Betty Jaded
9:34 video
Ivan drags Gigi into the corner of the room, her wrists already bound in front of her. She wiggles in his arms, banging her ass back against him trying to get away while he unbuttons her blouse from behind. To get the last few buttons, he holds her arms above her head, pushing her against the wall, revealing a very sexy black lacy bra. He tries to untie her wrists, but she isn’t sure if she should trust him and fights against him a few times while he is supposedly trying to help her.
Gigi was right not to trust Ivan. As soon as her wrists are free, he pulls her blouse and bra completely off. He presses her bare breasts against the wall and her arms are pulled behind her and wrists re-tied. Ivan explains that her husband is tired of her spending all of his money and she’s being cut off. Gigi tries to tell the man that her husband isn’t going to pay him and that she’ll pay double if he lets her go and ties up her husband instead.
Ivan grabs another rope and ties it under Gigi’s breasts and over her shoulders and upper arms. Since she is being squirmy, he decides to tie a crotch rope on her, tying it off to her upper body harness. She is getting really worried now and tries to tell the man in a soft sexy voice that if he lets her go she’ll give him something, explaining it’s better if she gives it to him than if he takes it. He decides he’s heard enough and stuffs a big ball of fabric in her mouth and winds black electrical tape tightly around her head.
Gigi is lowered to the ground and her legs are tied just below the knee and at the ankle, using the ends of the rope to tie her into a hogtie. She moans and whimpers into the gag as Ivan explains that he’s going to leave her here for a few hours to think about if she wants to leave her husband alone or not. She tries to tell him that she’s decided already but he doesn’t think he’s really driven home the point yet, she hasn’t suffered enough. He leaves and she rolls all around, pulling against the tight bondage holding her body.
After a few hours, he returns and Gigi is a lot more compliant. He asks her a few questions and once she agrees, he tells her that he’ll be a nice guy then and call the cops to come and let her go, and it would be in her best interest not to have him come back.
12:11 video
Ivan pulls a very XXXX GG into the room and pulls her arms behind her back. She demands to be let go and tries kicking at him as he binds her wrists. She tries to slide along the wall hoping to slide by him. She keeps yelling no, but it does no good. He XXXX the sexy lady onto a chair and she starts trying to bargain with him saying that she’ll do whatever he wants. Sadly, what he wants, is to tie her up. He ties then unbuttons her blouse from behind. She cries out for him to stop and even tries to XXXX him back with her head as he continues to undo each button until her pretty bra is on display.
Ivan takes another rope and ties GG’s body to the chair. She tries offering him money, trying anything she can think of to get out of this situation, but Ivan only wants her tied tightly to the chair. She whimpers as he tightens the ropes. When she sees a roll of tape she gets really concerned and yells once again. Ivan stuffs her mouth with a cloth and places a strip of tape over her mouth. He grabs a few more strips of tape and adds them over her gag to make sure to keep her extra quite.
GG kicks her legs out at Ivan trying to hit him and determined not to let him tie them up as well. She’s at a disadvantage though, already being tied to the chair and Ivan easily winds rope around her knees and ankles locking her sexy legs together. Ivan pulls GG’s bra down pulling out her firm, sensitive nipples and gives them a good squeezing causing GG to scream into the gag.
Ivan adds another rope to GG’s legs around her exposed thighs and ties them off to one of the chair legs. After running his hands all over her body, he leaves her alone, tied to the chair, while he goes to get his camera. He returns and tells her to smile for the camera. He spins the chair around to get another angle for the camera and GG rocks back and forth, pleading with him to let her go. Ivan smells her once again and then lifts her over his shoulder, chair and all and carries her off to the other room.
11:07 video
There is something not quite right with these numbers. It's probably nothing, probably just that someone forgot to turn in some of their paperwork, but it has happened two months in a row. It's Serene's job to make sure these reports are right, so she calls in Ivan to see if he knows or can find out anything. He says it might be Frank's crew, and goes to check on it for her.
In reality, it wasn't that someone forgot to turn something in, but they turned in the wrong paperwork to watchful little Ms. Isley. This is a problem; Ms. Isley is now a problem. Luckily, Ivan has a solution. He comes back with a briefcase, feigning helpfulness, and while Serene is occupied with trying to fix the numbers, Ivan pulls out his fix: rope! He grabs her wrists and pins them behind her back, wrapping the tan rope around them while she struggles and fusses. She's just doing her job! Apparently, though, Ivan and a few of his buddies are doing a little more than their jobs, and now that Serene has caught wind of it, she has become part of their jobs. Luckily, she came into his office with her questions, and this construction site has more than enough places to hide a little body like hers. He crams a cloth into her mouth and wraps clear packing tape around her head, hushing her protests. She still tries to fight and escape when he pulls out another rope, but he has a firm grip on her and is out of range of her kicks. There's not much she can say or do right now to get her out of this situation - especially gagged and getting more tied up by the second - but still she tries, bitching at him from behind the tape, and eventually resorts to sign language, giving Ivan the finger.
Serene's anger is understandable, but her words are not. Ivan ignores her and pulls her back toward him over the desk, pinning her heels against her ass while he shakes loose another coil of rope. She pushes hard with her legs, enough that Ivan's almost afraid she'll push herself right into the wall or floor. But he lassos her knees with one hand, blocking her kicks with the other, leaving her to only squirm on the desk as he ties her legs. "I hate to have to do this to you," Ivan tells her - and it's true, Serene's the only sexy lady in their business, and she always dresses the part, like today, with a tight skirt, shiny blouse, pantyhose, and high heels - but some things just have to be done. He might as well have some fun while he's at it, though, so he unbuttons her blouse to reveal her fantastic breasts; he always wanted to see them up close and personal like this. She has such a great body, it's a shame to have it go to waste like this. He sits her up on the desk, another rope in hand, and as she tries to scoot away, he slings it around her chest, below and above those great tits. When she reaches as far as she can go, Ivan tells her, "Get back on here, before I jerk your ass back up." Serene still has hope she might get out of this if she cooperates, so she meekly shuffles her way back onto the desk, where Ivan flips her onto her stomach, stretching the rope from her chest to her ankles, and pulling her tight, making her whimper.
Ivan goes off to check with the other guys on where they can stash poor Serene, and she uses the time to try her best to escape, pulling on the ropes, stretching her legs as much as she can, arching her back, fingering the ropes, but no matter how hard she pulls or how she wiggles, nothing even so much as loosens. Ivan comes back with a little good news, bad news: they figured out where they're going to put her, but it will have to be after dark, so he has to make sure she's secure until then, and pulls out another rope. Serene gripes through the gag, "I feel pretty fucking secure!" But he's right, after this rope, she can barely even flex. He puts her on the floor so she won't fall off and make a noise. After a minute of fidgeting on the floor, she realizes she can bang her high heels on the desk to make a significant noise, but the only person it brings is Ivan, and he's ready to take her out - for good.
10:52 video
Ms. Nyxon, a world popular food critic, has a meeting with a gentleman that is interested in writing a story about her. She loves her name in print, and couldn’t turn down the opportunity. They have a seat on the couch and after she gets going talking about how her life is pretty bad because she has to eat such crappy food sometimes, the interviewer can’t take it anymore. He asks her if she remembers this small little B&B place in the mountains, and she only recalls that it wasn’t that great. It’s a shame she didn’t pay more attention or she might have recognized the large man as the chef and might have saved herself.
Chef Boulder reaches over grabbing Nyxon by the arms and jerking her over his lap and grabbing both of her tiny wrists in one hand. She screams at him and then starts insulting the man, especially his cooking. He ties her wrists behind her back while she tells him how his food made her sick and that it was awful. In her struggling to get away, her skirt rides up showing off her garter belt and stocking tops. Her elbows, knees, and ankles are all cinched together, but she still hasn’t learned anything. She continues to talk, and continues to shove her foot in her mouth.
Finally, he tires of her speaking; everything out of her mouth is negative. She tries to scoot away but he pulls her close, grabs a handful of her hair and stuffs a big ball cloth in her mouth, sealing it inside with microfoam tape wrapped around her head. He pulls up her top showing off her bare breasts and then positions her on her knees, bent over the couch, ass high in the air. He ties a rope around her waist and after looping it around her wrists, he ties her ankles in locking her in a nice hogtie, bent over the couch, even tying her high heels on. He tells her that he’ll be back in a few and she rolls over sliding to kneel on the floor. She wiggles and squirms, slowly sliding further to the floor. When Chef Boulder returns, he tells her where the knot so she can eventually get out, but adds that he’s taking her cell phone and car so she’ll have to find another way back.
12:04 video
Crystal has bought another new dress and Ivan is tired of her spending all of their money. They’ve talked about this several times and she just can’t seem to get it through her head so Ivan has an idea that may help her remember in the future. He pulls her down on top of him in a playful manner, pulls her arms behind her back and explains to her that a few hours on the tied up on the couch might aid her in the future when she gets the shopping impulse. She tells him that it’s not fair, claiming that the car can wait. He secures her wrists behind her back and pulls her up to a kneeling position. He loops another rope around her elbows lashing them tightly behind her back and locks them to her body.
Ivan explains that if she would stop buying dresses that this kind of thing wouldn’t happen to her. She obviously isn’t getting it though because her next question is, “Can I buy shoes?” Ivan looks at her with a stern look and Crystal laughs claiming to have a shopping disorder. He uses the ends of the rope around her torso to go around her ankles and thighs pulling them up to a tight hogtie. Crystal continues to act like it’s not a big deal, even claiming that it’s making her want to buy some more dresses. Ivan is convinced that a few hours tied like this and she’ll change her tune. He pulls the straps of her dress down revealing her bare breasts.
