6:20 video
Ivan is a little more than upset about losing his house. If only Tomiko hadn’t sold him something that was out of his budget, he’s still have a house. Now it’s gone and it’s all her fault.
Ivan drags Tomiko into the room and throws her over the bed, her ass sticking high in the air. He pins her wrists behind her back while he grabs some tape to start binding her wrists. She tries to apologize and offers to show him other houses claiming that it wasn’t her fault he lost the house. Ivan tells her that he knew he couldn’t afford it and she talked him into it. Her reply was well if you went out and got a second job you could have. Ivan tells her that he got a second job…that there are people that pay good money for sexy women. He throws her back on the bed and winds the tape around her ankles lashing them together. He adds more tape around her upper torso just below her breasts and around her knees above and below just to keep her secure.
Tomiko exclaims that she’s not going to be a prostitute. Ivan explains that she won’t really get a choice in the matter. He tells her that things have already set in motion and she doesn’t have a choice. He then pulls out a ball gag and stuffs it in her mouth silencing her excuses and lies. Tomiko lays on the bed, somewhat defeated. Ivan isn’t done yet though, he unbuttons her blouse exposing her tan breasts before he goes to deal with her car. He leaves her alone on the bed, squirming, wiggling, and arching. He manages to make it to the edge of the bed and slides slowly to the floor getting on her knees.
Once on the floor, she kicks off her shoes and looks around for a phone or something to help her. Before she can get anywhere though, Ivan comes back in and catches her on the floor. He lifts her back up and throws her bound body on the bed. Ivan picks of the tape and tapes her ankles up to her thighs, doubling her legs and making any escape impossible. She pulls against the tape, moaning, and sliding all over the bad but it doesn’t give.
Finally, Ivan I ready to take her to her new location. He cuts one of the leg ropes and slides her shoe back on her feet. She tries to get away from him but he throws her over his shoulder and carries her out the door to her new life, one where she will be the one being screwed. Starring Tomiko
11:56 video
When Ivan picked Julie out from a crowd downtown at lunch, he wasn’t sure exactly what he was going to do with her later, but he knew she would end up in his possession one way or another. It was easy enough to grab her after work and take her back to his place to have fun, but when he gets her there, she tells him her boyfriend will pay. Well, that’s not exactly what he had in mind for her, but he won’t complain – he still gets to tie her up, play with her tits, rub those sexy legs, and then get a paycheck after he gets tired of her. Not a bad deal! Ivan checks with the boyfriend, and sure enough, he must really like Julie – not only is he willing to pay, he’ll do it today. Ivan doesn’t get to play with Julie as much as he might like, but that’s alright, it turns out she’s a little whiny, even with the gag in her mouth, and Ivan gets a little tired of her. He gets ready to collect his bounty by securing Julie in the corner, tying her legs close to her ass so she can’t escape while he’s gone.
Julie doesn’t quite believe that Ivan will let her go once he gets the money, so she attempts to loosen the rope and get free, but it’s no use – Ivan has tied her too tight. After a while she quits struggling and eventually falls asleep waiting for Ivan to return. But Ivan is true to his word, and after getting his cash and making sure he’s not being followed, he goes back to fetch Julie and return her to her boyfriend, tossing her over his shoulder to haul her off. Starring Julie Coffee
9:52 video
Ivan grabs Sienna and throws her on the bed face down. He pins her body against the sheets, pulling her arms behind her back and tying them tight. He asks Ms. Aldridge if she remembers him. Ivan has thought about this day everyday for the last five years. This bitch is the reasons he’s been behind bars. She curses at him demanding to be let go. Ivan just manhandles her, picking her up to move her body on the bed, grabbing her kicking legs between his own. She tells him he’s going to spending a lot more than five years this time.
Ivan lifts Sienna up by her thick red hair and ties a long white scarf cleaved between her lips. She calls out for help while he binds her ankles together. She bounces on the bed, squirming in the tight ropes. Ivan adds another rope around her sexy legs just below the knee. Sienna gets really angry and starts threatening him, despite her current position. Ivan’s heard enough though. He stuffs her mouth with some cloth over the cleave gag and holds it in place with several strips of duct tape. She screams loudly into the gag, jerking and bouncing on the bed trying to get away.
Ivan unbuttons her blouse and pulls down her bra, taking time to grope her breasts. He tells her about how he thought about what it would be like to do her while she sat in the courtroom that day. Ivan wraps another rope below her breasts and around her upper arms creating an upper body harness. With the tail end of the rope, he flips her over, loops the rope around her ankles and wrists before tying it off in a nice secure hogtie.
Sienna is left alone and she screams loudly into the gag. She wiggles her body on the bed trying to slide the ropes off or loosen the knots or anything to get away from this freak. Ivan comes back and rolls her to her side, groping her breasts while he tells her about the gang bang she gets to have later that day with a lot of the guys she’s sent to jail over the years. Ivan throws her over his shoulder, still hogtied and carries her off to the warehouse. Starring Sienna Aldridge
10:44 video
Derek has been working way too much lately, so when she had the opportunity to finally have a day off, she jumped at the chance to catch up on her XXXX. Unfortunately for her, this is also the day Ivan decided to rob her house, and he's not going to let her get in the way. When he sneaks into her room to make sure she behaves, he is quite happy to find that Derek XXXX nude. That's a nice bonus when he grabs her to tie her up - her skin is soft and silky under his calloused palms, a pleasant contrast to the coarse rope he keeps on hand for occasions like this.
Derek is not happy to have her XXXX disturbed in the first place, let alone by some big jackass trying to steal her stuff. With as XXXX-deprived as she is, she honestly would have XXXX right through Ivan rifling through her stuff, and she grouchily tells him as much. She'll stay out of his way if he lets her go back to XXXX! But Ivan doesn't quite believe her, so he wraps a scarf through her mouth and finishes the tie by adding a rope between her bound hands and ankles to make sure she stays on the bed where he leaves her. Now he can take what he wants and go - and lucky for Derek, he doesn't want her right now but with as tasty as she looks all tied up and nude, that may change. He warns her to be quiet, that she really doesn't want him to have to come back in and be tempted by her.
When he goes to rummage, Derek starts grumbling to herself as she rolls around on the bed, squirming and trying to get comfortable. What an asshole! She just wanted to XXXX today. She's not even that concerned about her stuff being stolen - that's what her insurance is for, right? After a few minutes, Ivan comes back in to check on her, and she gripes through the gag, "Aren't you finished yet?" But Ivan has another task at hand - something he'll really enjoy, but she'll probably hate. He pushes her elbows together and cinches a rope around them while she bitches that her arms don't bend that way. "Can't you just take your and go?" Well, Ivan could, but part of the job is to punish her, and that's his favorite part. He gets to grope her ample tits and smack her sexy ass, and she can only wiggle her bare feet in protest. After a few minutes of tormenting her, he tells her she finally gets her wish - he's outta here, and hopefully someone will notice she's not there tomorrow and will come find her enjoying his rope, because he's certainly not going to untie her.
As he leaves, Derek tries to untie herself, muttering, "Are you kidding me? I have GOT to get better locks..." and cussing as she rolls around on the bed, squirming and pulling at the ropes. Just as her hands start going numb, Ivan comes back - surprise! He's not gone yet. But he does have her car all packed up and ready to go now. "Will you untie me now?" Derek demands, but Ivan thinks she looks sexy this way, and he wants to keep her like this. But, since she did want to go back to XXXX, he courteously cuts off the light for her. "You suck!" she whines, "Let me go!" All Ivan has to say in response is, "Good night, honey!" Starring Derek SynKlaire
14:13 video
Christina should have done a better job defending Ivan. He never should have been sent away for all that time. That stupid bitch deserves to be paid back!
I call Christina, Ivan’s awful lawyer, up to the room to ask her to help me go over some evidence for a current case. She arrives and as she walks by me, Ivan steps out from the bathroom and wraps his massive arms around her, one hand covering her mouth to keep her from screaming while the other guides her body down to the bed. I tell Ivan to hold her tight while I grab some rope and start binding her wrists behind her back. I try to explain to her that he didn’t do it, but she just starts yakking her mouth. Ivan covers her mouth once again while she yells at him to be let go and that he’s crazy.
I ask Ivan to let me be the one to shut this bitch up. I mean after all, she did cost him part of his life. He grabs her throat to hold her still while I stuff her mouth full of a pair of panties and place big strips of duct tape across her pretty little face. I make a big X with the tape and then add a few more straight across just for fun.
Ivan flips Christina back on her stomach and holds her ankles together while I coil rope around them, locking them together. I tell her that I know she didn’t even try to defend him, that she made up her mind that he was guilty and didn’t even try. Ivan sits her up and I tie her legs together just below her knees. One more flip and she is lying back on her stomach. I use one last piece of rope to tie her ankles off to her wrists, placing her in a neat little hogtie for a while.
I roll her over and unbutton her tight little top. Her breasts pressing so tight against the fabric, just begging to be let out. I unbuckle the dress and pull down her bra, taking each breast in my hand. I give her a nice little lecture about how many men she’s put away in jail and about how many of them jerk off to pictures of her every night. I run my hands over her body, teasing her while she squirms around on the bed. I roll her over and leave to check on Ivan.