Ivan XXXX Crystal to open wide and layers vetwrap and a ball of cloth over her mouth, gagging her securely. He pinches her nipples and she squeals behind the gag. Ivan goes to get the camera to get a few pictures of her tied up and that’s when the fun goes out of it for her. She cries out behind the gag, struggling in the rope, even calling Ivan a “fucking asshole!” He comes back with the camera and starts snapping pictures but there’s nothing Crystal can do about it. They finally come to an arrangement that every time she buys a dress, he gets to tie her up and do whatever he wants to her. He goes to think about it, leaving her dress pulled up showing off her black thong and stocking tops. He decides to take her up to the bedroom to have a bit more fun with her and her lovely green dress.
12:47 video
Ivan does a lot to keep his yard looking nice - mowing, aerating, fertilizing, the works - and it is about the best in the neighborhood. Except for one thing - his young neighbor Ludella has one of those annoying little that just so happens to always in Ivan's yard. He's talked to Ludella about it before, politely asking her to keep her out of his yard, but she just doesn't seem to care. Her generation just has no respect and never takes responsibility for anything. Well, Ivan is tired of it. When he's out working in the garage, he sees her come home, and asks if he can have a word - not that it's helped before, but he'll try it one more time just to say he did. But when he complains about her again, she shrugs it off and says she can't help where her poops, and she's not going to keep track of everywhere he poops to clean up after him. Her attitude just pisses Ivan off, so when she shrugs again with a "whatever" over her shoulder as she starts to walk away, Ivan grabs her by her fancy hairstyle and pulls her back into his garage. He's going to teach her a lesson about the many uses of trash bags, including cleaning up after stupid little , and how handy they are to tie up snooty little bitches who don't take responsibility for their pets.
Ludella, of course, doesn't approve of this turn of events. She alternates between swearing at Ivan for tying her wrists and elbows and hurling insults about his yard, or claiming that her 's is good old fashioned fertilizer for his fancy yard. But Ivan doesn't leave the in his yard, he takes one of these handy trash bags and throws the away! But the trash bags are also handy for silencing her obnoxious mouth - he folds one up a few times and XXXX it between her teeth, tying it behind her head. "You can't do this!" Ludella furiously grumbles through the gag. "You are absolutely right," Ivan tells her, "But if your 's not responsible for where he poops, and you're not responsible for where he poops, then I'm not responsible for what happens in my garage." He pushes her against the wall, gets another trash bag to tie her ankles. He goes on about her irresponsible generation - but he does have to admit he likes one thing about Ludella: the way she dresses. The skirts and heels, and today the Cuban stockings that make her fantastic legs look even better - he picked a good day to confront her. But she retorts that he's not being very responsible right now himself, that this isn't exactly a responsible decision - maybe not, but it is discipline, something she obviously needs, and she's going to pay for her behavior. Besides, even if she does try to tell people what he did, no one will believe her; Ivan's been in this neighborhood and community a long time, probably most of the time Ludella has been alive, and people respect him and think highly of him. They would never believe he could do something like this.
Now that Ivan has started on his tirade, he keeps going, criticizing her silly pin-up hairstyle - women should wear their hair down, not with a million pins holding it up - especially with hair like Ludella has - long, red, and gorgeous. She glares angrily as he ruins her beautiful coif, pulling out pin after pin - it took her a long time to make it look so good! If she wasn't already so pissed, she certainly is now, her hair falling in auburn waves around her pretty face. She manages to enunciate clearly through the gag, "You're a fucking asshole." But he's not done being an asshole yet - he starts to unbutton her sweater. She tries to pull away, turning her face toward the wall, but that just draws his attention to her fantastic ass, which he swats a few times for good measure, making her turn back around to try to resist that. She just can't win - now he goes back to her blouse to expose her pretty tits. She starts to squeal in anger, so he tells her to hush while he fetches something to shut her up better. She tries to flex against the trash bags, but they're surprisingly resilient and don't budge. And now Ivan has packing tape, but the only packing he's doing is a rag into her mouth. He wraps the tape around her head a few times - maybe now the sassy little bitch will be quiet. He makes her lie down on the floor and gets one more garbage bag to really secure her in a garbage-bag hogtie. Who knew how useful - and effective - garbage bags could be? Ludella squirms angrily on the floor when he leaves her to think about how to keep her in her yard and out of his. It's no use trying to yell, either; one of the other neighbors has started trimming trees again, and there's no way she could be heard over the chainsaw. She's stuck getting out on her own, if at all. But Ivan comes back and asks if she's learned her lesson, if she's going to clean up after her from now on, and she eagerly agrees - a little too eagerly for Ivan to believe her. He decides to show her something he's going to do to her if she doesn't keep to her word, and tosses her over his shoulder to take her inside.
12:19 video
Ivan has been promising Midian a night out for a while, and tonight he's finally taking her to a fetish party. She got all dressed up in her red corset, boy shorts, fishnet stockings, and towering high heels, and she is ready to party. But when they arrive at the warehouse where the party is supposed to be, it's... empty. Well, not completely empty, there's a rope hanging from the ceiling. But she and Ivan are the only ones there - either they're REALLY early, or Ivan lied to her. He explains that it is a party, but just a party of two, and they'll have plenty of fun! He has his blue rope all ready, and starts tying her wrists.
Midian protests that she's sick of this, that she wants to have fun, and this is not fun! "You can stop now," she tells him, but he ignores her and ties off the knot. She starts to repeat herself, but Ivan heard her the first time, and he doesn't want to hear it any more. He stuffs a big ball gag into her mouth, thinking maybe from now on, he's going to gag her first thing for their dates, because he's more than a little tired of hearing her bitch. He is a little concerned about where their relationship is going - it seems like she's not as much into the kinky stuff any more, and since he's not going to give it up any time soon, he needs to make sure she's on board. He puts her on the floor on her knees, and already she tries to find the buckle on the gag, but he grabs the rope around her wrists and feeds the rope from the ceiling through it, stretching her arms out above her head. That's pretty hot - he likes that. He asks if Midian likes it too, but she gives an emphatic "no!" from behind the gag and sits up on her knees to try to relieve the tension on her wrists. Meanwhile Ivan sits down behind her and ties her ankles together, so she tries to move away from him, but he's already mostly done, and just knots it off before she scoots away. Standing himself, he pulls Midian up to her feet, then makes her sit on her ass, long legs out front so he can tie her knees.
She's just so sexy this way, all dressed up and in rope! Granted, the gagged grumbling is less than attractive, but nobody's perfect. Still, he can tolerate it more when she's gagged, so tonight will still be fun. Ivan reaches for the hooks of her corset, asking, "What do you have here?" Midian angrily reminds him, "You know what I have here!" Even that is obvious despite the big ball in her mouth, but he still wanted to see her pretty tits. He has more fun stuff in the car, though, so he leaves her to take her ire out on the ropes. She extends her legs, straining against the rope, turns to one side, then the other, trying to find a weakness in the ropes, and even stands to try to reach the knot holding her in place. She is so intent on being pissed and trying to get loose that she doesn't hear Ivan sneak up behind her. He grabs her by the waist, lifts her like she weighs nothing, and chastises her for trying to get loose as he sets her back on the floor. He starts a rope around her waist that will prevent her from being able to stand, just in case she tries to pull that trick again, and ties it off to her ankles, making her a neat and sexy little folded package. Midian continues to swear at Ivan from behind the gag - she's such a foul-mouthed bitch all of a sudden! But no matter, now that she's secured, Ivan reveals what he retrieved from the car - his favorite camera. Since it seems like Midian is no longer into this kinky bondage stuff, he wants a few mementos of her sexy ass in rope, and proceeds to take several pictures - she might even be hotter when she's angry and squirming like this.
Finally Ivan decides to let Midian down, and unties her from the rope to the ceiling. As soon as her hands are marginally free, she immediately starts feeling for the buckle on the gag again, but Ivan stops her, saying he'll get to it. He loosens the rope holding her legs folded, but instead of untying her completely, he turns that rope into a nice crotch rope to her wrists, and ties her ankles off to the ceiling rope, displaying those gorgeous legs nicely. He pulls her up just enough to lift her hips off the floor, putting her legs at the perfect distance to caress and grope. It's too bad she's not enjoying this, because he certainly is, but perhaps it's time to let her go. He lowers her legs again, and finally removes the gag, but before Midian can stay anything, he tells her, since she didn't enjoy it, well, maybe she's not the girl for him. And that's fine with Midian, too! But wait, where is Ivan going? He hasn't finished untying her yet. He can't just leave her here, can he? "Ivan, get back here! I'm going to kick your ass!" Tsk, if only she could control that mouth of hers, she might be worth keeping. Oh well! Too late now!
9:51 video
Ivan has had his eye on his boss for a while, every time he saw her, he just pictured her tightly bound and gagged. When he finally had enough of her unfair rules and goals that could never be reaches, he started to plan a way to get rid of her and take her position within the company. When he was got all of his ducks in a row, he wrote an especially bad report, knowing that she would come down to berate him for it in person, and his plan worked.
Isabella storms into his office telling him how awful his report is, she’s too involved in her rant to see that Ivan has a slight smirk as she yells. When she’s within his grasp, he reaches out and wraps his arms around her, pulling her on top of the desk. He repositions her until she is face down on the hard surface and he pins her arms behind her back while he gets rope from the drawer. She squirms, sliding her legs off the desk, her ass high in the air. Ivan thrusts his hip into her to hold her in place as he ties her wrists tightly together.
Ivan move on to Isabella’s legs next, tying them just below the knee and then again at the ankle. She threatens to call the cops but Ivan already has plans to make sure she doesn’t call anyone. He moves her pretty blond hair out of the way and stuffs a big ball of cloth in her mouth and wraps microfoam tape tightly around her head turning her scolding tone to sexy whimpers.
When Ivan tries to unbutton Isabella’s blouse, she struggles trying hard to get away from him but with all the rope, it only takes him seconds to reveal her perky breasts. He adds another rope going under and over her breasts creating an upper body harness. He then lays the very unhappy woman down on the desk, grinding her bare nipples against the cold wooden surface.
Ivan adds a hogtie rope to ensure that his now ex-boss doesn’t get off the desk until he’s ready for her. He leaves Isabella there to struggle while he goes to make sure the alley is clear and the truck is ready for her. She wiggles and squirms on the desk surface, arching her back and trying desperately to find the knots with her tightly bound hands. Before she makes any progress though, Ivan returns and scoops up Isabella, tossing her over his shoulder and carries her out to the truck.
10:21 video
*Note by Serene Isley – Candle is amazingly sexy and her expressions, outfit, and all the effort she puts into struggling makes this one super hot clip
Candle was sitting at home going over some of her paperwork before her next client arrives. She was all ready for him. Her hair and make-up were pristine and she was dressed to , but then again, she always was. Tonight, she chose a silky red dress that clung to every alluring curve of her body. She also had on black high heels and cuban heeled stocking with a back seam running up her long legs and attached to garters at the top. Without a sound, a man rushes in from her side room immediately thrusting his hand to her throat pinning her to the chaise.
Candle struggled trying to get away from the man but he was too strong for her. She flailed her limbs around hoping to get him to make a mistake somehow and release her long enough for her to reach the door. Instead, he grabs her legs and flips her over, XXXX her to lean over the chaise. He straddles her legs and uses a stocking he found in her laundry room to tie her wrists up behind her back. She keeps trying to get away and manages to fall to the floor, sadly this didn’t help her circumstances at all. She loses her heels in the struggle leaving her with just her stocking feet. She calls out hoping that maybe a neighbor would here her cries, but she knows better.
The man uses another stocking to tie Candle’s ankles together, but she is still far from helpless. She yells at the man to get his fat ass off of her as he continues to add stockings up her legs, tightly tying them together. He lifts her by her ankles and wrists and tosses her back on the chaise. He uses another stocking to tie her ankles to her wrists putting her in a tight hogtie. Candle rolls off the chaise to the floor kicking and yelling the whole time. Once he has her elbows tied, he grabs her by her hair and XXXX her to open wide while he shoves a big stocking ball in her mouth and ties it behind her head. She screams into the gag, pulling hard against the stockings keeping her held. Her shoulder straps fall to the side revealing her perfect sweet breasts. He puts her high heels back on her feet and ties them on to prevent them from coming off again.
Candle manages to slip out of the wrist tie, but the man had already started tying another one to replace it. She lifts her legs above him and kicks him on the back, but without any leverage it does little to hamper the large man. He adds a few strips of black tape over her gag to make sure it stays put. He reaches over and picks up her black notebook that contains everything important, including her very confidential client list. She was careful to only keep this information in hard copies to prevent it from getting leaked and is outraged as the man flips through it declaring that they can steal paper too. The man walks out leaving Candle exposed, bound, gagged and pissed off on the chaise.
9:28 video
Elizabeth is very upset that the handyman hasn’t been able to get done with all the work she’s assigned him. They argue about whether her desk drawer is or is not broken and finally Ivan tells her that he’s going to go get his tools to fix the drawer that isn’t broken. When he returns, he has a black briefcase and sits it on her desk claiming that what’s in the case will fix their problem.
Ivan grabs Elizabeth’s wrists and pulls them behind her back exclaiming that this will at least fix his problem. He encircles her wrists with rope, lashing them tightly together. She for some reason still thinks she’s in charge and tries to threaten him saying that he will lose his job for this, but that only means he has no reason to hold back on the bitch. He repositions her so she’s lying on the desk and grabs her ankles to tie them up as well while she rambles on about this being sexual harassment, and Ivan corrects her that there is absolutely nothing sexual between the two of them.
Elizabeth squeaks and squeals as he ties her knees tightly together. She blathers on about how she cares about his family and him being a Grinch etc. Finally, Ivan tires of her mouth. He rolls her to her side to discover that her blouse has popped open showing off her bra. He gathers all her hair in one hand and XXXX her to open her mouth, stuffing a big wad of white cloth inside and winding silver tape around her head.
Ivan adds another rope tying Elizabeth’s bound wrists to her ankles, securing her in a hogtie on her desk. After pulling down her bra to show off her bare breasts, he heads back down to his office, leaving the bitchy boss bound on her desk. She wiggles back and forth but makes no progress escaping. Ivan comes back after a bit of thinking and decides that if he gets rid of her, that he might get a promotion, so after making a phone call to a buddy of his to arrange the exchange, he tosses her over his shoulder and carries her out to the car.
8:29 video
It's just another day on the job for Ivan, but that means a very bad day for Angelique. Being by a strange man, dragged into an isolated warehouse by her hair, and now having her wrists tied behind her back - what is this guy doing with her? Ivan explains that he's just going to make her miss her appointment, and once it's over, he'll let her go, no harm done. However, that answer doesn't satisfy Angelique, and she tries to kick at Ivan while he ties her wrists - bad idea. Ivan recommends she not try to kick him, because right now he has no reason to hurt her, but if she does kick him, things might get nasty. "You don't hurt me, I won't hurt you. Deal?" Angelique sneers, "I'm not making deals with your kind." Ivan laughs, "And what kind am I?" "The awful kind!" That just makes Ivan laugh more. "You have no idea how awful I can be." But he's tired of hearing her contempt and condescension, so it's time to shove a ball gag into that bitchy mouth and strap it in tight.
Finally, a little peace. Although she probably won't like what he does next, it's one f the perks of the job, and it's not like Angelique can stop him from pulling the straps of her sexy black dress and fondling those gorgeous tits. Of course she protests, and even tries to pull away, but Ivan jerks her back and loops another rope below and above those pretty boobs. He XXXX her to her knees, then onto her stomach, her nipples pressing into the cold floor, drool starting to drip from behind the gag. Ivan ties her knees and ankles in short order, the pulls her heels close to her ass with the loose ends of the rope around her chest. That ought to hold her pretty little ass for a while, at least until he can go make a phone call to tell his employers they can go ahead.
While he's gone, of course Angelique tries to squirm free, pulling on the ropes, wiggling back and forth, and feeling for the knots. As she triest to hold her head out of the puddle of her own drool, it pulls the gag deeper into her mouth, the hard leather cutting into cutting into the corners of her mouth. After watching Angelique struggle a while, Ivan comes back and plays with her a little more, rolling her onto her side so he can grope and fondle her a while longer. Still, he's only being paid for the task at hand, so he should probably let her go - but he wants to make sure that, if he does, she's not going to tell anyone he did this to her - job security and all. He assures her that if she tells, what he did to her this time will seem nie in comparison - he'll twist her little nipples off and do all sorts of really horrible things to her. So, is she going to keep quiet? Angelique just wants to get the hell out of here, so she agrees, and Ivan lets her go. Starring Angelique Kithos
8:36 video
Ivan's office is right next to Betty's, so he can usually hear when she's goofing off, and today, he has heard her gossiping on the phone with a girlfriend for the past hour. He's used to her slacking off and getting away with it, just because she's the boss's daughter, but his temper finally got the best of him when he heard Betty saying she was going on myspace - on company time, when she's supposed to be working. Not that it wasn't nice to see her sexy legs stretched out on her desk, but he's tired of her getting away with everything, and today he intends to do something about it.
He comes up quietly behind her, looms over her shoulder, and interrupts her conversation. Betty rolls her eyes and tells her girlfriend she has to go, turning to deal with Ivan, who wants to know if those reports - which were due two hours ago, are ready yet. He knows, of course, they're not - Betty has been gabbing on the phone all day. She swears she'll have them done by the end of the day, but Ivan is no longer concerned about the reports - he's more interested in the tape in his hands and putting it on Betty's wrists behind her back. She protests, telling Ivan she'll tell her dad, but it's his word against hers, and Ivan has been a trusted employee much longer than the boss's lazy, screw-up daughter. He's not worried, and goes on to unbutton Betty's blouse to prove it. The little slut isn't even wearing a bra, which allows Ivan to see her cute little pierced nipples, which he just has to tweak. He XXXX her back into her chair and starts wrapping tape around her delicate ankles while he informs her Sarah will now be doing Betty's job. Betty scoffs even as Ivan winds more tape around her knees - she says Sarah sucks, and she's XXXX with her boss, to which Ivan replies that, yes, she sucks very well actually.
This is just too much for Betty. She tries to hope away, but with her legs taped together, she loses her balance and falls to the floor. When the bitch starts to yell for help, Ivan is ready - he shoves a cloth into her mouth and adds a few layers of tape over it to quiet her down so he can tell her he's going to send up Jim from accounting - the awkward, geeky guy who has had a crush on Betty since she first started here. He lifts her back into her chair and adds another layer of tape around her chest for good measure. Just before he goes to get Jim, he fondles those sexy legs in hot Cuban stockings, something he has wanted to do since she first started prancing around the office. When he walks away, Betty turns her chair around, rolls around the room a little, looking for something to help her get loose. She stands up, hops around, comes back, sits down again, flexes against the tape, and starts to whimper at her situation. Ivan comes back with somewhat comforting news,that Jim isn't coming after all, but he follows it with worse news - Betty is coming home with Ivan. Before she can even protest, Ivan pulls her to her feet and throws her over his shoulder to carry her off.