Christina struggles on the bed, pulling at the ropes. I tell Ivan that I think she’s had enough, that we scared her so it’s time to let her go. Ivan’s changed his mind though and thinks she deserves more for what she did. I get up to leave wanting no matter of anything else and he jerks me back to the bed by my hair. I try to squirm away and tell him to let me go, after all I’ve done for him and he doesn’t trust me! He pins me down on the bed and binds my wrists tightly together.
I tell Ivan that I don’t care what he does to her to just let me go. He just picks up more rope, spins me over and starts binding my legs together. He tells me about his plan to have a few of his old buddies come over and take turns with the little bitch, and tells me that now they have two girls to play with. I try to inform him that that is just not okay. Ivan spins me back over , crosses my ankles and binds them tight together. He takes the rope around my ankles, loops it through the wrist rope, and then knots it behind my ankles. He stuffs my mouth with another pair of panties and adds wide silver strips across my face as well. He rolls us nice and close, side by side, and leaves alone while he goes to make a few phone calls to some old friends. Starring Christina Carter & Serene Isley
10:51 video
Someone has been spying on Ivan, and he wants to know who and why. His sources have led him to Raven Needs, who is apparently just under whoever is in charge, and he plans to get the name from Ms. Needs. Unfortunately, Raven isn’t exactly cooperative – but maybe that’s a good thing, since that means Ivan gets to have more fun breaking her, starting with a bit of tight bondage. He gives her a chance to tell him the name of her boss, but she alternate between saying (not very convincingly) that she doesn’t know what the hell he’s talking about, and saying she’s not telling him . That may be true for now, but a few days at his mercy will certainly loosen her lips – so he ties her ankles and knees, yanks her black dress off her shoulders, exposing her breasts and giving him access to her sensitive nipples. Just as a demonstration, he gives a little tweak to make Raven scream, and promises more if she doesn’t tell him the name of her boss. But she remains stubborn, spitting “fuck you” at Ivan. Well, they may get to that later, but since she’s not going to tell him anything now, he shoves a filling black gag into her mouth. Raven gets a bit feisty, and starts to struggle as he buckles the gag in tight, but he twists her nipple again to distract her and elicits another scream of pain. He leans in close and whispers in her ear, “Think about it – what I could do to you if I want… a sexy woman like you… I could enjoy you for days…” Leaving that to percolate in her mind, Ivan lets her think and weigh her options.
Raven isn’t ready to give up yet. With Ivan gone for now, perhaps she can get loose and get the hell out of this mess – but when she tries to find a knot to untie, nothing is within reach, and she can’t slip out of the tight rope, she can only squirm and pull and flex. After a few minutes of effort, Raven lets out a frustrated grunt, stomping her feet. It seems a good sign she’s almost ready to talk, so Ivan comes in to ask her again. But Raven growls another “fuck you” behind the gag.
Maybe Raven is still a little too comfortable to be willing to tell him what he wants to know, but Ivan has a way to fix that. He flips her onto her stomach as if she weighed absolutely nothing, and presses her legs down, tying her long dark hair to her ankles. He figures after a couple hours in the uncomfortable position, Raven will tell him anything he wants to know and more – but if not, if she remains stubborn, he just gets to be even meaner to her. With that reminder, Ivan leaves her to stew again. Now, though, she can barely even move – with her hair tied off to her ankles, she can only pull so much. As time goes on, she begins to think about giving in. When Ivan finally comes back, she’d say just about anything to get out of this position, so when he asks, “Ready to talk?” she gives a muffled “mmhmm,” just as Ivan figured she would. He removes her gag and asks for the name of her superior, she hisses, “Kiss my ass.” Ivan laughs, “Good name!” and grabs her by the hair. “Stage two for you, bitch! Let’s go.” Starring Raven Needs
14:29 video
Lola and Nyxon and sitting on the couch, deciding what they want to do for the night. Lola is wearing a very sexy, clingy, leopard print mini dress, while Nyxon is wearing a little black dress that is a bit more conservative, especially when compared to her slutty roommate Lola. They hear a XXXX on the door and Lola asks if Nyxon was expecting someone. Nyxon answers the door and let a mountain of a man, Ivan Boulder, come in and tells Lola that he’s a friend and will be hanging out with them tonight. Ivan walks over and kneels beside Lola, getting fairly close to her. He sits down his green bag and reaches into it while Lola slides away, trying not to be too creeped out by Nyxon’s friend. Nyxon tells Lola that she got something for her and she starts to get excited until Ivan pulls out a bundle of rope. Lola, turns to Nyxon bewildered. He grabs her wrists and coils the rope around them while he explains that Nyxon informed him that Lola was screwing around with Nyxon’s boyfriend!
Lola claims she would never do that to Nyxon, but Ivan offers up pictures as proof and Lola is at a loss for words. Nyxon even tells her that Bobby told her it was true! Ivan continues to bind Lola’s arms while she tries to plead her case, despite the overwhelming evidence against her. Ivan stuffs a big ball gag in Lola’s wide-open mouth and straps it tightly behind her head turning her pleas into muffled mumbles. Lola calls Ivan disgusting and demands that he gets away from her. Instead, Ivan pulls her dress down and exposes her braless beautiful breasts. Ivan lets Lola in on the plan, that he gets to do whatever he wants with little Lola for the night – Nyxon thought it was a very fair punishment.
Nyxon continues to berate Lola while Ivan wraps rope just under her breasts and around her upper arms, cinching them to her naked torso. Nyxon tells Lola that she’s sure her husband wouldn’t like her fucking around either. Ivan wraps the rope above her breasts as well before crossing over one shoulder, looping the rope between her breasts and back up the other side, making them nice and perky. Ivan dumps out his bag of rope on the floor and Lola sighs, resigned to her fate. Nyxon is really enjoying watching her friend go through this. Ivan binds her legs just below her knees and at her ankles locking them together.
Lola finally admits that she fucked Bobby. Instead of saying she’s sorry though, she tells Nyxon that she’s only jealous that her boyfriend wanted to fuck Lola instead. Nyxon tells her that she isn’t jealous, that she just expected more from a friend. She turns to Ivan and tells him that Lola has a little nickname…”Loose Lola” that people like to call her.
Ivan finishes up the ropes on Lola and stands up to take a look. While Nyxon is leaned in checking the knots, Ivan casually walks up behind her and then reaches out grabbing her arms behind her back as well. Nyxon screams out in surprise and says that this isn’t what she hired him for. He bends her over the couch and coils rope around her wrists as well Lola slides away from them in a “you deserve this” kind of manner. Nyxon tries to bite Lola and she slides even further away. Ivan reaches in front, slides Nyxon’s dress down showing off her breasts, and straps a ball gag in her mouth as well.
Ivan picks up Nyxon, sits her on the couch, and gets to work binding her legs to match Lola’s. He tells them that there’s big money in pictures of girls tied up and that he plans to take advantage of the two lovely ladies for some financial benefit as well. When Nyxon acts disgusted by fucking Ivan or seeing Ivan fuck anyone, Lola immediate turn to Ivan and suggests they fuck. He asks her who’s first, her or her friend. Lola suggests that Nyxon go first and that she get to watch. She tries to win over Ivan by pretending to be turned on by the thought of fucking him and being mean to Nyxon.
Ivan leaves the two girls alone on the couch. They bicker and it turns to shoving, and then escalates to full on throwing themselves at each other. Lola tackles Nyxon shoving her off of the couch before giving a victory “hmph” into the gag. Nyxon’s not done yet though, she leans back and starts to kick Lola with her bound legs. Lola tries to kick back but Nyxon is able to slide away.
Ivan returns and finds Nyxon on the floor. He asks how she got there and she replies that Lola pushed her. Lola quickly looks up and says she did it for him and continues to try to moan and act turned on for Ivan. He gets the bed ready then comes back for Nyxon first. He lifts her up with two hands and pulls her to his chest carrying her out of the room. Lola struggles trying to untie the rope before he gets back. He returns to give a little advice to Lola, then throws her over his shoulder and carries her away. Starring Nyson & Lola Lynn
10:41 video
As a loan shark, Ivan mostly has to deal with guys that can’t pay their debt, but every once in a while he gets lucky with a borrower like sexy little Julie. Julie owes Ivan $10,000, which she can’t pay within Ivan’s timeline, so he offered her an alternative to having her legs broken for her debt.