7:32 video
Why is it that some people insist on leaving all the lights in every room on, even when they're not in there, and cranking up the heat to balmy summer temperatures when it's winter? If Nyxon would put on some damn clothes, dress appropriately for the weather, and turn off a light when she leaves the room like any responsible adult would, she and her roommate Ivan might not have a $400 power bill this month. Even split in half, that's a lot of money for a power bill! Ivan could afford it, since he works a lot, but he knows Nyxon doesn't have her share, and she's the one who caused it to be so high in the first place. Ivan is sick of it! It's time for Nyxon to learn to take responsibility for her actions. Ivan comes into her bedroom to have a little discussion with her, but she mouths off, makes excuses, and shirks responsibility, just pissing Ivan off more. But he has an idea of how to pay for the excessive power bill, and it involves Nyxon doing a little work, modeling some rope for his friends and for pictures. He grabs her ankles as she lounges on her bed, pulls her toward him, and pins her wrists behind her back. The sole benefit of her turning the heat up is what she lounges around in - not sweatpants and t-shirts, but pretty lingerie, garter belt and stockings, and high heels, like something a lingerie model would wear, which gave him the idea in the first place. She looks even better with his green rope around her wrists and ankles, squirming and flexing her shapely legs. Another rope just below her knees and tying her wrists off to her ankles, and she's a perfect little bondage model! Except for that constantly running sassy mouth - but Ivan has something for that too. He crams one of her silky scarves all the way into her mouth, and sticks several strips of black tape over it. Finally! Peace and quiet.
Now, unless she has $200 stashed away somewhere or tucked into her garter belt, she's going to have to work it off with Ivan's buddies. But Ivan already knows she doesn't, so he's ready to call his friends over for a little look-but-don't-touch - or if that doesn't make enough money, maybe a little touch. Nyxon, of course, objects to this idea, but she knows she can't pay Ivan her part of the power bill, and she can't move in with any of her friends because they know how irresponsible she is, so she doesn't exactly have any bargaining power. Still, she has to protest when Ivan pulls her bra down - but it's either show more or touch more, and right now, she doesn't have any say in the matter anyway. Maybe now she'll remember to turn of the lights and turn down the heat!
10:49 video
Annabelle was peeking out of her window watching some men across the street. When she realizes what’s going on, she covers her mouth exclaiming quietly, “Oh my God!” About that time, one of the men that was with the group sneaks up behind her covering her mouth as she tries to scream. She exclaims that she didn’t see them do anything, but as he pins her arms together behind her, he asks how she knows there was more than just him. He coils rope around her wrists while she struggles desperately begging him to let her go. She tells him to take anything that her husband will be home any minute, but the man isn’t buying it.
The man leans her in the corner while he grabs more rope and ties her knees together. He tells her again that he needs to know what she saw and she continues to say that she didn’t see anything. She begs him to go but he just keeps adding more rope. He brings the rope down to her ankles and secures them together as well. She struggles in the corner while he asks her what he should do with her.
The man grabs her by her long hair and pulls her head back sharply. He directs her to open her mouth and he shoves a huge bandanna in, stuffing her mouth completely. He adds strips of white tape over her mouth to keep the cloth in place. She scream through the gag, begging the man to let her go and yells, “NO!!!” when he reaches for the straps on her halter top. He pulls the fabric and her top falls down revealing her bare breasts. He leaves her bound and gagged in the corner while he goes to check on something.
Annabelle slides down the wall, crying into the gag. The man comes back and explains to her that his boss has decided that he needs to keep her here for a while until they decide what to do with her and her peeping eyes. He adds another rope around her waist then lifts her in the air sitting her down on her ass. He loops the waist rope through her tied ankles and pulls them up beside her to prevent her from escaping. She continues to yell at the man, screaming as he leaves her alone. She wiggles, twisting and turning, desperately trying to get out of all the ropes holding her tight. Ivan comes back and tells her that the boss has decided to just bring her with them for now and they will figure out what to do with her later. The man lifts Annabelle over his shoulder and carries her away.
11:16 video
Ludella is very used to getting what she wants, from whomever she wants, and that includes all the workers at her father’s company. She loves calling upper management to her office to run little silly errands for her to make sure they understand that she’s in charge, despite being over a decade younger than some of them. Today, she calls Ivan up to her office to go fetch her a cup of coffee.
Ivan, tired of her little power plays, asks her if she really thinks his time is better spent getting her coffee instead of managing all the works on the floor. With an almost devilish grin, Ludella looks Ivan in the eye and says yes. Ivan tells her that he’ll get her something and he’ll be right back, she smiles and replies thank you, satisfied that he’s been humiliated enough.
When Ivan returns however, he doesn’t have her coffee in hand, instead he has some rope on hand. She huffs asking about her coffee, but Ivan’s here to teach the spoiled little brat a few life lessons. He pulls her arms behind her back and ties her wrists together. She threatens him, telling him that she’ll have daddy fire him immediately, but at this point Ivan’s done taking orders from her anyway, now he just wants payback. Her skirt rides up as she struggles on the desk top revealing her garter straps and stocking tops.
Once Ludella’s wrists are bound, Ivan uses her scarf lying on the desk to cleave gag her, pulling the fabric between her lips and knotting it behind her head. Her legs are next and they get lashed together at the ankle and knee. With another rope, Ivan binds her into a nice hogtie. Ivan plans to get his crew to tell her father that she asked him to tie her up, and for the first time in her life, Ludella pleads with him not to go through with it.
Ivan chats with the boys and then want him to take things a bit further. It seems more than a few of the guys have always wanted to see Ludella’s sweet tits, especially since she would act like a tease then turn into the ice queen if any of them ever approached her. Ivan comes back and unbuttons her top showing her white lacy bra and pulls her breasts out. Ivan grabs his camera phone to take a few pictures for the boys downstairs so they’ll back up his story and Ludella half begs, half demands that he untie her. Ludella finally orders Ivan to let her go. He mocks her, then grabs a roll of tape and a wad of fabric. He stuffs her mouth over the cleave and places strips of the black tape over her lips to keep the cloth in place. He tells her that when she comes in tomorrow she should bring him a nice cup of coffee to show that they understand each other. She whimpers and whines into the gag as he ponders which guy to send up to let her go, knowing that some of them will do more than just untie her.
17:44 video
Lila has been having a very troubling dream and requested that we have a meeting right away to discuss it. I meet her at my office and I can tell that something is troubling her. We have a seat and she begins telling me all about it.
In the dream, Lila describes a large man coming into the room carrying a bag with green rope in it. She doesn’t know the identity of the man but wishes that she did. She continues, nervously fidgeting with her hands in her lap. I try to comfort her telling her that there is nothing to be embarrassed about and she continues. The man takes out some rope and ties her wrists together. I’ve had this type of thing happen before and sometimes it can be very hard for my patients to talk about it, so I suggest that we act it out with some role playing to help her convey the dream to me.
Lila tells me that her wrists were tied behind her back and I grab a back of white rope I keep around the office and have her slide over on the couch so I can take a seat beside her. She places her arms behind her back and begin coiling rope around her wrists. I ask her if that feels right and she says that it was tighter so I oblige her and tighten the ropes trying to mimic her dream. Sitting this close to her I can’t help but feel the warm radiating off of her sexy body, her satin shirt pulling at the buttons over her sweetly curved mounds.
Lila closes her eyes and recounts more of the dream, she remembers him telling her that if she behaved that he wouldn’t have to hurt her. Her breathing becomes more shallow and picking up speed. She tells me that the man then ties her legs at the ankle and knee. I drop to the floor, picking up another rope and bind her ankles together. I observe that she seems to be getting more relaxed and she tells me that she thinks this is helping. While I am adding rope to her legs, she talks to me more about what this mystery man said to her. I ask her how the comments made her feel and she whispers in a breathe voice that it made her feel kind of hot. She tells me that the man caressed her legs, running his hands up and down them, grasping her calves in his firm hands, squeezing them.
I add a rope just below her legs, letting my hands linger a little longer than they probably should have. She tells me that he pushed up her skirt commenting on her stockings and I follow suit, again trying to mimic the dream as much as possible. While she talks, I run my hand over her nylon-covered legs and notice that I am ever getting aroused by her recounted dream.
Lila tells me that the man got behind her and started unbuttoning her blouse next. I slide back to the couch and wrap my arms around her, my breasts pushed against her back while I slowly unbutton her blouse. With short, heated breaths, she explains that the man reached into her bra, exposing her pale mounds, pinching her rose tipped nipples. I take them in my hands, rolling her erect buds of flesh through my fingers, squeezing them as she gasps. She tells me harder and I listen.
In the dream, the man then tells Lila that she’s being a good girl and good girls get rewarded. I’m still so close to her body, her quivering nipples in hand and ask her how they get rewarded. She tells me that he wants to take her home and have fun with her. As I massage her bare breasts, running my hands over her sexy thighs, she tells me that she wanted to go with the man, and he picked her up like she was nothing, throwing her over his shoulder, carrying her away.
Lila then breaks from her fog and says that the dream stops right there, the faraway look in her eyes now gone. I take my hands off of her, not realizing how far this had actually gone, and I straighten my glasses and clear my throat. I tug at my skirt and ask her what she thinks this all means. She says that she doesn’t know that she thinks she needs to explore it. I tell her that there is a man that I might be able to call that has some experience in this area. I write the number down for her but tell her that I’ll go ahead and give him a call, tucking the number in her bra.
I call Ivan and attempt to explain the situation to him telling him that she’s actually here now. He tells me that he’s on his way. I ask Lila if there’s anything else she remembers about the dream and she mentions that sometimes he places a big red ball in her mouth that has a leather strap running through it and buckles it tight behind her head. I dig through my bag, sure that I have one in there while she continues talking. I pull it out and ask her if there’s anything else before I strap the gag in place and she tells me that sometimes he hogties her as well. I place the ball between her lips, sliding it in her awaiting mouth and get her to lay down on the couch.
When Ivan arrives, I have Lila hogtied on the couch, and am kneeling beside her. He comes over, I explain her dream, and how she really needs to know what happens beyond the point where she is carried out of the room. He says that he is happy to help, and I go out on a limb and ask him to do me one more favor.
I ask Ivan to tie me up as well because I think it will help me to understand exactly what Ms. Lasher is going through. Ivan starts by pulling my breasts out of my top and pulling my arms behind me. He ties my wrists tight and then loops the rope around my waist locking them to my body. He runs the rope above and below my breasts, securing my upper arms closer to my body as well. He sits me down on the couch and pulls out an even bigger red ball than the one I had. I open wide and he places the ball inside, buckling it tight behind my head.
Ivan pulls out another rope and binds my legs together, starting with just below my knees and then moves down to my ankles. I notice Lila watching with attention as Ivan binds me up as well. Ivan runs the rope under my high heels before knotting the rope off. He lifts Lila from the couch to the floor and lays me down on the couch. One more rope is added pulling my ankles up to my wrists putting me in a similar hogtie to Lila’s. Once Ivan is done, he lifts Lila up over his shoulder, still hogtied, and carries her out of my office to help her work through some of her issues
9:00 video
Fayth finally managed to work her wrists out of the duct tape, and surprises Gina and Elane with her flailing and hitting, but they recover quickly and pin her down on her stomach again. Elane holds her wrists once more while Gina wraps new tape around her wrists, up her arms all the way to her elbows, and even around her nimble fingers for good measure. She's not getting out this time! Now it's time to toy with her for a while - Gina straddles Fayth's hips and grabs her severely gagged head, asking, "Are you having fun, Fayth? Are you?" Fayth's muffled reply is "fuck you" but Elane and Gina choose to interpret it as "Fuck yeah!" Gina invites Elane to hop on back of this wild ride, and they both cackle as Elane slaps Fayth's ass, making her buck and yell while Gina pulls her hair.
When they've had their fill of that, Gina turns to Elane and says, "I forgot to tell you earlier, the reason I knew Fayth was fucking my boyfriend is the son of a bitch was filming them without Fayth knowing! Let's put it on the TV for her, leave her to struggle, and watch him fuck her. It's pretty raunchy - I didn't know Fayth was into all that anal play and all... and it's all on video, baby!" They make sure Fayth wont be able to move while they're watching the show by adding several more wraps of tape to hold her ankles to her wrists. Elane can't resist tickling Fayth's vulnerable soles to make her squirm, and invites Gina to take the other foot. Fayth can't help but laugh behind the gag even though she's clearly not enjoying it, wiggling and thrashing under their fingers. Just one more thing before they start the video, Gina wants to roll Fayth over and see what she's got - Gina slides her bra off the shoulders and pulls her boobs out to reveal Fayth's cute little pierced nipples, perfect for pinching.
"Wait till you see this video," Gina tells Elane as she presses play. They settle back into the pillows with Fayth at their feet. "Look at that strip tease! Wait till he gets a dildo out and fucks her in the ass - look at the size of that thing!" The two women laugh and poke at Fayth with their toes. "Well, I don't really want to watch amateur porn, let's go out and have a drink!" Elane thinks that's a great idea, but the two women have one last humiliation for Fayth before they leave her to watch the rest of the video - they take the little tank top Fayth arrived in and fit it over her head to hang loosely around her neck. "See you later, Fayth... bye bitch!" Gina and Elane cackle on their way out the door, leaving Fayth to struggle and roll around, trying to get the tape loose, but those bitches were too thorough, and she realizes it's no use. She's stuck, all tied up, watching herself get fucked by Gina's boyfriend!
9:22 video
It really hurts to find out your boyfriend screwed someone else, but it hurts even more when it’s someone you thought was your friend who seduced him. After the initial shock wore off, Gina decided not to get mad, but to get even. Catty though it may be, Gina has come up with so many ways to punish the lying slut Fayth, and has recruited her best friend Elane to help her with her little “problem”. Elane is too good a friend to let her go through this on her own!
With everything set up, Gina gives Fayth a call to invite her over to their “girls’ night in” with movies, popcorn, snacks, and a whole lot of fun, and Fayth offers to bring the brownies she just pulled out of the oven. She starts on her way over while Gina shows Elane everything she has in store for the bitch – a huge roll of duct tape, several handkerchiefs and cloths, a roll of hot pink stretchy wrap, and a special roll of microfoam tape she found in the first aid section of the store. Fayth is going to get what she deserves! They are going to fuck her up.
Fayth XXXX at the door when she arrives, and Gina yells for her to come on in. Fayth drops off the brownies in the kitchen and joins Elane and Gina on the bed, ready for the movie and popcorn. It was so tempting to eat a brownie on the way over, but she didn’t since she wanted to share them with her friends. She’s all chatty and perky, asking what movie they’re going to watch, and where’s that popcorn? Gina reveals the name of the movie: “Fayth is Fucking My Boyfriend!” Gina and Elane tackle Fayth and yank her shirt over her head while Fayth tries to excuse her actions: “I was XXXX! He wasn’t good anyway!” Well that just makes Gina more pissed off, and they roll Faith over to pull her skirt down and off. As much as Fayth struggles, she is outnumbered, and the other two are NOT letting her go! With Fayth stripped down to her bra, panties, and stockings, Gina decides she’s had enough of Fayth’s jibber jabber, and crams one of the white cloths into Fayth’s mouth while Elane holds her arms. Fayth tries to kick Elane even as Gina tapes the cloth in place, but Elane wraps her legs around Fayth’s so she can’t try that again. Fayth continues to bitch incoherently behind the tape, but Gina ignores her, instead reminding her she fucked Gina’s boyfriend, and maybe, if she’s nice, in the end Gina will fuck her! Elane and Gina laugh maniacally while Fayth tries to get loose from Elane’s legs, but it does seem time to make sure that bitch’s legs stay closed this time – Gina straddles her knees, holds her ankles together, and wraps the duct tape around them enough times to make sure she’s not going anywhere, but just to be sure, she adds another several wraps around her slutty thighs. Even with her legs taped together, Fayth kicks at Gina as she gets up to move to the other side for better access to the next step.
This time it’s Elane’s turn to straddle Fayth when they turn her over for Gina to tape her arms behind her back. Elane laughs – it’s like riding a bull, keeping this wild bitch down! But Gina manages to wrap the tape around Fayth’s wrists a few times. Somehow Fayth is still making a lot of angry noise, but Gina has the solution for that! They roll her back over, sit her up, and wrap another cloth around Fayth’s mouth, then several wraps of the microfoam all the way around her head, and the pink stretchy wrap on top of that! With as much as Fayth is still fighting, Gina nearly wraps it around her nose too, but Elane grabs a fistful of Fayth’s hair to keep her head still. Since Fayth can’t pull free there, she claws at Gina’s legs, but Gina still manages to get wrap the stuff around enough times to shut Fayth up some.
All this struggling has Fayth sweating quite a bit, enough that she manages to slip her wrists out of the duct tape! Will Gina and Elane be able to contain her again? Starring Gina Rae Michaels, Elane Hershey, and Fayth
13:40 video
Ivan pulls Kristyna to a large hook hanging from the ceiling and XXXX her to kneel under it. Her wrists have already been bound and with his huge hand wrapped around her long hair, she doesn’t have a choice in the matter. She begs him to let go but he ignores her pleas. He asks her if she knows why she’s there and she swears she knows nothing. He gathers her hair in a bundle behind her head, jerking her head back and shoving a big wad of cloth between her lips when she open her mouth. He orders her to keep her mouth closed and then winds several layers of vetwrap very tightly around her head.
Kristyna tries to fight with the wrist ropes and Ivan jerks them up in the air and uses another rope to tie them to the hook looming above her. She keeps pulling at the wrist ropes but the knots won’t give an inch. Once he has the rope tied off, he raises the pulley extending her arms above her head. He pulls her sexy pantyhose covered legs into his lap and binds her ankles together, tying them off and being sure to tie her high heels onto her feet in the process.
Another rope is added just under her knees making her even more helpless. She wiggles, her leg muscles flexing and little whimpers of frustration escaping from behind her fully stuffed mouth. Ivan leaves her alone for a few minute and she struggles pulling hard against the ropes, turning her legs from one side to the other, kicking her feet as much as she can.
Ivan decides that Kristyna has a little too much movement since she would have been able to stand up and get off the hook. To fix this, he attaches a rope around her waist and pulls her ankles in close to her ass, folding her legs and leaving her in a very sexy helpless position. She rocks back and forth, but she can hardly move at all. Ivan still isn’t happy with it though. He has to leave for a little while and wants to leave her in a more secure position.
Ivan lifts Kristyna’s legs in the air and loops a rope between her ankles, spinning her back on her back with her limbs extended. She tries to kick at him but he moves out of the way and she hasn’t helped her position at all. He ties her ankles in the air to the hook above her where her wrists are tied and then raises the hook even more lifting her shoulder of the ground and showing off her lovely legs and ass covered in her nude nylons.
Kristyna realizes that she can reach the knot at her ankles and tries desperately to untie it, wiggling and jerking trying to get the best angle. Ivan returns and lets her know that her friend did actually come through so they can now let her go, but she doesn’t believe him. He tells her that he’s going to take her out and dump her somewhere for someone else to find her. Once he takes her hands off the hook, she immediately grabs the knot on her ankles to untie them, but he lifts her up, throwing her over his shoulder, saying that he might take her to his house first for some extra fun.