Ivan takes Julie to an undisclosed location for her “payment,” and she’s starting to get a little nervous, wondering what he’s going to do with her. His answer isn’t exactly reassuring – she owes him a lot of money, so he gets to do whatever he sees fit, and the first matter of business is a big blue ball gag for Julie to put on herself. Her first reaction is “No way!” But Ivan reminds her she’s at his mercy, so if she doesn’t put it in, he’ll cram it in her lovely little mouth. So she pops the ball in, tightens down the strap, and removes her blazer at Ivan’s command, revealing a lacy black bra which contrasts nicely with the green rope Ivan wraps above and below her breasts. Now Ivan changes the rules a little: this is an installment process. Julie complains through the gag that he said this would clear all her debt! Well, if she pleases him enough it may, but she’s not there yet. He tells her to give him her sexy legs to tie, and she complies with a scowl. She doesn’t like the way this deal is going, but there’s no way she can come up with the money, so she really has no choice. He tells her to struggle for him, to really give him $10,000 worth of struggling, or they’ll have to do this over again until she pays her debt. She squirms around, thrusts her hips and pulls on the rope, but Ivan thinks she can do better than that. Julie is beginning to think that this isn’t worth it, that she’s rather find some way to pay the debt, and bitches through the gag, “Let me out of here.” But so far, Ivan hasn’t seen $10,000 worth, even with as sexy as Julie is. He ups the ante a little and puts her in a hogtie on the floor for a better show. She rolls around in the rope, wiggling and moaning, whimpering and flexing. Ivan’s not sure, though, so goes off to call in some friends to help him judge, and if they’re satisfied, her debt is settled. As he leaves, Julie screams after him, “Come back! Let me go1” But he’s not going to until her debt is paid! Starring Julie Coffee
11:52 video
Ivan throws his slutty wife Danni down on the bed by her throat. This was the last straw. He had suspected that she was cheating on him for a while but this time he caught her! He rolls her over, pinning her arm behind her back while he grabs some rope to tie her up. She cries out, “You’re supposed to be at work!” as if that is a reasonable excuse for her to fuck other men. Ivan just chuckles as he says, “Yes I am,“ while he binds her wrists.
Danni tries to claim that she wasn’t cheating on him, that it wasn’t what it looked like. Ivan’s not buying it though. He followed his wife to a seedy hotel room, watched her check into a room and wait. She was all dressed up in a skirt and heels. She even went as far as to wear stockings, a garter belt and heels for her extramarital fun.
Ivan grabs Danni’s ankles and starts winding rope around them. She jerks her foot loose and tries to roll away, giggling, almost daring Ivan to reach out and snatch her. He seizes her ankles again and this time holds them tight between his legs while he binds them together. She tries to blame him for her transgressions stating that he never ties her up anymore and that she can’t do anything without him watching her.
Danni tries to roll away from her husband when he walks towards her with a white cloth strip in his hand. He sits her up and slides the cloth between her lips and around her head, knotting it off in the back. He adds another rope around her thighs and high heels, XXXX her heels to her ass locking her legs in place. He finishes off the rope by binding her elbows together.
Ivan grabs a roll of black tape and tears off several strips to stuff her mouth with the ends of the white cloth cleaving her mouth, but first, he unbuttons her blouse exposing her nice new bra. He makes an X with the tape strips over her mouth and then adds another strip straight across. Ivan tells her that she’s going to do something she hasn’t done in a long time, have sex with him and not someone else. Danni shakes her head no and Ivan positions her body on the bed and tells her not to move. She yells at him through the gag calling him names and exclaiming that she hates him. Ivan doesn’t seem to really care though, he’s more turned on now than he’s ever been with his whore wife. He unties her elbows and the hogtie rope, rolls her over and grabs her head jerking it back and asks…”Are you ready to party?” Starring Danni
8:23 video
Sometimes it looks good to be the last one leaving the workplace, but in this case it lands Serene in the hot seat, since a few very important things were stolen just before she left. Ivan intends to find out where she stashed the goods, but Serene is feigning ignorance, and Ivan just doesn’t believe her. With as much fight as she’s putting up, it just seems to add to her guilty behavior. Ivan manages to rope her wrists together after she nearly shakes him off, and knots the rope securely and ties it off to a hook hanging from the ceiling so no matter how much the bitch struggles, she’s not going anywhere. Serene dances around in her high heels, trying to get out of this dreadful predicament, but only succeeds in getting out of one of her shoes. Ivan threatens to make her stand on the remaining shoed foot for the rest of her stay, but Serene wisely lets him put her shoe back on before he ties her ankles together. It certainly makes her hopping around a lot more stable but a hell of a lot more sexy, too. She pulls as hard as she can on the rope holding her to the hook, but Ivan tied it too well for her to make any progress.
Since Serene’s not telling him what he wants to know and Ivan has a meeting to attend, he makes sure she’s not going to cause him any more trouble while he’s gone, and stuffs her mouth with a wad of white handkerchief even as she continues to protest that she doesn’t know what he’s talking about or where whatever he’s missing is. Ivan figures another couple hours of this position and she’ll tell him everything he wants to know, so he leaves her to stew and struggle while he goes to his meeting.
After a good long while of Serene desperately trying to get loose, Ivan returns from his meeting with some good news as he lowers her off the hook – it turns out Serene wasn’t feigning ignorance, but that she actually didn’t know what the hell he was talking about, doesn’t know where the missing things are, and that it turns out someone else was guilty. Only one problem, though – Ivan has now and tied poor Serene up, and that puts him in a bit of an awkward situation. He’ll just have to stash his little victim some place for a while until things cool down, so he tosses her over his shoulder like a bag of flour and hauls her off for a little vacation time. Starring Serene Isley
12:02 video
Mallory and Ivan are trying to figure out what kind of trouble they should get into tonight. Ivan has been looking for a way to get her all dressed up and then tied up and gagged but wasn’t sure how to present it to her. Finally, he decides to present it like a game. He tells her to sit down on the ottoman and face away from him. He reaches over to a brown bag full of rope he has conveniently laid by the couch and pulls out a bindle while grabbing her wrists and pulling them behind her. Mallory whimpers and says that she doesn’t want to play this game anymore, but Ivan won’t listen. She tries to talk Ivan into letting her go and the two of them could just go out and have a good time together. She begs and pleads with him to release her. She jerks her arms but he holds them tight.
Ivan jerks Mallory back by her hair and she complains that this is NOT how you treat a lady! Ivan picks up a long white cloth and pulls it tight between her lips and knotting it in the back and front, stifling her whining. With her screaming quieted, he pulls her top up and her bra down exposing her pale breasts. He wraps rope around her upper body going under her breasts and around her upper arms locking them to her and then binding her forearms together with the same rope.
Ivan repositions Mallory so she is on her knees and leaning over the ottoman on her torso. She continues to yell at him to untie her and shouts that she doesn’t want to play. He uses another long piece of rope to tie her knees and ankles side by side. Another rope is added above her breasts and upper arms and then ties off one end of each rope to the space in her platform high heels pulling them up to her ass and leaving her on knee point.
Mallory is left struggling a bit on the ottoman, rocking back and forth but trying desperately not to fall off. She wiggles and squirms trying to get out of the ropes but they won’t budge. With all her screaming, Ivan’s a bit worried the neighbors might hear her. He pulls off a few strips of tape, stuffs a wad of fabric over her mouth and presses on all the strips of duct tape. Ivan runs his hands over her bound legs before deciding to take a few photos to remember this by. He pulls off the tape and the cloth and asks her if she’s going to let him do this to her again…watch the clip to find out her response! Starring Mallory
9:58 video
Being beautiful can get you far in the world, especially if you know how to work it, but sometimes it can take you in directions you never imagined. And when you’re as ruthless as Crystal Frost, you can go even further… like all the way to Mexico. Crystal’s ruthlessness pushed her to accuse Ivan of sexual harassment to get him fired as her competition. Once he was out of the way, she got the promotion she wanted and a lot of extra benefits. But Ivan has a ruthless side too, and he plans a little more carefully than Crystal. He has it all set up: he ambushes Crystal at home, ties her sexy ass up, and informs her of the plan while she’s all bound and exposed. He’s going to take her on vacation with him to Mexico, and when she’s been gone from work for a couple of weeks, and they discover a hefty chunk of change missing, well, who are they going to blame? Ruthless little Crystal, of course.
In the meantime, Ivan gets to enjoy Crystal’s company in sunny Mexico, with lots of rope and bare skin, showing off all her assets before he tips off the police and gets rid of her. We get a tasty preview of what their Mexico vacation will be like, with Crystal tied up in a gorgeous hogtie with her fabulous legs on display, and her tits pulled out for Ivan to play with, a gag in her mouth and squirming that highlights those perfect legs and spankable ass. But the cleave gag isn’t quite enough for Ivan to transport Crystal quietly, so he adds a handkerchief stuffed on top of the cleave and green duct tape covering half that pretty face. After enjoying Crystal’s pitiful whines and groans and her sexy ass wiggles and leg flexes for a while, Ivan tosses her over his shoulder and carries her off to their vacation. Starring Crystal Frost
8:54 video
Tomiko is busy finishing up her shopping list at the hotel. She sits on the bed running over the items trying to make sure she remembers everything. She hears a door open and close and calls out to housekeeping that she doesn’t need any more towels and the room is fine but she gets no response. She sits up more, feeling a bit on edge when a man walks into her room. She tries to be polite and tell him that he has the wrong room but before she can finish her sentence, he’s grabbed her by the feet and is jerking her sexy body down the bed.