8:14 video
It never fails - whenever Tomiko goes out to party with her friends,she always drinks too much and has a wicked hangover the next morning.Some days are worse than others - sometimes she can't even rememberwhat stupid decisions she made, and sometimes they come back to biteher in the ass. Last night was one of those - her head is killing hertoday, and she can't remember anything after the first hour at thebar. Hopefully she wasn't too foolish this time.
Maybe she didn't hear the door because her head was throbbingtoo loud, but she couldn't miss the big man who greeted her with aflippant "hey honey" before grabbing her out of her chair and pullingher hands behind her back. She has no idea who he is or what he'sdoing, but she sure as hell didn't authorize him to be in her hotelroom tying her wrists together. "Don't play dumb," he tells her, andTomiko starts to wonder what she said last night... But she can't sayanything now as the guy crams a cloth into her mouth and tapes it inplace. He sits in her chair and pulls her into his lap, admiring thesexy way her legs flex as she pushes against the ottoman, writhing inhis lap. As delightful as that was, this is her fantasy he'sfulfilling, and he has to finish tying her up, so he pushes her downto her knees leaning over the ottoman to tie her ankles and thosegorgeous legs together. That vulnerability is such a turn on, a hotwoman on her knees, bound and gagged - he's really glad she told himabout her little bondage fantasy last night. Nothing quite like atipsy woman telling you she wants someone to come in, tie her up, andhave his way with her - that's a fantasy he can get on board with! Onemore rope to hobble her into a kneeling hogtie so he can go out to hiscar to get a few toys to make tonight even more exciting.
This is insane! Tomiko is really upset and scared, butsurprisingly aroused at the same time. What is this guy going to do toher? There is nothing she can do to stop him unless she can somehowget out of this rope. She whimpers quietly as she fidgets against theottoman, but she's not really trying too hard to get loose - not thatshe could - these ropes are tight! The stranger comes back, sits backdown, and lifts her knees to his lap. Those bare feet are just tootempting to resist tickling, and the way she wiggles from it is soseductive. Fulfilling the rest of Tomiko's fantasy will be especiallyrewarding - and you can bet he's going to take advantage of her, allthe way, just like she wanted it. The toys are all by the bed, and hecan do whatever he wants with her - he lifts her easily into his armsto move her to the bed. What a great fantasy!
12:07 video
Ivan shoves Danni on the bed, face first pinning her in place. She struggles under his tight grip, kicking her legs furiously. Ivan grabs a bundle of rope and immediately ties Danni’s wrists behind her back taking away her main defense. He’s warned her several times not to see that guy but she keeps finding reasons to see him. She demands that he let her go, claiming that he’s going to be sorry. He reaches down and holds her black stocking covered legs between his thighs to keep them in place while he ties her knees and ankles.
Danni whimpers as the ropes get tighter. She tries to persuade Ivan that this isn’t fun anymore but he doesn’t seem to be too concerned about how she feels. She laughs expecting the joke to be over at any time, but when Ivan shoves a cloth in her mouth and places several strips of tape over it, she quickly understands that he’s not joking around. She tries to rock away from him but he jerks her back in place. With her finally quiet, Ivan adds another rope to her arms, lashing her elbows tightly together until she moans into the gag.
Danni keeps struggling trying to get away from Ivan. He pulls her close to him and unbuttons her shiny blouse, one button at a time, revealing a sexy little lacy bra. Ivan quickly tires of Danni trying to kick him and rolling away and adds another rope locking her hands to her ankles. He pulls her head back with a fistful of hair and asks her if she’s going to see him again. She shakes her head no, but he sees defiance in her eyes. He grabs another rope and she begs and pleads for him to stop through the gag. He pulls her hair together in his hand and ties the rope into it making sure it’s secure. He pulls her head back sharply and ties it off to her high heels feet making it almost impossible for her to move.
Danni manages to shake her ass a little and make a few quick jerky movements, but there is no way for her to get any relief from her tight bondage. Ivan sits down to watch her struggle in her ropes, tormenting her hoping to finally teach her a lesson. She gets so frustrated she actually manages to give him the bird despite her separate situation. After a while, Ivan decides it’s time to take his lovely lady home. He unties her hair telling her that he thinks it would be very sexy for her to ride home tied up in the trunk tonight, he lifts her, still hogtied, over his shoulder and carries her out the door.
15:19 video
Ivan's request for Gina's help was a bit vague over the phone, but hepromised he would explain in person, and since they've been friends along time, she figured she could trust him. And it did make sense whenhe told her - Ivan saw another TV show last night where a girl wastied up and couldn't get free, but he doesn't believe that wasrealistic. Ivan tells Gina he thinks she could have slipped right outof the ropes, and to test his theory, he wants to try to tie Gina upto see if she really can't get free. Well, still an odd request, butIvan is curious like that, so it's probably okay. Gina lets him tieher hands behind her back like they do on TV, a little tight so it'sbelievable, and then has her sit down so he can tie her ankles too.It's not really so bad - a little weird, maybe, especially the way hewrapped the rope under the stilettos, but still okay. He startsanother rope around her knees and Gina starts to get a littleuncomfortable, telling Ivan she hadn't seen them use that much rope onTV, but he reassures her as he ties another knot.
"Now wiggle around, see if you can get out," Ivan instructsher. Gina fiddles with the rope for a minute, reaching for the knot ather wrists, feeling it, but not really being able to do much with it.But don't they always use their teeth? She tries to get to the knot ather knees, but she's not quite that flexible. Ivan remembers somethingelse he's seen and suggests they add it - if they're tying a girl up,they don't want her to scream, right? Gina reluctantly consents, butas Ivan starts another rope around her chest and unbuttons her blouse,Gina starts to get upset. They always open the shirt though, Ivanprotests. But Gina has had enough, and wants out. He promised to untieher if she got uncomfortable, and she is definitely uncomfortable now.
The only problem is Ivan lied - he's not planning to untieher, and he already knows she can't get loose because he's done thiskind of thing before - you don't think you learn that kind of fancyrope work from seeing a girl or two tied up on TV, do you? No, they'regoing to have some fun tonight. Ivan has watched Gina for years,strutting around in those high heels and short skirts, showing offthose sexy legs, and he's always wondered how hot she would be alltied up. Just as he guessed, she looks damn good in his rope, even aspissed off as she is now. In fact, her angry thrashing around andfighting just turns him on more! But wait, there's another whole ropethey haven't used yet, and Ivan thinks Gina wants more rope - thatmust be what she's saying behind the gag. Ivan has just the place forit, too - around those tight thighs and around her shoes again,pinning her heels to her ass as she yells at him through the gag. Sheis surprisingly articulate for having the big pink ball stuffed in hermouth. "Mother fucker I hate you" is pretty clear, and "when I get outI'm gonna you!" Well, that's not any kind of incentive to let hergo, is it? Ivan figures a couple hours like this will mellow her out,calm her down a little, so he'll just sit and watch her sexy assstruggle for a bit. She puts on quite a show, rolling around, archingand flexing and pulling on the rope, chomping angrily on the gag andgrowling at Ivan, but after a while she gets a little less feisty, andafter more time she gives up entirely. Ivan figures it's a good timeto ask forgiveness and see if they'll still be friends, and when hetakes the gag out, Gina just asks politely to be untied. That was anawful experience for her, but, well, Ivan still enjoyed it.
10:11 video
This video has been posted at Bondage Elane Hershey as IB010 When Ivan called the "agency" for his night in the city, he asked for a nice curvy girl with great legs... as well as a few other requirements a little more unusual. Navarre shows up at his hotel door in a cute skirt, black tank top, and hot fishnets with high heels - just the kind of girl he wanted. Ivan thinks she'd look even better without the cute little outfit though, and sure enough, when she slips out of the skirt and peels off the top, it reveals a slim body with great tits and sexy curves. But when he pulls out his little bag of rope, Navarre looks askance, not really expecting a guy like Ivan wanting to be tied up. Ivan laughs, tells her, "No, honey, the rope is for you," and grabs her wrists. Okay, this is definitely not what she was expecting! But Ivan informs her that he told the agency exactly what he wanted and they sent her, so even though her fighting turns him on, she is still going to end up in his rope, and sure enough, he has her hands tied in short order. She offers to find another girl for him, someone who does rope, but she's already here, and Ivan rather likes her. But just to be sure she doesn't get too noisy, he knots a cloth tight through her lips. Navarre still struggles, but her wiry frame is no match for Ivan's strength, and he tosses her easily onto the bed, stretching her out and tying her hands off to a rope under the bed. As he knots her hands in place, he recommends she talk to her boss, because he sent her to Ivan, knowing full well what he was sending her into. This doesn't make Navarre any more happy or cooperative, and she tries to kick Ivan when he goes to tie her legs, but he easily pins her sexy legs between his own and slips a rope under her arched back, wrapping it around the tops of her fishnets, below her knees, and around her ankles. She mutters through the gag that she's not going to do this, but she doesn't have much choice at this point - she's all tied up on his bed, sexy and vulnerable, the tight ropes biting into her skin and making her wince. But Ivan doesn't care - she's damned sexy like this, stretched tight with her back arched, those hard little nipples poking up into the air, the rope highlighting her small waist and full hips... he wants a few pictures to remember her like this, because after he plays with her a bit, he will have to let her go and send her back to her pimp. He tells her to relax and enjoy it while he snaps photos, by which of course he means squirm and flex and twist like a good girl - it makes the pictures hotter and him hornier. His phone goes off once, and he ignores it, admiring her fantastic legs and gorgeous body as she arches and strains against the rope, but when the phone rings again, he checks - it's her pimp. This might be important, so he leaves her taut on the bed while he steps into the hall to take the call.
Navarre tries her best to pull free, but she has absolutely no leverage like this, and no way to get loose except Ivan... and oddly enough, when he returns, he tells her he's going to let her go now. He unties her wrists, and though she still doesn't trust him, it's a relief to finally be able to pull her arms back down to a natural position. As he unties the rope holding her ankles to the other side of the bed, he informs her that the call was from her pimp, and sure enough, he hadn't told poor Navarre about the bondage aspect to this client - she was genuinely out of the loop - but she'd better get used to it, because they worked out a deal - Ivan gives her pimp a bit of extra money, and feisty Navarre is his - permanently. She's going home with him tonight - over his shoulder and out the door!
11:25 video
No good deed goes unpunished. Ivan generously untied his captive for the night to let her go to the bathroom, and the ungrateful little bitch tried to escape. It's a good thing he made sure to lock and bolt the door shut, so he was able to catch her before she could unlock anything, but now he's a little bit upset. He had been nice to Serene before, tying her in a more comfortable position, not being cruel to her or XXXX her all that much, but she had to go and try to get free. He drags her back into the main room by her ponytail, throws her down on the bed, and starts to tie her again. She's fighting back a lot more this time, perhaps because he's being rougher, gripping her wrists hard and pinning them against her ass. He's not risking being easy on her now, so he wraps the rope tight around her wrists while her pantyhose-clad legs flail. The fun part of Serene's night is over now. Ivan lets her go briefly to grab more rope, and immediately she tries to get away, but he grabs her ankles and spins her around on the bed, sitting down to pin her legs under his arm while he ties them.
I hope you got that out of your system, because there will be no more going to the bathroom for you. As a matter of fact, I think you're going to spend the rest of the time tied up on this bed in the same position all night long. He knots off her ankles, then stands to get something else for her. Immediately Serene tries to scoot off the bed, but he grabs her by the elbows and drags her back up toward the headboard, then sits her up in front of him, more or less in his lap. He jerks her ponytail back, making her squeal, then shows her how he's going to make it worse for her now, displaying two wads of cloth he's going to cram in her big mouth. She tries to resist, but he XXXX her jaw open and feeds the entire first wad in, then packs the second piece on top of it. "No more nice tape, either" he tells her as he starts covering her mouth with the shiny black tape, "This stuff sticks like hell" Serene whimpers as he winds it tight around her head, and grunts when he pushes her over onto her side. Her knees get tied together, then he manhandles her onto her stomach to tie her elbows together, running the tail ends over her shoulders and tying it behind her neck. Ivan's not holding back anymore – after he knots that rope off, he stretches a rope from one corner of the headboard to her ankles and off to the bottom corner, then to her knees and off to the other bottom corner. She can barely budge her legs at this point. Then he ties her wrists off to both corners of the headboard.
So far it's not too bad, she can't move much, but it's not horribly uncomfortable, as she feared it would be. But Ivan has more rope, and he ties it around her waist. He reminds her that she's going to be in this position for the rest of the night, which worries her, especially when he pulls her hips forward, making a sharp arch in her back and pushing her arms high behind her. The muscles in her back and ass strain in this position, making it all the hotter for Ivan. And Serene really can't move at this point; her shoulders are already starting to ache and she can only flex her thighs and her feet. Ivan is kind of glad now that she decided to be rebellious; he's really enjoying being mean to her now. Too bad he can't stay and watch her suffer, but he has to check on the progress across the street.
Look for part 4 the last part of Serene's night of bondage
6:02 video
Christina is showering in her hotel room, naked, wet, and vulnerable. A man walks in and grabs her perfect body from behind the curtain, dragging her from her shower. He continues dragging her out of the bathroom and throws her on the bed, drenching it with water from her skin. He grabs her arms and pulls her wrists tight behind her back. She tries to get away from him and manages to pull an arm free because of how slippery the water has made them, but the man gets a tight grip after pinning her body with his. She demands that he get off of her and when he reaches for her again, she kicks her feet around, spinning her body away from his. He lunges over the bed and grabs both of her ankles between his legs to keep them still while he binds them tightly as well. Her tight little body wiggles and squirms trying to get away from this awful man but the more she fights the harder he holds her. He uses stockings to bind poor Christina and after he has her legs secured at the ankles and knees, he grabs another one it ties it tightly around her head and through her mouth creating a very tight cleave gag. He pulls her ankles up to her wrists and uses another stocking to tie her in hogtie. Christina pulls against the hose moving her body all around on the bed, cursing at the man and finally begging him to let her out. He ransacks her room and finds all of her valuables and then comes back to rub his hands over her body before leaving her bound on the bed. Starring Christina Carter
10:59 video
Mallory is in the middle of getting ready, she has only managed to get on her panties, stockings, and her sexy high heels when she hears a rapping at the door. She runs over to the door doing her best to cover herself when she cracks the door open. She leans over to see who it is and a hand reaches out going over her mouth and shoving his way through the door. A woman, Fayth, follows closely behind him closing the door behind her. Ivan pulls her arms in place while Fayth stuffs Mallory’s mouth full of fabric, and then wraps her head several times with a teal vet wrap. Fayth snaps at Ivan telling him to keep the whore still. Mallory squirms and shakes her head desperately trying to get away from this crazy couple.
Fayth encourages Ivan to hurt Mallory if she doesn’t hold still, giving her nipple a hard tweak in the process. He hands some rope to Fayth and she quickly ties Mallory’s wrists behind her back saying that she deserves this and calling her a whore again. Ivan runs a piece of rope from Mallory’s wrists through her legs and around her waist and elbows locking them in place while Fayth takes the opportunity to grope her breasts. Fayth keeps accusing Mallory of doing something and demanding that she admit it but Mallory begs and pleads to be let go, claiming to have no knowledge of what she’s done.
The couple sits Mallory on the floor, straddling her, pulling her head back, and tells her all she has to do is say that she is sorry but Mallory refuses. Ivan flips her over and tells Fayth to sit on her to keep her still while he finishes the bondage on the leggy brunette. Fayth smacks her ass over and over until Mallory finally claims that she won’t do it again. Ivan finishes tying her ankles and knees and then leaves poor Mallory for Fayth to play with. Mallory afraid to endure any more pain at the hands of Fayth tries to agree to whatever she says, saying that she is sorry but Fayth just won’t believe her. Fayth takes off her shoes and spanks Mallory with the bottom of her high heel adding insult to injury.
Ivan comes back and Mallory tries to shout that she’s sorry but the couple decides that she’s lying since she doesn’t even know what she’s done to be sorry about. Ivan adds some more rope binding her legs in a bent position and ties her hands into the mix putting Mallory in a tight hogtie on the floor. Fayth laughs at Mallory when she tries to beg, taunting her, and teasing her. Mallory whimpers swearing she won’t do it again. The couple takes turns tormenting Mallory, squeezing her nipples making her squeal into the gag until they finally decide to go get the other witness.
11:49 video
Ivan is missing some money and is pretty sure he knows where it wandered off too. He grabs Elizabeth and brings her to his “special location”, ties her to a chair and interrogates her. He refuses to let her go until she tells him where the money is. The clips starts with Ivan leading Midian into the room with the tied up Elizabeth. Her wrists are already bound and she has an upper body harness tied tightly on her upper half. He tells Midian that he has been told that the money was given to her and she should know where it is. Midian calls Elizabeth a bitch, blaming her and asking her how she could do that. Ivan takes that to be an admission of guilt. Midian still denies taking the money. Ivan is convinced that Midian knows where it is and he plans to find out one way or another. He ties her to the large pulley in the room to make sure she doesn’t go anywhere.
Elizabeth tries to tell Midian through the gag that she wouldn’t do that to her, that she hasn’t told the man anything, but Midian can’t understand her though the gag. All she understands is the word I’m sorry and that sets her off. She decides to turn the tables and starts claiming that she had nothing to do with the missing money, that it was all Elizabeth!
Midian swears that she doesn’t know where the money is. Ivan shoves a black leather gag in her mouth since she’s not telling him anything useful. She whimpers behind the gag, some of her anger turning to fear. Ivan raises the pulley, lifting Midian’s arms up high behind her, parallel to the ground. Ivan grabs another rope and ties it around Midian’s waist. Ivan ties her thighs together, then continues down with the rope, just below her knees, and finally secures her ankles together as well. He ties Midian’s waist rope to her elbows locking them together.
Ivan leaves the girls gagged and bound to try to figure out who is to blame. As soon as he’s gone, the girls try to help each other escape. Elizabeth hops around in the chair trying to reach Midian’s ropes or at least the pulley to lower it, but before she can get anywhere, Ivan comes back in the room. They both squeal trying to get back to “normal” so he doesn’t make things any worse for them.
Ivan pulls out Midian’s gag and asks her if she’s ready to talk. Midian, ignoring the fact that Elizabeth just tried to help her, quickly blames her for the missing money. She tells Ivan that Elizabeth put it in a vault and that’s all she knows. He decided to go to the vault to see if it’s there. Ivan isn’t going to ignore the escape attempt though. He places Elizabeth under the pulley as well and runs the rope through the top of the chair and then around Midian’s hips locking her ass and back around Elizabeth’s torso. He continues to wrap the rope around the two bound girls until finally knotting it off out of reach of the two girls.