Tomiko squeals out and threatens to call the manager. The man doesn’t seem to be concerned with her questions or demands. He flips her over to her stomach and pulls her arms behind her back. Without saying a word, he starts coiling rope around her wrists immobilizing them. She starts to panic even more when he refuses to speak. She continues to suggest that he has the wrong room. This time, a wad of cloth shoved completely in her mouth interrupts her. The man then tears off several strips of heavy black tape to place over her mouth to make sure she stays quiet.
The man moves on to Tomiko’s legs. He starts by binding her ankles together, being sure to tight her high heels on as well. He takes the extra rope and uses it to lash her legs together just under her knees making an escape near impossible. Tomiko wiggles and squirms on the bed trying to get away but there’s nowhere for her to go. The man lifts her up and tosses her further up the bed before going to grab something else.
Tomiko struggles in the ropes rolling over and finally making her way over to the edge of the bed. She puts her feet down and takes a little hop towards the door trying to be extra quite. One after another, she hops, gaining speed. Before she gets too far, the man comes back and her chance for escape is dashed as he tosses her back on the bed. He adds another rope locking her legs and ankles down to keep her from any other hopping ideas.
The man finally speaks as he unbuttons Tomiko’s blouse revealing her braless breasts. He skirt rises up in all the struggling giving the man a lovely view of her round ass. The man searches around and finally locates her laptop. Being a professional, once he has what he’s come for, he leaves her alone, bound and gagged alone on the bed. Starring Tomiko
10:01 video
Star is in serious trouble – Ivan’s sources tell him Star has the money that was stolen from him and his partner, and Ivan fully intends to get the money back. He snatched Star and brought her to his garage to find out where she hid the money, but she’s a fiesty one with a strong self-preservation instinct and she fights him all the way. Even to get her hands tied he has to jerk her around and threaten to hurt her more, but once the knot is tied he stretches her tall with a rope to the beams overhead so he can interrogate her properly. He knows she has the money somewhere, and he’s damned sure going to find out where before the day is out. For right now, though, the fighty little bitch needs to be contained, so he wraps a rope around her knees so she can’t kick him. Even with her knees pinned together she tries to dance around and kick him, but he manages to weld her ankles together with another rope.
Now, down to business – where is his money? Star protests that she doesn’t have it, doesn’t know what he’s talking about, doesn’t know where his money is – but Ivan doesn’t believe her, and since this was a fair chunk of change, he’s rather anxious to get it back. With Star XXXX to tell him, there’s no reason to let her keep yelling at him to let her go, so he stuffs her mouth and manages to tape it shut despite her thrashing around and trying to avoid the strips of black tape. Maybe it’s time to up the ante a little… he unbuttons her blouse, yanks her bra out of the way, and clamps down hard on her nipples, making her scream through the gag, but the bitch still refuses to tell him where his money is. He goes off to find more convincing means and leaves her to squirm and struggle a minute or two. She yells as loud as she can through the gag, but there’s no one but Ivan around to hear her, and all her complaining is just pissing him off more. He almost doesn’t want to bother threatening her, just wants to start slicing her up with his knife, but there is the money to consider, so, well, he’ll just have to wait for her to pretend not to know anything again. He tells her he’s going to give her a few minutes to think about things, then if she still won’t tell him, he’s going to start carving little bits of her pretty white flesh off, probably starting with those cute pink nipples. Ivan can almost taste her terror, and it is delightful; he would almost be disappointed if she gave in now.
He gives her a minute or two to make her decision, and while he’s waiting, he gets a call from his partner. Their “reliable source” was lying, it turns out, and was actually the real thief. His little prize in the garage was telling the truth and really doesn’t know anything. What a shame. Well, not like he can just let her go now, she’ll run straight to the police and turn him in. He’ll have to get rid of her one way or another, and now he has no real reason to torture her. Oh well. He gives her the good news, that he believes her and the money has been found, apologizes for the whole , tying up, and threats, then explains the situation to her, how he’s going to have to get rid of her anyway. Star starts to scream again, and when Ivan tosses her over his shoulder, she thrashes and kicks and beats his back with her , nearly tipping herself off his shoulder, but he keeps his grip and takes the poor girl off to dispose of her. Starring Star
10:35 video
Christina is shoved hard into a wall by a big man. He grabs her arms behind her and holds them tight then binds her wrists together with rope. The man pulls her hair, jerking her head back while he finishes up the knot. He takes another rope and wraps it around her upper arms and under her perfect breast, lashing her arms tightly to her body. The man stuffs a bundle of cloth in her mouth and uses thick strips of black tape to cover her mouth, turning her squeals to whimpers in an instant.
The man pushes her down onto an ottoman, grabs her feet, lifting them in the air, showing off her lovely ass, and loops rope around her ankles. He adds another rope just under her knees completely locking her legs together. He leaves her alone and she struggles on the ottoman, rocking back and forth. Finally, she slides down to the floor, twisting and turning trying to grab the ropes. She finally manages to grab one of the ropes and fiddles with the knot trying to escape. Frustrated at not being able to make any progress, she squeals and stretches, arching her body.
The man comes back in and discovers her on the floor. He tells her that she’s broken their agreement that she was just going to sit there. She tries to play nice but it’s too late. He lifts her up and bends her over the ottoman placing her ass high in the air. He threads a rope between her ankles and pulls them up, running the rope through her elbow rope and back leaving her on knee point. She wiggles on the couch trying to find some semblance of comfort or escape. She rocks off to the side and falls back against the wall. She tries to lift her legs to get back in position but she can’t get back up. The man comes back in to discover her once again out of position. He tells her that she’s coming with him and seconds later Christina is thrown over his shoulder, still bound, and carried out. Starring Christina Carter
7:45 video
Derek is all dressed for a night on the town with the girls, waiting for them to pick her up when Ivan comes home. But he reminds her she said she wouldn't go out with them for another two weeks. After arguing a minute, they agree that she can do what she wants tonight, and he can do what he wants. Ivan walks off for a minute while Derek mutters about him under her breath, and when he comes back, he has some fat white rope in his hands. "What are you going to do, skip rope?" Ivan plays along and says he hasn't skipped rope since he was a , he thought it would be fun, and she should try this new way of skipping rope. He hauls her to her feet, has her stand just so, and starts skipping the rope right around her wrists. She complains, "This is not skipping rope, this is being sick," and declares that she's still going out.
Ivan tells her that if she gets loose she can go out, and decides to display her boobs while he's tying her. She scoffs calls Ivan a typical guy, much to his amusement. This whole rope thing is typical? How about that. Derek reminds Ivan that her friends will be here soon, but he's not worried, he'll just tell them she already left. She thinks she can scream loud enough for them to hear her, though - and admittedly, Derek can be pretty loud, as Ivan knows, but he has a solution for that too. In the meantime, he pushes her down into the chair so he can tie her pretty ankles together. Despite what seems to be obvious, Derek asks angrily what he's doing, and well, he's doing what he wants to do, and if that doesn't happen to be what she wants, oh well. Ivan is happy that Derek isn't going anywhere tonight, though she protests that she's still going out. But after a minute of pulling on the ropes, she bitches, "I'm stuck!" Ivan is tired of hearing that sassy mouth, and since he doesn't want her friends to hear her, he puts a nice fat wad of handkerchief into her mouth and tapes it into place, and even then she tries to bitch at him.
Ivan also has a little piece of information Derek shared with him this morning - that this is her last pair of pantyhose, and she needs to get more. Knowing that she hates to go out without wearing pantyhose, Ivan pulls out his pocket knife and cuts a few "runs" into the pantyhose, gaping holes that leave her legs exposed through the nylon. After all this, he has decided he is going to go out and have some fun himself, and if she can get loose, she can go out too. "You do what you want, I do what I want - that was the deal," he reminds her, and walks out with her glaring after him. When he's gone she squirms around until she slides down to the floor, and tries to get to the knot at her ankles. When she can't reach that, Derek wiggles her hand out of the loops around her wrists, shrugs off the rope around her chest, and furiously unties her ankles. Peeling the stupid tape gag off and spitting out the scarf, she brazenly declares, "I am so going out!" and storms out the door, shredded pantyhose and all. Starring Derek SynKlaire
10:21 video
Kyra's family is very wealthy, and have many treasures locked up in their estate, one of which Ivan's employer wants. But Ivan needs the code for the safe before he can secure the artifact, and Kyra is the unfortunate member of the family Ivan has decided to get the code from. Maybe it was the fact that she was the family member least likely to be missed at the party, or maybe it was how damned sexy her legs looked in those high heels and stockings, or maybe how much fun it would be to break her.
Whatever it was, he is already enjoying this part of his job - tying Kyra's sexy ass up. He tied her hands when he initially lured her from the party, and now he gets to wrap more of his rope around her sexy body. He pulls the top of her black cocktail dress down beneath the rope, exposing her tasty tits, telling her she can make him stop if she cooperates and gives him the code, but he's not really disappointed when she refuses. She tries to persuade him to let her go, that people will miss her at the party and will be looking for her, but Ivan knows that Kyra often wanders off at these parties for a little hanky-panky with one of the guests, and with everyone else XXXX and having fun, no one will be looking for her for a good long while. And just to make sure she doesn't manage to reach the door or anything else, he ties her knees and ankles even while she fights him a little too hard and falls off the chair. It doesn't stop him from finishing the tie on those gorgeous legs before putting her back on the chair.
Ivan offers Kyra one more chance to tell him the code before gagging her with a folded handkerchief and bright red vet wrap around her head. He leaves her to stew in her predicament for a while, and she takes the opportunity to attempt to escape, squirming in the chair until she falls off it again. Ivan comes back to find her on the floor, and decides to make her situation a little less comfortable, which will hopefully loosen her tongue. He props her on her knees leaning over the chair and pulls a rope tightly from her ankles to her wrists. Kyra tries to scratch at Ivan's hands while he ties the knot, but he's just beyond her reach, and he finishes the tie without harm. When he leaves her again, she struggles hard, trying to balance on her knees and reach some knot or loosen the ropes somehow, but she only succeeds in realizing that she's not going to get free until Ivan lets her, which elicits a whimper from Kyra.
The next time Ivan comes back, he's getting a little impatient, so he tries to provoke Kyra - and have a little fun himself - by playing with her ass and tits a little, running his hands over her exposed flesh. He's certain she'll break soon - another hour or so in this position, and she'll be ready to tell him everything he wants and more - and if not, he has more... motivation. His threat renews Kyra's efforts to try to get out of the rope, groping for a knot on the ropes she can feel, but they are still all out of her reach, and she nearly starts crying when Ivan comes back in and tells her play time is over, especially when she sees the size of the knife Ivan pulls out. He threatens to start cutting off bits, maybe those cute little nipples first, if she doesn't give him the damn code, and finally Kyra hastily offers to cooperate - anything to prevent him from using that knife. Starring Kyra Michelle
9:28 video
A large man breaks into Courtney’s house, sneaking up from behind her and shoves her on the bed, pinning her down. He quickly XXXX her arms behind her back, binding her wrists behind her. She pleads with him to just take what he wants, her money, her jewelry, anything, just get out. When he responds with silence, she continues to beg him to let her go.
The man is tired of all of her whining and begging. He reaches over and grabs a large black leather gag to shove in the bitch’s mouth. He stuffs the gag in her mouth and buckles it tight, turning her cries to muted moans. With her partially secure, the man sets off the bed to get the rest of his rope to finish the job.
Courtney tries to roll away from the man when he approaches her from the other side of the bed. He reaches out his long arms, pulling her nylon-covered legs closer to him and XXXX them into the bed. He uses another piece of rope, winding it around her ankles locking them together as well. Using her ankles as a lever, he flips her body over, leaving her face down on the bed. He uses the remaining rope from her ankles to tie her knees tightly together. She continues to whimper through the gag, begging him not to hurt her. When she tries to squirm away, he loops rope around her wrist, threads it through her ankles putting her in a very secure hogtie.
Courtney’s phone rings and she cries out, desperate for someone to come and save her. The man lifts the phone and drops it back on the receiver, hanging up on her one hope. She struggles on the bed, shifting her weight, her skirt riding further and further up. The man looks through her purse and locates her wallet. He searches her home and finds her camera and camcorder, stealing those as well. After gathering everything valuable, he comes back to his little blond victim, rolls her over and unbuttons her blouse further humiliating the poor girl. He slid her bra straps off her shoulders, exposing her breasts. He then runs his hands all over her legs and gropes her breasts. She squirms and screams into the gag while he strokes her skin. He takes one last look at her before leaving her to struggle alone. Starring Courtney Crave
12:30 video
Nyxon is stuck at work until closing, again, despite that fact that everyone else has already gone home for the evening. . She is chatting with a friend, telling her that she finally broke up that loser of a man she was with. She quickly informs her friend that that whole things is over and done. She sits on the desk, swinging her legs as the two girls take turns bashing her ex. She finally gets off the phone preparing to leave for the night when her crazy ex comes storming through the door. He uses his large hand placed over her mouth to silence her screams. He spins her around on the desk while she flails trying to escape his grasp.
Ivan slides Nyxon off the desk, bending her over it so he can bind her wrists behind her back. She tries to stomp on his foot with her stiletto high heels, twisting, turning, and jerking her body trying to get out clutches. He tells her that she can’t just go around treating people the way she treated him. She responds by telling him to be a big boy and deal with it and calling him a baby.
Ivan doesn’t take being insulted well and he stuffs her mouth with cloth before putting wide green strips of tape over her mouth. He jerks her up from the desk and circles her body with rope lashing her upper arms to her torso and her lower arms to her hips making her arms virtually useless. He lifts her in the air and sits her on top of her large filing cabinet in her office. She kicks and screams, unable to get off it by herself. Ivan uses another rope to cross her legs and bind them at the knees. He tells her that he’s going to take a few photos of her on all bound and gagged and send them out to all of her friends and family.
Ivan takes a final piece of rope, secures Nyxon’sankles together, and then ties them off to the filing cabinet itself, making sure that she won’t be getting down anytime soon. Nyxon watches intently as he locks her in place, trying to figure out exactly how she’s going to get out of this mess. When he picks up her phone to take the photos, she kicks hard, pulling at the ropes and yelling at him through the gag. He tells her to smile and she freezes, taking a second to give him the finger. He sends out the photos to everyone in her address book and she pretends not to care.
Ivan leaves Nyxon alone and she struggles hard trying to loosen the ropes. Finally, he comes back and unties the rope from the cabinet, but instead of untying her, he loops the rope around her ankles, informing her that there is a new plan. He reaches up and unbuttons her blouse while he explains that he’s going to take her sexy body back to his place for a little more fun. She whimpers and tries to get away from him but there’s nowhere for her to go. He throws her over his shoulder and carries her out of the office. Starring Nyxon
12:40 video
Serene’s boyfriend Ivan is out of town on business, and fortunately for her, so is Dixie’s boyfriend, which means the two girls can have a little fun together. Ivan’s not due back until tomorrow evening, so Serene invites Dixie over for some rope bondage since she knows she can have the girl all to herself. Dixie put on a rich brown corset and thong set, thigh high stockings and knee high boots, an outfit highlighting all her best features and accentuating her beautiful red hair, but Serene prefers a little more freedom when she’s playing with rope, and opted for a black waist cincher, no bra, and black garter belt for her sexy nude stockings.
This is still one of Dixie’s first times in rope bondage, so Serene is nice and gentle with her, checking to make sure she’s okay with how the ropes feel around her wrists, and even leaving the blue ball gag a little looser than Ivan ever does for Serene. But Dixie looks so sweet and innocent Serene doesn’t want to scare her off. She adds more rope to pull Dixie’s elbows together, then completes the look with a rope around Dixie’s ankles, a position that gives Serene a great view of Dixie’s delightful ass. Next is a somewhat gentle strappado, Dixie’s arms lifted up enough to make her bend prettily. Serene comes up with one more rope, but gets distracted by Dixie’s luscious curves
But guess who’s home early? Ivan strolls in to see Serene playing with this red-headed coquette knowing full well he’s not supposed to be home until tomorrow. The deal was that they could play with other girls, but only together, and Serene has clearly violated that little rule. He grabs her by the hair and hefts her to her feet. Serene knows she’s busted, but tries to lie her way out of trouble even as Ivan ties her wrists – of course the girl was for Ivan, his office called and told her he’d be home early so she brought Dixie home as a surprise for him. The only problem with that is Ivan’s office didn’t know he was coming back early either, so her story doesn’t exactly work, and now she’s in trouble for lying too. Well, even if Serene didn’t really mean for Dixie to be for Ivan, the poor unsuspecting girl certainly is now, and so is Serene. He jacks Serene’s arms up to the hook hanging from the ceiling while she complains at him that this isn’t fair, he should let her arms down, but he’s getting really tired of her lying mouth, and fills it with a big red ball gag so he doesn’t have to listen to her anymore. But she’s still talking behind the gag, saying, “I’ve got the point now, you can let me out.” Ivan thinks she hasn’t quite learned her lesson yet, so ties a series of knots down her sexy legs while Dixie looks on helplessly.
When he’s done putting Serene in her place, he shifts over to Dixie, unties the rope holding her wrists up, but not to let her go, only to make the strappado higher and more uncomfortable, then to make her outfit a little sexier, he unhooks the top few inches of Dixie’s corset. He goes off to get himself a drink after his long day at work, leaving Serene to apologize to Dixie about the way the night has turned out. When Ivan comes back, Serene continues to bitch at him behind her gag, telling him to let her out, but he has a different idea. Since the two girls wanted to be together, he’s going to tie them together, face to face and tit to tit, lowering Serene’s arms and lifting Dixie into place. He figures after a couple of hours like this, they’ll really start leaning on each other and having lots of fun. Meanwhile, he’s going to go have his drink and leave them out here alone since Serene didn’t intend to share Dixie anyway. As he heads back into the house, he shuts off the light in the garage, leaving the two girls to protest in the dark. Tsk, guess Serene should have followed the rules! Starring Serene Isley and Dixie Venture
10:37 video
Ivan’s been hired to make sure Sienna doesn’t attend a very important meeting. His employer decided that he didn’t want to risk losing the contact to that little red headed slut, simply because she was bringing a set of breasts to the table. He leads her over to a little ottoman in a random hotel room with her wrists already bound tightly behind her. He takes another piece of rope and wraps it around her upper body going below her breasts and cinching her upper arms as well. Ivan explains that his job is to keep her occupied so she doesn’t make her meeting and her teams fails to get the contract. She knows that he’s right, but she refuses to admit it. Instead, she tells Ivan that the other team doesn’t have a chance.