The girls manage to partially untie the ropes and wiggle and sqirm trying to get out but the rope is caught. Midian manages to wiggle her body enough to get the last rope to slide down to her ankles but she can’t get out of it without falling. Elizabeth grabs the ropes and continues to work on the knots. Ivan comes in to inform them that the money was in the vault and that since they are doing such a good job working together to escape, he’s going to leave them too it. Starring Midian & Elizabeth Andrews
9:33 video
Kim is looking for a job dancing at an out of town club. She meets the manager and tells him she knows all the pole tricks. The manager love her long black hair, firm figure, and sexy legs so he gives her a shoot. Seeing that Kim lied and can not do any of the tricks. The manager tell Kim he will show her. He ties her hands around the pole to help her learn (he says). After Kim's hands are tied he pulls her head back by the hair and tells her he is going teach her a lesson about lying. Kim is gagged and tied to the pole. Standing there looking at Kim the manager gets an idea for a new side line business. A bondage club where guy can come and see sexy women tied up. Kim will be his first employee.
10:24 video
Mr. Boulder's excuse for bringing Ms. Boxxx to the back room instead of his office seemed reasonable - his office was being renovated, and it is all in disarray, and this room is available for them to finish the interview process. Ms. Boxxs is very qualified for this "executive assistant" position, but Ivan has a few more "questions" for her. He slips behind the desk she's perched on and grabs her by the hair, taking her completely by surprise. "What are you doing? This is not standard operating procedure!" Well that's certainly true, and neither is untying and removing her blazer, pinning her hands behind her back with one hand, and pulling out rope with the other. While Ivan holds her wrists tight and uncoils the rope, Candle twists around and tries to kick Ivan in the head, but he ignores her attempts and simply flips her onto her stomach to tie her hands behind her back. "In case you haven't realized, this job is not for an executive secretary." This just prompts Candle to try kicking him again, but he's out of her reach - for good reason, as this isn't his first time. Somehow this surprises blonde Candle. "What kind of creep are you?" "The wealthy kind," Ivan responds, and Candle kicks again. "Those are awful pretty weapons there, I'll have to do something about those..." And he pulls out another rope to secure her ankles and those sexy high heels.
Candle ceases her attempts to kick Ivan, and resorts to threats: "Y'know, I have a knife in my purse! I'll take care of you!" This only makes Ivan chuckle - her purse is up in the lobby, and she's not going to make it all the way up there in her current situation. As he ties her knees, showing off those sexy long legs, he tells her she'll fit right in with his group. Finally it sinks in for Candle, "I'm going to be some kind of sexual slave?" Yep, she'll be in his rope a lot. "But I'm not into rope!" That's actually better - guys pay more for chicks who aren't into it. And it's nice for Ivan, too, because it means he gets to break her, to XXXX her to do what he wants her to do, like open her mouth and take a huge red ball gag. He loves a good challenge. He unties her pretty blue blouse and rolls her onto her side to expose her delicate bra, then pulls that down to reveal her perfect breasts with their rosy pink nipples. To make the nearly ideal image all the more sublime, he loops a rope above and below her tits while she struggles to sit up. That actually makes it easier for Ivan to finish wrapping the rope around her chest, even though she's trying to hop around the desk. Ivan ties the knot just as Candle starts to hop away, and before she's two feet from the desk he simply grabs her by a couple of ropes and puts her back, face down, on the desk. Candle squirms and wiggles as Ivan adds the last rope from her ankles to her wrists, making sure to knot it several times and extra tight to slow the fidgety woman down while he's off getting the van ready for her.
Knowing this is probably her last chance to possibly get free, Candle wastes no time pulling against the ropes, stretching and arching to get loose. When that proves futile, she call for help through the gag, but to no avail - Ivan is the only one who comes. He gropes and fondles poor Candle, leaning her off the edge of the desk against his hips. Yep, he'll have her behaving just he way he wants in probably less than a week. "Ready to go?" Of course, Candle is not, but Ivan tosses her over his shoulder anyway, and carries her off.
11:12 video
Ivan grabs Destiny and leads her to a chair placed against a pole in a garage. He tells her they need to have a little chat as she sits down causing her very tight fitting short skirt to rides up. He grabs her wrists and starts binding them behind the pole, causing her shirt to become strained at the button on her chest. Ivan tells her that he knows she’s been cheating on him, that he saw her last night with Lew. Destiny is still in disbelief, not really taking in the helplessness of her situation…yet. Ivan takes some blue tape and runs it through her unfaithful mouth and around the pole, thus securing her head to the pole. Ivan then uses a rope attached to the ceiling to tie her forearms together making her position considerably more difficult. Destiny finally starts seeing how serious this all is and starts to whine and wince a bit behind the tape cleave gag. Ivan crosses her legs and she tries hard to look down to see what he’s doing. He starts tying her legs just above the knee and then continues using that rope to tie each ankle to the opposite chair leg on the front. This just accentuates her stunning stocking covered legs and her vulnerability. All she can do is shift her arms back and forth slightly. Ivan stuffs some material in her mouth and then uses a thick heavy black tape to keep it in place over the tape cleave gag. Ivan tells Destiny that he’s going to grab the camera and take a few pictures and then call Lew, and he can come and untie her if he would like to. Destiny tries to protest but not much sound escapes her twice gagged mouth and her body is very limited in its movement, but she does try. Her sexy body pulls against the ropes with each shift. Ivan comes back in and releases the button on her shirt revealing the tops of her breasts and a white lacey bra. Ivan tells her that he is done with her and he has called Lew and Lew admitted to being with her and he may come by to free her at some point. Ivan leaves the room leaving the girl bound, gagged, helpless, and unable to do anything about it. Starring Destiny
14:29 video
Lola and Nyxon and sitting on the couch, deciding what they want to do for the night. Lola is wearing a very sexy, clingy, leopard print mini dress, while Nyxon is wearing a little black dress that is a bit more conservative, especially when compared to her slutty roommate Lola. They hear a XXXX on the door and Lola asks if Nyxon was expecting someone. Nyxon answers the door and let a mountain of a man, Ivan Boulder, come in and tells Lola that he’s a friend and will be hanging out with them tonight. Ivan walks over and kneels beside Lola, getting fairly close to her. He sits down his green bag and reaches into it while Lola slides away, trying not to be too creeped out by Nyxon’s friend. Nyxon tells Lola that she got something for her and she starts to get excited until Ivan pulls out a bundle of rope. Lola, turns to Nyxon bewildered. He grabs her wrists and coils the rope around them while he explains that Nyxon informed him that Lola was screwing around with Nyxon’s boyfriend!
Lola claims she would never do that to Nyxon, but Ivan offers up pictures as proof and Lola is at a loss for words. Nyxon even tells her that Bobby told her it was true! Ivan continues to bind Lola’s arms while she tries to plead her case, despite the overwhelming evidence against her. Ivan stuffs a big ball gag in Lola’s wide-open mouth and straps it tightly behind her head turning her pleas into muffled mumbles. Lola calls Ivan disgusting and demands that he gets away from her. Instead, Ivan pulls her dress down and exposes her braless beautiful breasts. Ivan lets Lola in on the plan, that he gets to do whatever he wants with little Lola for the night – Nyxon thought it was a very fair punishment.
Nyxon continues to berate Lola while Ivan wraps rope just under her breasts and around her upper arms, cinching them to her naked torso. Nyxon tells Lola that she’s sure her husband wouldn’t like her fucking around either. Ivan wraps the rope above her breasts as well before crossing over one shoulder, looping the rope between her breasts and back up the other side, making them nice and perky. Ivan dumps out his bag of rope on the floor and Lola sighs, resigned to her fate. Nyxon is really enjoying watching her friend go through this. Ivan binds her legs just below her knees and at her ankles locking them together.
Lola finally admits that she fucked Bobby. Instead of saying she’s sorry though, she tells Nyxon that she’s only jealous that her boyfriend wanted to fuck Lola instead. Nyxon tells her that she isn’t jealous, that she just expected more from a friend. She turns to Ivan and tells him that Lola has a little nickname…”Loose Lola” that people like to call her.
Ivan finishes up the ropes on Lola and stands up to take a look. While Nyxon is leaned in checking the knots, Ivan casually walks up behind her and then reaches out grabbing her arms behind her back as well. Nyxon screams out in surprise and says that this isn’t what she hired him for. He bends her over the couch and coils rope around her wrists as well Lola slides away from them in a “you deserve this” kind of manner. Nyxon tries to bite Lola and she slides even further away. Ivan reaches in front, slides Nyxon’s dress down showing off her breasts, and straps a ball gag in her mouth as well.
Ivan picks up Nyxon, sits her on the couch, and gets to work binding her legs to match Lola’s. He tells them that there’s big money in pictures of girls tied up and that he plans to take advantage of the two lovely ladies for some financial benefit as well. When Nyxon acts disgusted by fucking Ivan or seeing Ivan fuck anyone, Lola immediate turn to Ivan and suggests they fuck. He asks her who’s first, her or her friend. Lola suggests that Nyxon go first and that she get to watch. She tries to win over Ivan by pretending to be turned on by the thought of fucking him and being mean to Nyxon.
Ivan leaves the two girls alone on the couch. They bicker and it turns to shoving, and then escalates to full on throwing themselves at each other. Lola tackles Nyxon shoving her off of the couch before giving a victory “hmph” into the gag. Nyxon’s not done yet though, she leans back and starts to kick Lola with her bound legs. Lola tries to kick back but Nyxon is able to slide away.
Ivan returns and finds Nyxon on the floor. He asks how she got there and she replies that Lola pushed her. Lola quickly looks up and says she did it for him and continues to try to moan and act turned on for Ivan. He gets the bed ready then comes back for Nyxon first. He lifts her up with two hands and pulls her to his chest carrying her out of the room. Lola struggles trying to untie the rope before he gets back. He returns to give a little advice to Lola, then throws her over his shoulder and carries her away. Starring Nyson & Lola Lynn