Ivan informs her that he doesn’t care who gets the contract, he just has to keep her away from the meeting for him to get paid. He pulls all of her hair back in one hand and asks her politely to open her mouth. When she refuses, he jerks her head back sharply and slides the white cloth between her teeth, wrapping it around her head and knotting it tightly in her mouth.
Sienna’s legs get bound next. He wraps rope just below her knees and then using another rope, he binds her ankles as well. She kicks him with her foot, trying to push him away, but her arms are already bound and she’s pretty much helpless at this point. She screams loudly into the gag, her eyes pleading him to let her go. She rocks back and forth and finally resorts to calling for help, but no one can hear her.
Ivan Reaches up and unbuttons Sienna’s blouse revealing a lovely black bra covering her alabaster breasts. He leaves her alone for a moment and she wiggles and pulls against the rope trying to get away, screaming and shimming, but all the ropes are too tight. Her hair gets un-tucked from the gag some and flies back and forth when she tosses her head, giving her a lovely disheveled look.
Ivan returns with some wide thick strips of black tape. He criss-crosses the tape over the cleaved cloth in her mouth making sure she is extra quiet. He runs his hands over her legs and then teases her nipples a bit between his fingers. He tells her that she still has another hour left and she thrashes her arms around as much as she can. She begins to cry out, kicking, and screaming and doing everything she can do to escape. Finally, Ivan comes back and tells her that the other team got the contract and she won a bonus, a little ride with him… Starring Sienna Aldridge
11:25 video
Stormy is all ready to go out with her boyfriend tonight, dressed in a slutty little black two piece dress that shows off her flat stomach and hints at everything else. She’s getting ready to leave when she discovers her contractor, Ivan, nosing around in the garage. He SAYS he’s looking for tools, but he’s a contractor, he should have his own tools, right? She bitches at him about that, as she has about everything else, and now she’s threatening to call Ivan’s boss and report his incompetence. Ivan has simply had enough of her . As she starts to go off to get her phone, he grabs her from behind, puts his big hand over her mouth, and pulls her back towards where he’s been snooping, where there’s an interesting contraption he’s been wondering about. As he presses Stormy against the wooden pole, he asks her what it’s for. Of course, she tells him it’s none of his damn business, but he thinks he knows, and when he starts tying her arms behind the pole, her reaction seems to support his assessment – she and her boyfriend like to play a little rough! He pulls her skimpy top down to expose her full breasts, and when he squeezes her tits, she moans. After all her bitching at him, Ivan has finally done something she likes! He wraps another rope around her neck, making her gasp, and just to make sure she’s not going to attract the attention of the neighbors with her apparent pleasure, he stuffs a handkerchief into her mouth and tapes it in place. She doesn’t much like the new development, and whimpers and whines at Ivan. Her whimpers turn more into moans of appreciation when he pulls her skirt up, tucks it out of the way, and starts tying her ankles and knees.
Ivan starts to muse about Stormy’s boyfriend, who she says will come looking for her in about an hour or so, and Ivan wonders if he will be more aroused or more upset that another man is playing with her. It quite obviously turns Stormy on, though. He reminds her of her threat to call his boss, and returns it with a threat of his own – that he’ll call her boyfriend to see her enjoying another man’s touch. But she puts on a nice little show of struggling and squirming against the pole, so Ivan offers another possibility – when he comes back tomorrow to work on her kitchen, she’ll be dressed all sexy again, and he’ll tie her to the pole again, or tie her some other way, and they’ll have some more fun, and Ivan’s boss will never know. He steps back to enjoy the show again and take a few pictures as insurance that she’ll cooperate, as she shifts on her feet, flexing her sexy legs, pulling on the neck rope and generally being hot as hell. Ivan steps in to un-gag her, and asks her if she’s enjoying herself as much as he is. She only asks him to get rid of the pictures, but he reminds her that’s how he’s going to keep her straight. Even though she might not admit it, the idea of being used like that by Ivan kinda turns her on. Well, this is turning out to be a home improvement to remember! Starring Stormy Night
10:45 video
Mallory has denied Ivan for the last time. He asked her several times to post his pictures on her website and she just danced around it until she finally just had to tell him no. He’s not used to being told no and didn’t take to kindly to it. He breaks in her house while she’s out and waits for her to arrive home.
When she walks through the door, Ivan grabs her, covering her mouth with one hand and controlling her body with the other. She screams asking what he’s doing and realizes that this has to be about his pictures. She tells him that she doesn’t like them and she’s not going to post them. Ivan pulls her wrists behind her back and binds them tightly together. He demands that she give him the password so he can upload his pictures to her site. She kicks and yells at him explaining to him that this isn’t going to help anything.
Ivan grabs Mallory by the throat and spins her around, shoving her against the wall. He pulls out a huge purple ball gag and stuffs it between her lips. He grabs her hair and pulls her head back while he unbuttons her blouse exposing a black satin bra. He picks her up and lays her on the floor of her home so he can tie her legs next. He coils the rope around her ankles while she tries to reason with him.
Mallory is left on the floor for a few minutes while Ivan grabs more rope to put on her sexy body. He lifts her legs and ties her legs just below the knees. She tries screaming for help but the gag makes it so hard to understand her that no one will come. She kicks her legs and squirms on the hard wooden floor. Ivan stands her up and pulls her bra down before running some rope above and below her breasts, locking her arms to her torso. With her ankles bound, she has a hard time keeping her balance while Ivan throws her around. She whimpers and squirms in his arms.
Ivan lays her back down on the floor, secures another rope to her ankles, loops it up through the upper body harness and ties her feet down, locking her in a tight hogtie. She can hardly move. She tries to rock back and forth to turn over on her side but the ropes are so tight she has a hard time getting enough momentum. She coughs behind the gag from all the struggling. Ivan decides that there’s a better option available. He decides to take Mallory to another room to have his way with her and forget all about the password and the pictures. Starring Mallory
10:35 video
Star is all dressed up for her special night in with her boyfriend: skimpy black thong, sheer black nightie, and sexy black stilettos. She lets her imagination wander while she waits for him, thinking of all the fun they’re going to have. Preoccupied with her thoughts, she doesn’t notice Ivan creep into the house, and can barely react when he grabs her ankles, flips her over, and pins her down. He tosses her around on the bed so he doesn’t have to contend with her kicks while he binds her hands above her head with her own stocking. Star tries to pull away, but Ivan has a firm grip on her wrists, and barely even notices her struggles. When he goes for another stocking, she tries furiously to undo the knot, even using her teeth on it. But she makes no progress before Ivan jerks her up toward the corner of the bed and ties her off to the bed frame.
Now that he has her partially secured, it’s time for a little business – he yanks her tiny panties down her sexy legs and over her hot high heels, shoving them into her protesting mouth and wrapping another stocking around her head to keep the panties in place. Star kicks when Ivan runs a hand down her bare leg, but he simply pulls her legs straight and wraps another stocking around her ankles. She flexes and squirms while he ties her ankles together, and another stocking around her knees frames her shapely calves nicely. Ivan adds one more stocking to stretch her to the other corner of the bed, and runs his big hands over Star’s exposed body. Not a bad one-night toy for the price he paid! As he unbuttons her nightie, Ivan informs Star of the shady deal he made with her boyfriend – Ivan is here in his place for such a small fee, and he gets to have his way with Star! First he wants to take a few pictures of her sexy bondage for posterity – the very thought makes Star moan and cry. She writhes on the bed, trying to loosen the stockings biting into her skin, but she is still stretched taut when Ivan comes back with the camera and starts snapping pictures of her predicament. Trying to hide her indignity, Star instead puts on quite a sexy little show for Ivan, kicking and twisting, flexing her muscles and pulling against the stockings holding her in place.
Done with his pictures, Ivan returns to play with his little sex toy, offering Star a little advice: she might want to have a talk with her boyfriend, because this wasn’t a very nice thing to do to her. She can only moan in response, and can’t even resist when Ivan turns her over to admire her back side. He gropes her tits and caresses her, fully appreciating her hot little body before getting ready for the rest of the night. Star may not have a great night, but Ivan certainly plans to!
11:25 video
No good deed goes unpunished. Ivan generously untied his captive for the night to let her go to the bathroom, and the ungrateful little bitch tried to escape. It's a good thing he made sure to lock and bolt the door shut, so he was able to catch her before she could unlock anything, but now he's a little bit upset. He had been nice to Serene before, tying her in a more comfortable position, not being cruel to her or XXXX her all that much, but she had to go and try to get free. He drags her back into the main room by her ponytail, throws her down on the bed, and starts to tie her again. She's fighting back a lot more this time, perhaps because he's being rougher, gripping her wrists hard and pinning them against her ass. He's not risking being easy on her now, so he wraps the rope tight around her wrists while her pantyhose-clad legs flail. The fun part of Serene's night is over now. Ivan lets her go briefly to grab more rope, and immediately she tries to get away, but he grabs her ankles and spins her around on the bed, sitting down to pin her legs under his arm while he ties them.
I hope you got that out of your system, because there will be no more going to the bathroom for you. As a matter of fact, I think you're going to spend the rest of the time tied up on this bed in the same position all night long. He knots off her ankles, then stands to get something else for her. Immediately Serene tries to scoot off the bed, but he grabs her by the elbows and drags her back up toward the headboard, then sits her up in front of him, more or less in his lap. He jerks her ponytail back, making her squeal, then shows her how he's going to make it worse for her now, displaying two wads of cloth he's going to cram in her big mouth. She tries to resist, but he XXXX her jaw open and feeds the entire first wad in, then packs the second piece on top of it. "No more nice tape, either" he tells her as he starts covering her mouth with the shiny black tape, "This stuff sticks like hell" Serene whimpers as he winds it tight around her head, and grunts when he pushes her over onto her side. Her knees get tied together, then he manhandles her onto her stomach to tie her elbows together, running the tail ends over her shoulders and tying it behind her neck. Ivan's not holding back anymore – after he knots that rope off, he stretches a rope from one corner of the headboard to her ankles and off to the bottom corner, then to her knees and off to the other bottom corner. She can barely budge her legs at this point. Then he ties her wrists off to both corners of the headboard.
So far it's not too bad, she can't move much, but it's not horribly uncomfortable, as she feared it would be. But Ivan has more rope, and he ties it around her waist. He reminds her that she's going to be in this position for the rest of the night, which worries her, especially when he pulls her hips forward, making a sharp arch in her back and pushing her arms high behind her. The muscles in her back and ass strain in this position, making it all the hotter for Ivan. And Serene really can't move at this point; her shoulders are already starting to ache and she can only flex her thighs and her feet. Ivan is kind of glad now that she decided to be rebellious; he's really enjoying being mean to her now. Too bad he can't stay and watch her suffer, but he has to check on the progress across the street.
Look for part 4 the last part of Serene's night of bondage
6:02 video
Christina is showering in her hotel room, naked, wet, and vulnerable. A man walks in and grabs her perfect body from behind the curtain, dragging her from her shower. He continues dragging her out of the bathroom and throws her on the bed, drenching it with water from her skin. He grabs her arms and pulls her wrists tight behind her back. She tries to get away from him and manages to pull an arm free because of how slippery the water has made them, but the man gets a tight grip after pinning her body with his. She demands that he get off of her and when he reaches for her again, she kicks her feet around, spinning her body away from his. He lunges over the bed and grabs both of her ankles between his legs to keep them still while he binds them tightly as well. Her tight little body wiggles and squirms trying to get away from this awful man but the more she fights the harder he holds her. He uses stockings to bind poor Christina and after he has her legs secured at the ankles and knees, he grabs another one it ties it tightly around her head and through her mouth creating a very tight cleave gag. He pulls her ankles up to her wrists and uses another stocking to tie her in hogtie. Christina pulls against the hose moving her body all around on the bed, cursing at the man and finally begging him to let her out. He ransacks her room and finds all of her valuables and then comes back to rub his hands over her body before leaving her bound on the bed. Starring Christina Carter
10:59 video
Mallory is in the middle of getting ready, she has only managed to get on her panties, stockings, and her sexy high heels when she hears a rapping at the door. She runs over to the door doing her best to cover herself when she cracks the door open. She leans over to see who it is and a hand reaches out going over her mouth and shoving his way through the door. A woman, Fayth, follows closely behind him closing the door behind her. Ivan pulls her arms in place while Fayth stuffs Mallory’s mouth full of fabric, and then wraps her head several times with a teal vet wrap. Fayth snaps at Ivan telling him to keep the whore still. Mallory squirms and shakes her head desperately trying to get away from this crazy couple.
Fayth encourages Ivan to hurt Mallory if she doesn’t hold still, giving her nipple a hard tweak in the process. He hands some rope to Fayth and she quickly ties Mallory’s wrists behind her back saying that she deserves this and calling her a whore again. Ivan runs a piece of rope from Mallory’s wrists through her legs and around her waist and elbows locking them in place while Fayth takes the opportunity to grope her breasts. Fayth keeps accusing Mallory of doing something and demanding that she admit it but Mallory begs and pleads to be let go, claiming to have no knowledge of what she’s done.
The couple sits Mallory on the floor, straddling her, pulling her head back, and tells her all she has to do is say that she is sorry but Mallory refuses. Ivan flips her over and tells Fayth to sit on her to keep her still while he finishes the bondage on the leggy brunette. Fayth smacks her ass over and over until Mallory finally claims that she won’t do it again. Ivan finishes tying her ankles and knees and then leaves poor Mallory for Fayth to play with. Mallory afraid to endure any more pain at the hands of Fayth tries to agree to whatever she says, saying that she is sorry but Fayth just won’t believe her. Fayth takes off her shoes and spanks Mallory with the bottom of her high heel adding insult to injury.
Ivan comes back and Mallory tries to shout that she’s sorry but the couple decides that she’s lying since she doesn’t even know what she’s done to be sorry about. Ivan adds some more rope binding her legs in a bent position and ties her hands into the mix putting Mallory in a tight hogtie on the floor. Fayth laughs at Mallory when she tries to beg, taunting her, and teasing her. Mallory whimpers swearing she won’t do it again. The couple takes turns tormenting Mallory, squeezing her nipples making her squeal into the gag until they finally decide to go get the other witness.
11:49 video
Ivan is missing some money and is pretty sure he knows where it wandered off too. He grabs Elizabeth and brings her to his “special location”, ties her to a chair and interrogates her. He refuses to let her go until she tells him where the money is. The clips starts with Ivan leading Midian into the room with the tied up Elizabeth. Her wrists are already bound and she has an upper body harness tied tightly on her upper half. He tells Midian that he has been told that the money was given to her and she should know where it is. Midian calls Elizabeth a bitch, blaming her and asking her how she could do that. Ivan takes that to be an admission of guilt. Midian still denies taking the money. Ivan is convinced that Midian knows where it is and he plans to find out one way or another. He ties her to the large pulley in the room to make sure she doesn’t go anywhere.
Elizabeth tries to tell Midian through the gag that she wouldn’t do that to her, that she hasn’t told the man anything, but Midian can’t understand her though the gag. All she understands is the word I’m sorry and that sets her off. She decides to turn the tables and starts claiming that she had nothing to do with the missing money, that it was all Elizabeth!
Midian swears that she doesn’t know where the money is. Ivan shoves a black leather gag in her mouth since she’s not telling him anything useful. She whimpers behind the gag, some of her anger turning to fear. Ivan raises the pulley, lifting Midian’s arms up high behind her, parallel to the ground. Ivan grabs another rope and ties it around Midian’s waist. Ivan ties her thighs together, then continues down with the rope, just below her knees, and finally secures her ankles together as well. He ties Midian’s waist rope to her elbows locking them together.
Ivan leaves the girls gagged and bound to try to figure out who is to blame. As soon as he’s gone, the girls try to help each other escape. Elizabeth hops around in the chair trying to reach Midian’s ropes or at least the pulley to lower it, but before she can get anywhere, Ivan comes back in the room. They both squeal trying to get back to “normal” so he doesn’t make things any worse for them.
Ivan pulls out Midian’s gag and asks her if she’s ready to talk. Midian, ignoring the fact that Elizabeth just tried to help her, quickly blames her for the missing money. She tells Ivan that Elizabeth put it in a vault and that’s all she knows. He decided to go to the vault to see if it’s there. Ivan isn’t going to ignore the escape attempt though. He places Elizabeth under the pulley as well and runs the rope through the top of the chair and then around Midian’s hips locking her ass and back around Elizabeth’s torso. He continues to wrap the rope around the two bound girls until finally knotting it off out of reach of the two girls.
The girls manage to partially untie the ropes and wiggle and sqirm trying to get out but the rope is caught. Midian manages to wiggle her body enough to get the last rope to slide down to her ankles but she can’t get out of it without falling. Elizabeth grabs the ropes and continues to work on the knots. Ivan comes in to inform them that the money was in the vault and that since they are doing such a good job working together to escape, he’s going to leave them too it. Starring Midian & Elizabeth Andrews
9:33 video
Kim is looking for a job dancing at an out of town club. She meets the manager and tells him she knows all the pole tricks. The manager love her long black hair, firm figure, and sexy legs so he gives her a shoot. Seeing that Kim lied and can not do any of the tricks. The manager tell Kim he will show her. He ties her hands around the pole to help her learn (he says). After Kim's hands are tied he pulls her head back by the hair and tells her he is going teach her a lesson about lying. Kim is gagged and tied to the pole. Standing there looking at Kim the manager gets an idea for a new side line business. A bondage club where guy can come and see sexy women tied up. Kim will be his first employee.
10:24 video
Mr. Boulder's excuse for bringing Ms. Boxxx to the back room instead of his office seemed reasonable - his office was being renovated, and it is all in disarray, and this room is available for them to finish the interview process. Ms. Boxxs is very qualified for this "executive assistant" position, but Ivan has a few more "questions" for her. He slips behind the desk she's perched on and grabs her by the hair, taking her completely by surprise. "What are you doing? This is not standard operating procedure!" Well that's certainly true, and neither is untying and removing her blazer, pinning her hands behind her back with one hand, and pulling out rope with the other. While Ivan holds her wrists tight and uncoils the rope, Candle twists around and tries to kick Ivan in the head, but he ignores her attempts and simply flips her onto her stomach to tie her hands behind her back. "In case you haven't realized, this job is not for an executive secretary." This just prompts Candle to try kicking him again, but he's out of her reach - for good reason, as this isn't his first time. Somehow this surprises blonde Candle. "What kind of creep are you?" "The wealthy kind," Ivan responds, and Candle kicks again. "Those are awful pretty weapons there, I'll have to do something about those..." And he pulls out another rope to secure her ankles and those sexy high heels.
Candle ceases her attempts to kick Ivan, and resorts to threats: "Y'know, I have a knife in my purse! I'll take care of you!" This only makes Ivan chuckle - her purse is up in the lobby, and she's not going to make it all the way up there in her current situation. As he ties her knees, showing off those sexy long legs, he tells her she'll fit right in with his group. Finally it sinks in for Candle, "I'm going to be some kind of sexual slave?" Yep, she'll be in his rope a lot. "But I'm not into rope!" That's actually better - guys pay more for chicks who aren't into it. And it's nice for Ivan, too, because it means he gets to break her, to XXXX her to do what he wants her to do, like open her mouth and take a huge red ball gag. He loves a good challenge. He unties her pretty blue blouse and rolls her onto her side to expose her delicate bra, then pulls that down to reveal her perfect breasts with their rosy pink nipples. To make the nearly ideal image all the more sublime, he loops a rope above and below her tits while she struggles to sit up. That actually makes it easier for Ivan to finish wrapping the rope around her chest, even though she's trying to hop around the desk. Ivan ties the knot just as Candle starts to hop away, and before she's two feet from the desk he simply grabs her by a couple of ropes and puts her back, face down, on the desk. Candle squirms and wiggles as Ivan adds the last rope from her ankles to her wrists, making sure to knot it several times and extra tight to slow the fidgety woman down while he's off getting the van ready for her.
Knowing this is probably her last chance to possibly get free, Candle wastes no time pulling against the ropes, stretching and arching to get loose. When that proves futile, she call for help through the gag, but to no avail - Ivan is the only one who comes. He gropes and fondles poor Candle, leaning her off the edge of the desk against his hips. Yep, he'll have her behaving just he way he wants in probably less than a week. "Ready to go?" Of course, Candle is not, but Ivan tosses her over his shoulder anyway, and carries her off.
11:12 video
Ivan grabs Destiny and leads her to a chair placed against a pole in a garage. He tells her they need to have a little chat as she sits down causing her very tight fitting short skirt to rides up. He grabs her wrists and starts binding them behind the pole, causing her shirt to become strained at the button on her chest. Ivan tells her that he knows she’s been cheating on him, that he saw her last night with Lew. Destiny is still in disbelief, not really taking in the helplessness of her situation…yet. Ivan takes some blue tape and runs it through her unfaithful mouth and around the pole, thus securing her head to the pole. Ivan then uses a rope attached to the ceiling to tie her forearms together making her position considerably more difficult. Destiny finally starts seeing how serious this all is and starts to whine and wince a bit behind the tape cleave gag. Ivan crosses her legs and she tries hard to look down to see what he’s doing. He starts tying her legs just above the knee and then continues using that rope to tie each ankle to the opposite chair leg on the front. This just accentuates her stunning stocking covered legs and her vulnerability. All she can do is shift her arms back and forth slightly. Ivan stuffs some material in her mouth and then uses a thick heavy black tape to keep it in place over the tape cleave gag. Ivan tells Destiny that he’s going to grab the camera and take a few pictures and then call Lew, and he can come and untie her if he would like to. Destiny tries to protest but not much sound escapes her twice gagged mouth and her body is very limited in its movement, but she does try. Her sexy body pulls against the ropes with each shift. Ivan comes back in and releases the button on her shirt revealing the tops of her breasts and a white lacey bra. Ivan tells her that he is done with her and he has called Lew and Lew admitted to being with her and he may come by to free her at some point. Ivan leaves the room leaving the girl bound, gagged, helpless, and unable to do anything about it. Starring Destiny
14:29 video
Lola and Nyxon and sitting on the couch, deciding what they want to do for the night. Lola is wearing a very sexy, clingy, leopard print mini dress, while Nyxon is wearing a little black dress that is a bit more conservative, especially when compared to her slutty roommate Lola. They hear a XXXX on the door and Lola asks if Nyxon was expecting someone. Nyxon answers the door and let a mountain of a man, Ivan Boulder, come in and tells Lola that he’s a friend and will be hanging out with them tonight. Ivan walks over and kneels beside Lola, getting fairly close to her. He sits down his green bag and reaches into it while Lola slides away, trying not to be too creeped out by Nyxon’s friend. Nyxon tells Lola that she got something for her and she starts to get excited until Ivan pulls out a bundle of rope. Lola, turns to Nyxon bewildered. He grabs her wrists and coils the rope around them while he explains that Nyxon informed him that Lola was screwing around with Nyxon’s boyfriend!
Lola claims she would never do that to Nyxon, but Ivan offers up pictures as proof and Lola is at a loss for words. Nyxon even tells her that Bobby told her it was true! Ivan continues to bind Lola’s arms while she tries to plead her case, despite the overwhelming evidence against her. Ivan stuffs a big ball gag in Lola’s wide-open mouth and straps it tightly behind her head turning her pleas into muffled mumbles. Lola calls Ivan disgusting and demands that he gets away from her. Instead, Ivan pulls her dress down and exposes her braless beautiful breasts. Ivan lets Lola in on the plan, that he gets to do whatever he wants with little Lola for the night – Nyxon thought it was a very fair punishment.
Nyxon continues to berate Lola while Ivan wraps rope just under her breasts and around her upper arms, cinching them to her naked torso. Nyxon tells Lola that she’s sure her husband wouldn’t like her fucking around either. Ivan wraps the rope above her breasts as well before crossing over one shoulder, looping the rope between her breasts and back up the other side, making them nice and perky. Ivan dumps out his bag of rope on the floor and Lola sighs, resigned to her fate. Nyxon is really enjoying watching her friend go through this. Ivan binds her legs just below her knees and at her ankles locking them together.
Lola finally admits that she fucked Bobby. Instead of saying she’s sorry though, she tells Nyxon that she’s only jealous that her boyfriend wanted to fuck Lola instead. Nyxon tells her that she isn’t jealous, that she just expected more from a friend. She turns to Ivan and tells him that Lola has a little nickname…”Loose Lola” that people like to call her.
Ivan finishes up the ropes on Lola and stands up to take a look. While Nyxon is leaned in checking the knots, Ivan casually walks up behind her and then reaches out grabbing her arms behind her back as well. Nyxon screams out in surprise and says that this isn’t what she hired him for. He bends her over the couch and coils rope around her wrists as well Lola slides away from them in a “you deserve this” kind of manner. Nyxon tries to bite Lola and she slides even further away. Ivan reaches in front, slides Nyxon’s dress down showing off her breasts, and straps a ball gag in her mouth as well.
Ivan picks up Nyxon, sits her on the couch, and gets to work binding her legs to match Lola’s. He tells them that there’s big money in pictures of girls tied up and that he plans to take advantage of the two lovely ladies for some financial benefit as well. When Nyxon acts disgusted by fucking Ivan or seeing Ivan fuck anyone, Lola immediate turn to Ivan and suggests they fuck. He asks her who’s first, her or her friend. Lola suggests that Nyxon go first and that she get to watch. She tries to win over Ivan by pretending to be turned on by the thought of fucking him and being mean to Nyxon.
Ivan leaves the two girls alone on the couch. They bicker and it turns to shoving, and then escalates to full on throwing themselves at each other. Lola tackles Nyxon shoving her off of the couch before giving a victory “hmph” into the gag. Nyxon’s not done yet though, she leans back and starts to kick Lola with her bound legs. Lola tries to kick back but Nyxon is able to slide away.
Ivan returns and finds Nyxon on the floor. He asks how she got there and she replies that Lola pushed her. Lola quickly looks up and says she did it for him and continues to try to moan and act turned on for Ivan. He gets the bed ready then comes back for Nyxon first. He lifts her up with two hands and pulls her to his chest carrying her out of the room. Lola struggles trying to untie the rope before he gets back. He returns to give a little advice to Lola, then throws her over his shoulder and carries her away. Starring Nyson & Lola Lynn